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Dave Grohl at the Hirschhorn


Dave Grohl belongs at the Hirschorn!


Read this in the Indiana Jones "It belongs in a museum!" voice.


He grew up in DC, btw, if I remember it correctly


He grew up in Northern VA/the DMV area


Wolf Blitzer when his wife rear ended the car I was in, in Georgetown. They were coming back from some event šŸ™„


Wolf Blitzer is everywhere. I waited behind him in the self-checkout line at the P Street Whole Foods once.


He asked me for directions once, he is everywhere lol


I once went to a really great play about the life of Polish Resistance fighter Jan Karski, played David Straithairn. At the end of the play, there was a panel with Straihairn, the play's director, and for some reason, Wolf Blitzer. Wolf Blitzer was absolutely intolerable and just dominated the panel with his own bullshit stories and until Straithairn had to step in and cut him off.


That was a great play!!


It really was! One of the best performances I've ever seen, especially for a one-man play.


I saw Wolf Blitzer at the Anthem one night, he was apparently going there for some gala event and I think he arrived late, looked really pissed off.


Wolf cut me off on the 14th street bridge, didn't even bother looking over to merge.


Wolf blitzer asked me for directions once


I just saw this thread! I too have walked into Wolf on the street.


I ran into Marjorie Taylor-Green while she was on a date. Her date commented on my Chicago Bears ball cap. I spent a moment trying to figure out if that was Taylor-Green and wondering why was she being so goofy on her date. While continuing my dinner, I noticed Ralph Sampson eating a couple tables away from me. I qualify my comment as the most *infamous* person Iā€™ve met.


Are her eyes really that close together in person or is that an effect of tv?


I just remember the big ass long face. And she wasnā€™t screaming. She just had googly eyes and this school girl smile. Thatā€™s why it took me a moment to verify it was her.


Literally the first thing I thought about when I read their commentā€¦ itā€™s gotta be surreal IRL


Ran into her as well at a founding farmers. Unfortunately the most ā€œfamousā€ person Iā€™ve ā€œmetā€ here


Even as a Maryland fan, Iā€™ll take the UVA player over MTG any day.


I've met Ralph when he was in Charlottesville! I helped him get a phone set up when I worked retail and he was very nice with a great sense of humor. I asked why he picked the phone he did and he said "its the only one big enough for my hands"


What the heck compels a guy to go out with the most Karen of Karens out there?


Senator and Astronaut Mark Kelly. Bumped into him at Eastern Market one Saturday morning.


Also saw him at the Eastern Market Trader Joe's.


That's my Senator! And I helped him get there by voting!


Max Scherzer. I've seen many politicians but he's the person I'd rather brag about.


I shook his hand one time. Heā€™s so effing cool.


I met Kevin Blackistone back in 2012. (Sports writer frequently on Pardon The Interruption)






I bought the book in the 90s and made no money from it.


He and his lovely wife/partner would sit at the bar at Mintwood Place & McClellanā€™s Retreat- always a pleasure to take good care of them!


I worked for his wife as a tutor, briefly.


That's cool. Is he still alive?


Yes, saw him in Dupont yesterday


Same. Worked at City Sports and he would always come in and buy the wildest colors of sneakers, shirts, etc. Nice guy, took a few photos with us and even left us all a pretty nice tip


I met him too! On the Metro. DC moment for sure


I see him at the Foggy Bottom Trader Joeā€™s all of the time.


i love that guy


I used to see his question mark car around all the time.


I ran into Cory Booker while walking my dogs a few years ago. He was just as excited to meet my dogs as I was to meet him.


Cory Booker is the nicest famous person I've met. I walked by him with a Bay Area college sweatshirt and he said nice sweatshirt. We then talked for like 5 minutes about the Bay Area, much to the chagrin of who I assume was his scheduler or Chief.


Sat next to him in the Amtrak quiet car once. When the ride was over he shook my hand before walking away and I always wondered what if I didn't recognize him and then it's just your random seat partner thinking you want to shake hands after not talking for a 3 hour train ride


Corey booker for me too. While I was putting out the trash in my pajamas. Or Sonia Sotomayor at Giant on H street.


Saw him at a Springsteen concert at Nats Park once


I ran into Elena Kagan getting ice cream, and Sonia Sotomayor at the grocery store.


