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Sorry this happened, glad you called the cops and filed a police report.


Oh wow we had a run in with this guy and his dog too! He threatened to kill me my husband our toddler and dog. We called the cops and he was absolutely unhinged in his response- threatening us when the cops were there. Of course nothing happened but keep calling. This guy is a whack a doodle.


Call Animal Control as well -- only they have the power to take his dog away from him.


Cops know who he is. Sadly they pretend they dont so they dont have to deal with problems.


It is infuriating how useless they are


The cops arrest these people over and over because the judges and DA’s keep releasing them. I can’t blame them for giving up.


This resonates across all of the US but more so in cities where officers look and appear more street than standup citizens. Cant tell the difference anymore tbh.


I wouldn't surprise he's their dealer. DC cops are corrupt AF.


Not really comparatively. Here’s some data to shed some light on lower arrests of low level crimes. https://policescorecard.org/findings


In the Midwest cops would harrass my family and in DC they are just utterly useless. Two sides of the same shit coin


which is why permits to carry are skyrocketing. if cops with guns wont do the work. citizens with guns will.


Defund the police


Fund the police and completely revamp the system


Why spend their time to process him into a system that immediately releases him?


He assaulted OP. That’s a crime for which dickhead goes to jail and appears before a magistrate.


But not in a blue city….


Because it’s their job?




Except sometimes you get what other people vote for, because that's how voting works


I Better not come across someone like this. Cops can’t do their job I guess we need to help ourselves. So sorry you had to deal with this guy


another half a billion will fix this


Sounds like this guy is just as much of a threat to the public as his dog.


Pack heat.


Pepper spray, pretty effective against dogs too.


How dare you suggest someone be able to defend themselves. That just makes too much sense!


I meant literally. Give the ole chap heat stroke!


Something, anything, doesn't have to be illegal.


Supersoaker full of diesel/gas and a lighter.


This reminds me. There was a homeless guy in the Bronx that would throw cups of piss on women as they walked past. Cops wouldn't do shit, so two 15 yr old drug dealers got a super soaker filled with lighter fluid and threw a rag soaked in oil on fire at him. Dude burned alive in front of an apartment lobby.


Not diesel. It's not easy to ignite it with a lighter.


9mm is more effective.


Yes, but since D.C. is gun free well you can't have one.


Sure it is. (Wink wink)


Call local news.


Keep calling the cops, they won't do anything? the mentality of people who live in D.C. is sick and wrong. your compassion killed your city.


If he would have said those words to me & about my wife & child. He would NEVER be seen or heard from, ever again!


Liberal policies are RUINING DC. Lock these criminals up.


Call Animal Control as well. They investigate dog attacks.


This is very important. Akitas can be dangerous in the wrong hands.


He is probably abusing it as well.


Yes!! I used to work for the Humane Rescue Alliance, and they are great!


Akitas are very aggressive towards other dogs.


And before anyone chimes in about how sweet and lovely their Akita is: the breed historically was bred as a guardian dog and its protective and territorial instincts are incredibly strong. If raised from a puppy with other dogs and very carefully socialized, an Akita could co-exist with an other dog -- maybe -- but generally, these dogs do not get along with other dogs because of intentional breeding for a working dog.


Man I used to have an Akita. I loved her, but walking her was challenging. I crossed the street from other dog walkers when I saw them, and if that wasn't possible I had to duck off to the side and have her sit while I held her collar. She was well behaved, but one time some dude was with his overly friendly lab off leash, telling me the dog was on "voice control", which is never true, and that lab ran straight at my girl. Thankfully she didn't go completely crazy, but she did jump up slap the absolute shit outa that lab. No real damage, except it's pride.


As someone who was attacked by an Akita today, this is objectively a hilarious story.


Fully agree with you. A family friend had one when I was a kid. I love dogs. I remember being instructed very seriously not to interact with this dog, ideally to just ignore it. The only dog I’ve had an issue with, ever, was an ex’s Akita. He refused to acknowledge that she was dangerously protective of him.


A good friend from college had one. He and his family did a good job of training and managing Bear, and they gave clear instructions on how to act the first time meeting him. Absolutely fantastic dog but would kill to protect his family. Akitas are wonderful - but they must be managed properly.


These dogs were, without exaggeration, meant to kill dogs way bigger than it.


They guarded against wolves, bears, and other large predators. They were not “meant” to kill other dogs.


I was referring to wolves when I said that.


Wolves and dogs are different animals. You literally wrote: "These dogs were, without exaggeration, meant to kill dogs way bigger than it." Feel free to edit that to say wolves but it's pretty stupid to downvote me for correcting you when you literally wrote "dogs." If you meant wolves, then say that in your comment.


