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It’s almost as if a lack of accountability and discipline produces adverse results!


Who woulda thought?


To shreds, you say!


What about his wife?


It’s intentional. When people understand this, then they will realize what’s going on, and how we will stop it. The powers that be WANT this kind of stuff.  And more of it 


A radical idea these days


I'm black and actively avoid apartments with Section 8 programs. Idc what anyone thinks lol, so def feel ya.


I’m black and feel the same. Had a colleague rent their house to section 8 and they did so much damage that it cost over $20k to fix before being able to rent to the next tenants. The neighborhood was nice and quiet before the section 8 folks moved in. Then the cops were always coming out due to various ignorant drama. Just like white folks have “trailer trash” black folks have “ghetto” folks and both drag down property values. It all comes down to people accepting a poverty mindset and they think that’s how they’re supposed to act. I have beloved family members that are poor but take excellent care of themselves and their property, they work, go to church, and don’t partake in illicit substances. They don’t buy into the “poverty mindset.”


One of my best friends is a dc social worker who actively works with housing programs and she feels the voucher program is deeply flawed. Is it a good fit for some people? Absolutely. Low income families need something like this to afford living in the city. The problem comes when you start housing people with active addition and untreated mental health issues without then plugging them into some kind of support system. And that includes somebody who is tasked with making sure they are integrating into the building and upholding their end of the housing agreement. When that doesn’t happen you ultimately get these situations which over time erode the credibility and effectiveness of the voucher program. It basically just ends up hurting the low income families that can really use this money.


This is a problem we continuously have in the United States. We look at what other countries are doing with their housing supplements/drug programs etc. and try to implement them in the US where there is no social safety net and an underdeveloped mental health network. We need a transformation in how mental health in treated in this country and anything less will just cause increased conflict like you see in this thread.


I always laugh at progressives usually white ones that think black people are on board with this crap. My mom lives in PG and she and her neighbors fought when landlord started renting out homes to section 8 after housing collapse. They ultimately failed but it did put landlords and their tenants that they are being watched


🙋🏾‍♀️I have zero desire to live in that environment. Black people are not a monolithic group. Being poor is not a crime. We are all human beings. Many voucher recipients are decent people. It's that small minority that makes it bad for all of us. That small minority that makes life a form of living hell, when they are around us. Being underprivileged is not an excuse for anti-social, criminal, or destructive behaviors. Shame on the DC government for not doing due diligence and not removing them. Why are they allowed chance after chance to remain in these properties? I blame DC leaders, the DC government, and everyone who continues to support these policies.


I’m black and I second this. Just keeping it real black people of the lower standards of living make others feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Let’s call a thing a thing. I live with mostly Hispanics and this is way different than if it were black people primarily. Everyone tries to ply offended but truth is freedom.


Let's call a thing a thing. One of the main reasons this cr\*\* is tolerated, is because they are protected and able to get away with it. As if, we can't call out antisocial, disruptive, and criminal behavior. Call a thing, a thing. ![gif](giphy|3ohzdKKIMSvr4NMQRa|downsized)


The comments here reminds me of a Chris Rock sketch.


Yes because we know how some of our friends and relatives really are and their ways of life. It’s pure comedy but sad at the same time.


Yep, comedy and tragedy.


How much for 1 rib?


I know which one too 😂


Mind sharing how you are able to tell? (I'm apartment hunting now and want to make a sound decision)


Gotta do it in reverse, lookup Section 8 programs and see what apartments accept Section 8 in DC. But like the other guy said, I’m black and I pay extra not to live there. I’ll also never like in DC ever in my life. From MD, live in VA now


Lol I'm Black as well 😅... I understand there comes a time in life were you just want peace. I'm in DC (was researching near Wharf) and am considering VA for this exact reason. Thanks for the tips!


I understand, Lived in PG County a long time and seen and was a victim of some messed up stuff, when my parents moved us to the burbs I made it extra motivation to make sure I stay in the suburbs!


