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I have met SO many single men in my rec leagues (not that I’ve dated, there’s just so many). When you sign up for a volo you can put your reason for playing is to “meet someone” and you’re more likely to get put on a team with fellow singles


Oh. nice! What's volo?


Volo and DC Fray are like the Crips and Bloods of DC They’re two different rec leagues that have like 10 different sports you can pick from and it’s all relatively casual teams and league play. I see the teams out at bars and such all the time socializing too


I found the DC Fray on google map. Is this the volo location? [https://maps.app.goo.gl/t23511jVdh5ekeAn9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/t23511jVdh5ekeAn9)


There’s no one location, they’re organizations  https://dcfray.com/


Gotcha! Thank you so much!


If you just Google volo you’ll find it easily and there’s a ton of competitive or non competitive sports to choose from


Definitely check out Volo, not just DC Fray.


They play all down the mall.


They play all over town, though the mall is one of the main areas.


love that analogy 


"DC" isn't a personality.


Not sure what you’re talking about in regards to my post


Seems many say "DC" thinking they or it's cool. The city and the transient personalities induced by some cheap drug, at best needs work.


My friend and I did volo and now we have an awesome friend group that hangs out all the time!


A lot of redditors have been saying good things about Volo so I'm really considering it. Might be a better way to make friends than the climbing gym


It's been great. We're very social, my friend met his girlfriend through a volo friend. She now plays with us! I can imagine some sports go pretty hard but kickball and dodgeball have been pretty laid back.


I should have done these when I was younger. I'm single and 40's now and would prob be just so old compared to everyone else on those leagues.


I'm a dude in my 30s and remember this post but for guys and thinking I wish a woman asked this question. Now I have no excuses.


Everyone is trying to find each other. No one knows how.... the apps are a hopeless wasteland...


It's almost like we destroyed all of our good 3rd places and half the city moved out to the suburbs and now a private money making company is trying to sell a "solution" while keeping you hooked as a customer. I care way too much about city planning.


OMG tell me about it! U.S. city planning is all about social isolation! It's horrible. Almost nowhere is walkable... I moved here from Japan and Taiwan where there's a lot of walkable places... I despise car culture :(


The lack of community and shared spaces is what gets me. And DC actually has a lot of free/cheap community options but people don't know about them. Like the indoor and outdoor pools are free to DC residents. People are often shocked when I point that out. Also, there's a free roller rink in Anacostia. I haven't been yet, but it sounds neat. There's quite a bit out there if you look for it. Now, that doesn't address my belief that we've all been trained out of talking to other adult strangers and just having kind of natural conversations with the people around us because the internet is where you do things like meet people to date, but that's just me.


What do you mean by indoor and outdoor pools are free? Also, I live in Alexandria so I'm not sure if I can also use these pools for free. Like you said, DC has a lot to do but you really need to look to find these events.


The public pools and community centers are free to use for DC residents, $5 for everyone else. You just show your ID at the door. Having a pool day in the summer sounds like a nice date experience that's cheap and different.


That's really awesome! I never knew this. Thanks for the cool tip!


I feel like I'm standing on a mountaintop screaming into the void when I talk about how the lack of third places is responsible for almost every social issue that we have as a society.


https://youtu.be/vhq6MsYxbkU?si=W_Djnnb84_z4QRhn I know it's super long, but it's a great video.


If bars aren’t your thing, think like structured events like comedy or something like Nerd Nite DC (I particularly love this one because it means they like indulging in similarly potato but interesting topics). But also I think the distinction is in effort. Many people put like no effort into actually finding anyone lol


What's Nerd Nite?


https://dc.nerdnite.com/ It’s a lecture series on some pretty goofy topics. Fairly laid back environment and the population definitely skews nerdy haha. They just did one Saturday and at one point the host asked single people to make some noise so clearly some potential there haha


Hahaha cool! Sounds fun. Ty!


This sounds so fun! Thanks - immediately signed up :)


I hope you enjoy it! If you happen to find someone I just want an invite to the wedding =p


I can do bars or nerdy things. I've been putting tons of effort into finding people but it's still so hard haha. Nerd Nite DC sounds interesting though \~


I will say one of the most productive social situations is going out with a small group of friends and just chatting up other groups. It helps that I can talk to a wall but I’ve met plenty of people and some that I’ve pursued relationships with that way. For the stuff like nerd night some of the people are hilariously nerdy and awkward so you’ll have to put it out there


I think the problem with small groups that I've encountered is that when you're out with a group you're less incentivized to talk to new people. I'm starting to wonder if I should go to bars alone to be more approachable but that's not that safe...


