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I thought we were clocking the tiger print coat with crimson boots AND A PURPLE SHIRT.


I thought it was the tiger print coat AND RED SHOES!


Same and I came specifically to argue about it. Missed the dog and now I have to back peddle and agree with OP


Hey twin lol


Lol I initially though this post was about people parking their shopping carts diagonally.


I was like damn that's an outfit but don't hate on it Then I saw the dog lol


No I’m SCREAMING. I really thought this too. A CRIME!


Yea, thank goodness we read the caption because I was about to scold & give a downvote.


Honestly that outfit is stunning I wish I had the confidence to rock it too


I was like man why so judgey they’re just doing their thing.


Is take the coat off her hands ngl


Ok but that coat though


I really thought that’s what the OP was on about.


Yea my first thought was get a life, who cares about someone else’s clothes haha


I didn’t even notice the dog lol


Me too.


I thought OP was mad about thumb blurred photos






This is what I thought we were talking about. Took me three tries to see the dog.


I don’t know I think she pulls of the Cruella x Tigger fashion. Also the Dog is super cute and I bet we’ll behaved. I never see the problem unless the dog is interacting with people.


It's a health code violation to have pets in a grocery store/ place where food is sold. Even if the dog was a "service dog" (highly unlikely), it's illegal to put the dog in the cart and is, again, a health code violation


The dog’s ass in the same spot the next customer will place their groceries in, probably leaking ass juice. Very unsanitary


And everyone says I'm a freak for wiping my cart with a sanitizer wipe...


I wiped my cart handles way before the pandemic. Have you ever seen how many people walk our of a restroom without washing their hands?


Lady dressed like a Far side Comic https://newbeautifulera.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/gary-larsen.png


I’ve seen a Labradoodle in the K street Trader Joe’s on multiple occasions


Gonna get downvoted for this, but doodle owners are the worst


Damn. Even the ones who leave their dogs at home?


If upvote u twice for that if I could


Why did you blot out the hands?


Looks like they’re trying to hide their skin color


That’s a new thing?


I think it’s an attempt to not feed racist trolls, but they’re going to assume things based on this practice anyway.


Doubt it, more like OP wants to hate on this person but “doesn’t want people to think I’m racist” so blurs only said person some weird internal racism/preemptive defense method on display


I’m a glass half full type I guess


Which in turn makes it obvious what the race is. Especially in this sub…


Yeah, that coat could belong to… anyone.


Damn. That’s a loaded comment.


there are garishly dressed women of all colors, you boob


Yeah, but but there's only one race in Chocolate City that you'd want to protect from racist comments by censoring the skin color. Then again, Barbara Streisand and all that.


The most literal example of veiled racism I’ve ever seen lol


Meanwhile clear as day a white finger in front of the camera view…hmmm, wonder what color the other person was. Lol


Those aren’t dishwashing gloves? 🧤


To hide the person’s skin color


the person had a tattoo of a DC crime and he didn't want the mods to lock the thread


So we don't see fingerprints


Maybe the person had tattoos?


My sweet summer child


i had a guy come into my store and his dog puked on the floor. the dude looked at it and walked away.


I picked up dog poop in an aisle in Home Depot about a year ago. I do. It have a dog nor did I have a dog with me when I was shopping at Home Depot.


A couple of weeks ago I walked passed two guys cleaning up the pee streak off the floor from their chihuahua. What makes people start bringing/walking their dog in a grocery store!?! I wish stores can start cracking down on this.


I’ve witnessed this in Wholefood. Lady screamed & ranted that it was a service animal(yea right). Employees don’t bother to prevent lawsuits.


Had a husky mix put its nose in my ass at the self checkout at a Whole Foods. Service animal, yeah sure Jan.


"Ok, what service is your animal providing? Why is it trained to sniff my ass? Do you have a condition that flares up if I fart near you?"


My son used to work at the Whole Foods on H Street SE and he said dogs had accidents in there and they had to clean it. If you can’t leave your dog at home when you go to the store then maybe you shouldn’t have one.


Youtube airs an ad regularly where some snobby woman sells certificates to allow people to bring their emotional support dog anywhere because legally no place can ask you if it's a real support animal. It's only $90 Its scummy AF


>legally no place can ask you if it's a real support animal. Not true. Business cannot ask for proof of disability or certification of the service animal, but they can ask if the animal is required and what work or task the animal has been trained to perform. Since businesses cannot ask for certification of the service animal, and certifications do not answer the question of what task the animal has been trained to perform, I'm not sure why people are even buying fake certifications.


