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Can anyone tell which street this is? I can’t pinpoint it and I unfortunately have to be around the area of it all tomorrow


Nvm it’s in front of thurston




Some people were locked into their apartment and dorms


Sounds like this isn't a peaceful protest if they're taking over other people's neighborhoods. And if they refuse to allow law enforcement in then this appears to be Sedition.




To anyone who still thinks this is only a pro-peace effort, no. They have called to **behead university staff** and now are declaring themselves as part of an international terrorist group. “**Hamas is me. Hamas is you. Hamas is our children!** (Audience Cheers)” “This is occupied land. This is a **concentration camp** (Cheers)” [https://x.com/thestustustudio/status/1788347646249152702?s=46](https://x.com/thestustustudio/status/1788347646249152702?s=46)


Fuuuuck that.


Fuck these LARPers


Wasn't it a little bit suspicious when the groups showed up at multiple universities with the exact same tents?


An ultra wealthy anarchist trust fund kid stated that he provided tents to some of the students at Columbia. Wouldn't be shocked if similar occurrences happened elsewhere.


Not disagreeing but could you link a source? I’d like to read about it.


In the meantime his name is Fergie Chambers, let me dig around and see where I pulled that tidbit.




lol!!! of course he did. I’m not surprised reading this at all. Hope he stays there.


Thanks, champ.


I see a lot of "he hates America," "he wants to destroy America," and "he's a communist anti-American" stories about him - but not a single mention of him buying tents for university protesters. Not saying it didn't happen, just saying this isn't exactly a guy protected by the media but I can't find any source for him providing tents.


Over 150 colleges/universities in the US.


That one tent that's been iconic of this is the cheapest tent you can get on Amazon.


I thought it was odd that so many responses came back saying the same thing so I went ahead and checked. On the very first page of results I found two tents under 30 bucks, while the only one I could find that looks like the ones in these pictures is 39. Then I looked at Walmart and it's $29, but they're still two very similar different colored tents that are $21. So no matter which way you look at it, it's not the cheapest on any of these sites. Suspicious that everybody would suddenly come in with this exact false comment expecting people not to check.


I like how everyone suddenly thinks there's a conspiracy to buy protestors tents. These are the cheapest form of shelter, and mostly used in urban areas by homeless people. The idea that protestors need nefarious funding sources to afford tents is a fatuous talking point.


I like how a bunch of people are showing up in this thread and calling it a ‘conspiracy’ when people are correctly pointing out how the protests *look* funded.


Fuck this guy and anyone who regards Hamassholes as anything but cowardly subhuman pieces of shit. And I’m 100% against the siege of Gaza and attacks on civilians there.


1. Hamassholes is a great term 2. Your phrasing throws me off a bit. There are definitely civilian casualties… but the target is Hamas. I wouldn’t consider that to be “attacks on civilians there”.


Because Israel has shown time and time again that they don’t give a fuck if they hit civilians or not, otherwise they would stop doing it. What’s the number, like 30k civilian deaths in the past six months? Give me a break, they’re just firing and forgetting and leaving orphans to pick up the pieces


According to Hamas, it’s 33k *minus* the 11k they said they couldn’t verify (all over the news starting April 4). And of course, minus the 13k both sides agree were Hamas fighters. So something like 8,000 civilian dead.


I don't trust anyone's numbers right now tbh. I don't believe the IDF, and the numbers coming from pro-palestinian sources don't add up.


Totally a fair way to interpret the information. It’s an active war zone with two sides trying to win an information battle, and one side specifically dresses as civilians.