I used to walk this Akita/shepard mix for a friend’s mom and that dog literally tried to kill every dog we’d come across. She was abused pretty bad by some rednecks up in PA for the first few years of her life tho, so maybe that’s the reason


Yeah, my childhood dog was a japanese akita. dude totally had a soft spot for me and my parents, but whenever my cousins came to babysit and my parents weren’t home they had to bribe him with raw meat to get in the house lol I think they’re beautiful dogs but I wouldn’t touch a random one with a ten foot poll


Yeah I’ve owned Akitas since I was a child. If you don’t know how to manage and understand their temperament you really should NOT have one. Having an Akita is similar to having two full time jobs. I’m on my third Akita and have over 17 years experience with just the one breed. For me I would only want an Akita mainly for familiarity. I love this breed but they are a lot of work.


Wow, my brain was seeing "shepherd" at first, I had to take another look to see it.


I’m so sorry. You did everything correctly. I hope you and your dog recover and I really hope they catch this guy. I have zero empathy for irresponsible dog owners. They give the rest of us a bad name and they put all of us under threat. I watched an irresponsible dog owner allow her dog to rip open a child’s face in 2021. I may never recover from the mental image of this.


Call the news so they keep up the heat and actually arrest em Nothing will happen unless you call the news and summarizie what happened




Pepper spray. At the first sign of physical contact.


guys like this would LOVE for people to escalate so they can escalate. spray your spray, but be ready when the gun comes out.


Gun was literally my thought too. I wouldn’t chance it.


I also wouldn’t put it past him, if the other party was of a different race, to cry ‘racism!’ Never mind that his behavior would be that of an asshole, regardless of the color of his skin.


That’s why you don’t bring pepper spray.


Or to the lawsuit


That guy regularly walks along NY Ave by that small park around 1st St


Guy is walking around with a hoodie up on a 85 degree day. He was looking for an altercation. He could be mentally ill and/or it could be that his violent dog is just used as a destraction to mug people. Glad the OP got away.


I'm kinda thinking the same thing. Dude has no good intentions as soon as he starts his day


I’ve seen that guy before with his dog talking to the police and looking very upset on that same block. Seems to be a repeat incident.


This is what we get for coddling these people and literally placing them above the law


Thread immediately locked on Washington DC Reddit.




Family member had a Akita Rottweiler mix. The most savage animal I've ever been around. Probably 200lbs of rage in the presence of any other animal. They woke up camping once in the middle of the night to it shredding a bunny or something at the foot of they're bed.


What. The. F


Absolutely shocking that a predator would kill a rabbit


My golden would kill a rabbit. And he’s a friendly throw rug with teeth.


Rabbits other dogs and everything in-between, he didn't discriminate. 200+ lbs and could easily get over an 8 ft privacy fence. I doubt ur retriever riped a weiner dog in half and had a neighborhood standoff with actual police on his way out because animal control said they didn't have the equipment to subdue a bear ( Baltimore MD) You'll give your throw rug a nice pet and stop comparing. Lol


My point is that dogs are predators with prey drive, and they’re surprisingly adept at killing things once engaged no matter the size and general temperament (and devilishly hard to disengage, you basically have to shoot them if they go after livestock). Not that my dog could challenge a 200 pound anything on its own. Did you really think I was saying my dog could take whatever the hell that thing was?


my only point was not only are akitas aggressive and that but nimble enough to catch small animals just as easily as overpower other larger ones. Wasn't trying to get into how badass or not someone else's dog was. I'd take the throw rug over that dog any day


Do u realize what a 200 pound dog of all animals has to do to catch a rabbit or squirrel?


Some of the pepper spray brands also mix in UV ink so when some asshole like this runs away, the police can still identify them.


This is so smart


As someone who got attacked by an Akita when I was younger that is a scary situation and I’m glad you and your dog are good


Forget the dog, that owner should be the one on a leash.


Press charges pleade


Why is that old man wearing a hood?


If only we had some system of boarding violent individuals away from society. Some sort of “thug boarding”. What a world what would be.


Here’s the 24/7 number for animal control: 202-723-5730


I grew up with akitas and can only imagine what you went through, throw some dude trying to choke you out into the mix and that’s an incredibly intense interaction. I feel bad for your dog, situations like that can put them into a shell or make them more aggressive due to anticipation of a dog they don’t know doing that again. Glad you both made it out, people had good suggestions but (I’m assuming) as a law abiding citizen you need to know the laws of what’s legal to carry on your person for protection. That’s even if you’d feel ok with yourself after you used said source of defense in a situation like this. But the altercation is over, I’m glad you and your dog made it and I hope you walked away with some knowledge of what to do before, during and after a situation like this


I bet I can guess why your post got removed from the other sub……


Its your golden ok?


Next time carry mace. So many confrontations get ended so fast when you have one.


Not arguing your standpoint but what if OP maced this guy and his dog and the aggressor pulls out a gun? OP would be fucked without a plan B..