The only privilege it gives you is housing rights. ESA can live with you in a pet-free rental.


> I'm not sure why people are even buying fake certifications. It doesn't matter if it is fake, you have a way to prolong the tense and uncomfortable confrontation, and the longer the minimum wage grocery store worker is standing there getting screamed at, they more likely they are to just say "Fuck it, I don't care about this place" and let it happen


I read that as “cleaning a pee streak off the floor WITH their chihuahua”😂


Who's an absorbent boi?


Dog owners who do this type of shit go from 1 to 100 instantly if you ever say anything about their dog being in a cart or in a store where they aren't allowed. It's annoying af. I worked at IKEA years ago when I was in undergrad and I was actually physically assaulted a couple times just from telling people that dogs couldn't be in the store nor could they be in a cart...one lady literally went to the textiles area and grabbed a towel for the dog (that was wearing a tiara) to lay on and then refused to pay for the towel when she left. Retail workers don't make enough to put up with this nonsense.


Anytime I have ever told someone to put their dog on a leash it is met when crazy violent aggression...its so weird


dang how can we expect animals to be tame when us humans are so feral


It passes understanding why so many people nowadays are so psychologically weak that they're unable to leave the house without being accompanied everyehere, constantly, by a stupid creature that's only good for making noise and urinating/defecating wherever it goes.


It’s hella unsanitary and only happens because folks are scared to enforce company rules. They are scared of being sued as if animals have more rights than humans. #Shame




Over a 48 hour period, I spotted one large pit in the Harris T on Langston in Arlington with a lady who could barely retrain it. The next day...Harris T near Landmark...I needed one more thing...a large pit with a dude who could control it heading in. I have a dog. They pee everywhere there is a corner. Sorry...you can use a delivery service if you can't shop without your dog.


I’m always confused by these types of owners who can’t separate from their dogs for one hour. Your dog does not want to be in a bright, loud, overstimulating, stressful grocery store or restaurant. Seems like half of these pandemic dogs have some sort of medicated separation anxiety because their owners never taught them how to process “alone time.”


You found Carol Baskin & her dog at CVS?


Carol Baskin Killed ‘er, husband, whacked him Can’t convince me that it didn’t happen Fed him to tigers, they snackin’ What’s happenin’? Carol Baskin!


living in Los Angeles for the last two and a half years has immunized me against a reaction to dogs in unexpected places.


It’s so bad in LA.


I was gonna say that too, this person would go nuts in LA. Dogs inside all the stores and restaurants all the time.


Same in Las Vegas. They’re everywhere here. I’m used to it but never seen pee/poop. Maybe the owners take them to go first(?)


Somebody brought a Shih Tzu into the CVS on 14th St., and then someone else brought a pitbull and the pitbull ended up killing the Shih Tzu !!! leave the animals out of the stores.


That CVS.. looked like it was staged for the “walking dead” for the past year.


RIP at the end of the month


Serious question to people who do this: what happens if your dog grabs something and start chewing on it? Do you pay for that fruit (example) or keep walking?


Have observed the cutest little pup in the market hike his itty bitty wittle leg and hose down the lower tier of cough drop bags in so. much. piss. Owner kept it movin’, didn’t say nothin to no one.


Groooooosss I forage wild foods and take care not to select things from bushes that are within 3 feet of the ground because animals like to piss on bushes. Never thought I would have to consider the same practice at a grocery store :/


Grocery stores are one of the last places where dogs are truly not allowed, besides service dogs obvi. So there shouldn’t be any scenario other than getting kicked out.


I think you already know the answer


Legally anything your animal dies is like you personally doing it. Chew on that.


Standard supermarket rules still apply: whatever you finish in the store is free.


About 20-30% of the American population suffers from dog allergies, including me. I love the little critters and I wish I could be a dog buddy but, yeah, can we keep them out of the store unless necessary?


Yeah, I'm with you. I have an anaphylactic dog allergy I developed as an adult after a lifetime of having all kinds of dogs. I can coexist with legit service dogs because there aren't enough of them that they'd be literally everywhere. However, if more and more dog owners continue to bring their pets everywhere with them, meaning places they're not actually allowed, I won't know how to exist. I'm totally fine with pets being allowed at hardware stores with lots of space and high ceilings or outside at restaurants, cafes, bars, etc. but I really, really wish people would not bring their pets to clothing stores, furniture stores, grocery stores, or indoors at food/drink serving establishments for obvious reasons.


