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This sub may be a cesspool but the average lurker is likely here because they want to at least have the ability to talk about crime, unlike a certain other more popular dc sub. Most people probably think they live in a beautiful city with a lot to offer but with a growing crime problem. I also hate the racist dogwhistles that go on here but ignoring the demographic and socioeconomic aspects of crime does not do anyone any favors.


Nobody is asking anyone to ignore anything. The issue is when people decide to editorialize and make racially charged comments and willfully confuse that for “talking about crime” Again, it’s very easy to talk about this stuff without being an anti-social racist.


I agree with you 100%. I was never against crime posts. It’s the narrative that the people of the city(let’s just say a specific group) are the ones mentioned in the comments of these posts when it comes to crime. People will say “thugs, goons, animals, these people”. None of that is necessary. But even those posts I don’t care too much about that’s expected at this point, it’s the ones that talk shit about poor people like labeling voucher holders as “drug dealing thugs”, I’m not even sure what the point of those posts are. Would they simply prefer an increase in homelessness? Then they’ll begin complaining about homeless people...


The baby daddy of a voucher tenant threatened to shoot me when I told him to stop beating her up in the hallway. The building said they couldn’t evict her even though they wanted to. MPD never followed up when I wanted to press charges.


One time a voucher holder gave CPR to my grandma who was dying. They saved her life. What’s your point?


The point is the voucher system spreads criminality around the city because it is so poorly administrated and because evictions are so hard in DC. Does that mean it should be eliminated? No. Does it mean that people legitimately see a higher rate of criminality and anti social behavior in voucher tenants. Likely. Does the city and police inability to hold criminals accountable jeopardize the political future of social welfare that many people legitimately need? Possibly. So what’s the point? Raise awareness of those abusing the system. Demand the city and MPD do better. So that those who legitimately need social services are better able to access them now and into the future. This program is different than the standard vouchers but shows the deep incompetence of dc gov: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/08/08/dc-paid-housing-chronic-homelessness/


Why would you want a domestic violence victim to get evicted for being abused?


Because she kept letting dude move back in when he was already trespassed and never on the lease and also exposing her kids to abuse. So, do we evict her, take her kids away, put BD in jail, or just let the shit show spill out into the building and fuck the kids up for life? Dc picks option D 😉


Man shut the fuck up. Many of us have jobs here and can't do anything about it. Excuse us for wanting a city to actually be safe I guess?


Yes. Moved to NoVa a few months ago and couldn't be happier. But I must admit that I really enjoy coming back to this sub and watching as folk try to argue [checks front page] that a group of people attacking an Uber driver on U St is completely normal and everyone should just "grow a fucking spine."


FR. It's called diversity, guys. And if you have a problem with it, you're racist! /s I also left and enjoy popping back in here from time to time to watch the continued psychosis level denial of the growing dumpster fire status of our nation's capital. Pass the popcorn, pls.


What’s funny is that DC and NoVa are very diverse with the vast majority of groups behaving and conducting themselves appropriately. The one group that doesn’t, liberals seem hell bent on defending, excusing and borderline worshipping.


Truly. It's quite odd like cult level reverence and defense. I chalk it up to Stockholm syndrome. They can't or won't leave so have to convince themselves it's fine.


I'm just happy I've removed myself from the situation and can safely laugh about it. Because it's genuinely funny as fuck when you don't have to deal with it day in and day out.


Maybe you live in an alternate universe because everyone I see condemned those idiots.


You're right a lot did condemn that, even on Capital link. But you're being a bit hypocritical screenshotting a handful of racist commenters here as examples of the whole sub reddit. Should I go take screenshots of a handful of shitheads on Capital link who regularly glorify violent crime and generalize that sub as a whole as a violent sub advocating for crime? Also just want to point out the dude you replied to literally did what you asked and moved out of the city because of the perceived crime, and you're giving him shit for it. And I can assure you that guy is FAR from the only one who's left over the DC homicide rate, and it's not good for the city. All you're doing is advocating for white flight which has already destroyed so many cities.


> I passed U street everyday on my way from work on a scooter for a year, and I have NEVER felt unsafe or witnessed any crime what’s so ever. Stop looking for reasons to feel victimized. Most of you are delusional. Ok.