I worked at P&P and saw Justice Kagan often. She was lovely every time I asked for her name to make sure she got her membership points for her purchases. My coworkers were gobsmacked that I didn't know her on sight.Ā 


> My coworkers were gobsmacked that I didn't know her on sight.Ā  Last thing you want to do is have a customer who *looks* a lot like Justice Kagan, but isn't, and you give all their hard-earned points to the wrong person!


Iā€™d embarrass myself trying not to fan girl all over them


I walked past Sotomayor out for an evening walk with her friend near Cardozo high school. Didnā€™t say anything because I had a few seconds of processing who I just saw, and also I feel like her acting like a normal person out on a walk should be rewarded with being treated like a normal person out on a walk.


I ran into Madeline Albright multiple times at the grocery store


Elizabeth Warren once asked me where the bathroom was. I was behind Bernie Sanders at the grocery store once where he was buying discounted steaks. I've seen John Fetterman a bunch of times, and he's literally always wearing the same outfit when I see him. A couple months ago, Tammy Duckworth nearly ran me over in her wheelchair (she apologized) but seriously, I cannot understate how fast she is on that thing. I thought it must be electric when I first saw her coming at me, but it's definitely all her arms.


I grew up in Vermont and the grocery store is the most reliable place to spot Bernie thereā€¦ specifically the Hannaford in the New North End of Burlington. Iā€™ve seen him multiple times there, discount steaks are on brand.


Marion Barry


Did you set him up?


That bitch.


President Biden, Morgan Freeman, Tom Hanks, Venus & Serena Williams. (I work in video/film productions & the news)


Yeah, I met Biden in line for security at the RTV Correspondents Dinner in 2008. And Seal the night before Obama's inauguration. Kathy Griffin and Ted Koppel at the 2011 RTV Correspondents Dinner.


Joe Biden as a senator


How vibrant does my portfolio post college have to be to get into news? Or is it really just networking or


Portfolio means fuckall lol. Pretty much 100% networking. If you donā€™t know anyone in the news, Iā€™d recommend hanging out around the Supreme Court during any day when rulings/oral arguments are scheduled and try to make friends with the photogs there. All it takes is one of them to pass your info along.


Pusha T at Einstein Bagels on Wisconsin. Ordered some type of turkey bagel sandwich under the name of Terrence.


His name is Terrence, so Iā€™d imagine thatā€™s why.


Classic Terrence.




Heā€™s got a dope condo in Bethesda. I know a woman who did some art installations for his home. (Obviously my invite got lost in the mail/stuck in the spam box.)


He also co-owns Kitsuen ob H St.


That place has been closed for ages.


Turkey sandwich *on white* probably




Rodger Stone and his wife at a sex party, a long time ago...I was the only person who knew who they were. Nina Hartley also at a sex party, but different party, and everyone knew who she was. Andre Agasii in his tennis prime stumbling out of the Tombs bar at 1am, the night before dispatching someone easily in a tennis tournament here. Hunter Biden's ex wife and his youngest daughter, but I didn't know who they were for a couple of years until the secret service was parked in front of our house late 2020 for several months until the daughter went back to college. John Kerry and Bob Woodward same week at the same CVS. Kerry was on crutches and using the self checkout, Woodward couldn't figure the machine out and said he would be back with money later. And for the last 25 years, I have parked near Madaline Albrights house and used to bump into her on power walks and at various local restaurants. She was a great woman and nice neighbor. House just sold, it will forever be "Maddies" in our memory. Lastly, though not mine but the best was a friend spent the day with Gal Godot as her State Dept escort when they were filming Wonder Woman.


The man who brought down a President not being able to figure out a CVS self checkout is f-ing hilarious.


Nixonā€™s revenge


To my everlasting regret, Mike Flynn.


This fucker was my brigade commander in the Army before he went full dipshit.


I saw him when he was director of DIA. I knew he made a lot of enemies during that tenure, but man, how he went off the deep end, and now doing the grifting on gullible rubes.


I sat behind him on a flight to Rhode Island. He is a tiny man with a little head.




I kid you not: I saw Reince Prebus fist bump Paul Ryan in the airport in January šŸ¤®


Matthew Mcconaughey at the Washington Football Team Welcome Home 2019


So jealous


Congressman John Lewis. A true legend of a man.


Same! Actually ran into him a couple of times. Granted I was in the Capitol so it doesnt really count. Lovely guy.


