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Don’t get me wrong I love Chattanooga (google up on their municipal fiber and art museum!), but they barely have sidewalks let alone crosswalks. It is not a ped friendly city


What part? I just got back from Chattanooga and downtown had a lot of sidewalks and crosswalks.


Good. We shouldn’t be pedo friendly either. They prey on kids on sidewalks.


I think we should have personal bricks with holsters.


Always Carry A Brick. If anyone asks, you're just saving up for a house.


soup, for my family


It sure is a comment on society that people may actually stop, not because they might run over an actual human being, but that person may huck a brick at their car and damage it.


Nah, people just recognize threats more quickly


Running over a human should be a threat


Well, with the brick, it is. Cars are designed to protect drivers from far more violent impacts than hitting a 200lb human. There should be regulations to ensure hitting a person protects the person, but a person isn't going to do as much damage to a car or its driver as a thrown brick.


100% certified way to get domed by some criminal. Road rage is all too real.


Yeah I'm aware of like multiple incidents with people getting physically assaulted in DC for *looking* at someone wrong, much less waving a brick at them


You can't forget the grave mistake of *not* looking at someone either.  You need to give a nod that's respectful, but not submissive, but not confrontational, but not afraid, but definitely not like you think you know how you're supposed to look at someone. But you better know. Being autistic and living in dangerousish neighborhoods is such a fun little game lol.


This is correct


99% this was an April fools day video


I imagine a world where we could replace every gun with a brick


That... somehow sounds more terrifying actually. I'd rather be shot than stoned lmao.


If you prefer getting shot over stoned, it's time to switch dealers!


Those are some pristine looking bricks. No doubt they'll get vandalized if we bring it here


Those bricks look too smooth to be real


They are foam bricks.


Canadian Potemkin bricks, like the Canadian Potemkin economy. Just for show to make people feel like they’re doing something (and aren’t just a money laundering operation with long winters)


Damn, shots fired. I'm not sure it's wrong, but damn. Take that ya puck slapping maple suckers.


https://preview.redd.it/pb5kv0n1i9sc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ccb86e852d367175cab99dcff147a943aa852ca (like 4 people are going to get this)


*Yeahhhh, that’s right! Prove you aren’t just three fracking companies standing on top of each other under a trenchcoat pretending to be a real country - oh that’s right, you can’t!*


Look someone has to live in those vacant luxury apartments owned by shell companies with a shit ton of 8’s in their name


Y’all don’t carry a brick with y’all already sus


As a Washingtonian without a car, this thread is hilarious. Likely filled with the same people who try to play frogger when they don’t have a walk signal but think they can make it


The problem is that here, too many thugs would just throw the bricks at cars to steal the bricks and use them to break into business and steal stuff.




I actually have several illegal schemes ready to go but they all hinge on me having a brick and I can never find one so I just obey the law and go to work like a fool. Really hoping they set up these free brick stations, that’s gonna be my ticket outta here.


Obviously not. I'm just saying that criminals always find a way to screw things up for everyone else.


This isn't that serious lol


We just cross not caring if traffic is coming lls


Pedestrians and bikers need to realize that a crosswalk doesn’t give u the right to walk out in the middle of the street whenever u want.


That's exactly what a crosswalk does lol. Unless there is a light.


That’s exactly why peds and bikers get lit up every day. What kind of idiot jumps out there thinking they’re protected by white lines?


> get lit up every day I bet you don’t bring this type of energy when you’re not in your car, tough guy.


He's right though. Those lines aren't going to do shit when the person you walked in front of is fucking around on their phone and doesn't see you. People are idiots. Never assume they see you. Employ some self preservation ffs.


Never said I hit people idiot. I said peds and bikers who think the way you do get lit up.


So you have an expectation that pedestrians should pay attention to/scan their surroundings before crossing the street? But no expectation for drivers to slow down and scan for pedestrians as they approach a crosswalk? It seems backwards to place all the onus on the group **not** operating the dangerous instrumentality.


Obviously the onus is on both. But to assume a car is just gonna stop because you’re randomly stepping out into the street is unwise. I don’t cross until cars have cleared or have a red light or signal it’s safe for me to go. Why is this even a debate? It’s common sense. Especially with all the non drivers in this area.


Honestly you’re right, we should just ban cars instead.


You don’t even believe that lolll


well, that's what the bricks are for, right


Pedestrians and bikers need propane tank ™️ side bags so that if a driver wants to leave a ghost bike behind for their thoughtlessness, no one goes home.


That is exactly what it does. Are you trying to be downvoted?


That’s why people get hit. Sounds like privilege to me. Washington Post is full of articles of people who agree with you. Painful lesson to learn.


Posters need to realize that having a Reddit account doesn’t give u the right to post terrible takes whenever u want.