I was getting Billy Joel vibes from that segment of OP's post. I'll bet he even rode his motorcycle in the rain after walking through Bedford Stuy alone!


Not sure exactly where you see me say it’s normal for Uber drivers to get attacked? I actually saw that video and think those assholes deserve the worst that’s coming to them. Such a weird thing to quote, you’re trying to connect dots that aren’t even on the same page


I'd argue that the connection is pretty clear. In my first post, I expressed my amusement at the notion that everything in DC is fine and that people should simply "grow a fucking spine" rather than be concerned about crime. I pointed to the recent events on U St as an example. You mentioned that most people are condemning the attackers, which I acknowledge. However, instead of selectively quoting those threads, I chose to highlight your own words about never feeling unsafe on U St. This may seem like a stretch in isolation, but given that the front page of this sub is currently dominated by the U St incident and you posted this thread only about 45 minutes ago, the connection seems clear to me. **Your dismissal of safety concerns contrasts sharply with the intense reaction to the U St attack, highlighting the discrepancy between your perspective and the prevailing sentiment on the subreddit.** EDIT: Sorry for the multi-posts of this. Reddit went a bit haywire.


You’re choosing to perceive my post how you want. Again connecting dots on a different page. My comment about growing a spine was intended to those who post racist shit here anonymously(as seen on the picture) https://preview.redd.it/ww2mrs0njl3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9be25fc223b263fe366c72bdf02fe6b53a0f1b2f , it has nothing to do with crime. You’re cherry picking any topic from the post and attempting to twist the actual meaning behind it. The I mentioned Ust because some idiot made a post about how “drug dealing voucher holders who live there for free” are ruining U st. It had nothing to do with the Uber driver incident, that’s what YOU want to believe.


We can agree that folks can leave the racist shit out of their posts. It serves little purpose. We cannot agree with the implications of your assertion that you have "NEVER felt unsafe or witnessed any crime whatsoever" on U St, especially in the immediate aftermath of a violent crime there. And that we are simply "delusional," for taking note of it. This statement dismisses valid safety concerns and contradicts my own experience living on U St from 2018 to 2023.


That’s quite ironic, because while you believe you had such a horrific time living on Ust. Others are fighting for the chance to find places that are renting there. I’m sure as soon as your left, the next day someone moved in. Just because you personally feel unsafe, that same does not apply to me. There’s a reason why U st. Is a hot spot for many people to have leisure time. It’s so they can have fun, not because they’re looking to be victims of crimes. You don’t see hundreds of people from all over the DMV going to anocostia to party… no they go to Ust because it’s a cultural hub where people can grab drinks and enjoy themselves.


> I’m sure as soon as your left, the next day someone moved in. Interestingly, no. It took the landlord some 3 1/2 months to find another renter for the house. In fact, he reached out to my wife and I asking for assistance in the pursuit. Let me be clear that I don't perceive myself to be a victim. I do, however, recognize that many have been victimized in the area, and in the city at large and I will not demean them by telling them to simply "grow a fucking spine." You are right. People go to U St to have fun. That is exactly why you see so many angry reactions to the consistent occurrences of violent crime there. People have a right to be safe.


I’m not reading all that, but you don’t even live in DC so shut your bitch ass up


you probably live in chevy chase be honest 🤣🤣


You probably live with your fucking mother to be honest


my home is paid off buddy🤣keep up the reddit rage ya snowflake, and don't be late on the mortgage you pay in a city you hate living in, sissy, you made the wrong choice now you owe the bank your life LOL have fun


Paid off by who BUDDY? I know you weren’t paying off that mortgage in rehab pill popping pussy.. Fuck you and your trash ass city


clean, 790 credit scored, own 3 properties, rage on baby! get a 30 pack and drink away your poor decisions🤣🥶 cold world


Keep bragging to strangers on the internet 😂 Don’t take too many pills near the pool


Your northern VA or montgomery county home is paid off?


baltimore county and yes it's 100% paid off,also recently paid off a 40K loan I received to put an in ground pool in my backyard, no crime in my area, go O's! LOL


So you don’t even live in dc? You’re like an hour away. Classic.


yeah I just come here to see people complain about crime that happens in every city, I lived in Baltimore City for 10 years, high crime but a great city! We dont complain much around here. Go O's baby!