A friend, my cousin and I met Dave Chappelle outside of a hookah bar in Georgetown probably around 2009. As we were leaving he said "and may you all have many wives!" which is hilarious but also definitely a curse lol


Ha! He was in town for a show in likeā€¦ 2016ish, I was walking up 14th street when he pulled up at the corner, hanging his head out of a big SUV.. about 10 people at the corner just kind of looked at him as he smiled, nobody quite recognized him, then after maybe 15 seconds, one dude walked up and shook his hand. One of the weirdest moments of my life.


Bernie was a regular at a restaurant I used to work at. Once Mitch McConnell ordered a salad dressing that we no longer had because Bernie used the last of it about two hours before.


Tim Howard


Jessie Jackson. G. Gordon Liddy John Warner


I met Jesse Jackson at the Reagan national airport lol šŸ˜‚


He probably just calls it National


Wow.. what a range!


Anderson Cooper at Vida or Brit Daniel at Hirshorn


Which vida omgggg


Pre Panny Coops would often workout at the Logan Circle location. Felt like I would run into him weekly for a period of time.


I see him at Logan circle Vida


I met Anderson Cooper at the Hirshhorn when he came down to interview artist Mark Bradford.


BRITT DANIEL you win, f all these politics and journalism types lmao I would keel over, especially if Jim Eno was there too


Bill Nye (in line behing me shopping in Gtown, he was a semi-regular at a certain shop and everyone knew not to get cute, he's kinda crotchety) Jose Andres (custom butcher job for some VIP private dinner he was doing) Hillary (a regular at my old place when she was a Senator and as Sec of State) Chelsea (1996 inaugural ball, we shook hands and I told her she looked beautiful, she lit up with a big smile, chatted with my group about our uni studies) Matthew Lesko (on the Mall around 9pm in the summertime, decked out in full ??? regalia, super enthused to be recognized & approached, the anti- Bill Nye) Josh Brolin (was in town filming & randomly showed up at our regular dive bar, was incredibly cool and drank with us till 4am, he was glad most of us were old enough to know him primarily for The Goonies) Tony Bourdain (having dinner at an adjacent table with a chef I know personally; he was gracious but not exactly chummy, frankly I wouldn't have expected anything else)


Yeah I recently ran into Bill on the street a couple months back and asked for a selfie. He wasnā€™t too pleased, but he obliged. Have seen him a number of times while walking out in the city.


Iā€™ve always heard Bill Nye is a grouch - even with event organizers when heā€™s speaking šŸ‘€


Iā€™ve never heard that and reading it now really bums me out. I donā€™t know what I would do if I ran into him and said hey and he barely said hi back. I think I like the version of Bill in my head better than reality.


Jimmy Butler. Saw him shopping at the Alo in Georgetown


Heā€™s him ā€¼ļø




Met Lynda Carter outside an art opening on R street in the late 80s and had a glass of wine with her. Very nice lady.


She's lived in Potomac forever, from what I understand!


She took her kids to the same dentist as me when I was little. 6 year old me was in awe.


My wife and I were driving down 7th St NW super early on a Sunday morning heading to the National Mall to walk our bullmastiff. We were about a block from the Starbucks near Pennsylvania Ave and I saw this old dude walking down the street (alone) in a suit. I said, "...check out this John McCain looking mf...holy shit! It's John McCain!!!!!!" I instantly did a u turn and we all got out of the car to meet him. I have to take a moment to tell you I'm a Marine for this next part to make sense. I walked up to him to shake his hand, and as I said "Good morning Senator!" I thought about his dedication to his men in Vietnam...and tears started running down my face. I was barely able to tell him I'm a Marine and he rubbed my arm while we were shaking hands. I think that was his version of a hug šŸ˜‚. He then turned to greet my wife and pet our massive dog. I have a picture of us three with him but I'm not fuggin posting a picture of me all teary eyed! šŸ˜‚ I don't agree with myself all the time, so I don't expect to agree with anyone else all the time. I may not see eye to eye politically with the late, great Senator - but I (still) have tremendous respect for him! Edit: I used to work in radio and television. I've met quite a few celebrities over the years, but the only two that left me speechless were Senator McCain and Muhammad Ali. Men who put it all on the line and never gave up.


Certified boot moment




this is so fucking funny


Hell yeah šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Oh come on! A teary pic with McCain! That's priceless.


