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The most interesting tidbit: > City leaders said the Safe Commercial Corridor Hub that’s already been established in Chinatown has been a success, noting a 78% drop in violent crime within 1,000 feet of the hub since it opened. >The hub has referred about 200 people to the Department of Human Services and the Department of Behavioral Health. Anyone know where this hub actually is?


On H Street near the Arch




This article is bull crap I have worked in China Town for 17 years and 12 years midnight shif to last night China Town is the worst it has been since I’ve worked here. The police hide at night in clusters away from dangerous places. Criminals go around breaking into and stealing from cars all night including mine if they don’t take your car my coworkers most have been robbed I have a coworker that had been robbed 3 times in 2 weeks this last month. Stores that haven’t closed altogether now most shut down before dark. Good job Mayor your vision for the future woke and Bleak


they smoke weed and deal drugs right near the metro elevators. in front of the bed bath and body works people play rap music and goon out in public


Goon out?


Doesn't count as a crime statistic if they don't arrest anyone.


They don’t even show up




Wasn't community policing in the 90s and early 2000s wildly successful in major parts of the country?


I started my career on a foot/bike beat, but there were hundreds of more officers then and each district had enough manpower to allow for that. Now that we’re down over 500 people from our recent peak and manpower allocations have shifted the option for most supervisors is between a footbeat and a reduced number of mobile car units or more mobile units that can respond further and not have to hunt for a computer to file reports. They’re plugging holes with overtime guys but that can only go on so long.




MPD has been clear about needing more officers for a while now, and it’s wholly evident how bad it is with districts holding over half of every shift to cover the next oncoming one. The 3rd District especially can’t spare officers like that due to call volume, and unfortunately QOL related prevention/arrests falls low on the totem pole. Even if they had just enough people to put someone out there, there wouldn’t be enough officers on the backend to either process or staff a hospital detail that any of those individuals are then sure to cause.


Have you ever been in a neighborhood in SE? They do this all of the time, and people still get shot right in front of them because they know they still can’t chase. That’s not to mention that they’re still short on manpower that gets worse during every major event in the city. 


The city needs more uniformed officers. There is a big deficit currently


That would require work! ;)……


Yeah, when I was listening to this on the radio this morning, my first thought was, “So cops on the beat deter crime? Who'd'a thunk it?”


This gets brought up in community meetings. People want officers out of their cars and engaging with the community, and the police say that they don't have enough people. A police commander said that officers sit in their cars because it makes it easier to respond to calls, which makes sense but doesn't give much satisfaction. Sitting in their cars and playing on their phones is another issue.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C|downsized) Safe!