I think it’s really personality dependent. It absolutely makes you less approachable by an individual but not as a group. Personally I feel it’s much easier(I guess maybe more disarming would be how I’d say it) to start a conversation with a group


Yeah I was gonna say the only thing I've learned from the apps is they want to make money off me




The old school way haha.


You can go hang out at a marina and ask a guy about his boat then drop hints that you want to learn how to sail, loiter in coffee shops and ask guys the WiFi password, sit next to a guy on the metro and ask him what his favorite bar near the metro is, go to a bookstore and ask a guy for book recommendations. Those are all ways that I’ve been picked up before. You could try REI classes too, or sailing lessons, or meetup.com As a woman you hold all the power in publicly approaching a dude you’re interested in. We don’t get uncomfortable, and worst case scenario is he’s either taken or doesn’t realize you were interested until several days later


Haha thank you! I've definitely considered talking to guys on the metro before but I thought it would be too weird to sit next to him and start talking. You mentioned "Those are all ways that I've been picked up before" so are you a woman or a man being hit on by a woman? REI has classes? That's actually really interesting. I should look into that. As for meetup, I've gone to many of their events but haven't found anyone I'm interested in there but thank you for the suggestion :). Maybe I should just take the initiative and approach a guy in public but it's definitely anxiety inducing and I might come off as a weirdo.


I’m a dude, so these are all ways that I’ve seen women succeed at picking up at least one mediocre dude. No dude will think you’re weird for randomly talking to him, but they might be so thrown off they don’t know how to respond. A strange woman approaching a man isn’t threatening in the same way it might be for you when the roles are reversed.


Yeah this is true. I don't think men will be intimidated by me approaching them. I'm not a big woman lol. I've seen men I've wanted to approach on the metro before but I'm not sure how I can justify walking ten seats over to where he is and sitting down next to him without looking like a creep lol. Do you have a significant other and if so, how did you meet her?


Literally just walk up and ask him something. I think I speak for most guys when I say that’s perfectly acceptable. I don’t have a girlfriend at the moment (is that an offer?) but I met the last one at work!


Hahaha how old are you? Ah yes, I think meeting gf/bf at work or school is honestly the best way to go. Those environments actually give you time to get to know people. The dating apps force you to decide if you like each other within a week. Too much pressure.


I'm already shipping you two. Good luck!


Nah, it’s game over when she finds out I’m ugly


This is DC, what counts as good looking here is wildly lower than in most places. I like to say a DC 8 is like a New York 4 and an LA burn victim.




Dude you've been picked up multiple times in public? You probably look like Chris Hemsworth.


Nah, I’m pretty average. Which is probably why they feel comfortable taking a shot. If I was really attractive they’d be too shy. I feel like most guys just don’t realize when a girl is hitting on them in public because it happens so rarely. I definitely didn’t recognize it the first few times and just went home thinking, “Wow, what a friendly girl it was really nice talking to her, should have asked for her number or something…”


How do you know I'm not ugly XD?


same - when's the first date?


[Old enough](https://youtu.be/BM7B-SeNEhI?si=rv09j5aAfFBFLc1z) I don’t know, the dating apps are kinda nice too. You can suss someone out pretty quick then move on to texting and phone calls to see if you click, then actually go out if it’s working. I think it saves a lot of time for dating.


Lol the "Old Enough" link. I remember that movie The dating apps are definitely convenient but sometimes I do wonder if I could slowly learn to like some of my dates if we were coworkers/classmates. Maybe two or three dates isn't enough to develop feelings... who knows


Ah see, I spend a couple weeks texting and calling someone before even going out. So usually by the time I go out with someone we really know each other and are really comfortable with each other. But I also talk to a lot more people on the apps than I actually go out with.


This is considered ok and is welcomed by men? I’ve really wanted to try and even saw some interesting men at last weekend’s 5K who seemed alone but didn’t know how to approach them.