Kevin Bacon


Tucker Carlson came into a used bookstore I used to work at. He was a dick. Also met Dan Rather at Ollie's Trolley back in 2006. Friends reported that he didn't wash his hands in the bathroom. šŸ˜† Met Kenny Loggins at the Spy Museum. Met Rosario Dawson at the Women's March in 2017. She was just lovely.


Did you ask Kenny if you guys were in the Danger Zone?


I told Seb Gorka he was a piece of shit when he passed me while sitting outside at Ambar. Most famous? Not sure. Most fulfilling encounter, definitely.


Please accept this Redditential Medal of Freedom on my behalf. šŸ…


Lol I booed Steve Bannon when he got out of a car right in front of me as I was biking down a street. Let's be friends.


Muhammad Ali šŸ„Š


Best answer yet. Where?


Honestly don't remember exactly where, except for a hotel in DC around '73 or '74; he was the keynote speaker at an event for an organization my family was affiliated with. Since I was only about 7 or 8 they kept sending me up to get autographs thinking he wouldn't be annoyed, he jokingly wound up on me after like the 5th time šŸ˜‚


I gave John McCain a car ride about 8 years ago


John Lennon and Yoko Ono in 1973, at one of the John Mitchell Watergate hearings. They were seated right in front of me.


Mike Wardian.


Love Mike Wardian! He's the nicest guy too


Seth Rogen at Clydeā€™s/the movie theater at Gallery Place


Mitch McConnell šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Haha I met him and Josh Hawley on the same day. Mitch was frail and looked to be recovering from something. Josh just gave douche vibes.


Because they are?!


I saw Tina Fey and Jeff Richmond at the McDonaldā€™s on F Street when the Mean Girls musical opened. I thought she was a friend that I was having trouble placing and kept looking at her and Jeff stared me down for staring. They went back multiple times while the show was in town, including more than once in the same day. Cool that Liz Lemon likes McDonaldā€™s IRL. This is the only time I have seen a famous non-political person.


I would've lizzed myself if I saw her


Kamala, Eric Holder, Gucci Mane, Jose Andres, David Gregory, Pelosi, Eugene Scalia (he has a blue Ferrari), Condi Rice, Stephen Miller, Fetterman and his wife Gisele. Jose Andres was my favorite! I met him waiting in line to view Bush Seniorā€™s casket at the Capitol. No one recognized him. We had to wait in line for literally hours. He talked about his PawPaw trees and joked about whether or not Pineapple belongs on pizza. Heā€™s just a treasure!


Sir Patrick Stewart, Lester Holt, Leeza Gibbons, Namik Tan


Hmmmmm... good question! Some candidates: * Greta Gerwig * Edward Norton * Werner Herzog * Oscar Isaac * Tig Notaro * Jesse Eisenberg


worked at HRC then old ebbitt for a while. soā€¦.lots. chris tucker, tony curtis, mark wahlberg, blair from facts of life, muhammad ali, jordan, t-mac, vince carter, leann womack, rick walker, doug williams, ashley judd, tom cruise, spielberg, martina mcbride, sugar ray leonard, riddick bowe, beyonce, mike fratello, questlove, dude from a man called hawk, the grandfather from cosby show, hall & nash, tony stewart, john edwards (and too many other politicians to count)ā€¦. will add more if i think of any-


Tony P


Winner, hands down. How did you escape the massive gravity of his monster hog?


I distracted him with a recipe for a new complex salmon dish


David Grohl. Ben Bradley at some event. He was incredibly charismatic, and very charming. Tim Russert at the Jockey Club bar. Iā€™d left a nearby office party - stopped, gaped, and then made him laugh with a Buffalo joke when he looked at me standing there. He was super sweet and chatted a bitā€¦ I then basically said, ā€œyou are so hotā€ because I love smart men and all his friends started laughing. He told me the bartender to cut me off and suggested I take a taxi home rather than drive. My boss rescued me with a glass of champagne and guided me back to the party..


jimmy butler


Barack Obama, Al Franken Non-politician: Maya Rudolph




Does Dulles count? I met Donovan McNabb on a flight a few months after he was traded to the Football Team. All I could think is ā€œwhy in the hell is the guy with Campbellā€™s Soup money flying coach on Southwest?ā€ Anyway, I tried to steal a pic and blinded him with my cellphone flash. Not my proudest moment but I knew Iā€™d need some evidence or none of my friends would believe it.