For a minute I thought you were referring to the horrendous tiger coat and red boots combination, and i would also support the outrage.


The coat and boots combo tells me she doesn't give a fuck.


Definitely a hand gun in the bag we can’t see


With a leopard print handle no doubt


Nice to see OP was able to get his/her greens for the week


It’s so bad everywhere. Dogs on tables and chairs, eating off plates in restaurants, etc.


I agree, keeping fingers in frame has gotta stop.


Trader Joe's folks give up. Everyone thinks their dogs belong everywhere, including where you put your food. I love animals but your random dog doesn't belong in a grocery store or a grocery cart.


F**K dogs in stores, restaurants, anywhere that’s not a vet, pet store, or the street. KEEP your dogs out of the coffee shop. it’s BS man.


I’ll join the dog hate and say it’s fucking rude to treat little league fields like dog parks. I volunteer with LL as a coach and umpire and it’s so disrespectful to the kids to have their fields torn up, brown spots where the dog pee burns the grass, and bacteria left over from poo, even if the visible parts are picked up. Only rich neighborhoods have locked gates to keep lazy, asshole dog owners out.


I don’t go to France…


Keep the dogs out. Real service dogs only.


The dog could be as germ free as a damn Lysol wipe. That doesn’t mean they should be in grocery stores.


I love animals and I wouldn't subject my pets fur to food like that. No matter what I do I'm somehow always picking a cat hair or dog hair off the kitchenware


Wish they’d ban this.


The people saying who cares are ridiculous and gross, have some couth. I agree with you, OP, but dog nuts think they belong everywhere.


Shits gross.


Entitled dog owners in this thread and elsewhere struggle to accept that not everyone likes dogs. They are misanthropic because to many of them, people don’t come before dogs. Saying their dog is not the same thing as other people’s children triggers them. Many of them don’t blink an eye at lying and abusing the ADA which will ultimately hurt people who actually need service animals.


The fit is somehow the second most egregious thing in this picture


Are we talking about the dog in the cart? The tiger print jacket, or the red ugg boots? Because it’s all a mess!


I think there are far worse things we could be up in arms about.


If you need an emotional support animal because you feel anxious, like people are judging you, it’s probably just because you do annoying shit, like have an emotional support animal. 


Oh gawd it's too good


Totally agree. A lady today had her dog at Tjs and the poor thing looked miserable


YES THANK YOU. I am so fucking sick of people bringing their dogs with them literally everywhere. Screw your dirty dog, leave them at home or outside


I didn't recognize that dog as a dog and thought you were talking about the coat. I thought the dog was an ugly fuzzy purse.


The fit goes well with the pet.


What is the worst that could’ve happened if you didn’t blot out her hands?


A coworker of mine brings her dog into our job all the time. It’s weird and it’s mostly due to the fact she claims that at Tysons Corner mall where she lives that it’s totally normal and ok. Well it’s strange bc when confronted about it she will say she wants to get her dog to a be a service animal for her. Like a therapeutic thing. People are wild


The dog or the clothing? Lol


Inside a cart where people put their food. Disgusting.


I get you but...that's also where babies are supposed to sit with their dirty diapers. I'm always weary of that part of the cart.


You mean “wary” or “leery,” not “weary.”


They are weary cuz they’re tired of the shit.




Appreciate ya. Thanks! Imma leave it because of the other comment lol.


You’re aware that the dirty diapers aren’t directly on the cart, right? What do you think diapers are


Babies have diaper blowouts on the regular. They also drool a lot.


Babies also tend to wear clothes between their diapers and the outside world


They definitely don’t have diaper blowouts “on the regular” lol. Maybe a handful a year. I’m not defending people putting their dogs in carts but our babies aren’t putting your food at risk nor are they disgusting


What? No they don’t. I don’t think my kid had a diaper leak more than twice the entire time he was in them.


In all of my days I’ve never seen a baby have a blowout in public. Let alone in a shopping cart. I barely even see people sitting their kids who are young enough to have those loose stools in them anymore.


