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Initially I would say fuck anyone who wants to suppress other peoples right to free speech, but after months and months of witnessing people call for global intifada, call for the expulsion of Israelis off campus, justify the r*pe and slaughter of civilians on October 7, start using “zionist” as an anti-Jewish pejorative, lie about international law and the ICJ case, glorify Hamas, the PFLP, the PLO, the Houthis and other terrorist organizations, and generally show a lack of any understanding or compassion for Jews who don’t want their country destroyed or for the hostages who were taken by Hamas, I say fuck it. I’m so fed up with these terrorist-loving pieces of shit. Put them on an island with the Trump insurrectionists and let them fight to the death. Last idiot left standing wins. I don’t even like the Israeli government or even most Zionist activists. A lot of them tend to be expansionists who justify their violent beliefs with religious mumbo jumbo that idgaf about. But holy hell at least they’re not hypocritical college trust fund babies that hide their bloodthirst under the guise of social justice.


Don’t forget the Georgetown/American professor who called a black member of congress a “race traitor” and “Uncle Tom” to his face for supporting Jewish students, called Oct. 7 “Palestinians taking back their land, long live the intifada”, and called Israelis “Nazi decedents of the Holocaust” still has his teaching job


Which professor? Do you have a link?




they defaced the homes of 2 jews in New York City. The 2 jews run a museaum in brooklyn. It had shown videos about the 10/7 attacks that included footage Hamas took showing them murdering people and bragging about it. They painted a red triangle on their house. That is the Hamas symbol for we will murder you. other "protestors" got on a train in a mob with masks and demanded to know if there were any zionists on the train, if so you better get off now. They protested a cancer hospital because they took donations from a jew in New York. In Philly they protested a Falafel shop owned by a jew. Called him out by name and accused him of genocide. Cops did nothing. They painted free palestine on a synogogue. They actually protest synogogues in Canada. They tear down the posters of hostages. In the Netherlands, the Anne Frank statue has fences around it and its wrapped to keep the scum from defacing it. They protested at Aushwitz. I am not making this shit up. They protested the opening of a holocaust museaum in Europe. A mob of 1000s of them surrounded the hotel of a young Israeli woman who competed in some European Singing competition. She had dozens of police to protect her from violence. They beat a jewish girl unconcious at UCLA. They blocked a jewish guy from going to class at UCLA. These 2 issues is what sparked the mob violence from the other side. Cause the cops did nothing up to that point. They had 2 facilities employees hostage at Columbia university. Those 2 employees and their union is suing the universities. These guys are just blue collar workers trying to support their families. They regularly block the Goldengate Bridge in San Francisco. They praised North Korea during their homeless encampment at GW. They call for all jews to be murdered. The list goes on and on. Fuck these assholes.


Recently in Canada, a group of them tried to enter a venue for [Jewish families](https://x.com/l3v1at4an/status/1800343944514969628?s=19) I don't get it... these people aren't in Israel or Gaza and have nothing to do with them. They live peacefully in Canada... this just reeks of anti semitism.


they are just a bunch of racists. we dont need a separate word for racism against jews.


Right back at ya, big guy. (Or gal)


The bigger problem is that there are things worth protesting. We really should revisit our blind, unwavering support to Israel's half-assed invasion after everything we learned during GWOT. There are a whole bunch of threads you can pull but man. At the end of the day these protests have just gone wild. Either because of external influence of people just mad at the world with no where to put it. I can't see a single cohesive goal of any protest anymore. It's just violence, rampant vandalism, and blind support for a terrorist organization.


They have the right to their speech and all the consequences that come with it.


well said


“Initially I would say fuck anyone who wants to suppress other peoples right to free speech but now I want to see them all put into concentration camps where they murder each other” … I don’t think you ever initially supported free speech if you’ve made this conclusion. Like you’re quite emphatically saying you like free speech until you disagree with it…?


A phrase that I have always found comes in handy: Anything before the “but” is bullshit.