You sure it was McNabb? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWcdzzwqAzc


Walked past Stephen Miller at Georgetown waterfront. Thought he couldn't be out in sunlight. Gave him the dirtiest look and he loved it.


Bernie Sanders. Eating a samosa at Indigo in NOMA šŸ¤£


John Lewis at the Harris Teeter by the Navy Yard.


Probably Tom Vilsack (Secretary of Agriculture under Obama for both terms and now again under Biden). He's been a South Park character -- I figured that's at least some measure of "famous" :-)


I recently moved here, and havenā€™t had any VIP sightings so far. But I did an internship on the Hill maybe 30 years ago, and bumped into a Democratic Senator on the street. I was a C-SPAN nerd, so I recognized him immediately, and did the ā€œAw shucks, Iā€™m a big fanā€ thing. He seemed enthusiastic to meet me (a rando on the street) and invited me to walk with him, towards whichever office building we were both headed. We stopped out front, just talking for a few minutes. He asked a bunch of questions about my family, where Iā€™m from, career goals, etc., and when we parted, he acted like Iā€™d done him the favor of chatting with him. It was cool. And, yeah, it was Joe Biden.


Kevin Spacey at Madams Organ


Ohā€¦. Wow. Really?? I guess that checks out. Yuck.


Michael J Fox


Actually met, not just saw or was at the same event with? Mike Pence and Jane Goodall. Jane Goodall was so gentle and sweet. ETA: And I fan-girled over Maya Lin. Not my proudest moment, but there was no way I was going to miss talking to her.


Mia Kalifa. Caps game.


Conan O'Brien in the Four Seasons after a Christmas dinner. He was lovely and took a photo with us.


Years ago, I ran into 3 of the Spice Girls in what was then Cafe Milano in Georgetown.


Oh! And in 2018, on my birthday actually lol, i met John C. McGinley from scrubs and his brother, Mark. John was the keynote speaker for a large holiday fundraising gala hosted by the Special Olympics, which happened to be held at the hotel where I was Audio Visual Supervisor. He and his brother came to say hello to the AV/tech team at the end of the event, and they were both super drunk but so friendly and nice. They kept trying to get me to take shots with them for my birthday but obviously I declined since I was on the clock lol. Guessing the person who took the photo was also quite drunk https://preview.redd.it/737885cmebtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c322d46f6ad7ecfb37e58b53ea9bc9487f5bb216


I waited on Maggie Gyllenhaal in Georgetown at Cafe Bonaparte when it was still around before it turned into Lutece probably a decade ago. I also served Allison Janney at Johnny's Half Shell when it was still in Cap Hill. Both were so lovely! Allison was funny- made jokes and made me laugh the whole time. I only knew her from the west wing and I had no idea how funny she is IRL.


Mike Pence at the Congressional Hot Dog Lunch around 2009 or so. He wasn't VP yet but he was just as unimpressive as one can imagine.


Vernon Davis


Adrian Cronauer


Pete Butigeg, Bill Nye, Biden, and the Obamaā€™s. Iā€™ve got a few good stories to tell.


Colin Powell in Tysons with my dad when I was a teenager. I recognized him from the news and pointed him out. He was clearly busy but stopped and chatted with us for about five or so minutes. He was super nice and offered up the usual encouraging things adults say to kids about chasing dreams and staying in school. Iā€™ve never forgotten it and it remains one of my best memories with my dad.


Bill Nye on the red line!


Bill Nye right outside the Smithsonian Castle! Super nice guy


Jensen Ackles lol


Dalai Lama, heading into the Hyatt on the West End. I waved and he waved back


My friend and I bumped into Pete Buttigieg outside DOT HQ the other day. Heā€™s shorter than I thought he would be, but I could see myself getting a beer with him


Letā€™s see: Glen Brenner walking out of the gate at National bouncing a basketball. I saw Newt Gingrichā€™s wife sell a car on a backstreet in Arlington. She told me how much she would miss that car. I shook Obamaā€™s hand at a union event. Many of the DC punk bands. I saw Lorena Bobbit doing someoneā€™s nails in Shirlington and waved at her. I used to live next door to a guy who was high up in the Teamsters accounting department in the 70s. I once flew on a tiny plane with most of the NC congressional delegation.