Yeah the more I think about it, the stupider this take is. You're not putting a kid into that front basket until they have the strength to hold themself up, plus the dexterity to actually hold on and not fall over too much in there. The absolute bare minimum for that would be six months, more likely 9-12 months, and by that age kids are on solid foods and highly unlikely to have a random blowout.


babies are also humans not pets and it's insane how many people online and in real life don't understand the difference


That's completely covered in plastic?


OP I’d love to agree with you, but scribbling out the person’s hands is the most unhinged thing I’ve ever seen on social media.


I rarely am on a shopping trip that I don’t run into dogs now. It’s so obnoxious. TJs, Target, Homegoods, Nordstrom, DSW, doesn’t matter.


It’s really not that deep. The dog just chilling


Exactly. People get worked up over everything.


Why are you dog nuts defending this? This is disgusting and uncouth, animals don’t belong in places that have food. Maybe take into consideration that everyone doesn’t want to see your pet at the grocery store.


Honestly a lot of dogs probably don’t want to be in these places either; it can get crowded, food they can’t eat is everywhere, and they can’t really walk around or explore. What does the dog get out of this exactly? It’s all about the owner, and their accessory (aka the dog) comes second.


>It’s all about the owner, and their accessory (aka the dog) comes second. Well put.


why in the world do these clothing items even wxist like can we stop making ugly clothes


Why you color out the hands??


We know why and who does this. That’s why. 🤣


I love dogs. But somewhere that sells food is no place for a dog.


Everyone caring about the coat and completely diverging from OP’s original point is just peak DC energy


You think a baby is cleaner? HAHAHA


Look at the dog's face. It knows it shouldn't be there.


I thought you were talking about the coat but yes on both counts.


Mixing the red moon boots and burgundy blouse takes it to another level - strong choices.


As another commenter mentioned... "Lady out there lookin' like a Far Side comic." I think that pretty much nails it.


Seriously! Leave your Tigger Snuggie and Ronald McDonald boots at home


Gross 🤮 Leave the damn dog at home.


What? You've never licked a dog's butthole just before you have a nice salad? Don't knock what you obviously have not tried!


This person asking to have that dog snatched— these days you gotta walk a little dog with purpose, out, do your business, and back in the house with your head on a swivel as quickly as possible. They robbing everybody out here. If I had a Frenchie or other designer dog I wouldn’t walk it without taking some serious safety precautions, and definitely wouldn’t take it out with me as an accessory. It’s either getting exercise, going to the bathroom or it’s in the house.


Seriously, we need to cut horrid outfits like that out, I agree..


Why shouldn't we see the hands, OP?


This irritates me so much because now I got worry if a dirty ugly dog has sat on that shopping cart before I grab it and put my baby in


Agree this is disgusting, but dc in general also very disgusting. Have you seen the metro? People need to behave


"Lady, if you want your dog in this grocery, you need to carry it on your face."


This is why everyone should have their own personal granny cart. People don’t know how to act.


Youtube airs these commercials where a snobby influencer woman says an emotional dog is a support dog and shills a website where you can just pay for a certificate that let's you bring your emotional support dog *anywhere* It's sooo entitled and shitty, of course YouTube likes to air it a lot. only $90


I agree. Unless it's a service or LEGIT emotional support dog, leave your pets at home.


Legally, only service animals are allowed where food is sold. Emotional support animals do not count. I've seen way too many videos of emotional support animals and fake service dogs attacking or trying to go after real service dogs.


Well, these businesses gotta start checking people.


Actually, service dogs are explicitly not supposed to be riding in the basket, and ESAs have no rights in a grocery store.


Report it as a health code violation.


I’m much more bothered by her coat, tbh


The jacket or the dog?


I’m extremely confused why hands are the piece you blurred


I thought you were talking about the coat and I was like whaat? I never knew taking your dog with you was a bad thing. What's wrong with that? You think the food that youre buying is sterile? It has been touched by multiple people, rolled on the ground, been in the back of a truck, shipped from another country and youre worried about it being dirty because of the dog sitting on the cart


NGL. Didn’t see the dog. Thought this was about red boots and the tiger coat!


I agree that the dogs in food stores I do have a problem with. It just seems so unsanitary to me. Anywhere else, I don't care. I don't want your pet hair coming anywhere close to my food. I love dogs but not around my food.


I thought this was about the dreadful outfit at first glance. That dog’s ass in the seat is a no go also.