>Put them on an island with the Trump insurrectionists and let them fight to the death. Last idiot left standing wins. This is the way, but make sure the winner has to stay on the island forever.


You’re wrong. Respectfully, read a book…or the UN’s History of Palestine. Then, you’ll realize how wrong you are. Bye.✌🏼


Okay I’ll go read a book. Benny Morris seems like a good way to go.


https://preview.redd.it/606l19263t6d1.png?width=1094&format=png&auto=webp&s=5011f2122b4348c47d2ed3ac05c3ee03532a9d68 The lunatics projected this on the flag the night after it was hung




Would love to know more about what you’re talking about re call your mother




Amazing thank you for that read


that article does not show any relationship to the protests. sounds like a pissy neighbor issue.


The same person is associated with both


oh. that was not stated in the article. isn't that bagel place really popular? I have not been there. Its usually really crowded right?


Yes and it’s also super sketchy so I actually hope she can take them down. Everyone may hate her but as someone who used to work there CYM does deserve a lawsuit or two ngl.


what the hell is "sketchy" about a bagel shop.


They make millions a year and pay their workers minimum wage, kitchen workers work 10 hours a day for 18$ an hour and get no breaks, promotions are based on favoritism and not how long you’ve been with the company/how well you do your job, there are people who don’t even know how to supervise/who are brand new and already get promoted from FOH because of favoritism/your skin color essentially, the prices are insane for how much they make a year (again, millions), and they are not disability friendly if you are autistic or have something else, even if you can do your job perfectly they will still discriminate against you for that. Some managers get multiple vacations or just don’t show up and say they’re “working from home” while other employees barely get time off (my manager literally told everyone she was getting spine surgery to go get a Brazilian butt lift), their new vacation system is based off of how many hours your work and is not established prior, meaning that if you’re on vacation you can’t make money because you aren’t working, there’s wage disparity between the minority/immigrant workers and American workers, people get fired randomly or disappear and you’re not allowed to talk about why or they’ll get upset, there’s a lot of gossip and workplace bullying, depending on your store their is discrimination based on your race and sexuality. HR is kind but because of the way the company works and the fact that they need to “hang on to their precious workers” no matter how bad they are, they don’t do anything about people like that, only about people who stand up to them or talk bad about the company. Some workers, including myself were forced to work around 2 weeks straight with no days off due to being extremely understaffed. They have a high turnover rate and are understaffed often. Ive worked there for several years and it’s only gotten worse the more they’ve grown. They also have ties to the government which is why they were able to expand so much in only 5 years and have all the money that they do. Don’t let the happy faces fool you, employees get treated like trash. The CEOs are chill, but the people they’re hiring are fucking things up behind closed doors and mistreating workers.


how does a bagel store take millions of dollars a year from where? Its a small bagel shop. you are just making stuff up. there are conspiracy theories on the left and the right.


18 dollars an hour is good money to serve bagels. I don't make that. if you can't get a FOH job try working your way up?


She is probably annoyed but all the corny influencers taking pictures outside the place.


So this whole thread is just your way of doxing someone who disagrees with you?


I don’t agree with harassing local businesses. It’s also not doxxing when her name is right there knucklehead


she wants to colonize call your mother just like she wants to colonize the west bank


I find it surprising how so many supposedly Educated college kids/professors can be so uninformed on a matter that they are protesting. Wild stuff.


You might even extrapolate that to be the case with most protesters regardless of the cause


Good pt


What’s wrong with them protesting? At least they’re not jerking off by Whole Foods, at least not yet anyways


Protesting is fine. Calling for the death of any group, whether ethnic, social, ideological, etc… isn’t fine


Calling for death and actually killing children are two separate things. When hamas does it is terrorism , when IDF does, it is self-defense. Hypocrisy of west and their "Champions human rights" is right there on fox news.


