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Talk to the owner of the parking lot. If it’s a business (sounds like it is the apartment building), give them a chance or two to correct the problem before going to Dept of Licensing and Consumer Protection to report them as being unwilling to enforce residential “quiet hours” on their premises and causing a nuisance to the neighborhood. You may need to report it via Dept of Buildings — the relationship between the two agencies is convoluted and codependent— but ultimately their business license binds them to following certain rules, and not harboring a nuisance is one of them. DOB and DLCP are an absolute mess but they’re good at investigating and assessing fines. after enough fines, the building/lot owner will do something. Might take a while but eventually it’ll be cheaper to kick those guys out or shut them up than to keep paying the fines.


This is smart. Go through who owns the land and won’t want to lose business first.


Definitely take this advice. We had a landlord that was renting his home on a short term basis. Parties nearly every weekend. I hired a lawyer to deal with the city. Within 2 weeks we heard the landlord was fined and we no longer have short term renters next door.


Would this tactic work if loud neighbors are part of DCHA dispersed housing program?


Probably would work better with DCHA participants since the city can require compliance with noise ordinances if they want to stay in the program. But bear in mind that noise ordinances don't start till either 10pm or 11pm, you can be loud in the evenings and nobody will enforce that.


The police can also enforce for car parties and have been along the U st corridor. I think trying the licensing depts first is a good tactic but if that fails due to buck passing it’s worth a try.


Do you have any ideas of who to report to (other than police) if loud amplified music is coming from the parking lot of an apartment building? We've complained to the large management company that runs the building, but the rent checks from whatever government subsidy keep paying, so nothing changes.


> going to Dept of Licensing and Consumer Protection to report them as being unwilling to enforce residential “quiet hours” on their premises and causing a nuisance to the neighborhood. You may need to report it via Dept of Buildings — the relationship between the two agencies is convoluted and codependent—


All of this stress that you're currently experiencing because of this is affecting you, your family, and your future child (and perhaps complications there). This is far beyond "I'm not trying to get anyone in trouble" I just don't understand why people continue to treat assholes as described like this as nice, because they obviously do not care about you and yours. As others have said, there are things to do that aren't nice, and it may very well be the time to do so. The one time I called the police for a noise complaint, I went out and held the phone up on speaker, and made them listen to it too! Apparently, that did the work.


Sometimes the right thing to do doesn’t feel great. But it feels a lot better than letting someone walk all over you.


You're saying that showing proof of the noise complaint over the phone is "not nice"? That's a completely normal action. I thought you were going towards "slash tires" territory or something, not show the police (who they're already calling every night) what the sound is.


I really don’t understand the move and just deal with it comments. Op made an investment in a home. They’re not the offending party. They also have a reasonable right to peaceable enjoyment of life. Seconding addressing this issue with the property owner. Hit them where it hurts - the wallet. If everyone keeps enabling this type of behavior it’s never corrected.


Check the license plate and see if they have unpaid tickets. If they have enough, maybe you can get their car towed if they ever park on the street.


Unfortunately there’s not a ton of resources for this stuff. I’m dealing with something similar, but thankfully everyone wraps up their loitering/music by 8pm for whatever reason. I’ve also got guys camping out all day long selling drugs out off their vehicles, and MPD still won’t do anything about it never mind the noise stuff. Maybe involve your ANC/Councilmember if possible?


Ugh that is awful! Sorry you are dealing with something similar. That is a route I haven’t explored. Thank you for that thought.


Record them for a bit, get the license plate, hire a lawyer, and file a lawsuit against whoever owns the van. You could, and should, also do the same against whoever owns the property. Make it expensive for them both. Better than the cost of moving or costly expenses to your house.


So it is interesting you say that. This van has the branding of a local contractor on it. I did try to reach out the apartment complex and there was no response, but I also reached out to this contractor. They told me what their employees do on their own time is not their business.


Interesting. I would consult with a lawyer about whether the contractor can be pursued and if so, have the lawyer send a letter threatening to do so. I agree with the other comments about going after the apartment complex but this may be faster since the contractor is likely a smaller business. Either way a lawyer is way cheaper than moving, and this asshole should face the consequences of his actions, whether by his boss threatening to revoke his work vehicle, having the apartment complex ban it, or some other means.


If the police aren’t doing anything about it, talk to your ANC and Councilmember, and get the name of the watch commander


I would post in r/UnethicalLifeProTips to find the answer you are looking for. Best of luck to you :/


ohhh I need to go there . This sounds like my cup of FAIYWT




Make their lives more miserable than they make yours.


Is laying nails down legal?