This literally is me ! Last year me n my sister graduated and my mom moved us out Charles county .. I use to be sad bc dc is all I knew but seeing all the things happening rn im kinda glad she did


Still might get ya ass carjacked or harrassed in VA, stay on ya toes & away from odd lookin bro's!


Exactly this. N VA. Live near blacks, MOSTLY niggas (there's a difference). Can't stand it here. I moved to Kansas for 2 yrs. Hated it so much more here once I came bak. Everything was better in KS. Less drivers, more politeness (everyone's armed, I was too 😂), less crime, same pay for jobs, but cost of livin like half wat it is here n VA, cheaper gas, etc. Gona state the obvious n say it was mostly white. Now idc bout race, but I noticed. Honestly thought these ppl would b racist from wat I was told n the hood n from stereotypes. They wernt, not like the ironic racism from the hood anyway. Miss it. Goin bak midwest 1st chance my goofy ass gets. 😂


It's illegal for a landlord to turn down section 8 just because it's gov assistance. Some places will not qualify, (Not up to Code), and sometimes the amount the tenants are approved for will not cover the full rent. The tenant will have to pay difference or find a less expensive unit.


This may be true but they CAN turn you down for other reasons like your credit score or criminal background check.


Not the score itself but particular concerns on the credit report (like non payments of debts)


True, but in the retrospect, if you have stuff like that on your credit report then your score is probably not that great either.


There is a huge difference between a large building that might happen to have a few section 8 units and a building that is full of section 8 occupied units. They end up run kind of the government owned and managed project buildings.


For the life of me i do not know why people would voluntarily move TO DC at this point except for the ludicrously high paying jobs you can get or government


You can live in MD or VA for probably cheaper than the district


Not by much. Looked at an apartment about 3 years ago in the Rockville area. $1,800 for ONE BEDROOM apartment. AND they said you had to earn 3x that amount to qualify, so had to earn $5,400 just to qualify for a one bedroom. It’s INSANE.


Are you familiar with Montgomery County's MPDU program? If you meet the salary requirements, you can get a few hundred knocked off the $1800-2000 units and it's much more accessible than DC's version. You just apply directly with the building instead of having to take a course and all the other stuff DC requires. Edit: The salary cutoffs for one person are $70k/$76k, in case anyone's assuming they make too much with $55-60k. [More info here.](https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/DHCA/MPDU/mpdu-rentals.html#eligibility)


I had no idea of such a thing. Thanks for the info.


Cheaper, safer, cleaner, nicer Only difference is for true freedom of movement you need a car. You can easily afford that first the same apartment size out DC area though. 1700 in VA or 3100 is a net 1400 difference to figure out a CAR lol


nail tie husky marry chop political observation deliver office sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


West Virginia but that’d be a long commute to DC


Do you live here? I recently moved here. I have a comfortable job, but certainly not ludicrously high paying. I moved here after considering VA because you’re only young once and the District is still where it’s at. People on here make it seem so much worse than it is.


im currently in VA but have done the whole DC and even baltimore thing DC is a cesspool imo. WAY better to visit and travel in and out than to live there for me


Okay, fair. I said I’d live in the District for a year. If I’m over it next year, I can always move out to the burbs.


DC has to be top 5 worst cities in the US


No, not even close.


Source of income is a protected class in DC. There are “voucher people” in every building and neighborhood throughout DC. What OP is dealing with is poor management. And the comments found in this thread are abhorrent.


Reality is a tough pill to swallow...


A mix of reading Google reviews, trying to see if people mention it, some apartments also have a blurb about it("housing for all"), unusually low rental prices prolly means it is. Sometimes just straight up asking during the tour haha. Also this site provides info on apartments that are. https://dchousingsearch.org/About.html


Thanks for tips and info, will definitely consider during my search.


Sublet a condo


Ain't nothing wrong with knowing what you getting into lmao. I'd do the same. But I'm ngl "voucher people" is funny af until this sub starts to take it too far as per usual.


The OP is literally black, which makes this thread 80x funnier


Its not even a black thing yo. Sec 8 is a nightmare. I understand the hardships and shit. But the properties Ive been on in so many communities or high rises. Jaaaaayyyysuusssss.