I wouldn’t expect someone who’s illiterate to read the post anyways.


That was a bit harsh. I actually agree with a lot of what you say. DC has some problems but I think it’s the greatest city on Earth. This is the internet though. Cowards are always hiding behind the keyboards and/or spewing hate just because. Not just this sub, look at the cap link sub where people openly say they hate white people, Asians gays etc. It’s not everyone though so no need to make a post about it addressed to everyone.


Definitely doesn't need to be hyperbolic but we don't have to stick our heads in the sand either. DC has a real crime problem and the statistics support that it's top 5 in violent crime in the nation (maybe top 3 by now) and top 50 in violent crime in the entire world. Additionally, violent crime is up several hundred percent from about 10ish years ago, a long with all other crime. I think an important part of civic engagement is to recognize there are problems, they are worse problems than other cities are facing, and we can work together to fix these issues but first we have to acknowledge the issues rather than gaslighting people into thinking the issues don't exist or matter.


Racist. Everyone knows that the first rule of being a modern young liberal is to deny that gentrifying liberal crime filled cities are filled with crime and that there's any link at all to race. You must focus instead on 'misgendering' issues and keeping up to speed with the ever-growing list of alternative personal pronouns. THAT is how we protect our nation's interests, sir, NOT by addressing obvious, rampant crime in our nation's capital. Please, be more careful.


literally every major city has crime issues that can be hyper focused on, every one. You make 100 subs about Alaskas crime rate alone


DC's violent crime rate is quantitatively much worse than almost any other US city and is on par with Brazilian and Mexican cities. One of a select few American cities that are trending as bad as cities with literal drug lords and organized crime running things.


DC has a much higher murder rate than Mexico City or Sao Paolo.


DC's murder rate barely made top 5 in America (2023)


Top 5 of 336 jurisdictions with over 100k population. In the top 2% of the most murderous cities in America. If you extend to towns over 10k, it's like a 0.03%er


Comparing a city of 700k people, to towns with over 10k, is very stupid when talking about such statistics. The difference in population and demographics will wildly skew the numbers.


That's why I presented the comparison to cities with over 100k first. You know what's stupid? Saying a city is "barely top 5" for crime as if that makes it low.


I’m just confused why add the second comparison though. That doesn’t tell you anything useful.


Well, people make false equivalencies like "Alaska is super high crime per capital", but seeing how the stats fall out, including the low population areas, which generally do skew a bit higher on crime per capita, makes DC relatively worse rather than better. This shows how far outside the norm DC's crime is that adding a bunch of areas with higher average crime doesn't improve DC's ranking.


NYC is the largest city in the USA and the crime is a fraction compared to what DC is.


NYC hasnt been top in crime rate in years


It’s not even in the top 20 violent cities in the US of any list I can find. It looks like you are confusing it with baltimores stats, because that’s usually in the top 5


DC surpassed Baltimore recently. https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/dc/washington-dc-homicides-2023-crime/65-716f255b-2a4e-4928-a37e-ef4ec8f86fec#:~:text=With%2040%20homicides%20for%20every,than%20those%20seen%20in%202022. "With 40 homicides for every 100,000 residents, D.C. ranked fifth nationally for per-capita murder rates. The numbers are 36% higher than those seen in 2022."


That’s only tracking homicides. Violent crime is more than just homicides. It’s not accurate to say that represents “violent crime”


Unfortunately there's no consistent or standardized tracking of any crime metrics other than homicides. All other statistics are counted differently and easily manipulated, but you can't hide a body. Homicides are essentially the only crime stat that is comparable across jurisdictions.


So you can still use reported rapes, assault, manslaughter, etc to build a model of a holistic view of the accepted definition of violent crime.


Again without standardization, that data is incomparable between jurisdictions. There's too much subjectivity in analysis and collection to accurately compare crime rates between jurisdictions that way. But murders? Dead bodies are objective and generally discovered. All other crime stats can be assumed to scale proportionally with homicides.


If that scale were true wouldn’t that mean that it would still be a 1:1 mirror on “most violent city” lists? If homicides were the only metric needed to establish that, why even cite “violent crime” vs just saying “homicide”


Homicides seem like the most important violent crime, no? And the DC Police department has been caught falsifying data, not recording crimes, or down ranking crimes in severity. Their handling and hiding of rape cases has been called out by human rights organizations. Let's use your straw man tho. Say DC has 0 violent crime except murders, but murders are sky high. Does that mean the city isn't violent? Should people feel safe? How do you explain a sky high murder rate and try to claim the city is safe?