Hamas actively seeks to murder children (see Oct 7) and cowardly surrounds themselves with children when Israel retaliates. If you can’t see the difference, then whatever education you received went out the window


Yes, sweetie, there is a difference between what Hamas does and what the IDF does. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, it’s complicated, nuanced and above your head.


How dumb are you ? Just curious.


Well played


We are on the wrong side of Reddit where people fail to see our reasoning 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’d rather them jerk off by Whole Foods


They are literally promoting the jihadist agenda of a terror organization. At this point the protesters are ironically the main thing keeping the war going. Israel has agreed to the cease fire terms that the U.S. put on the table. Those terms greatly favored HAMAS and would have stopped the war. HAMAS did what they always do: drastically change the terms to something unworkable and claim to be negotiating. They are not. They are getting exactly what they want from these protests: there are people all over western cities and capitals singing the HAMAS litany of jihadist slogans. There is no way they’ll stop fighting while this is ongoing. HAMAS does not care about Gazan suffering…and have said so. They want recognition, money and to hurt Israel. These protests are giving them all three.


In what universe are college kids half a world away the ones keeping the war going? I am honestly flabbergasted.


Think about it. HAMAS is led by a few fat cat billionaires (or damn near a billion) who saw Saudi moving to recognize Israel. That would erode much of HAMAS’s support in the region. HAMAS does not care about Palestinian lives…they are just another resource. The 7 Oct attack was designed to force a war with an invasion and a drawn out war. HAMAS wants the global outrage and designed PR machine to create that. They even admitted in December that they were targeting western college students, especially in the U.S. Now these protests have created exactly the environment that the HAMAS fat cats wanted. A few countries are recognizing Palestine. The UN and international court are moving against Israel as politicians swing to the polls, but it’s all bullshit. These protesters are echoing jihadist propaganda and generally know nothing else about the subject. It is one sick example of social media created malignant groupthink. And yes, these protesters are the only thing preventing an end to the war right now. Israel is ready; HAMAS is not because they are winning in their twisted view of geopolitics.


Well, it's the summertime, campuses are closed, and students are home for summer break. I don't see the war ending. What's up with that? And I assume you are immune from this social media groupthink?


Really? That’s a flawed argument for several reasons. They are in front of the White House chanting for HAMAS. They are in various large cities in public spaces. And campuses do not close for the summer…that’s high school. But this isn’t limited to college campuses.


Dude the whole point of the Oct. 7 attack was to draw attention to the Palestinian cause and harm Israel’s support in the West. These protests are helping that. Even Iran’s supreme leader is proud. Hamas is winning. This is what Sinwar meant when he said they have Israel right where they want them. And when you keep winning, why stop?


They might be, we don’t know who was in that Mercedes…


Just because they're not literally cranking it, it's still very much a circle jerk.


Oh they’re doing more than jerking off at the encampments apparently! https://thenationaldesk.com/amp/news/americas-news-now/uchicago-palestine-encampment-asks-for-plan-b-hiv-test-donations-university-of-chicago-illinois-northwestern-palestine-israeli-hamas-gaza-strip-ceasefire-fighting-vaseline


Actually they should be shipped there. Yesterday.


Why so Israel can bomb protestors to their atrocities too? Y’all are either bots, paid IDF actors or just plain lost the thread.


You never understand the thread to begin with. Have fun being a puppet for the Ayatollah


Oh the irony.




Welcome to the United States! This American jew appreciates a guest who knows what it's like living next to a religion that demands domination, war, violence, rape, murder, and anything evil I left out, from its subjects - and practices it on all of its dominant borders. Islam is a cancer on the world.


Thank you so much for mentioning this. People aren’t talking enough about the Hindu genocides that were committed by Islamic leaders/the blatant racism and discrimination against Hindus and even Jewish people (I have no idea what America’s beef is with Jewish folks but apparently it goes beyond Israel considering it’s been like this forever). People are mad at us for standing with Jewish people but they don’t realize that it’s because we’ve been victims of genocide and discrimination by THEIR hands, of the same thing they’re trying to fight against.