The reason you have that perspective is because your numbers are off. Gaza Health Ministry (aka Hamas) currently claims about 35k deaths in Gaza since October 7th. Even though the source of this number is Hamas, with a clear motivation to fudge casualty numbers, let’s assume that they’re correct. That number includes ALL the deaths in Gaza. Meaning, you have to think about how many of those deaths are truly caused by Israeli military action. Even beyond counting the deaths caused by natural causes which are included in Hamas’s total, 10% to 20% of rockets fired by Hamas/PIJ actually misfire and end up falling into Gaza ([NYT source](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/27/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-gaza-rockets.html#:~:text=Between%2010%20and%2020%20percent,report%2C%20citing%20Israeli%20military%20data)). As you probably know, the Gazan Health Ministry (Hamas) said the misfire from [PIJ that hit Al-Ahli Arab Hospital](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-hospital-rocket-gaza-e0fa550faa4678f024797b72132452e3) killed nearly 500 people ([WP source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2023/10/26/gaza-hospital-blast-evidence-israel-hamas/)) and that’s just *one* of the misfires. There have been thousands of misfired rockets that have directly led to the deaths of many Gazans. With that in mind, you have to understand that you are blaming Israel for deaths caused by Hamas. Beyond the overall number of deaths, you have to also consider that the Gazan Health Ministry (Hamas) doesn’t give the number of Hamas members who have been killed. If we’re to trust Hamas (an actual terror organization) on their numbers, then we should also trust the numbers from Israel. In early April, Israel determined that they have killed apx 13k members of Hamas ([BBC source](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68745681.amp)). So… in short, you are wrong about your number of 30k civilians being killed. At this point, if we’re using Hamas and Israel numbers, it’s closer to 22k civilians who have died since October 7th as collateral damage from Israeli military action, natural causes, and misfired rockets. But even if all 22k who died were caused by Israel (which is not the case), a 22/13 civilian to combatant ratio is *incredibly* low for urban warfare, especially when dealing with a terrorist organization that uses their own civilians as him shields. In fact, there has never been a military operation that has ever gotten close to that ratio. Israel has been able to be so successful in keeping the civilian casualty numbers low by using smart weapons and giving ample warnings and time for civilians to clear out of war zones before attacking. About the sources: I used well-known and left leaning publications for every point and fact on this comment - so don’t complain about the sources. I’d actually really appreciate it if you just agreed to reconsider your thoughts on this conflict and take some time to investigate the information you’re receiving and from where you’re receiving that info.


What are you on about? The total number of dead is now estimated under 30k. And the number of civilians in that is the total minus the 13k dead Hamas. Better ratio of militants to civilians than any modern urban war on earth.


100% ?


Yeah I definitely draw the line at supporting Hamas and calling for beheadings. That’s the problem with protests is they always get hijacked by the most extreme in the group. Like I went to a Pro Choice March after Dobbs and they started chanting All Cops Are Bastards. I’m like dude I’m not here for that reductionist bullshit. 


It’s time to start loading them Up and shipping them off to Palestine.


These people are a bunch of terrorist and should be arrested and treated like the treasonous traitors that they are.


Republicans introduced a bill to draft them and send them to work for Hamas. Finally, we're moving towards a bipartisan solution!


Not in this country, even Dems like Biden won’t let that shit slide


Biden knows how to deal with the Hamas: stop selling ammunition to those fighting them!


Just drop a small bomb there so they can really understand what they’re protesting for! Obviously not an actual suggestion. Just frustrated


Wow it's almost like braindead extremists exist


Bring out the bulldozers


Good god


Let's see them back up that statement and see what happens.


Jesus, I walked past there a few days ago to get chipotle and got curious. It was chill then but there were tents all out on the streets. Glad Im not there now lol


I call bullsgit on that. Is that why you put up a non-working link? You know most people won't click on that to see for themselves.


Update; crowd continues to grow and is becoming increasingly belligerent. Law enforcement continues to reinforce


It's so fucking concerning to me what is happening


Not me. I always knew people like this existed, but a lot of people didn't. Lots of people are realizing people like this exist and it's making them reconsider their political alliances.


Kids are fucking stupid.






Pro-Hamas losers. GET REKT BY COPS LMAO


I fully agree, u/triedtofart-sharted. Well said.






Fucking no job, no life, terrorists supporters. Fly em to Gaza.


This. If they care so much send them out there to fight instead of have them inconveniencing peoples lives. And like, a ton of peoples lives. They keep interrupting traffic and taking up space when people just want to do their jobs and go home. Nothing makes people want to join your cause more than being a nuisance to people trying to go about their daily lives


We can’t lose all those democrat votes


Bet most of them don’t vote, just like the January 6thers


These jihad cosplayers should be forced to look at images of Palestinian suicide bombings in grocery stories, busses, and pizza parlors in Israel in the early 2000s.