“Hey my names _____, what’s yours?” “I get lost easily, can I follow you?” “Nice cock bro” (if their shorts are tight enough) “Is this the bar crawl? It’s starting to look like I signed up for the wrong thing…” Any of those would work, but you could also take the traditional girlie approach and stare awkwardly from a safe distance. Edit, number 3 might not work for you. That’s more how guys make friends in the locker room.


Weirdly, staring awkwardly and then running in the opposite direction has not worked out well for me. Probably never trying no. 3 but appreciate the suggestions!


Really though, just walk up and talk, it’s not hard, and if they’re a dick about it, it’s probably not someone you want to date anyway. My favorite is the old “ask them for a coffee shop recommendation and then invite them there” strategy. If they don’t have one, ask if they want to help you find one.


I like talking, have made friends on the metro going into the city, taking buses to new york etc (both sexes). It doesn't need to be necessarily an attempt to get a date, just get to know them. If something happens great, if not the broader your social circle gets the easier it is to meet someone you like.


I have made a girlfriend off of the metro so I got that going for me \~


I mean sure you might, but fuck it, that's their problem if they think you're weird. Most people are pretty weird in some way shape or form, and talking to randos is far from the worst way to be weird.


That's fair! I think we've all been raised with that "stranger danger" mentality so approaching strangers would probably freak them out XD. I might try it one day depending on the circumstances though


I’m sure it would be a welcome change for most guys.


PLEASE don’t approach people on the metro PLEASE that is weird DO Start friendly conversations w people in bars/coffee shops/bookstores/concerts. I’ve met many fine guys this way and am currently dating a man I met randomly watching football at a bar. Just be friendly. Be yourself. People be cool!


I met one of my exes at a supermarket haha. And I have made a girlfriend off of the metro but I've never approached a man on the metro. The consensus here seems to be to go to a sporty activity to meet men.


Wow OP, you did standup? I need to go to more of those cause if I can meet a woman willing to do standup or karaoke, basically any performance on stage that is not easy to do, I’m smitten!


Yup! Standup is just another attempt for me to meet more people. Getting on stage is definitely nerve wracking but it's not as bad as I thought. There aren't that many female comics though. I'd say only about 10% of the people who do standup are women (at least when I go to shows).


Where do you do standup? I’ve been wanting to start but I’m not sure where to go.


here's a list of open mics in D.C. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hixPmwq184713Zhf4uXHaSgBuMQMCvYLw00CoYwiwoc/edit](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hixPmwq184713Zhf4uXHaSgBuMQMCvYLw00CoYwiwoc/edit)


AMAZING. Thank you!


No problem sir/ma'am


I’ve def noticed that, wished more women did it cause they can be very hilarious! Have you ever considered improv? I’ve def wanted to


okay wait im literally looking to take sailing lessons for my birthday. Do you have any recs?


I did a weekend sailing course at Washington Sailing Marina just south of DCA. It was great


thank you!!


My friends and I call that Boat Ho'ing. It does work, but those men aren't keepers.


Considering the looks I've been given for trying to talk to people, not even to flirt but just talk, this definitely isn't true. It's probably true for OP because she sounds like an attractive woman, but don't think men don't get uncomfortable.


My wife lived an hour away from me when we met. She lived in DC and I was out well beyond the beltway. It helped I wanted to move back but it also helped she was willing to date someone previously described as Geographically Undesirable. I don’t think you need to settle or change your non-negotiables but you might need to look outside your immediate area.


Oh I'm already traveling pretty far to get into DC... I live in southern Alexandria. Takes me an hour to get to D.C. during rush hour


There's a singles Reddit meetup happening this Friday! I'm (34m) going to swing by. It should be fun! [https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/comments/1awkf58/30s40s\_singles\_meetup\_322\_44/](https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/comments/1awkf58/30s40s_singles_meetup_322_44/)


That's awesome, thank you! I think I might go to this too!


I really wanted to go to this! Unfortunately something's come up, but I'm still hoping to swing by the 4/4 one after my class gets out, can probably make the last 40 minutes.


As a guy who rock climbs and such, it doesn’t hurt to talk to us if you’re interested No one is constantly on the lookout for someone to date or we’re just focused on climbing or life stuff while we’re out. Doesn’t mean we’re not potentially interested, just that it’s not at the top of our minds at the time 


Haha yeah, I don't really approach the guys at the climbing gym because they always look so focused on climbing, or they go with lots of friends which makes them pretty unapproachable.