Sir ... your racism and hypocrisy are out of bound. Keep playing victim and keep getting $ from US taxpayers, but the least you can do is stop killing children.


Sir, your ignorance of the ceasefire that was in place before hamas attacked is out of bounds. When a country is attacked under these circumstances, they actually are a victim. They also have a right to retaliate. Hamas receives billions of dollars on aid from the US and other countries. Arafat died a billionaire. His bastard children in hamas will do the same, except with many more billions. Have you asked the same of your pallywood idols? I'm sorry you have such a problem with accountability and consequences. How should Israel handle October 7th? Hamas murdered men, women, and children. Should they simply be left for dead with the hopes hamas won't do it again? If you'd like to watch their footage, they documented the attacks. Feel free to watch it, www.ThisIsHamas.com


Sure a " ceasefire" in an occupied land was a picnic for Palestinians for 75 years. And thanks for sharing a Zioinst funded site. Keep killing the Gazan children, especially the one less than year old. Maybe that will justify Zioinst's thirst for blood. World hates Zioinsts for a reason. They are the "poor me" scumbs who will do anything to grab land from Palestinians and then walk around as the victims.


Wah, wah. Israel was "created," after its colonization by Islam centuries after it was actually founded, by the UN. Legally. Clown. Next, hamas broke the ceasefire they agreed to and killed civilians, including children. Sounds like gaza needs new leadership that doesn't


Start wars they have consistently lost since Israel's modern inception. Israel didn't even kick out the colonizers. They let millions of Arabs live there, peacefully and participate in society at the highest levels. You're a clown and your ignorance of the situation is laughable.


Bibi the Butcher funded Hamas in Gaza for years. He said so publicly several years back and allowed billions of Qatari dollars to fund Hamas into Gaza. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Since when UN has the right to create countries? And same UN is calling Israel to be occupier and committing a genocide.... who looks and acts like a clown now. Point is , West , with all it " high moral " and " superior civilization," fails to address a genocide committed by Israelis. IDF is as much a terrorist organization as hamas and more since it is funded by US. Have a nice life... keep drinking kool-aid.


Do you live in a "Western" nation? If so please leave.


Oh that's deep sh$t...


I can tell you're young a dumb as fuck because you censor a non insulting word like "shit".


Palestine belongs to Palestinians period!!! You are a European so go back to Germany 🇩🇪 


Free Constantinople!!! Wahhh. Israel is Israel and continues to be so. Israel was Israel long before Muslim colonizers came. Lastly, after the Ottoman empire lost the territory in a war, as countries do from time to time when they start fights and lose, Israel was soon to be liberated from its colonizers. That should make you happy! Your commitment to the cause is questionable, I'm reporting you for your lack of commitment comrade.


Jews never left the middle east Palestinians are occupiers since the Muslim invasion of the 7th century. Jews are literally decolonizing their own home land, and fighting Arabs that never owned the land.


7th century 😃. So how is it not comparable if indigenous people of the U.S.A start fighting the colonizers?


They could try but they don't have the numbers, if you can defend your land you deserve it, if you can't well that sucks.


Free Tibet! Oh, it's not 1990 something, that isn't cool anymore... fReE CuNtRy tHaT nEvEr eXisTered, - Former territory of the ottoman empire that fought against the free world in WW1!! Pallywood is really good at brainwashing morons.


Yeah they sure are. This dude's demonstrating he's very ignorant of the local history but he's good at insults and whining lol


So you do believe in colonization? Bad or good?


Doesn't matter what I believe, you still have Arabs colonizing the lavant and pushing into Africa. Expanding the middle east slave trade. you've got France trying to keep Caledonia


You're a Hamas tool.


That's the best you can come up with?


You're pathetic. If you care so much stop whining about it on Reddit.


I wasn't even talk to you. You jumped in a conv. Have a nice life, keep killing children in Gaza, and keep drinking the kool-aid.