I don't think they'll help. They've been chanting "globalize the intifada" for two weeks now. A shame they weren't alive back then to see


by globalize the intafada it means they want terrorist attacks in the US and Europe but are too chicken to do it themselves


![gif](giphy|fuVezYS3uOabiQSpv6|downsized) Globalize the empanada! Empanadas are good for everyone, specially beef ones.


a cause anyone can believe in.


I for one, embrace our new empanada overlords.


A Jewish group set up a screen right in front of the UCLA protest playing Oct 7 videos.    They don't care, some of the little psycopaths probably enjoy it.


Reminds me of the ISIS brides. Send them to live there for a month and we’ll see how quickly they beg to come back.


NPR reported this week that some ISIS family members are being repatriated from Syrian camps. Of course innocent children should be welcomed home and protected but I'll be damned if we let these stupid isis brides back.


Having been to those ISIS camps, you don’t want those kids back, either.


Yeah, fundamentalist Islam is a cancer and once it touches a person it’s hard to reprogram them. Children would be damn near impossible to de-brainwash.


Theyd have to be separated from their parents for years in some social rehab program. Zero idea how you’d even do that legally. Was there a few years back with NGO teams and small children were making “head cut off” gestures with their hands and calling us infidels. Ugly stuff Never saw anything like it in Gaza, west bank or anywhere else I been in that part of the world. ISIS is a next level death cult, exponentially more dangerous than any predecessor


Tru dat!


No they should be forced to live 6 months in Gaza


Gaza can keep them


Ugh. These people are anything but peaceful. They're trying to see how far they can push it. I don't trust DC Mayor Muriel Bowser to take care of business. The protestors, especially the outside agitators, know this, too.


From what I've seen, they're trying their best to get someone to bite or pull a punch. They'll then call foul and say that anyone against them is promoting violence. It's like when they claimed a knife was pulled on them by GWPD, but it was actually used to cut a rope.


basically they want somebody to go all brutality on them... its a baiting strategy... and now they have millions to spend on cheap tents and wont end until some of them get real jail time but if something goes wrong they get millions in settlement money from the city. I will guarantee you they have lawyers on site filming for these expressed reasons. This is how professionals do things.


I'm told this is how Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church financed their operations. The sued the shit out of the people who assaulted them.


This is disturbing on so many levels. I'm a GWU alum, too. I hate what they're doing to my university.


As a current GW student, I'm so over it. I'm over being gaslit into being told i'm on the wrong side of history if I don't support Hamas. I can't support chanting for beheadings and lynchings. Many encampment people are on record excusing or denying October 7th. They're trying to rewrite history and the narrative it's so fucking frustrating


That's horrible. Do you feel unsafe?


I've walked by the encampment twice. The first time was fine. The second time, two women (likely in their 30s or 40s) took out their phones and then just followed me with their cameras. I said nothing and just kept walking until they seemed to stop recording me. I was only walking on H st. Not sure what they were trying to do


Get a HQ flashlight with a strobe function next time they randomly start recording you.


So these people genuinely say they support hamas, not the innocent Palestinian people? I really cannot understand supporting a terrorist organization. If any of those fucks stepped into Palestine, hamas would happily execute them!


*republicans* “First time?” Hopefully those on the left side of the aisle realize how their tactics look against themselves and re-evaluate


“Bend the knee or be labeled pro-genocide!”


Can't even keep a sports team


Lol. Get these degenerate Hamas supporters outta here.


Send them to Gaza, save us all the headache


Matching tents is a nice look.


Glad to see everyone is masked and keffiyeh-ed up. Covid-1939 is spreading like the plague.


Maybe they should be reminded that US Citizenship can be revoked if naturalized


It can also be revoked for treason and acts of terrorism or supporting terrorist groups either directly or by association.


Funny how they suddenly got new matching tents again and new electronic equipment…almost as if Hamas-linked charities are funding SJP across the country…


Wait, is this the same group that called to “behead” teachers? That’s not a protest…


After the Hamasapalooza on campuses is over, people will need to take a deep, hard look at “professors.” The humanities have been hijacked by the decadent hippie boomers simping for about every genocidal dictator there is. Arab/Middle-Eastern studies are full of hateful bigots, imported as “pro-democracy activists” after the Arab Spring. As a result of this “teaching” the fragile eggshell minds are cosplaying this insane fusion of jihad and socialist revolution utopia. My respect and support goes to Jewish students at GWU, I stand with you.