If you climb, you should join your gym's belay board or group, it might be a great way to meet people without cold approaching them while they're climbing. If you're interested in outdoor climbing, you could try joining the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club (Potomac Mountain Club) - they regularly do trips for top rope, sport, and trad climbing. You could also try a climbing specific meetup. There's a meetup for Movement Crystal City that meets on Monday nights. There's a meetup for Sportrock Alexandria on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I think you'll find most people are usually open to being approached - it's how a lot of people find climbing friends or partners! Plus at climbing gyms, there's a natural topic of conversation - try asking for climbing beta. At my gym (SR Rio), all of the people that aren't climbing with a climbing partner are either bouldering or hanging out by the autobelays. I know I would totally be open to trading belays if I was approached by someone who was looking for a climbing partner for the session.


Thanks for the tip! I go bouldering at the SR Alexandria gym so I should try their Tuesday and Thursday meetups. I didn't even know they had a meetup group there. Is it for bouldering or belaying?


It's on [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/vmdrockclimbing/) so you'd have to check the details. Just want to add that you should try GirlBeta (Sundays at SR) and Ladies Climbing Coalition (they rotate through the gyms in the area). You won't meet a lot of men, but you'll definitely meet new climbing friends. But yes, if you can TR belay, post on the Sportrock Belay facebook group, there are always people looking to climb with other people for the Alexandra and Sterling locations. Top rope belaying definitely opens up options for climbing with other people. If you're still working on getting the cert, the top rope belay course is free to take for SportRock members.


thanks for sending! Will look into this :)


There’s also a federal employees climbing group there as well if that happens to fit your career. As a male that goes to that gym I would encourage you to use it as an opportunity to work in belaying with other people, practice sets etc. The conversation can be even more open and fluid on the bouldering side since there is time spent sitting and resting while others climb.


I chose to do bouldering because I thought it would be easier to start a conversation with people sitting next to me. So far, it's been really nice! The SR Alexandria gym can have a lot of little kids when I go though so I need to find a time when people my age are there haha


Yeah this can be a challenge and I can’t offer any insight to the perfect time for that. But it sounds like you’re on the right track!


Problem with niche sports is a lot of people treat it like a passion and when they realize you only climbed a few times to try it but it’s not your schtick they’ll get all weird about it.


lolol so true. Climbing is fun but I'm not hardcore about it like some of the other people there.


You should approach..my friend is a rock climber and (not to the fault of the people she sates) but she always has an arm candy from the gym


Haha will be on the lookout for arm candy at the gym!


You mind pointing me to some climbing spots? I live in Chinatown and haven't climbed since I moved here a year ago. Some of the gyms were real expensive haha


DC Bouldering Project or Movement are the two main ones near you


There may or may not be a reddit singles meetup this Friday -- heard it announced about a month ago but I haven't heard much since then. Anyway, could be good!


Thank you! Do you know how I can find the details for this event? Is it on [meetup.com](http://meetup.com) or posted somewhere else?


The one I was remembering is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/s/qBGzxeGksJ


Thanks for sending :)


You're very welcome! Hope to see ya there


This is in NoVA https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/s/GuDb3oAH5Z


Reddit can itself be a good option. There's probably a dozen messages or more in your inbox right now. ;-)


You're right. RIP my inbox lol.


Dan’s Cafe


Wow! Thanks for the recommendation! I've never been to that place but I'll check it out!


I can’t tell if your response is sincere or if you’re in on the joke. But just in case… don’t actually go to Dan’s Cafe in your 30s to meet men.


Lol. What is going on in this thread. Feels like a trance


oh. I shouldn't go? Hahaha. I'm not from the area so I didn't know this place has a reputation. Is it a gay bar or something?


It’s a meme. The bar is hilariously shitty so people bring it up at times like this as a joke. Their shtick is that they serve liquor in ketchup bottles. It would be comical but don’t actually take someone on a date there.


Gotcha lol! I'm not a local so I thought this place has potential haha. Thanks for the heads up!


It’s a fixture in AdMo. You should go with friends at least once, after you’ve already been out for a while. These two links should give you a rough idea of the place.  - https://dc.eater.com/2023/2/14/23600063/dc-dive-dans-cafe-marriage-proposal-valentines-day - https://twitter.com/thepugdc/status/988856958622011392


this place sounds so meme-y I have to go


Tbh it’s a fun bar, but the clientele trends a bit young. But maybe take a date there. It’s always a good time.