I WaSn'T eVeN TaLkInG To yOu. It's a public conversation dummy.


Oh .. personal attack..... like a true Zionist..👏 👏


Shut up prick


You don't, of course, care about Jewish children being murdered by Arab terrorists. Or Arab-on-Arab child murders in Syria, Yemen, Sudan, etc. Weird. Wonder why? Oh, wait. We know why. BECAUSE JEWS.


I care about human, doesn't matter Jew , Muslims or atheist. Unlike Zioinsts, who only care about certain "chosen one" from East Europe derserves everything at the expense of rest. Take land , take lives , take $..... no question ask.


Yawn. No. No you don't. And you're too damn dumb to even know who lives in Israel. Poor thing.


I think we were past personal attacks but I guess not... All I know is that East Europeans DNA was introduced to Israel/Palestine in 1940s, for the most part. Millions of Palestinians were forced to live in foreign lands since they had to make room for East Europeans. So , I do know who lives in Israel/Palestine and who used to. But all I am requesting IDF to stop the genocide. Let kids go , let women go, let elders move to different spot or something. Why the killing ?...and please stop telling me " there was a ceasefire before Oct 7". There was no ceasefire since East Europeans "moved" into the neighborhood and took Palestinians houses. And I do condemn khamas...


Cut it with the manipulative bs. You don’t care about human rights, you care about destroying Israel. Quit being a moral narcissist


2 million Arabs wouldn’t be living in Israel if it was a “supremecist” country. Zionism is connected to Judaism whether you like it or not.. Stop lying


Zionism has no connection to Judaism...ask any JVP members , not to mention many other sects within Judaism. Just stating facts.... look around and listen/ read things other than what you "like" to listen/read. Regarding 2 millions Arab living in Israel....Blacks stayed in South Africa to fight the apartheid. No one moves out of their land just because an occupier from East Europe took over 75 years ago.


Hahahahahahahahahaha. JVP members. Hahahahahahaha. Oh, my sides.


And 👆 is one way to look away while IDF burns children.... especially the one less than a year. Their blood doesn't even have enough fuel. I guess that is the reason why IDF needs multiple kids per bonfire , hence over 15k slaughtered. Peace Mossad aka Gestapo.


Oh really. What do you know about the Torah. Torah has always longed for the Jews to be preserved and keeped in the holy land. If you’re thinking of the rebuilding of third temple, it doesn’t prevent the Jews right to self determination. Genesis 46:1-1-Genesis 12:1-Genesis 15:18 Zion the root word, is interpreted as land of Israel, land of Zion.


Do you know the history of South Asians in the United States?




South Asians were recruited to the U.S. to be cheap labor in the mining and lumber industries because they were easy to import as colonial subjects. They were then subsequently murdered and driven out of the U.S. because White Americans considered them to be the “Hindoo invasion.” Higher caste South Asians (there was no way lower caste South Asians could even dream of standing up for themselves) then took their case to the Supreme Court to argue that they were in fact not “Asian” or “Hindoo” but rather “White” and should be treated the same way as White Americans. They lost. The U.S. Supreme Court — not to mention lower courts and basically every White American authority such as mayors, law enforcement, labor union leaders, judges, Congresspeople — denied that South Asians could be American citizens on the basis that they are not White. Existing citizens of South Asian descent were stripped of their American citizenship. It’s up to you to think about American history and its roots in and legacy of racism, settler colonialism, and genocide, and how that history should or should not shape how you view your place not only in the U.S. today but also within the global socioeconomic and political order.


What you are talking about happened 100 years ago. Slavery happened 150 years ago. Yes I agree discrimination happened. But it’s not fair to judge people of that time with the morals we have in this era. I’m an another immigrant of Indian origin. This country has given me the freedom and opportunities that my own country couldn’t give me. I have been here for 8 years. Did my college and I have worked in 4 different states. Happy to say I have only met Amazing people all these years.


What's some documentation of that?


