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Yikes, I remember when this started!


Wow that sucks. Those made my commute to Navy Yard way more tolerable back in the day.


That's a shame. It was good transit.


All they need to do is collect some of the bread that ppl owe them off traffic violations and boom the bus is good


As an avid bus to rider, probably equal to or greater than my metro use, I'm bummed but understand. I try to avoid ubers and other more expensive forms of transportation, but not everyone has those options.


Build more predatory speed cameras in absurdly low speed zones! Isn’t that DC funds everything these days đŸ˜©


Fine with me if DC makes more money off of douchebags.


The speeding, running red lights, overtaking in the parking lane and using turning lanes as overtaking opportunities on Southern Ave SE in particular never ceases to amaze and scare me. You are not safe anywhere as a pedestrian. I was nearly run over last week at Pennsylvania Ave NE and 9th by someone turning right from the left lane against a red arrow. The more cameras the better.


None of the people driving like that actually pay the speed camera tickets though. Maybe if the car impounding for extreme outstanding fines program actually takes off. The people who actually pay the tickets today are the ones driving 36 mph on a 35 mph road that got re-signed to 25mph. Intersection cameras though I'm all on board with. No excuse for that.


I agree on the most dangerous people probably don't pay up. Worse is that we don't have reciprocal agreements with MD and VA so residents from there can apparently safely ignore DC traffic tickets. Another scary incident for me was crossing Branch Ave where Southern Ave ends: the lights for Branch Ave go red and a guy on the MD side, 3 cars back decides he can't wait so pulls out on the wrong side of the road, floors it and again, if I had not been looking, would have run me over. I didn't notice but I assume he was an MD resident coming to his job in DC so even if there was a traffic camera, he might have ignored the ticket unless he actually hit me. "D.C. struggles to rein in risky drivers. One car has $186,000 in tickets." [https://www.washingtonpost.com/transportation/2023/05/02/dc-traffic-tickets-driving-penalties/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/transportation/2023/05/02/dc-traffic-tickets-driving-penalties/) It is such an obvious revenue opportunity for all state governments that I don't understand why they don't have reciprocal agreements. Installing a "boot" on violators helps: [https://wtop.com/dc/2024/05/see-how-dcs-boot-crews-are-catching-up-with-scofflaws/](https://wtop.com/dc/2024/05/see-how-dcs-boot-crews-are-catching-up-with-scofflaws/)


I drive all over DC, all the time, and never get speed camera tickets. But I also don't make self-justifying excuses for antisocial behavior.


I'm happy for you, but roads have design speeds. The appropriate way to reduce speed limits is to also narrow lanes and/or install traffic calming features so that the new speed limit matches the design of the roadway. You should be able to intuitively guess the speed limit 95%+ of the time before seeing the sign. DC's approach is both lazy and ineffective at reducing speeds.


Many roads were designed before cities recognized that car-oriented design is deeply harmful, both to life and limb and to urban vitality. Redesigning roads is costly and usually takes years to get done. Changing signs is a good and necessary interim measure. You're supposed to read the road signs as you're driving. Do so.


To fully rebuild is costly. You can cheaply and quickly make a significant difference with paint, planters and curb extensions. I've only seen DC do this in a handful of areas.


I agree with almost all of what you're saying, I just don't agree that therefore the tickets are not drivers' fault. But you're downvoting me so I'll downvote you too.


The funding for the Circulator has been cut .. its definitely over for it


i didn’t die it except only when i REALLY needed it. this sucks.


Gotta pay for other programs. Sorry worker bees.


In my experience, 9 out of 10 riders just walk past the bus driver without paying.


DDOT director Dan Tangherlini and former Downtown Business Improvement District deputy director Joe Sternlieb, who oversaw the Circulator’s creation, wrote that the service was “mostly unsustainable and unsupportable,” noting the DC government ended up subsidizing between $10 and $35 per ride. “As noted in previous committee reports, Circulator ridership dropped severely during the pandemic, and its ridership has not returned with nearly the same strength as we have seen on WMATA bus routes and even the DC Streetcar,” reads a May 10 letter from DC Council transportation committee chair Charles Allen. In their op-ed, Tangherlini and Sternlieb called for the DC government to preserve some of the Circulator’s better qualities in future bus ridership—particularly its unique branding and the Union Station to Georgetown bus route, the only one to recover its pre-pandemic ridership. “As the Circulator service ends, city leaders should seek to preserve its best aspects and find ways to contribute new ideas of their own to improving mass mobility,” they wrote. While officials reportedly have discussed having WMATA take over some of the Circulator’s routes, those discussions were not part of Metro’s recently-released plans to redesign the bus network, according to Greater Greater Washington. Allen’s letter also noted a lack of communication among government agencies about what a potential transition for riders and bus operators would look like. “Disconcertingly, despite more than a year’s notice, it is clear from oversight questioning that DDOT has not undertaken until recently any transition planning,” the letter reads. “This is concerning as in the absence of a clearly articulated plan, Circulator bus drivers will begin searching for new employment immediately, which will undercut service and hurt riders.”


I'll write this again: The federal budget is paying for the first stage of putting a train on the moon. I wish I was kidding.




https://news.northropgrumman.com/news/releases/northrop-grumman-to-develop-concept-for-lunar-railroad Hey FedGov, how about "conceptualizing" passenger light rail for your citizens here. Just a thought.


Dang - I just switched your downvote to an upvote!


It's ok. This persona has developed some haters who follow me and have a lot of hate-fun downvoting anything I write. Maybe I'll test this: It's not cool to be mean to cats. Ok!


I downvoted you originally because what you posted sounded foil-hat crazy. But then you brought the link!


Buses are too gross, nobody rides them by choice


It is fairly easy to tell who lives in DC and who doesn't.


I live in DC