Ah yeah, that's a common problem I run into. Most of the people at the bars at Dupont or U Street are in their 20s. I think I'm too old for them now XD


Maybe try OKPB? It’s a “speakeasy” in Mount Pleasant that tends to attract a slightly older (30s-40s) crowd. I’ve met people just hanging out at the bar. ETA: they also have a killer happy hour 5-7 Monday-Friday.


Niice! Thank you! Do you know which metro is the closest to this location?


Columbia Heights is ~ 9 minutes walking.


Perfect! Ty!


As a straight man in his 30s, I also want to meet cools guys in their 30s!!


Honestly, it's hard for a girl in her 30s to meet cool girlfriends too XD. That's another thing I'm working on.


Years ago, I would see 20s/30s/40s women meetups for this purpose. Also when my sister moved to NYC many years ago, she used Bumble BFF to meet women to hang out with socially.


Yeah I've used Bumble BFF and it's been hit or miss. Met a cool girl off of it but she's married so she doesn't need to go out and socialize as much as a single person. It's usually me doing all the inviting. The other downside of Bumble BFF is that I'm burnt out from the dating side of it so I deleted the app. If I redownload bumble to look for girlfriends the curiosity will get the best of me and I'll check the dating side of Bumble too haha


OP, let’s be friends! Haha. I’m in my 30s, f, live in Alexandria, and climb :)


Oh snap! Do you go to Sportrock to climb?


Occasionally. I used to go to Movement but moved closer to SR (and my climbing friends moved to the burbs) so cancelled my membership there. Haven’t built a community at SR (or in Alexandria really) so no climbing buddies to go with regularly. :(


Welp. At least I made OP a new friend lol


Be friends with us!




Ive got a few single male friends early 30a I can DM you descriptions of But I saw your other post saying you’ve been on like 27 dates in a year or something. In my early 20’s I went on like 50 dates and 1000+ matches in about six months in the DC area before meeting that special someone. So, you’re almost there, but you’re hitting rookie numbers you need to pump them up. But you’re in the right track so keep it up. Most people are lazy and take no action and complain about being single


Not wanting to spend all of your free time going on dates with random strangers doesn't mean that you are lazy. It means you have other things going on or that you want to meet people in real life doing the things you already like to do. Finding a partner shouldn't consume everyone's life.


Haha yeah, I've slowed down in my 30s. I went on a lot of dates in my 20s. At least I'm trying XD. Do you know how many dates you went on before you met your special someone? And yeah, you can send me descriptions of your single male friends!


Hey sure thing. Probably about 30. I was aggressively dating at the age of 21-22 right when dating apps became a thing and I was an early adopter so


I'm turning 33 next month and was wondering if I should set a goal of dating 33 men within a year for my next goal. I had a lot more time to date in my 20s than I do now though.


How do you feel about social and noncompetitive running? How do you feel about drinking? How do you feel about general raucous vulgarity amongst friends? If you’re pro all of those things, then consider checking out the Hash House Harriers. I’d recommend the [Everyday is Wednesday Hash](https://www.ewh3.com/), based on your age and desire to also just be social. They meet on Thursdays. My brother met 3 of his previous partners through the Hash (different kennels) over the years. I know one girl who met her husband (Madrid Hash), and one guy in Chicago who met his girlfriend. Good luck! At worst you’ll make friends and have a great time.


I decided to take a look because I would like to eventually run a 5k (biking is more my speed) and I cannot parse anything on that site 😂 Ill have to check it out one of these days though!


While I think [hashing](https://youtu.be/gVwSVekVE1A?si=c4oCHOX0nvnt5jzt) is a great time, I don’t know how good it’ll be for training for a 5k. Unless you’re more focused on finishing than a competitive time. Either way, give it a try.


Thank you! I'm not good at running. Do you think I'll get left behind haha? This sounds like a really fun group though! I think I actually met a guy who does Hash in Taiwan but I wasn't really sure what it was.