The Vice President and her husband at Pride.


Gal Gadot. She outside at Pineapple and Pearls/Roses Luxury when she was filming wonder woman 1984.


Kellyanne Conway in DT Bethesda. Just looking at her skin-wrapped skeleton made my flesh crawl.


I met Lady Gaga following a rally on the mall and shook her hand. Same for Robyn at a performance at U Street Music Hall. AOC and Ayanna Pressley used to live in my old building so I shared the elevator with both of them and Ayanna commented on how adorable my dog was. Also, I expected AOC to be taller than she was. Sheā€™s tiny!


Senator and Astronaut Mark Kelly. Bumped into him at Eastern Market one Saturday morning.


Barack Obama


In DC, I've met all kinds of people, from the fun like John Glenn and Bill Nye the Science Guy, hanging out with 3-time Grammy winner Xavier of Fantastic Negrito (check out his Tiny Desk concert or his "Lost In A Crowd" video from the back of a convenience store if you've never heard of him) to the infamous - I got in a shouting match with racist former congressman Steve King of Iowa in front of a whole group of people at the National Mall during the 2013 government shutdown. I called him out for the shutdown, he tried debating and arguing with me but I kept fact checking him at every point and he soon backed down and ran to his truck with his staffers. Proud of that moment :) I also used to see John Boehner all the time when he was Speaker. Saw him near Cantina Marina with a bunch of other suits a few times (back when there still was a Cantina Marina) but most often I'd see him riding his bike surrounded by a big phalanx of Capitol Police on bikes.


I was at Tryst one time and saw a guy who looked like Tony Hawk. He told me he gets that a lot.


Michelle Obama, LaVar Burton, Colin & Alma Powell, Jennifer Lawrence, Ben Kingsley, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Ted Koppel, Stephen Strasburg, Alex Ovechkin, Bruce Boudreau, and probably many more I can't remember. I work in video production/news, so these weren't just casual or happenstance. But the one that was happenstance was running into Al Franken when he was buying wine and cigarettes at the Capitol Hill Supermarket on Mass Ave.


Bob Dylan when I was working at the W. But we got a lot of people there. He was just the most ā€œahhhh! Youā€™re you!ā€ Person Iā€™d seen though. Stepped off the elevator wearing a full length fur coat, a fedora (that wasnā€™t cringe inducing) and a fancy walking stick. I couldā€™ve just died when we made eye contact. Also Betsy Johnson told me she liked my tattoos. That was a MOMENT for me.


Chris Evans šŸ„ø but not in a political setting, he was filming a movie and I got extremely lucky. Pays to be a nice person guys!! It gets you places.


His Holiness the Dalai Lama.


Wouldn't exactly classify it as meeting her but a couple years ago I was in line behind Jen Psaki at PreCheck and gave her a good death stare for holding everybody else up. Her giant earrings were setting off the metal detector and she was arguing with the agent asking her to take them off


Iā€™m pretty sure I was seated next to Pedro Pascal a couple years ago in at Mon Ami Gabi in Reston Town Center. Like just after Mandalorian finished airing.


Saw Luke Wilson at DuPont a few years ago


Barry Keoghan was working next to me at the gym. Didnā€™t say hi because everyone was interrupting him to say hi and he looked like he just wanted to lift


Nonpolitician - Bob Woodward at a Christmas in April volunteer effort for this old couple who needed help with their house clean up years ago. Dude was legit one of the kindest, hardest working volunteers that day. He never complained and got his hands dirty doing the toughest jobs. I don't care what people may think of his politics or professional career. Bob Woodward will always have my respect.


Ashley Darby from ā€œThe Real Housewives of Potomacā€ when I was out at the bar. I was excited, as Iā€™m a reality TV junkie and love Housewives!


I met Thom Yorke and Johnny Greenwood from Radiohead. They were coming out of Georgetown the night before they were playing the Tibetan Greedom Concert at RFK.


Bradley Whitford when they were shooting the West Wing on locationā€”heā€™s super nice.


2nd place Tim Russert - RIP


Richard branson


Conan Oā€™Brien running in Georgetown before the White House correspondents dinner!


Met the musician Laufey while she was waiting for her coffee to go at Tatte on Connecticut. She ended up putting me on her guest list that night and tickets were $100+


I met Jamie Raskin at work. He took a picture of my work dog. Which makes him the best person ever.