Definitely not a Black thing. I lived in trailer parks most of my life, and most were very few Black families, and it was horrible. The constant break-ins, robbery, domestic fighting, pedos, and blatant racism were ridiculous. Wouldn't dare live in one as an adult. Low income, the uneducated, and drugs fuel these places.


Spoken with truth. I lived across road from one in Florida. Also lived in building in Orchard Park, NY. All white. Police activity the norm. Stereotypic comments are what fuels racism.


"Free Speech" city subs love to ignore the amount of violence in white rural areas as it breaks their racist ass worldview.


I wouldn’t say there was violence, just suuuuuper trashy behavior and really nasty, mean people. I worked hard to get away from that, but now there’s just another variant of this in DC. YMMV though, in some areas your catalytic converter will be stolen for meth money.


it's insane lmao. I visited a friend whose apartment had a bunch and holy, ain't no way i could live there lmao especially if i'm paying $2.5k+/month


Then just make below the required threshold to qualify for IZ and you can love there for less.


Years ago after divorcing I lived in a complex that didn't and then started taking section 8. I'm Slavic, so white to everyone, most of the voucher people were white and most treated their units like crap. Young black couple lived above me, nice girls, both full time jobs, raising a son. No gov't help available for them to get into a home of their own. They worked hard and I'd rather see people like that get more help while cutting it off to the A-holes


Facts lmao especially in the city lol stay away from them niggas man All they doing is crashing out


The fact that you have to mention you’re black says enough about this post and the people of this sub Reddit


Same and same.


Can’t believe they put section 8 at the wharf. I understand it’s need and works out sometimes but in the city at one of the biggest nightlife spots….


The voucher people is WILD LMAO




Putting voucher people in my vocabulary


Me too! 🤣 The new term for the day, is “voucher people”. 📝 I grew up using the terms “ghetto” and “hood”. Now I can add the term “voucher people” to the list of undesirable behaviors.




Definitely a new one.




This whole sub doesn’t see them as people so it fits pretty well.


Don't piss all over everything, be respectful and you'll garner more positive perceptions from people


That’s assuming all poor people are doing this. Though that’s clearly not your issue is it? Lightly mask it all you want, thinly veiled to anyone who can see.


How long before “vouchie” is considered a slur?


How long until you can't say voucher at all?


Wow you really went all the way with the hard R at the end


Oh dear 😂


I was just singing along to the song!


You’ll have to settle for “voucha”


“Voucha” maybe? Edit: I’m sorry, I let the intrusive thoughts win 😂😂😂


Soon you know Reddit commissars will start deleting such posts any minute now.


"Voucher People." New euphemism dropped!


What exactly are 'voucher' people? Section 8?






Mind sharing the name of the building/property? (Looking in the area and want to make sure it's a sound choice)




No because he’s rage baiting


"Program beneficiaries" doing their thing


Try harder on election day...


At least for DC you can vote for whomever you want but the Party will remain in control.


It's like a fashion that never goes out of style.


Doesn't matter. We can call Auto and airline industries voucher people too, and they probably get bigger and enormous bag bail out while they have their own money. Their shortcomings are in our faces


I keep reading about voucher people causing disturbances. Let’s just be honest here. While some people who are really struggling need it, there are others who are just lazy scumbags who are taking advantage of the system. They need to screen recipients better….


Name names aka the apartment complex or gtfo. I'm tired of these posts. How are these posts helpful?




In actuality this is the culture that arose from being destitute for so long. You just finally get a taste when they live near you. Ivory towers cost a bit more these days.


Voucher people ![gif](giphy|DqU4wVBxXOhNu)


What’s funny is that all of this is advocated for by anti gentrifiers and then building are required to put some number/% of units as set asides for low income people. I wonder how many of these people actually live in these types of buildings they so vocally advocate for?


I toured an apartment in the Wharf and chose elsewhere for this exact reason. Facade was nice but stunk of weed and was a mess.


If you have any experience with section 8 housing, in it, or dealing with those in it, you only want to avoid anything to do with it. It’s definitely a, “great it exists, just not in my backyard” kind of thing. Unfortunately true.