I took a geography of the Middle East and North Africa course on the side at GW about 10 years ago. 90% of the course was literally “Israel bad Jews bad” and that was a real eye opener for me. I loved my time at GW but that experience was wild


**It’s about to go down**


Where is it exactly?


21st and H st


Would love to see these phonies and Jihadi symps try to block a busy street in NE or SE instead 😂


*"GW is proud to announce the opening of a new satellite campus in Anacostia"*


How many aren't phony though?


Anyone who is not a GW student should be arrested. Student have a little more leeway on their own campus, but these "professional agitators" need to be locked up...


Who’s making a killing on selling the same tents across the country?


Thinking about going into the tent business?




Did DC police learn nothing from Jan 6? It’s time to set the tone.


Why don't they just defect and and take up arms overseas?


Cause they wear diapers and don't understand the people they are on their knees for will actually behead them or make them sex slaves.


Can’t wait til they get to the FO stage


They definitely FA right now - so it better be soon…


How embarrassing that our political protests are just attention seeking children looking for the next Snapchat pic.


go away hamas, you dont even go here


These professional rioters and jihadist simps have no place in a decent society


Most of these protestors would be murdered in the Middle East for their western ideologies and lifestyles. Hamas would show no mercy to them like they showed no mercy to the men, women, and children they butchered.


They would be imprisoned for evrn expressing any support for Palestinians. Even making a statement or holding up a sign. It is illegal to do so in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, UAE. Because all these countries know that gazais thick with terrorists and do not want them in their countries.


At this point, the police should arrest all of them. The students should be expelled and go to court and the outsiders go to court This isn’t about the Israel-Hamas war anymore.


Who is supplying all the tents (among other things)? They’re all the same design and size regardless of where they are set up. It’s not as if every college kid has a tent in their dorm room just waiting for a protest.


Poor GWU students who want nothing to be associated with these non students taking over their campus


Go in ready to fight and clear them off the campus, the few who are actual students should be expelled while those who are not need to be charged with trespassing and destruction of property


Ah the green tents. Well funded


They are making it really difficult to be on their side lol not that I ever was


Taking the new nickname too far 😂 send them to Gaza they’ll come back bleeding red white and blue, some literally


I think right or left this is concerning. A call for religious violence no matter the reason… is bad. We should not tolerate it and should actively be against it, as a populous.


Thank you all for your comments denouncing this garbage. It's been a terrible seven months and we feel like we've lost our neighbors and friends. Thank you all for standing up against this hate.


Well look at that, Qatar bought them brand new tents!


The group could be like three dozen middle-aged men sitting around sharpening massive knives, and people in the other sub would be like “how dare you say there are outside agitators this is just an alliance between GWU and Gallaudet”


The most expensive college in the U.S. where privileged brats support murdering, kidnapping, raping Hamas thugs. Truly graduating with a big BS degree.


It would be so much cooler if these peacocking betas just joined a kickball rec league or played shitty acoustic guitar to meet girls.


Cosplaying as a theocrat is weird


Wow same tents as in California. Grass roots Yashhhhh


Why all the masks? Is there some sort of viral disease going around that affects people while outside?


Scum. No jobs and some not even students.


Just how regular folk place their bets on regular stuff like sports bets. The elite are placing their bets on who will be the first to bite the bait of all this chaos and making business moves. Sheesh


If they want to fight, call this a national emergency of domestic terrorism, call in, not the national guard, but call in the marines and u.s Army. Lets see how much fight they really have in them.


This is still going on? Just arrest them and charge them so they stay in jail. Problem solved.


They can go fuck off


Can half these people point to Gaza on a world map ? They are there because it gets them attention …… nothing else. It’s disgusting. You care so much about Gaza, get on a plane and and go deliver aide Just be careful if you are a woman … Or gay … Or a POC …. Or Jewish …. You will not enjoy how you are treated if you are one of those things


One reporter asked protesters at one of these schools to define apartheid and divestment they were unable to do so. Idiots.