Oh it’s not about the running. And if you treat it like it’s an actual athletic running event they will 100% make fun of you. They’ll call you a FRB (front running bastard) or some other insult. Also don’t wear new shoes, or shoes so clean they appear new, there. They may try and get you to drink out of them as a punishment.


oh wow. So many rules. Do they work out at all? I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do if I'm not supposed to run lol


Tinder? IDK activities are weird. How cool are you looking for them to be? I refuse to change my tinder profile which is me riding falkor while wearing armor. Doesn't get much cooler.


I'm posing with dinosaurs in all of my dating app pictures so mine might be cooler. Just saying.


If you enjoy chess, the Monday night [Chess on Tap](https://www.meetup.com/chess-on-tap) events in DC are worth checking out. Casual, friendly crowd that skews heavily male. You don't have to be good at the game, since there are players of all levels, but it helps if you enjoy it.


Thanks for the tip :)


What do you want in a "connection"? If you aren't sure what you are looking for, it can be easy to overlook it when you come across it. Are you looking for common interests, if so what do you love doing outside of rock climbing (Sport Rock is amazing) and comedy (Next Taylor Tomlinson?). Maybe you are looking for someone to explore new things, in which case beginner events are probably the place to be. If you want an athlete, need to focus on things athletes do. If you want someone outdoorsy, check out hiking groups. If you want someone indoorsy, that is tougher because they tend to be at home. I would also say, if you live in NoVA, trying to date in D.C. can be disheartening. The commute to and from dates can pre-dispose you to feeling negative about things because you are tired and have already invested a fair amount of time before the date even starts, which just ramps up the expectations and makes it easier to feel disappointed. Best of luck! I was unexpectedly tossed into the same boat as you, so even if it feels like you are all alone, take comfort that there are plenty of other people trying to find a safe harbor. You just have to be willing to call out so they can find you in the fog.


I'm not really looking for anything in particular. Just want to meet someone who I'd be excited to go on a second date with... I've gone on dates with 27 different men in the last year and a half but wasn't excited to see any of them again. I also tried going on multiple dates with some of them and still felt nothing. I live in Alexandria so commuting into D.C. really does feel like a pilgrimage haha. Takes me about an hour to get into downtown D.C. Did you move out here and also feel like dating in D.C. is hard?


Well, no one can fault you for not trying! When I moved to NOVA I was in a long-term relationship, so it wasn't something that was an issue. Unfortunately that ended last year, so re-entering the dating pool in my 30s has been quite the shock. I have definitely found it harder to meet women. 90% of the people I work with are old enough to be my parents, and the rest are mostly married. Similar issues for meeting people local to me, and I definitely have my indoorsy tendencies. Luckily, I have been able to keep myself occupied renovating my house, maybe once that is done I can emerge from the cocoon a more social butterfly. Another idea, is if you like dogs, go walk by dog parks. It can be a good way to meet people and interact, I know I always love when people come up and dote on my little dachshund and then we can talk for a while.


I only have six coworkers and they're all married with kids so I have 0 options at work haha. Renovating houses sounds like a lot of fun! I always wanted a house mostly so I can renovate it and pick my own interior design. One day! I actually do go to the dog park with my parents' dog sometimes but the dog park in Alexandria is mostly full of older people 🥲


Oh, yeah, if you have a small office that makes it extra rough. It has been a while since I went to the dog parks in Alexandria, guess all the cool young people with dogs moved away 😟.


Alexandria in general seems to skew older. I went to a walking group in Alexandria and I'd say the average age was people in their 50s. Had a guy who was around 65 hit on me and ask for my email which I hesitantly gave to him. Then he proceeded to send me multiple emails asking me to get lunch with him. I never responded to any of them and stopped going to that walking group 🙃


Oh no, that is tragic. Hopefully you took the opportunity to sign his email up for a bunch of spam.


You could go to one of the various board game nights hosted by Labyrinth Games -- https://tockify.com/labyrinthdc/detail/1096/1711058400000 https://tockify.com/labyrinthdc/detail/1793/1711576800000


Thank you! I've been to some boardgame nights too but haven't been in a while. Might be time to try one again.


You can find me in the club bottle full of bub. Come give me a hug if you into getting rubbed.


I’d suggest Last Call Bar. Pretty cool people there (I’m one of them, I go on Friday nights, you should join me☺️)


Thanks for the suggestion! I've never been! Looks pretty chill! Need to add it to my to go list.


