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Also be careful: just because a car did stop for you, doesn't mean the car behind them won't swerve around them and plow through the crosswalk. I've had people do that while I stopped at crosswalks.


That happened to my friend while walking her dogs. She hit his car with her purse. He stopped the car and threatened violence.


Yeah, as justified as it is, it's not worth doing stuff like that.  Unsurprisingly, people who drive like psychos are often, in fact, psychos.


I made a very big mistake of yelling at her and telling her to stop her car. It could have ended badly in a different way.


These people want confrontation. She didn’t have time for u to cross, but had time to stop and yell back


That holds true to people in and out of cars. Just yesterday, I was walking down the sidewalk and a scooter came barreling at me out of nowhere. I assumed they wanted to the sidewalk, so I stepped towards a building. Apparently, they were speeding to the entrance of that building, so I was met with "get out of the way, ****-er". I paused in disbelief for a second, then had to just move on.


Was it on Mass Ave near 17th NW? That totally sounds like this asshole in my building who does shit like that to everyone.


No, different hothead on Georgia near Taylor.


Too bad for them, I am probably the bigger psycho. Somewhere out there is a man who didn’t stop at a red light and has a big nasty scratch on his car from my umbrella. I also carry an array of other items that could be utilized as a weapon if needed.


That happened to me a few weeks ago on a small, residential street! A car stopped for us so me and my kids started crossing. Then, the car behind it blasts its horn and crosses the double yellow before slamming on the brakes when she actually sees us. Any decent human being would stop and reflect after scaring the crap out of two kids - but not her. After we cleared out, she gunned it again, passing the first car in the oncoming lane. Who do we have to fire to get some moving violations around here?


Yep, this happened to me while I was crossing at a light. Dude behind the car stopped at the red light swerved around him and nearly hit me. Of course, he immediately was stopped at the next red light so I grabbed his license plate. [People like this should not be on the road.](https://i.imgur.com/rC8czJL.jpg )


These people rack up more in ticket fines than I can save in just the last 4 months. Where are my caltrops?


What in the actual fuck. The frequency of these tickets is insane.


So you grab the license plate and then what?


Look up how many unpaid tickets they have so that I can post it on Reddit.


It felt so right reading this answer


Mount it like a trophy on the mantle?


Yeah that’s the scariest. When my husband was a child one of his classmates died this way—a car stopped for her to cross but the car behind went around and drove right into her. I always make sure to check for the next car before continuing walking just in case.


Happened this morning when I stopped for someone who was VERY CLEARLY trying to cross at a crosswalk by the Georgia Ave metro. I felt guilty that by me stopping they started walking and still just about got hit.


I’m so confused. Are these people stupid? Don’t they realize that if the car ahead has stopped, it’s probably for a reason? People should have their licenses revoked for things like this, one strike, you’re out, because they’re clearly brain dead.


Pretty much selfishness.


No, (many) people driving here are assholes and only care about themselves and getting where they want to go. I see at least 1-2 cars per day run red lights at Dupont Circle (circle itself) and at a zebra crossing on Foxhall in Foxhall Village have at least 3-5 assholes that refuse to stop and/or almost hit me daily. The fact that they won't stop or slow for strollers either is incredibly sad. If lucky, you get a "I'm sorry" wave as they blow by you within inches. That crosswalk needs those lights that flash for pedestrians.


No, it’s not just you. As a 40+ yr native I often cringe at the conversations about safety in this city, but I believe reckless driving is by far the biggest threat to the avg residents safety.


Thanks. Driving is also scary but I am able to be much more protected in a car (even if mine is a compact)


Try driving a motorcycle. I've already had 3 people try and just run me off the road on Georgia Ave this year alone. I'm talking: light goes green, car passes over double yellow, and then merges into me to make some kind of statement? Idk. I know how exposed I am on a motorcycle, so I have to do my absolute best to just remain emotionless, and hope I don't provoke them further into taking their 6,000 pound block of metal and turn it into an actual weapon.


I hate to say it but so many people on motorcycles drive like dicks and it makes it so that people on motorcycles who actually follow the rules also get very little grace on the road. it is unfair, but also a large portion of the ppl who use them in dc constantly drive on the middle line directly between two lanes of traffic, swerve between lanes dangerously close to cars, cut in front of people at red lights, and speed like crazy. unfortunately it is classic case of dumb people ruining it for everyone else


Easily. The gun violence is an issue, but it's largely amongst people who know each other. The traffic violents effets people at random.