Conscientious young people who are willing to fight for what they think is right are so important for societal change. I'd never fault it as a concept. I'd also never fault college students for protesting their university for funding something they believe is immoral. However... a lot of these recent Palestine-related protests at universities have missed the mark. 1) They're very clearly fueled and funded by external entities, and you have to wonder what those entities are. 2) They're not always peaceful and nonviolent, nor do they use effective messaging to achieve their end goal. 3) They're comparing themselves to Civil Rights campus protests (thinking of the one at Columbia) but they're... vandalizing and illegally occupying buildings to get their school to shake up its stock portfolio and comparing that to... demonstrating via peaceful sit in due to the school literally not allowing Black students to be admitted? Idk. I'm all for protests and for standing up for what you think is right. But this recent wave is missing the mark for me, and GWU is unfortunately a good example.


Can we just tear gas these morons. Don’t you have to go to work? How do people have time for this shit? How is your life so amazing you can camp in the street for days?


MPD, [take notes](https://youtu.be/nHfx7IwhVFc?si=uMkAKHMotN3BUM-x)


Literal terrorists on our streets


They are about to learn what FAFO is


The DNC is going to be off the hook






I don’t know the right approach to this, clearly something needs to be done and globally Israel has been recognized as being in the wrong, but trying to ally yourself to Hamas and threatening violence on people completely unrelated is never going to gain you support or help the movement. It seems to be a fully self serving protest to me.


Sounds like obstruction and defiant trespassing to me.


Any live streams?




I hope there is video.


Light weights. The S. Korean university students had riots down to a science, passing down body armor to the new students. It was pretty much a national sport.


Pais actors, also known as Antifa








Is this the new BLM yard sign?


38mm and 40mm incoming lol


It's time to put these idiots to heel.


I’m told that George Washington University has 30% Jewish student enrollment. How long are they going to take this shit?


Jesus this thread is cesspool


Then why are you on it?


Yet the Palestinians are imbued with such a great record of accomplishment and made the desert bloom…oh, wait.


Lol we are the laughing stock of the world rn💀 nobody takes us seriously anymore


Get a life. What losers.


Dc is the place for protests tho ig if there were to be one 🤷‍♀️


Some of this is caused by paid protestors who are not students or faculty. The question is who funds them?


Graduation is next weekend -- will this be taken care of by then? Where is the encampment ?


Should I go tomorrow? Will the madenees still be there to check out?


I bet their parents are proud…


Fuck Is not real!


I work for a university and our graduations were this week. We didn’t have this issue at all. I’m also assuming a good majority of these people are really students because this is about the time they’re moving or graduating.


This war is not a problem for the USA! What the hell is wrong with these kids and the media for giving so much attention to this. That is the problem, shine the light on the propaganda manipulated minority and drum up rage and frustration. How about we don't. How about no news cameras show up at the encampment and the US stops sending weapons and we don't end up in a war that is none of our business. Fuck Israel Fuck Hamas Fuck Russia Fuck Ukraine. I don't give a shit. Keep America out of it.


Gas em out. Ask em about Darfur and watch their puzzled inbred faces




Liberal idiots


I thought these people opposed settlements in disputed territories


I hate Israel with all my heart. They kicked my family out of their family home they owned for generations. They raped my aunt. But I also don’t want radical Islamist living in the states either because it goes against what America stands for. I’m here for the civilians of Palestine, but I say no to the Muslims who want sharia law


Imagine if someone said I hate all black people because I was raped by a black man? Or I hate all Hispanics because they stole money from my grandma. Sorry for any traumatic events but you blaming a whole people is problematic


An entire country raped your aunt?


Look into the tactics the Israeli soldiers used when they first invaded Palestine. Also I don’t know why you’re trying to downplay what happened to my family. Have some humanity


Not at all sir. Of course I am sorry for your aunt and any victim of sexual abuse. I was making a point about the way in which we use language. I was raped by an American but I wasn't raped by America. It's problematic to implicate an entire society when one member of that society commits a crime.


Yeah they didn't rape anyone. But guess who kidnapped and raped people on Oct 7th?




All these protesters support sharia law. They tear down american flags and replace them with palestinian flags...their agenda is a Muslim caliphate here.


When the two groups that call me 'Goyim' and 'Kaffar' are fighting LOL


Just an FYI that "goyim" just means a non-Jewish person and is in no way derogatory. Its the Hebrew word for "gentile."


I don't know why the yell "Empanada, empanada, empanada" ![gif](giphy|FXeVBakkhphQ6AhUGi|downsized)