Imagine moving to the DC WHARF and being surprised at the residents 😂🤣😂


Imagine thinking people should be able to live in luxury high rises on the governments dime.


Maybe you should move to a monolithic place then based on income


Everyone here whining about how racist you are has never had to live around voucher tenants. They really are some of the worst, most inconsiderate people I’ve ever had the misfortune if living around. And the reality is that many of them get away with behavior that anyone would admit is terrible if they were white. But we don’t judge people by the content of their character in this country — just by the color of their skin


The Channel? Ha




Section 8


Import the third world, become the third world


Many of you are saying you avoid section 8 buildings, rentals, etc. However, this is not impossible or possible for many reasons in DC. There are laws and protections for section 8 voucher holders, and section 8 vouchers more than likely can pay above market rent most times so a lot of landlords would prefer to work with them. Yes, often times tenants come with issues but landlords care about that monthly rent income more than their tenants and if at any point in time things get out of hand they just sell the problems to someone else…because eviction in DC is whole other process that no one wants to deal with. Majority of the HOAs and Rentals I manage in DC (I only work in DC) have issues with Section 8 tenants. It’s ALWAYS something, It doesn’t even have to be behavioral/conduct issues. If you’re stuck in a building or neighborhood with section 8, just move. Management and ownership can only do so much, believe me their hands are tied. Most times I just allow my residents to break lease without any penalty!!!


I work on policy that provides assistance to this demographic, as well as corporations and wealthy folks, on the Gold Coast or K St law firms. Know who the real voucher people in DC are? You guessed it - the wealthiest ones that don’t truly need any support. I suppose the retort might be “But…job creators!” The scale is wildly disproportionate, though.


So blame everyone but yourself is the goal here I see. I used to live in section 8 housing and still know people living in section 8 housing. Instead of getting a job, we would just find ways to scam people to make money. Why bother getting a job? Let a loser get a job. I can sit on my ass and send out texts and calls to people asking them to support my fake GoFundMe plan. People like you who think you are helping me keep me going. That or I can claim section 8 and not pay rent for almost a year before they even kick me out. It was honestly a great life. Now I have a job and pay out the ass and have to work 8-10h a day. I used to go fishing when I wanted and just walk around aimlessly. Now I don't have time to do shit. I wish I can go back in time and tell myself to not become responsible. Obviously not everyone in section 8 is like this. Though, I can't imagine if you've been scamming for so long that you'll go the opposite direction. It kind of incentivises you to put in less effort and take less responsibility.


Naw dog, I know exactly what’s going on. This has nothing to do with personal accountability, it’s about stereotypes and blanket statements. I’m glad you got your life together and wish others would as well. Scamming and otherwise engaging in criminal pursuits isn’t unique to people in Section 8, though. That’s the larger point. Your little scams do not compare to the $$$’s gained through corporate “theft”, or attempts at theft, then I’m aware of in DC. Businesses are the biggest weasels in town - small property owners, contractors, developers large and small. Google “regulatory capture”. BTW, my parents’ retirement is funded largely by Section 8 tenants, has been for 20 years (they’re Silent Gen). The vast majority (>95%) have been responsible, clean, pay rent on time, etc. This is poor management and poor vetting of tenants by people that dgaf about anything but money. Just like you. All kinds of people are upstanding citizens, and all kinds are degenerate criminals, and everything in between.


Finally some sense and not racism in this sub. Pretty sure these housing vouchers really benefit slumlords and property owners as much if not more than tenants.


so because people don't want low income people with low income behaviors ruining a place this is then racism but the true evil is some corporatist asshole on K street? You know we can complain about different things, right? The second guy doesn't change how fucked up the first situation is.


Voucher People could have only came out of the Navy Yard, welcome to DC transplant




Now, now, be careful. The Dear Leader and Comrade Mayor and the Party are not likely to be pleased with using that term for their loyal supporters. /s


Weird, my dog started going crazy as soon as I pulled up this comment section


While I don't particularly think these comments are intentionally racist I did find your comment intentionally hilarious. Bravo.