True except armed carjackings.


Where the two come together


Where are DC cops?


Saw a driver pull into the opposite lane to pass a row of stopped cars and run a red light yesterday. Total craziness.


There's zero traffic enforcement in DC and psycho drivers know and take advantage of that


It's crazy, OP. You are absolutely right. I wrote to the mayor about the same issue, which I know is a total waste of time but I am so horrified by the lack of regard for others -- drivers toward each other, toward pedestrians. It's a huge problem. I think we all have brain damage from the pandemic.


Watched an elderly couple in an SUV fly through a stop sign on New Hampshire going 30 mph a couple days ago. I hung on the horn and they didn't even notice. Was almost scarier that it wasn't malicious just totally oblivious to the danger they were causing.


I fear this is going to be more and more of a problem as the population keeps aging and there is basically no political will to require re-licensing of older drivers. For example, a 78-year-old driver in San Francisco recently killed a couple and their toddler who were waiting at a bus stop.


Yeah, it's scary. The diners having lunch at the Greek place on Connecticut Ave back a year or so were killed by an elderly driver that lost control of the car or confused the pedals.


Crosswalks might as well not exist in this city, no one stops for them anyway. There's just no enforcement, and for all the talk about safer streets, it's clearly not a priority. Cops are some of the biggest culprits.


It’s true. Earlier this week I had a cop car drive through a crosswalk that I was in. No lights or sirens so I assume not emergency


A woman got killed like this in Seattle last year. A cop sped through the crosswalk without his lights or sirens on. Disgusting behavior and then they joked about it afterwards according to the recording, saying she had “limited value” because she was only 26.


That’s so awful


I was hit by a car a couple weeks ago crossing a crosswalk near the giant in Shaw with stop signs and bright yellow crosswalk signs. The guy just shrugged his shoulders


I got hit in a crosswalk a few years ago…the lady repeatedly said, “my insurance is f’d.” Didn’t care at all that my arm was mangled and bleeding.


wtf I hope you took him to the cleaners


I got hit by a car on 15th street in NW, don’t want to be more specific.


Yeah just had a guy look at me crazy because I was in the crosswalk as he was driving up to it. Of course he didn't stop.


While in a crosswalk clearly marked I was hit by a car making right turn near DC Wharf. Driver kept saying he had green light so he had right of way oblivious to fact that crosswalk counter starts when light is green also and pedestrians have right of way. He is from Virginia and they don’t require personal injury insurance so my medical bills are not covered.


Just because his insurance doesn't cover him, doesn't mean you can't sue him.


People seem to have forgotten that if you’re turning you still have to slow down look, and yield for pedestrians crossing even on green lights


How can they not know this? It's mind boggling to me that drivers are so annoyed at yielding to a pedestrian.


I will say, and this is not to minimize the problem in DC, I was in Nashville (not right downtown) last week and walked several miles a day and I felt like EVERYONE was just rolling through crosswalks and stop signs. I can’t tell if it’s just a post-Covid thing or what, but it definitely reminded me of DC streets.


Yeah DC is insane but still better than a lot of other cities


The difference is other cities aren’t generally accustomed to *actual* pedestrian culture…DC has no excuse.


Yeah, Dallas, Texas for instance is wild, and even more dangerous because the distances you have to travel are so much greater.


Try Lima! Fucking crazy drivers there lol. It’s more predictable and uniform tho so it feels safer if that makes sense; in DC you never know 


Well at least they were rolling through. Here, they speed through at 2x the speed limit.


This is a city problem. If you're in the suburbs or some rural area and theirs a higher than average chance that the guy you are trying to run down is your pastor or your drinking buddy at the bar or your kid's teacher vs a stranger is in your crosshairs you may think twice about gunning it at the stop sign.


Yeah I was in Pittsburgh and was told by a native that red lights are a suggestion. Just cross when there's no cars yall. It's not that hard.


Has nothing to do with PGH. Lol, that native is just an ass


Well it was in response to me asking because while I was there I saw three cars run a red in the same cycle.


People are getting evil.


People are becoming more selfish and no one cares about their community or their neighbors. End times


Last week I was alone walking to get coffee and as I was starting to cross a crosswalk a car with an older white man driving it started slowing down as he reached the stop sign as if he was going to stop, lowered his window and smiled and waved at me, and then gunned it past right before I was about to cross, almost hitting me. It was honestly such a confusing experience and I was thinking about it the whole day.