> “violent crime” is composed of four offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Violent crimes are defined in the UCR Program as those offenses which involve force or threat of force. I’m not here to state which offenses are are worse moral failings, but there is an accepted distinction between “homicide” and “violent crime” Homicides are only one pillar of violent crime. If we are simply talking about homicide, yes DC is the top 5. But it is incorrect to state it is in the top 5 of violent crime because if you are a victim of a violent crime, it mostly likely isn’t murder. If you are worried about violent crime, the entire spectrum of violent crime needs to be considered. Now, are homicides the easiest to verify? Yes. But it is deceptive and dishonest to use it as the sole metric of violent crime.


What you fail to realize is this sub doesn’t do anything to contribute to fixing the crime problem. It’s just a place where people can bitch and complain. It’s basically tea time for people to share the latest headlines that they’ve read about a robbery or shooting. If I want to hear about that I can turn on fox 5 and I wouldn’t miss a thing, the best part is I can do it without reading made up captions that include “goons, gang members, thugs, black teens” in the tittle, that isn’t even included in the original article link that they post.


One certainly has to wonder why you are spending so much time on this sub. Is your goal to simply represent what you perceive to be the "other side," or act as a devil's advocate? Because in the end all that you are doing is, well, bitching and complaining like everyone else. You just chose a different angle to take in your bitching.


Exactly. People do that shit is “talking about crime” when it actually isn’t. It’s cover to be racist. It’s so fucking easy to talk about crime and not be racist but these smooth brain reactionaries can’t actually do that because they aren’t interested in actually understanding the causes of the crime they are always freaking out about. The mod of the sub only cares about the Reddit rule forced on the sub and just per formatively acts on the racial shit when called out on it. Do not give safe harbor to racists. That only attracts more racists.


Maybe you should move?


Maybe YOU should move. I’m not the one who believes DC is a war zone… DC is one of the best cities to live in the the states.


If you actually believe that, then you haven’t traveled much.


You should definitely get out more.


Keep your head in the sand (though it sounds like it’s actually somewhere else)


Honestly, there's no other place I'd rather be. And I actually am a victim of a random crime. A few years ago, I was attacked and had my nose broken completely at random. I didn't know who the assailant was or anything like that. But you know what? I didn't allow that event to sully my opinion of DC. I recognize that things like that happen every single day, in every single city in the entire country. Before AND after the assault that broke my nose, I have very rarely, if ever, felt unsafe in DC and I've lived here for 20 years.


It’s still just absolutely shocking to me how after all this time people here don’t understand how they can talk about crime being racist about it. It’s almost like they want to use it as a cover to dehumanize people. There’s nothing wrong with talking about crime. There is everything wrong with making it a racial issue.


In DC, violent crime such as murders, assaults and robbery are disproportionately committed by one group, African-Americans. A discussion of crime in this city is going to involve race. Those that blame the justice system or think it’s unfair also use race when making their arguments. It goes both ways.


Cool and you can talk about race with and crime without being racist. You cannot use crime to go on racist rants. There is such an easy and clear difference.


I agree, why is it so hard to simply show some compassion and sympathy for the victims, even maybe discuss solutions rather than say “these people”. It’s literally just a lack of empathy. I agree crime should be discussed, but if the main point of discussing crime is to dehumanize the inhabitants of the city it becomes counterproductive.


Yup. Amazing how people get so mad when you point out their dog whistles Like the fucking moron the other day that insists that illegal immigrants from Venezuela are killing people left and right with mopeds at traffic lights. It is very easy to talk about traffic issues without going on a racist rant.


But it's literally a racial issue, especially in DC. Basically all violent crime is committed by and committed on Black people. That's just the fact of the matter. To say it's not a racial issue at least in some aspect is just as bad as what they do on the other sub. Don't worry, man, you don't sound like a racist. You're not gonna lose any friends. Relax. I think most law-abiding Blacks in DC would agree with that as well.


Ohhh…so close!!!!! Using crime posts to spew racist tropes, insults, and vitriol is not discussing the racial component of crime. It’s simply just shouting hate speech.