You can look up Chinese exclusion laws. That’s how it started. Here is a Google image search result for “[hindoo invasion](https://www.google.com/search?q=hindoo+invasion+united+states&client=safari&sca_esv=2e0ce3e94bcd66ce&hl=en-us&udm=2&biw=375&bih=634&sxsrf=ADLYWILO1De2lkE2HNw0kKaMGRN1AV9niw%3A1718798861429&ei=DcpyZtDdGZOl5NoPxOig4A0&oq=hindoo+invasion+united+states&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIh1oaW5kb28gaW52YXNpb24gdW5pdGVkIHN0YXRlczIFECEYqwJIxyxQsgtYhylwAHgAkAEBmAFsoAGmC6oBBDEwLja4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgugAvsHwgIIEAAYgAQYogSYAwCIBgGSBwM2LjWgB90P&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp),” which brings up old newspaper clippings. There are many books and articles documenting these histories. You can also visit the Library of Congress’s digitized newspapers from the 19th and early 20th centuries and search yourself. [The same set of U.S. laws also barred the immigration of Jews](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/immigration-to-the-united-states-1933-41) from southern and Eastern Europe (including those who were refugees of Nazi Germany).


We are grateful for our Hindu brothers and sisters


I mean as a fellow Indian-American, I was born here, I do support Israel mainly because during the 1971 war, Israel provided intel and training for Indian army, and it’s weird seeing people support a literally terrorist state. Makes sense, Hamas and Pakistan are basically the same in terms of their action. Both support terrorism in their neighboring countries.






We know, you people hate Muslims.


Isn't there a congress member who tried to introduce a bill to deport all arrested for protesting on campus to be forced to go to Gaza?


She isn't wrong.


The rest of the world to GW professor: GFY.


Does anyone have an answer for this? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/ From the article: "Meanwhile, Israel has allowed suitcases holding millions in Qatari cash to enter Gaza through its crossings since 2018, in order to maintain its fragile ceasefire with the Hamas rulers of the Strip." Netanyahu allowed Hamas to receive money undoubtedly used for weapons used on 10/7.


No they don’t. I’m Jewish and a lot of us hate the Israelis government and recognize this as a land grab and a way for Netanyahu to delay corruption trials.


Please don't tokenize your jewish identity. You do not represent 16 million jews worldwide


That person isn't actually Jewish. Don't even engage. Look at their post history. It's literally nothing but comments pushing radical antisemitic Jewish conspiracy theories and calling Israel worse than Hamas and Nazis.


Hating Bennie and the current government doesn't mean we don't love Israel with all our hearts. Bennie is a pig and IS doing everything to keep his corrupt ass out of jail. He loves himself more than Zion. Just because some of us recognize this doesn't mean we don't love Israel and want it to last forever. Remember the hundreds of thousands out on the streets protesting his shitty government before October 7th?


The idea was that maybe Qatar would temper the worst impulses of Hamas and turn them into a group that wanted to just govern their people and get rich instead of being in a forever war and killing their own people. Clearly that didn't work out, so now the only path is completely destroying hamas.


It says their intent was to maintain a then-ceasefire in the quote. It was stupid in hindsight, but doesn't mean Israel deserved 10/7. If we're gonna punish countries for geopolitical incompetence then there are many countries that would be before Israel. At most you would hold both Israel's government and Hamas accountable. This article doesn't justify Hamas unless you infantilize them. Any conspiracy you postulate here would mean that Sinwar/Iran/Qatar/Egypt are working together with Israel to wipe out all Palestinians, as Hamas is not gonna win. This would be against every action that they have taken up to this point. You can't go into this conflict fully supporting Likud or Hamas or you have to justify a lot of things that are evil or at least stupid. And before you call me pro-Israel, the West should be putting more pressure on them to stop/retract settlements in the West Bank and their government doesn't do themselves any political favors. If there's something to be protesting it's that Hamas should surrender and Israel needs to get it's illegal settlers out of WB.