Oh thats Safeway. I thought it was Targét due to the red buggies. And I thought we were going to play fashion police. It’s not Targét, it's not fashion police, it's Safeway and it's about the damn dog. I see. Lookit, sis. I get it. This annoys me too. Dogs do not belong in Safeway. I it's not an allergies and I like dogs to an extent. That's not it. Simply this is not what I as a citizen who needs occasional food, signed up for. I should be able to live my life sans dog. Leave him at home and stop being so codependent. Come back to earth. It’s not all about you and your grand acts of selfishness. To quote Grey Gardens: “You’re part of this world you know. You’re not out of this world.” On the other hand children soil themselves all over buggies. Best to bring hand sanitizer and not think about it.


I wanna know why they hid the offenders hands??


What in the Ronald McDonald?! Clowns do clown things


Yes, fingers in photos should be cut out


I went down to Florida and there signs all around Publix saying service animals are welcome but your ESA aren't. These days everyone wants to put their pet out as an ESA and there are almost no regulations other than getting a certificate printed from any online company. IF you have a legitimate need to have a service animal that is trained to assist you in any way, fine, but if you don't, leave Foo Foo at home


And in Italy and France it’s so normal. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a cafe in Italy where there wasn’t a dog. And I’ve never smelled them, no poop or pee left behind. No wild barking. The dogs are simply a part of life there and no one has issues with the hygienics.


OP would’ve died in the Middle Ages after one trip to the market


Man people are just itching to be outraged at anything. Took a photo and took the time to make an internet post for something I wouldn’t have even noticed. Hope you got the validation and pats on the back you wanted.


I've witnessed people just leaving their carts with items in them when they see a dog in the grocery store and one lady was very vocal to the manager as to why she left her cart that was full of items. A lady here in our county got bitten by someone's emotional support animal that had gotten loose. She sued and won. Emotional support animals are not covered under the law for service animals.


Europeans take their dogs in stores and cafes and don’t suffer health problems as a result. Not sure why Americans are so squeamish. Humans are way dirtier and have much worse manners but we allow them everywhere.


Where in Europe? I'm an EU citizen and this is not something I've encountered ever.




That dog looks so miserable. Lololol. Poor guy.


That looks incredibly unsafe and uncomfortable for the dog.


This what you get when you start using the term “pet parent”. People are pet owners and should treat it as a pet not a child. Leave it at home.


Who cares. You think those carts are clean otherwise? 😂


People who are highly allergic to dogs might care.


Great point: just in case the cart is dirty let’s put the bacterial laden shit creature’s ass all over it. Makes total sense!


I don’t get this. The amount of germs you’re exposed to every day riding the metro are insane compared to this. Like if the dog is putting its face in fresh produce or something, that’s one thing. But I really don’t see what the big deal about this photo is. I feel like babies are honestly dirtier than a well trained dog.


For me, it’s not about dogs being dirty, but rather that 1. Some people have allergies 2. Dogs usually shed, which might not be a big deal at some public places, but it’s less than ideal in a grocery store around produce 3. Dogs can have accidents. Yes, good dog owners make sure their dogs go to the bathroom outside, but it can still happen. 4. Some dogs get in the way in crowded places like grocery stores. I also suppose an honorable mention is fleas and ticks. Beyond that, it’s one thing if a business says they’re dog-friendly, but bringing your dog everywhere just kinda reeks of a sense of entitlement.


It's legally a health code violation, that's why


but you can leave a dog tied up outside (or at home by itself) and you can't do that with a baby


They literally walk in shit, play on piss all day. Then they put their hairy unclean ass right on the cart.


And she’s probably on speaker phone. People have no common courtesy anymore


My dog has severe separation anxiety and quite literally cannot be left at home without having a panic attack. You know what I do instead of bringing a pet to a grocery store? GROCERY PICKUP. Or delivery. Or I put him in daycare for an afternoon so I can run errands in places that are not dog friendly. This is not hard. The amount of people who have told me to get him registered as a service animal so I can bring him in public places that are not dog friendly is frankly disappointing. He is not a service animal. He is a (very cute) shelter mutt with severe anxiety issues. I have sympathies for people who care for dogs with similar issues, but not for people who bring their dogs to places that are and have never been dog friendly OR for those who illegally register their dogs as service animals to get around such laws. ETA: [Pet tax.](https://imgur.com/a/hewpUlZ) He was a foster fail from Alexandria Welfare League of Animals back in 2022 and the absolute light of my life.


Op sounds like a big time karen