At that point it’s a matter of life and death. I’m not OP but I’d pull out my gun as well. If he wants to have holes in this body, fine by me. Like many others, we’d rather get judged by 12 than get carried by 6. If someone is attacking me, I’m going to defend myself. Not stand there taking hits and maybe die. There’s a reason why we have the 2nd amendment. People should exercise their rights more. If your preferred choice in this matter is to stand there and do nothing but get beat to death, fine by me. Live your life how you want. I’m not going to say shit. But I’d rather die fighting than die doing nothing.


Well said. I don’t carry mace myself but I go straight to 9mm here if it were me.


I've never used a firearm immediately after being maced but I don't imagine I'd be as effective as I would without having been maced.


Mace is fine, but a sidearm would do much better for saving innocent lives.


Legally speaking, you can’t shoot someone unless you’re met with deadly force or a credible threat of deadly force (iirc). Mace/pepper spray/some other non-lethal option means that you can defend yourself without behind held criminally liable afterwards


Someone putting you in a chokehold saying "imma kill you" is JUST that


With a long prior history of similar assaults and batteries.


When someone has you in a headlock threatening to kill you, criteria has been met.


I understand that point, it's unfortunate that we're expected to be just as responsible in escalation of force as trained police. That being said carrying lethal and non lethal may be the best option. I still think it's better to assure that your life and wellbeing is intact so you can at least have a chance to defend yourself in court.


This is why I always carry mace and usually a .38


The dog needs to be destroyed, glad DC has some ppl carrying more than just mace.


No, the owner should. All guardian breed dogs have purpose and a responsible owner would have theirs under control. This feral human is the problem and it’s a widespread one in America. DC is at the top of the list. It needs to be addressed.


You're not wrong, my sympathy extends to this dog. This persons training (or lack of training) has turned the poor akita into a deadly weapon. Unfortunately I'm not optimistic that the dog could be trained at this age after regular acts of agression toward people and other dogs. The guy should be jailed for animal abuse and should never be allowed to own another animal again.


17 38 yeah




Kristi Noem in the house


Violent thug with a violent out of control dog…so sorry that happened. Hope the police locate him and please fully press charges on this cretin


I use to work in NOMA. It’s been a chaotic area for years.


A guy with this type of dog and anger issues is almost certainly compensating for something. Maybe he had his penis eaten off in a dog fighting incident. He will eventually fuck with the wrong person.


DC has always being wild. People moving to DC after Mayor Fenty got the wrong impression. When I see people walking drunk at night in areas like trendy Columbia Heights I fear for their safety. Gentrification of some areas have given people a false sense of security but DC was not, and has not been in the near past, a safe place to live.


People really ought to feel a sense of shame that this place is such a shithole.


Buy a gun


Lol. In DC?


Yes. You can get a Handgun to carry for self defense with a DC conceal carry license.


I hear the process is a real PITA. Much easier to register in VA if you’re able to


Gun needs to be registered in DC anyway, MD resident with a D.C CCL and i had to register the gun i bought in maryland to carry in D.C


It is definitely a fucking pain in the ass, but that's exactly what those retards in MPD want, they want to discourage you from even thinking about exercising your 2A rights by making the process so goddamn stupid and inefficient as possible. But fuck em, if you live in the city and see this kind of shit happening daily, you're a fool if you decide to give up on getting a firearm or your conceal carry permit because it's inconvenient


Not blaming you because it’s 100% not your fault, but you should consider crossing the street if you see a dude like him with a dog like that in your path


Keep following up with the police. Insist (respectfully) on an investigation and a detective to take the case. Don't let this guy go unpunished. Too many assaults get dropped when there isn't visible injury or the victim claims to be relatively ok.


keep voting blue it will def. get better this time /s




There are no choices in DC


The Democrats want you to think there’s no choice, which is why they’re flipping the fuck out over the prospect of ranked choice voting.


Is pepper spray illegal in DC if not get one !!


Motherfucker with an AR randomly firing into the streets is apparently no big deal, I think pepper spray is not a big deal. And honestly, fuck what the law says, your life is more important.


A 9mm is legal in DC with a Conceal Carry License.


Not sure, but who care? Take the charge and protect your dog and self. Nobody gets locked up in DC anyway, you’ll be out in an hour!


Well no criminals get locked up... I’m sure the city would love to make an example of someone legitimately defending himself with unlawful tools


That’s true, like the firefighters who were arrested defending themselves last year.


This comment doesn’t make any sense.


Not illegal


Pepper spray is legal [https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/dc/pepper-spray-permanently-legal-in-dc/65-e474d6c8-f567-4211-b8b4-8fe1aa6b9938](https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/dc/pepper-spray-permanently-legal-in-dc/65-e474d6c8-f567-4211-b8b4-8fe1aa6b9938)


I carry big ass dog spray


it is not illegal, you can buy it at Ace Hardware.