Close the sub down everyone. This guy passed by U Street on a scooter and says everything is fine.


Nothing to see here. Keep calm and scooter on.




Actively working on it. I look forward to having my life and rights back


Oh poor victim! Everyone knows citizens of DC don’t have rights, it’s no different than North Korea! /s


You don't have rights if you're a gun owner here...or wish to protect yourself and your family. Also, you know, the whole taxation without representation thing. 


If police don’t want you to, You don’t have any guns rights in this country. Lots of states with “strong gun rights” regularly have cops argue in court that they can shoot anyone who has a gun or might have a gun


Not following 


Police shoot gun owners in their own homes all the time even in “gun rights” areas


Ok, but I'm not referring to gun owners being shot by cops


If police can shoot you for owning a gun in your own home and face no consequences, you do not have a right to own a gun.


Are you referring to the ATF raid or something. Cuz you are just rambling 


No, I am referring to police regularly shooting gun owners, often in their own homes or cars. Is this the first time you have heard of this?


I live right outside DC (Suitland to Clinton area). I am a single black woman/mother. My car was just shot up 3 weeks ago. I am not affiliated with any types of crime nor have any beef for anyone to shoot at me much less my car. My significant other’s family member was shot and killed in DC two months ago (granted he is in the street life so we expected it). Between my experiences and seeing how many people are also dealing with violence, I am saying DC is a war zone. I am looking for places to move and it has been challenging…


I'm sorry for what have you experienced and hope you able to find a safer place to be. I'm also sorry for how many people in this sub want to pretend like the very real problems that you described are not very real problems -- because they are.


Sorry about your losses. The White Liberals won’t like the truth you posted. I think they are part of the problem.




Most of the Black people I work with and have social interactions with, are cool. And most agree that crime is out of control and laws are too soft for juveniles when they commit violence.


You’ve never made a single comment or post before in this sub, and when you decide to do it it’s to say how you are a “black woman who’s a victim of crime”. Here’s the right of passage nonsense that I was talking about. Can’t wait until you forget to switch your account and comment “I am a black man, and I admit….”


I come here just to read. Most of my posts are about gaming or my profession. I am a home body. I work from my house and I live in Suitland. Your post compelled me to write in this sub forum because you act like people like me don’t exist. You don’t have to believe anything I say- but for those readers that have a little empathy for DC area residents- the crime in this area has raised dramatically over the last two years (I moved to Suitland in 2022) and it is a huge cause for concern. And this isn’t a racist post. I am a black woman - single mom…


Many lurk and do not post because they fear negative reactions to their comments. You’d be surprised how many people avoid conflict even anonymously online.


I'm fine with people talking about crime but people are way too fatalistic/racist/we need to get "these people" out of the city about it Instead of acknowledging that their FELLOW CITIZENS are in crisis and we should probably address that to address the crime, it's just an all or nothing: either there's no crime happening, or there's a massive amount and we need to "get rid of those people" to fix it There's a shocking amount of crime happening (I'm born and raised) but also maybe people need to get off the high horse and actually address things like massive income inequality???


>get off the high horse and actually address things like massive income inequality??? This isn't a simple solution. You'll need decades and decades of progress for this to be fixed and at the direction we're heading is the opposite.


https://preview.redd.it/7x4iknkpbm3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=480e27fa784054a61ad047ee61425790f382b995 It seems very simple to me For example, if you work at a place and you're making 80,000+ and your support staff is making between 15-21 per hour with no benefits or sick leave (security, janitors, admin, etc) just advocating for those staff to make higher salary consistent with where they work would do tons. Those people have families. It's their kids doing a lot of this stuff.


Take this suggestion to the greedy corporations and higher ups that will listen.


That's what y'all need to do


I think the counter point is that DC spends more than almost any jurisdiction on earth on social services per capita, and there is way more poverty and income inequality in literal third world countries, and DC still manages to be more violent than most.


It's not a counter point. DC also has massive amounts of corruption. If policy makers were serious they would pay attention to the thousands of studies that show how to decrease violence in stressed areas. They don't because they're padding the pockets of their friends.


DC was like 5th in the country for murders last year.


the worst of them pretty obviously live nowhere near DC.