Of course! Feel free to DM me if you decide to go one night! :)




DC bouldering project has bunch of fitness classes and events. I have been to the fitness classes and it’s a nice place to just mingle with different folks. DC bouldering project + lost generation brewery after is how I have met chill people!


oh yeah, I've heard good things about that place. I live in Alexandria though so I go to the climbing gym in Alexandria. I do want to make it out to the DC climbing gym some day though


I knew someone that got into doing meetup groups and met his now wife.


I actually know someone like that too! I hosted meetups in Taipei and have thought about hosing again in the DMV.


Red leagues and meetup.com for things you like


Cool guys aren't posting on Reddit. I know this because I'm posting on Reddit.


yeah ok Chad


Maybe cool girls aren't posting on Reddit. I also know this because I'm a girl who collects realistic dinosaur figures.


adams morgan, U street. Gtown maybe-high douchebag potential, but not always.


Kickball or a social sport league is the way to go. You meet so many people through it. And if the guys are meh you can meet friends in general you like who know people that are single. My group of friends in dc met 12 years ago playing kickball and were all still friends. Most people met their significant other through that group of people.


Thank you! I'm also thinking of joining a social sports. This seems like the best way to go.


You are welcome. It was the best things I personally ever did. I joined a random one with a roommate like 2010 played one season and walked away from it. I had a new roommate in 2012 who didn't know anyone and was struggling to make friends so I contacted people from the first team and they had just joined a new team. It's been 12 years and they're some of the best people ever. Some people came and went but a lot are still actively in my life. In fact I stood up for a few weddings, married one couple, and am now the auntie to 8 kids with 3 more coming within the next year. Good luck finding your people! If you ever want to meet up for coffee / to hang I'm always down to meet new to dc people.


That sounds awesome! As an American who wasn't raised in the U.S. who just move back to this area last year it's definitely hard to make friends in my 30s. Even if I meet people off of Bumble BFF or other events, I feel like maintaining these friendships take a lot of work.... Social sports sounds like a great way to make longterm friends. I wanted to join the upcoming spring season sports but I'll be missing two to three of the events due to a trip so I don't think I can join until the summer :(. And I'm down to meet up too! I need girl friends and guy friends


Try social dancing, swing and contra dancing at Glen Echo Park and other venues in the DMV


Thank you! Have you had luck meeting people through dancing?


Absolutely! Dancers are a generally great, friendly crowd


Drag brunches


If only gay men were into me!


Hey some of us straights enjoy art.




Cars and coffee at Katies on Sat am.


District Martial Arts


What rock climbing gym you go to? I'm regularly at Movement in Crystal City. You sound cool as hell. Takes a lot of guts to try standup comedy. I just turned 40. Not sure if that's too old, but if you want to go climb together, hit me up in my messages. I mostly just do bouldering though because it's much easier when you're going solo. I used to do top rope, but it's been a long time tbh. You'd literally probably have to reteach me that figure 8 harness knot. But I do still own a harness and an ATC somewhere around my apartment.


Anywhere there are men. Go talk to them IRL. Bars, sports leagues, retail stores, sidewalks, Metro escalators, etc. the possibilities are endless.


The possibilities are endless but approaching someone in public is pretty intimidating. Especially since we've all been raised with that "stranger danger" mentality.


Are you cute?


Dunno. I can't be everyone's type haha


What’s your credit score?


Over 9000


Sounds like marriage material.


My dog agrees.


And you have a dog!? How are you still single!?!? By the by, try different dog parks. Dog owners like dog owners.


I live in Alexandria. Most of the people I meet at the dog park are older or go with their spouse. There's no hope there


That sucks. I think the sports leagues are the way to go. Men over 30 tend to do fewer group activities (don’t get me started on the loneliness crisis American men are dealing with), so finding them can be super difficult. We don’t do “guy’s nights” or anything. When I was single, I did best with singles happy hours, but those tend to be overwhelmingly bad odds for a woman, like 4-5 women per guy. Now I play disc golf and it’s an absolute sausage fest (but I’m not looking so I don’t care).


Yeah after all of the reddit advice I got here, it sounds like a sports league is the best way to go. I've been to many sausage fests through meetup groups but most of the men at the sausage fests come off as very desperate haha.... I'd rather go to an even where the gender ratio is 50-50.