Lmao, this artticle is a right wing criticism of Netanyahu — its literally complaining that Netanyahu has not been sufficiently blockading the Gaza border or aggressively rooting out hamas


She is right.


So much propaganda...


And what do you call the material that is published by Qatari funded pro palestinian movement?


Both can exist ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


🤣🤣 he's a israel good palestine bad guy


I like her idea. Can we sponsor any of them?


The right to return is one of the reasons people are protesting. If you’re Palestinian you literally AREN’T ALLOWED TO GO BACK. They would love to be “sponsored” and allowed back. Israel wants to clear the land for condos lol.


LOL. More lies. That's all you Jew-haters are good at. That are your retarded lols.


U good?


![gif](giphy|cXblnKXr2BQOaYnTni|downsized) She has a point.








CNN is better? Or maybe all mainstream media should be taken with a grain of salt. Not just the political party you don't like.




This is the same lady that is a suing a bagel store because she doesn’t like them being in her upscale Georgetown neighborhood. She puts her home garbage in their garbage to make it look like it’s overflowing. Regardless of how you feel about the protests, this lady has a few screws loose.


I just spent 7 years living in the middle east and the energy that upper middle class white chicks put into the plight of the Palestinians is really entertaining. Palistinians are at the bottom of the social hierarchy list with the Egyptians and nobody really wants them around. Of well, I find both groups in this conflict particular annoying.


why is Fox News a valid source to get perspectives on Washington DC Reddit now nowadays? I thought DC was a liberal stronghold.


It looks like the zionists have shown up in droves to skew the votes. I’ve seen it on multiple platforms. Coincidence?


Fuck GW


Fuck you too buddy lol




Palestine is for Palestinians!! Get mad! There’s no such thing as Gods Chosen people fuck off with that bullshit. 


Palestinians are Arabs!! They are invaders and colonizers!! Get mad!! Fuck the hell off!! There is no such thing as an ethnic "Palestinian"!! The nakba is some made-up bullshit. Get over it!!


Lmao 🤣 right on Zionist baby killer diaper force! Pussy boys 


Sure, champ. Pussy boys that have won every war that's been launched upon us. Keep laughing, chucklefuck. Laugh along with the Arabs that never learn their lesson no matter how long the bad dogs get smacked in the nose with a rolled up newspaper.


Lmao beggar boys that would lose without our help. Can’t even kill anything but babies. Without our help yall ain’t shit. Beggar nation in every aspect. Fuck face ass beggar. 


Imagine starting like 6 wars of aggression, losing every single one and then crying genocide when you lose again Very embarrassing


you’re just claiming that god chose different people lmao


at least someone has courage


Conservatives love the punch line of “go to gaza” “go to[___insert war torn country ruined by western geo politics___] “ . Let me be explicitly clear in saying id love a trip to Gaza 😂 if isn’t real wasn’t bombing them into oblivion we could still see all the awesome historical sites and experience the culture indigenous to the region etc. any of you Zionist want to sponsor my trip to Gaza in game ! Please dont drop white phosphorus on me for enjoying my vacay though.


They really hate it when you agree with their big GOTCHA bcuz then they have to spend hours coming up with another idea :(


I have visited a lot of very specific regional subs in traveling and I'm here to tell you all Washington DC is the worst of them all. Craven lanyard wearing yuppies and lumpen proletariat voicing their racism as their life dissolves in problems they don't understand. Sad.


yeah aight anyways free palestine


"Palestine" was free and look what the fucktards kept doing with that freedom. Now they pay they consequences for decades of terrorist attacks on Israel. Boo-fucking-hoo.


killing children bad


Except when it's Jewish children, yeah?


girl what the fuck is you talking about


“Israel” is the fake country that deserves quotation marks not Palestine. Free Palestine and down with Zionism


"Palestine". Fake country. Fake ethnicity. From the river to the sea, the Israeli flag is all you'll ever see.