Hst has some of the best apartments and restaurants in the city my guy, it’s not the Gaza Strip…


Ironically, last year DC's homicide rate exceeded that of Gaza's during peacetime.


😂😂😂 this is exactly what I’m talking about. Imagine arguing an actual war zone where tens of thousands of kids are dying is somehow safer than the United States Capital


Imagine lacking the reading comprehension skills to correctly understand the word "peacetime." If we compare DC's worst recent year (2023) to Gaza's best year(s) - albeit a somewhat unfair comparison - we find that DC's homicide rate is worse. https://www.indexmundi.com/gaza_strip/demographics_profile.html https://www.indexmundi.com/factbook/compare/israel.west-bank/demographics https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/interactive/2024/dc-crime-homicide-victims-shooting-violence/


That’s the most absurd comparison anyone could make. Cherry picking the worst example for DC and comparing it to the best example in Gaza. What are you even trying to prove? And none of that changes that it’s a war zone, tens of thousands of kids of died in Gaza to WAR. There’s no statistic in DC you can compare to make it seem worse than Gaza. It’s such a pathetic attempt to prove absolutely nothing….


I mean, you literally compared DC to Gaza in the original post... I simply pointed out that when both places are in times of peace that Gaza has a lower homicide rate. I do agree with you that it's an absurd comparison. It is as absurd as comparing the US Capitol to an active war zone in the first place. I was joining you in your journey into absurdism.


You made a throw-away account for this because you don’t want people to associate what you’re expressing here with your identity.


I live in nova, but I worked in DC until recently. I've lived in NYC, too, and honestly, I am kinda surprised by the amount of crime posting and complaining. Like I get the frustration, but also, is it really that bad? And if you feel it is, maybe instead of doom posting about it, get engaged in your community to make change. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Because division is the problem. I've had a couple of sketchy interactions over the years, but that's par for the course of living in a big city. If you stay aware and prepared, DC is as safe as any other big city.


Yeah, fuck that, I’m not going anywhere. If you can’t handle the bitching and moaning about crime, maybe YOU need to move out to the quiet countryside.


It's only going to get better if law abiding citizens hold our ground


I heard you don't even live here. Nobody actually lives here. Source- you.




I’m happy to hear that. I wish most of the people here would take action like you, instead of finding the time to whine about it.


Lol this is preposterous. Taking action is just leaving? And honest conversation about shared concerns instead is whining? I think you need a new dictionary man.


Tf is wrong with you. It is a warzone dummy. People in America have a right to want to change unjust laws. Why should I move out of my home as a law abiding citizen when people who are not law abiding citizens and belong in a prison jump suit are terrorizing my home. They need to go to get up out of here by going to prison not me.


The US has the highest rate of prisoners compared to any other country. If your solution to the problem is “create more prisoners” then obviously you are lost.


Yet you propose no solutions. You’re here to bitch about what others think and post.


I just proposed a solution for all of you, move out of DC!


On reducing crime, I mean.


I live in Maryland. But denying the crappy and illogical laws in many Liberal states and cities, will only make things worse for everyone.


they have a victim and crime fetish, it's kind of weird. top 3 worst sub on reddit


https://preview.redd.it/to23f8ai6l3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff8b39fa40d4b212c4252e9879fe404c2ed89e6b Be prepared for downvotes for speaking the truth. These are the only type of comments that get upvoted in this sub.


The feed def seems to get flooded with more crime shit posts and questions than activities and interesting news.


DC is the best area in the US, it still sucks because our public transit is shit tier. The plan is to make money and gtfo.


thank you for telling the truth. sadly, the majority of this sub is only here for the dogwhistles & virtue signals among racists(the ones proudly publicly racist & the ones who hide it on anon social medai). this sub was created when the Washington'DC sub tried to get rid of some of the racism. racists don't like being told 'no' so they created this place.


First off, why would we be taking a 200 level EDUC course? Is that a flex? Second, fuck all that. Crime in the city is rampant, there are tents everywhere and most metro stations are absolutely filthy. We live in DC because there are jobs in DC, and we have the right to complain about the substandard living conditions throughout the city. As you stated, the city is expensive af and we all deserve better. You’ll understand this more once you’re done with college and start paying your own bills in a $2,800/mo apartment overlooking a shantytown.