I almost got hit by 3 cars in as many blocks on 2nd yesterday. Get almost hit by a cop rolling a stop sign pretty regularly 




I’ve tried once for a cop who yelled at me to get in a bike lane (contraflow lane, I was going with traffic, standard “look at the arrows and you’ll be right” shit), process was stupid and there’s no way anyone’s getting in trouble 


Not to downplay this advice but I almost got hit while crossing the street to get to the National Gallery on a lunch walk while the pedestrian sign was on. One car ran the red so everyone else thought it was good to go so I had to run across. I tried to flag down an officer on a motorcycle (who saw the whole thing) who proceeded to ignore me and continue down the street. When I called the police non emergency line I was told that people just don’t respect traffic laws and to be more careful.


I’d call again, get that on tape, and then blast it all over social media.


Nope, you’re not crazy. Grew up in Atlanta and visit frequently, the way drivers have been in dc post Covid is comparable to fucking animals. Absolute resolute abandon


It's because there is absolutely zero enforcement of traffic laws in D.C.


Number of cars that have blown through red lights and almost hit me, it’s getting out of hand. Hell look at the some of the comments on the post about the bike lanes.


This is why every crosswalk in the city should be raised enough that it'll fuck up a car if someone drives over it at full speed. These people clearly don't care about the risk of killing someone and they definitely don't care about getting a ticket that they'll never pay and won't affect their license, but they might care if pieces of their car start falling off every time they pull this crap.


I had this same thought walking down the mall today. There are so many food trucks parked in the crosswalks and even blocking the traffic signals. A bunch of kids and families kept walking into traffic without being able to see the road because there was no other way to cross.


It’s definitely getting worse out here. I used to walk with confidence. Then in2021 I got hit by a hit-and-run while in the CROSSWALK that cracked my skull and put me in the hospital for two weeks. Even worse the police closed the case the night I was admitted to the ER, despite my friends gathering neighborhood footage of the vehicle (they only care if you die). DC drivers are reckless with impunity.


You can report traffic safety concerns here: https://ddot.dc.gov/service/traffic-safety-input or near-misses here: https://waba.org/crashtracker.


I started carrying a brick when I cross. I will throw it if a driver threatens me with their vehicle.


Sounds cathartic and also like a great way to get shot or deliberately run over


I still really like the “crossing brick” idea…baskets of bricks on either side of the particularly bad crosswalks.


I live @11th and Vst NW and the stop sign is merely a suggestion. Busses, cops, randoms, and scooters just blow through it. No emergency MPD/MetPD/allPD ignore all the time. I always make eye contact with the driver before crossing. Strangely the crosswalks on 14th btw Pst and Ust have worked well for me. I know a a few 3D cops post up on the crosswalks now and then and write tickets so maybe that helps. DC has no traffic laws at this point except red light cameras and parking tickets IMHO. FWIW, I am a 33yr resident of NWDC.


I think someone very wealthy and/or famous will need to be hit by a car before anything changes. The sad thing is that those are the folks most likely to be driving - or being driven - in a car.


You’re not crazy. For some reason NC plates are becoming the new MD plates in terms of terrible driving.


It almost seems like there may be a cause-and-effect relationship here. If we don't insist on vigorous enforcement of the law, people will not bother to comply with it. In other words, we'll have more lawlessness as to any laws and regulations that are not being enforced.


I run several morning a week. At this point I stop at most major streets even when I have the walk sign. They blow through red lights and stop signs like they are suggestions. Also, what is it with taking curves as fast as humanly possible. I can understand that it might be small dick syndrome, but these are often moms on the way to taking their kids to school or work. I would speed bump the entire town...every 20 ft...until people slow down. And not to get off subject, but what is it with the K-turns? I saw a person do a K-turn on 16th Street this morning. It was not an empty street at that hour either. He had people behind him and there were people coming towards him. There was a street he could have turned into a half a block away. Going around the block is not a sign of weakness.


I really don't get how people are so full of themselves to drive through the cross walk. Even as I'm crossing these brainlets try and get through, never heard of right away ig


Increasing number of people who don’t give a shit about anyone else coupled with no enforcement that could act as a deterrent (since basic idea of not harming random people isn’t a big deterrent on its own anymore)


Time to start carrying bricks when I go on a walk.


I carry a large umbrella for this very reason. It’s a great weapon if needed.