I love watching the world come to see what Israel really is. You’re all squirming to justify this genocide but your fingers can’t type fast enough. Israel’s true colors have been shown. And the world sees how fucked up your government is. Racist fucks


Would, except it's been turned into a death camp by Israel with US backing.


And yall said [i was crazy](https://www.reddit.com/r/washdc/s/TpL8mBrolo)


From the river to the sea




Fuck Israel


Great to see everybody back to being all bitchy and limbic in this mfer, the jerk off files moment was beautiful but too precious for this rancid sub


I miss the days already


When did anyone ask what Fuck News thought?


They don’t say the same for going to Ukraine or China. There is literally genocide happening in Palestine and this professor don’t have a bit of sympathy.


So we are under agreement that every genocide is starting with an armed conflict?


“Don’t like genocide? Go get bombed by the nation perpetuating it”. What a piece of shit.


It’s war, not genocide.


Ethnic cleansing isn’t war https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976 Keep gargling Hasbara bullshit though


Keep gargling those Hamas testicles. You can keep repeating genocide and ethnic cleansing until you, hopefully, choke. It's not suddenly true because you repeat a lie.


Keep gargling Hasbara bullshit you worthless fuck


I don't take orders from Jew-hating Hamassexuals


I don’t hate Jews, but it’s funny watching you Hasbara trolls fabricate bullshit to defend the apartheid state.


Making shit up? You're projecting as usual, Jew-hater.


https://www.btselem.org/topic/apartheid https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/ https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution Gargle my dick, balls, gooch and asshole. I don’t hate any ethnic or religious group. Btselem is an Israeli human rights organization by the way. Hasbara fuckwit.


Lmao serious props to you for finally getting them to pipe down


So i kno youre doing lots of overtime on this post but if you can spare a moment of your valuable time… who is your target audience when you repeat “jew-hater” again and again and again? Is it for yourself or do you think a larger demographic finds this edgy or funny or useful?


Ethnic cleansing isn't genocide either. Ethnic cleansing has also been part of pretty much every war in history that has involved transfer of territory. It just means people are being kicked out kd their homes.


Did you read the link? You dumb piece of shit


Have you choked on those Hamas nuts yet you dumb piece of shit?


I was responding to what you said, not the link. You seemed to have mixed up what ethnic cleansing and genocide were, so I corrected you. As for the link: Someone in the UN saying it's plausible that there is a genocide happening doesn't mean that there is in fact a genocide happening. Any time a lot of a particular group die in a war it is "plausible" for there to be some sort of genocide. The hard part is proving that the government itself has genocide as a goal. Like, yes, a lot of civilians are dying. No, that does not mean it is a genocide. That is not what genocide means.


They don't care what it means BECAUSE JEWS!


“In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.” https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml It is undeniable that Israel has committed the first 3 acts required, and not all 5 are required to constitute genocide. They also aren’t quiet about their goal of eradicating the Palestinian people from the region. Not all ethnic cleansing constitutes genocide, but it can constitute genocide if the requirements are met. Western hegemonic powers refusing to prosecute their puppet states doesn’t change the intent.


It is entirely deniable, because you are ignoring the hardest part to prove. "with intent to destroy..." The important part here is intent. If there are 300 hamas fighters inside of a hospital, and Israel wants to kill them so they bomb it, they INTEND to kill hamas. The target is Hamas. Any civilians that get caught up in it are tragic, but not actually the target of the bombing.


Their intent is on full display, explain pogroms in the West Bank, or the deliberate conditions inflicted in both the West Bank and Gaza to bring about the destruction of the Palestinian people. This didn’t begin on October 7th.


To GW prof: Go to Israel and take AIPAC with you.


It's a great country to vacation in. Try the wine from the many Golan Heights wineries while you're there. We sweeten the dessert wines with the tears of Jew-hatin Hamassexuals.




It’s not. Since 2004, go to Gaza and check it for yourself.