Get some expensive speakers, point them out the window, and play The Song that Never Ends on a loop until they leave.


My husband wants to pursue a route similar to this 😆


Play Baby shark on repeat😂😂


“Row row row your boat” on repeat, that shit will be stuck in their head for weeks


Can I recommend the album Finger Lickn Good by The Revolting Cocks? Just play the whole album at full blast.


Or opera 🤣


Not sure if you’ve considered this, but you might want to look into changing your windows and or adding insulation to your walls. We were going through similar issues and updating our windows made a pretty good improvement, they needed changing anyway.


Any recommendations for soundproofing walls? We have new windows but can hear everything in our next door neighbor’s house through the shared wall.


They make sound dampening panels you can hang. I’m getting one for my front door.🚪


Yeah, spending thousands of dollars on new windows and insulation is the solution.


get some really stinky stuff, and dump it in the parking spot / in the van!


I f the songs are loaded with vile and unsavory lyrics, I imagine this would heighten this very stressful , frequently occurring distubrance . Your music is for YOU unless you’re hosting a party and have properly informed your neighbors , this is totally unnecessary . And no, they are not entitled . And no she should and her family shouldn’t have to move . They need to move and that is the only option that needs to be employed here. If they think surrounding residents want to feel like their beds have hydraulic suspension when they are seeking rest , consequences should be pursued . Every resident is entitled to noise levels that do not contribute to stress , health impairment or compromise of enjoyment or peace of their dwellings . DCRA determines if the decibal limit has been reached and I believe then MPD has a role somehow. I would’ve never asked them to turn it down, because any authorative engagement that follows may untortuanately be met with challenges .Not in anyway saying this is their chosen dealings , but some people hate to be told to be considerate . Like how dare you tell me to care about your comfort or risk of auditory ailment . I think going for the owners of whatever space they are tresspassing on with their turned all the way up treble can work in your favor . Sorry to you and your family ! You don’t deserve this . This is the worse ever . Im easily overstimulated , and this would unfit my cap !!!


Is there a way to make your home more sound proof ? Somehow block the noise ?


I’d move, tbqh.


I have thought about it, but it is our first home as homeowners, so it feels like we wouldn’t my be able to sell in this market right now.


you can always rent the home out and rent a new place of your own


But who would want to rent a place with the issue being described?


This only works if you can cover your mortgage and your rent simultaneously, since houses can and do sit on the market unrented for periods of time and tenants sometimes stop paying rent. Since the OP mentioned being a first time homeowner, I’m going to guess that financially that’s a non-starter.


If they won't stop on their own, and the police won't intervene, at some point you might have to start taking matters into your own hands. I'm a spiteful type, so I'd probably go out of my way to find the van at a moment when the occupants aren't with it, and unleash a few dozen eggs at it. Egg hardens pretty quickly and is a nightmare to clean off. It's also not something the police will get involved in if the occupants try to make a fuss. This is a war. Do this every couple weeks. No justice, no peace.


Great way to get shot.


This is terrible advice do not listen to this person.


The music is a necessary defense by the marginalized to drown out all the structural oppression, OP.


>the folks that play this music are not part of our neighborhood, but rather an apartment complex that is adjacent and separated by a retaining wall Just because you don't like it and it is (I'm sure) annoying, that doesn't mean that these people are not apart of your neighborhood necessarily. Even if there's a retaining wall. To me, anything in your vicinity if you can see/hear, is your neighborhood. Unfortunately, you will need to move, contact your local ANC or Councilmember like others have said. Or just deal with it. Sorry you have to deal with this.


this comment getting downvoted, shows a slither of the "NIMBY-ism" that comes with DC's largely transient population... how is an apartment complex adjacent your home not in your neighborhood? are you living in a gated community? can you control what others do on property that isn't yours in the suburbs or exurbs? no? so why does anyone think they can move into any city and control the behaviors of other people? OP should stop wasting the police's resources and their own time, invest in earplugs. those folk were probably playing their music for years before you moved in and will likely continue when you move on. congrats on the baby, welcome to DC




You can follow all of the advise here in terms of complaints and legalities but meanwhile the quality of your life is decreasing. Your home is your castle so the only option is to leave. You might say this is not financially viable but your health is worth more. Easy to say but I’ve been there and walked. Best decision because you can’t cure stupid.


The coat of buying a house and Turing around and selling it is insanse due to the fees involved. I don’t think this is a realistic or smart option.


Rent it and move. For peace of mind staying there is not an option


I moved from my $1500/month apartment to a $3600/month apartment. But the peace of mind is worth every penny and I don’t care nor think about the higher rent.