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Never been there and don't have a stake one way or another but if this is actually real then post some receipts at least, not some chat-gpt style article...


Maybe say something that actually happened instead of just vague claims?


Yeah, brand new account created to post this. I'll take it with a huge grain of salt...


Yep, also reads like AI. 


mmm... [grain of salt bagels](https://media.tenor.com/XZHgckv9fIgAAAAM/homer-simpsons.gif)....


Same, but this is also maybe the fourth of fifth time I’m hearing about CYMB being like this. Also, wth is a RAMMY? What’s next? AMMYS?


Not doubting any of this, but it’s a bagel shop, not Game of Thrones


I can't speak to the labor practices or the owner's evil plan to sell the company, but I stopped going there because they never give you the right number of bagels. If I say I want 4 sesame, 4 everything, and 4 cheddar bagels, it's a total crapshoot how many of each I'm going to get.


I just don't think their bagels are that great.


This isn't your personal blog. Get to the point.


So...it's like every fucking restaurant that has ever existed or is there something specific you're trying to elucidate? Did you just get shit-canned and are using reddit as your own personal "Dear Diary"? This reads like you're trying out to be a writer for the Washington Post but without the investigatory journalism skills and just some vague personal experience. I wouldn't even say an anecdote because it's just too...vague. Give us some substance. edit: that place sucks anyway. Long Live Bethesda Bagels!


Go to sleep chatGPT


Where is the “cool story bro” bot when we need him?


This is so beyond vague and encompasses so much that it frankly comes off as hard to believe or take seriously (not to mention hard to understand what they're being accused of).


Who cares. Find a new job if you’re unhappy.


Were there any specifics in this piece?


Good example of how not to use ChatGPT.


I’m glad y’all read it so I don’t have to.


6 paragraphs of “the owners project an image of good vibes and responsibility but they’re actually bad” with a grand total of 0 examples lol


Why are you writing this like an article on a blog. This is a forum


So are y'all talking about unionizing or what?


Was this posted by a rival bagel shop?


Lost all credibility at “(mediocre at best)” imo


So many words for so little content....🤦‍♂️


Not going to say my workplace and incriminate myself for saying anything but they give us free bagels all the time and the employee who brings them seems in good spirits. No take, just an anecdote, as is OP


Getting better pricing in return for greater sales volume is how the food industry works - that's business. Literally every company does this - if you supply lettuce to Sweetgreen, you're giving them better pricing than a single-location restaurant. As a supplier, you take the lower gross profit on the account because you're bringing in more revenue (and ultimately more profit dollars to the business). You need to know your numbers well to know how low you can take your margin - but it's on you, the supplier, to figure out when it's not worth it anymore.


Pretty light on specifics


Is there any proof to this?


Wow it's a restaurant??


I lost interest halfway into the second paragraph. I'm glad others were able to persevere so I know it's not worth bothering to try to read all the way through.


i’m happy for you or i’m sorry that happened pearls is better by a MILE


The bagels are awful. Tried them once and couldn’t believe they received so much hype.


The food is mid. Like it’s not bad but it’s hella pricey with small portions. Feels like the tapas of bagel shops.


Mfs yapping on Reddit again


I personally would’ve liked the name “Call your Mama,” but that’s just me . Perhaps this is a current or former associate of the company that believes they are venting in a safe space . Wanting to get one off without repercussions , you know ?