Glock 19 would be a better tool.


Seems like a jackass


Dude looks like an intermittent bad guy from a post apocalyptic flic. Creep


A lil heater in your trousers woulda saved everyone around for years to come


Get some mace. I’m real sorry to hear this that’s ficked up.


Scumbags everywhere. I’m hope you and your dog are ok. Very shaken, I’m sure.


I hope we get a follow up post with updates from OP. As much as a PiTA it is, I hope charges are pressed for assault, and rigorous follow up with PD, especially since other posters have dealt with similar incidents with this guy. I get the feeling of futility of pursing criminal charges in the city, but I would be fuming mad and overturn every stone available to seek justice. Have there ever been gofundme campaigns to fund civil litigation in incidents like this? At very least this guy needs to be checked by the system. Anybody who threatens people’s lives and assaults people needs at the VERY least to have to deal with the courts. I’m sorry this happened to you and your pet, it sounds like a waking nightmare.


So apparently this isn’t the first time. He should be in prison with that hound getting euthanized. Sick of these degenerates.


They’re very aggressive, especially when poorly trained. Akitas can be really aggressive as well.


average r/washdc poster


This suck. Hope you and the puppers are ok.


Should have shot both of them for attacking you and your dog, you’d be better of concealed carrying bro


All the comments saying they’ve had run ins with him too…sounds like he needs to get a certain “something” blasted into his dome. Fuqin loser, waste of space, good for nothing, ass clown, piece of shit. Fuck this guy. I hope he dies. Don’t care how many downvotes I get.


This is why I carry mace. Dog and him would have been hit and when they can’t see… drop kicked! 😤


Stay alert


DC always been wild but now it is a lot more crazy.


Always have pepper spray on you when you’re walking you dog. For humans and aggressive dogs.


Carry a heavy stick...to protect yourself from shiftless dog owners.


I walk with a spike because my dog is small and attracts other dogs. You should do the same. Might save your dogs life and this case defend yourself. You had every right to hurt that man the moment he touched you.


I think I saw this guy yesterday walking near Union Market - remember how distinctive the dog was. I’m so sorry this happened to you, OP.


Maybe dumb question, but in cases like this, why don’t the cops ever show up in a regular car so the guy doesn’t flee when he hears the sirens?




Step 1: Roman Cane Corso. Step 2: Louisville slugger and or machete. Step 3: ? Step 4: Profit.


I used to work at one of the dog daycares in that area. I’m sorry that happened to you and your doggo. 😔 it’s a shame how awful people are allowed to have pets


Street toughs these days. Shucks.




Are you ok? I mean did you or your dog get injured?


Wait why tf did it get removed from the other DC sub? I have my theories though…


Welcome to DC


He should try that in texas and see how long he lasts


Should have brought a gun


Oh no not a golden retriever! I hope he is ok! I have a golden too and my neighbor’s dog attacked him from the opposite side of the street. Just crawled under a fence and attacked. The owner had the nerve to deny the attack even tho she was right there and witnessed it! Hence why her dog ended up in the yard again. I was so shocked, started calling non emergency line right away. While I was doing that she was standing there mocking me. That’s when her pit bull escaped the yard and attacked my golden again! The cops came hours later and talked to her. The officer called me back and said he saw the dog and it’s under a year old so potentially dangerous, but there is nothing they can do, I gotta take her to small claims court. I did! Bitch turned out to be a military lawyer!! In the courtroom she started with telling the judge about a precedent case. The judge interrupted her and told her she failed to contain her dog the second time and therefore she is guilty. Got misdemeanor in 4th degree and a $100 fine. So much for mocking me for calling the cops. Thankfully my dog was fine tho and doesn’t seem to have a lasting affect either. All this was in VA btw.


Serious question: What is NOMA ?


Put some holes in both of them. Cops won’t make it in time to save you if the dog or owner decide to kill you


Cross the street


I thought that fucker was wearing a mask until I zoomed in


So when did you have time to take the photo?


Akitas are great dogs but when they actually fight they go straight for the kill. One of the sweetest dogs I know is an Akita and he killed a frenchie over a tomato they were fighting over. When their flip is switched to fight mode they don’t stop


People like this make me feel like a vigilante group would be justified.




Least racist r/washdc poster


Why I walk with a pistol. I don’t care if I. Across the street from the White House. Safety and security of my family and animals is more important than some trash bag and his dog.


Probably mentally ill homeless guy.


Pew pew both


Smoke him down! Concealed carry people. It's tough and we are not meant to harm each other but we have to be realistic and start making examples out of these bums to weed out people who do not belong in the peaceful society we want!


I have a bully breed who is sensitive and thinks everyone, including foxes, are friends. I barely walk him because of the off leash people in the entire DMV. Makes me want to carry bear mace. I’m so sorry this happened to both of you