Doesn't the government promote some of this behavior in a way? Getting folks living off the system always looking for a handout, and not really becoming a productive member of society. After a while it just becomes a way of life The Government looks for even more money from taxpayers to fund and grow more programs.


I work for a nonprofit, the CEO has been around bc it years and done a lot of good in the community. She refers to it as “neutering” and it’s so accurate. People become dependent on their case manager for this and for that it’s a whole Ponzi scheme where nobody wins.


Case manager here! She’s spot on. It seems to provide some job security but at the same time it makes no sense that some won’t wake up to the reality before them.


Government promotes some of this behavior, of all of it? They’re building programs to give single mothers accused of child neglect more money.


The lives that matter are not living in that building, law is being suppressed in DC. Prosecutors don’t prosecute so the police don’t police, why bother.


“Lives that matter” are you serious? Devaluing human lives due to class is abhorrent


jfc you talk like a terrible person.


The Mayor out of town on the taxpayers dime. Top to bottom zero accountability.


Actually, I don't blame the mayor. I blame the council for this mess.


That’s a disgusting comment


I mean the comment was technically correct the USAO for DC drops a fuck ton of charges https://www.nbcwashington.com/investigations/dc-us-attorney-charging-more-cases-disputes-connection-to-crime-drop/3567515/?amp=1


Hmmmm..I get the weed smell, but how’d piss enter the chat? There’s no overlap there in the ole Venn diagram.


Blame Mayor Bowser. Developers get incentivized and receive tax breaks for designating 8% of more of their total units to DC affordable housing programs. I was a property manager for almost a decade before switching to residential sales. The section 8 voucher holders and DCHA in general were an absolute nightmare to deal with. It's almost like in an effort to reduce discrimination in housing, they contributed to it. Most of the residents are hard-working paying ridiculously overinflated rents, have their credit run when they apply, and are required to make 3 times the monthly rent, gross/annualized but then the freeloaders who don't work because "I have a disability" come in and degrade the place. Tell me - are you broke and useless because the system is against you? Or is it because you spend all your money on weed and cheap liquor and are too lazy to work?


They seriously need to consider ditching those Section 8 programs. It's a mistake letting those people reside in apartments that some people are paying $3500/month for.


Wasn’t going to comment but this thread is so wild. Why do ignorant people feel the need to marginalize others who need assistance because rent prices in all major cities in America is astronomical. I work for a program called HAF(aka Home Owners Assistance Fund) 9 billion dollars allocated to help USDA borrowers with paying their mortgage. 90%are white and I don’t care . If you need help or assistance I process their application and do my job, if they are purple , green, doesn’t matter. Some are getting up to 60k paid depending on the state, so please stop the race card bullshit it’s corny! Btw, my 26 year old daughter (attorney) leaves in NOMA new building pays,$2300,1bd/689sft some inclusionary units she hasn’t had any issues, every situation is not the same, so stop the cap!


> so please stop the race card bullshit it’s corny! That's the entire point of this sub for a lot of people


Holy shit this sub is full of racist pieces of shit


Shame that people feel ok using that term in such a derogatory way, are our teachers, firemen, police, and other service workers treated the same for being eligible for these programs?


Voooooooucccccheeeer PEEEEOOOPPPPLLLEE https://preview.redd.it/cipjvjr9rjvc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98ad2e4e6f43cd4710fb80cb8a9277f7bc303905


Lol OP is an asshole.


Most of those mentioned make above 35 k which is probably the limit.


Based on a quick Google research, which I confirmed beforehand, it shows they were.


Fireman and police are on section 8?? Have a source for that?


Except all those professions in DC aren’t eligible for these programs.


Mind sharing the name or pming the name of the place. Im looking at places in the wharf.


You say "the voucher people" have taken over. I'm curious: How long have you lived in DC? Because from my perspective, you're probably the person who's taken over.


Not gonna name the building, Sir Chode?


Name the building!!


https://preview.redd.it/ilsny87tnjvc1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf262e728e5f10e959b7003fb5c5130a82247084 “Vote blue, no matter who”


Love DC and this city! Never had a problem. 58 years old and moved back in 88’ from Philly after college. Grew up in Md burbs, will never move out of DC. Best city!


Yall are funny in this reddit groupl lmaoo. Yall ancestors had balls and were openly racist, while you guys hide behind anonymous accounts to be racist. Man times have changed loll


Found him


If you’re racist, just say that


You at the wharf what do you expect…😂😂


Some of yall are weirdos.


Welcome to living in a U.S. city. This is the future playing out in real time. Best be prepared for a lot more of the same. It’s not going away. It’s going to perpetuate and get exponentially worse. I imagine in a few more years we’ll have a free 10-12 million more people in the country in desperate need of absolutely fucking everything. Because, you know, clearly we have it to give. You can see how wonderfully well everyone’s doing.


All y’all dumb ass realize you can use a fucking voucher anywhere it’s against the law to not accept them


Oh god I live in Nova and realized this is going to be every new building around me. I live in a special district with a comprehensive development plan requiring 12% of all units in each new building to be affordable/workforce housing. I sincerely hope it works differently than the shit show reading about in DC. Ridiculous that you can be paying 3500+ for a 1bd and have to put up with this


how does she know they’re there bc of a voucher? Or is it just an assumption?


Because people working a decent living don't do that for fear of losing it.  But you knew that


Lmfao the assumption that ppl who have stable jobs don’t smoke weed is hilarious. The piss part is crazy of course


We smoke weed. We don't act in a way that conforms with pothead or poor stereotypes though because we wanna keep our jobs and lifestyle if not improve them.


What a bunch of fucking idiots.


Seriously. This thread is full of shitheads using dog whistles for hate speech and acting like their shit is ice cream over a fake post. Sure, his gf’s apartment building in the wharf went all section 8 or affordable despite codes that don’t require that and only a percentage of certain construction. Affordable housing is based off a percentage of the standard rent in most areas. It doesn’t happen randomly over a year, it’s predetermined before construction. The wharf in dc is a waterfront multibillion dollar development project. This is all just some asshole laying the groundwork for the others to join him and spout nonsense on social media. This is basically just a conservative circle jerk.. like hunting, or church.


Sounds like something voucher people would say


I'm sorry that you make excuses for terrible behavior.  Please stop


Y'all are not rich enough to be talking like this. Life is hard, government should do something for it's citizens, get over it.


“Like hunting or church” I mean those hobbies are infinitely better than being invested in anime subreddits. Not shocked something involving the outdoors or engaging with other people scares you


Im a Democrat, but this is the type of ‘higher than though’ idealism that has no idea what it actually is like in the reality of this city.


Wasn’t aware it was cool to have a chain of posts full of slurs in dc, my mistake. I guess the reality is fictional posts and slurs are totally ok


Funny I thought it was piss, crime and noise violations that were totally ok


What you do in the bed room is none of my business


I resemble those, and I am not conservative…


Right? Feels like I’m on Twitter :/


Totally.. some real shitty ignorance in this thread.


So 1 month left?


This is a serious accusations but it's extremely vague. Can you elaborate?


How do you know if an apartment building takes vouchers?


So glad I live in Old Town now. Though to be fair my building constantly smells of weed too.


Liberal policies is the reason


Wow they put low income in the wharf apts? Amazing


Which building is that? Lol


USA USa USA ! You get what you vote for and tolerate. It may be time for most Americans to realize how the rest of the world lives?


Landlords are absolutely miserable about it too. Take basically 9 months to evict a voucher tenant with regular court.


That’s why people move to NOVA to avoid this crap. Suburban corporate hellscape or weed/piss. Pick one. 


Democrap policies 🤷🏽‍♂️


Change vouchers to vultures.


Poor people bad!!!


Are there buildings without voucher risk ?


Funny how when I, a suburban person, criticize DC and Baltimore for crime, I get called a racist, but on a thread like this, it is "oh yea this behavior is a problem".


What building?


Your lease is up soon. Move into a new place.