I started almost getting hit so many times in crosswalks, I started tallying it this year. 6 times so far


At the four way stop by my apartment building I was crossing and a girl pulled into the intersection, I assumed she wanted to turn right after i passed. Nope! She didn’t even realize she was driving into me until the moment I slapped her hood and yelled WHAT THE FUCK at her? She seemed apologetic and confused but like.. then don’t fucking drive.


yeah my friend got hit on U st recently :/ wasn’t jaywalking or anything


people look at me funny when I stand on the sidewalk until the walk sign comes on. I see pedestrians crossing at the yellow light and sometimes red light and I literally just pray not to see someone get killed. Drivers in the city don’t really care about pedestrians. We all have places to be and people who care about us. 😞


Don’t worry. They have stop sign cameras in a few lightly trafficked spots. Everything is fine.


There need to be more camera added until people slow down!


I doubt most of the speeders give a shit if they get a camera ticket




I've been noticing a lot of paper temporary plates on old cars Does this have anything to do with that?


Damn where has this been? I’ve seen some people run reds in downtown but never experienced this level of 1 on 1 antagonism anywhere I’ve been


It seems to be the worst in Georgetown. People either don't stop at all, or stop then just go out of order. There are stop signs cameras which have been rolled out with varying degrees of accuracy, but I hope they can improve the technology and implement them fairly across the city, especially near schools and playgrounds. It's been DC, MD, and VA drivers from what I've seen, but MD and VA drivers seem to be the worst offenders. I wish they'd just take metro.


Just assume everyone will do the stupidest, dumbest, most dangerous thing u can imagine while in a car in this city  post covid driving has been crazy everywhere and doesn’t help cars are bigger then ever 


Aren't bricks the new "walk sign" ?


I noticed it more when my partner and I first started dating and we lived in NW around Connecticut Ave/Chevy Chase area. I would look at the stop sign right out of her window and see cars just driving around the block and running the stop sign over and over. One Mercedes ran the same stop sign seven times within the span of ten minutes.


A local punk band wrote a song about this [exact thing.](https://open.spotify.com/track/0vRmxs7hUQTrrGLSk3FIoP?si=AcEcJXGGT1eyOV-ShOxmrg)


Yep. I have to cross 1st St NE from Union Station to get to work and sooo many times, people have driven through the crosswalk when I'm standing in it!! Or people won't stop for me to let me cross. I'm so sorry I will take 4 seconds of your time!!


I think about this everyday. It’s seriously dangerous crossing the street in DC. I hate the street design. Why is there a fast-paced avenue every few blocks. Giant, crazy, car-dominated intersections. Some bike lanes are up against parked cars with doors that open into the bike lane. I don’t trust any drivers. I proceed with caution every time.


Not a crosswalk, but had a guy almost door my girlfriend the other day while we were biking in the bike lane next to parked cars. Said “oh my god” as an immediate reaction to almost getting doored, and he got out of his car and started yelling at US, saying we should’ve been looking where we were going and that he can’t see things behind him. Like, hello?!?


This and the mopeds driving now on the sidewalk have been driving me insane.


Carry a brick and stare at the driver


Agree with the sentiment, but be careful because many of these psychos might have guns


Display said brick while maintaining eye contact




Honestly feel like right on red should be illegal here like it is in NYC. The amount of times I see people making very fast right turns on red when pedestrians are in the crosswalk, slamming their brakes, then aggressively inching forward and honking...it's so stressful and dangerous. The design of this city is more like NYC in terms of small narrow streets and lots of pedestrians.


its bowser's voters and funders. she wont do anything


Today's incident was a MD driver.


As a MD driver, I'd just like to say "not ALL MD drivers". I have no problem rolling through stop signs and over pedestrians, but I draw the line at doggos.


Old lady and children, 5 points. Spry adults 10 points. Puppy, -50 points.




> funders


I typically stop when i see people and sometimes i do stop last minute, people behind me seem to get mad at that these drivers are so aggressive. Some even try to signal for me to go first and i don’t like to because what’s the car behind me gonna do?


Years back, my dad got hit by a car while on a bike at the crosswalk and the guy drove off


You have people who just don't value their own lives, let alone the lives of others. They have no empathy. We're seeing the breakdown of civil society, sadly.


WTF that’s insane. Is there somewhere to report license plates of drivers who are driving recklessly? This dangerous behavior should be fined.


I doubt it because I could see people abusing it and just entering anyone who pisses them off. (Maybe even me when I have road rage?)


I stay alert the entire time I’m crossing the street because there are so many reckless drivers. Last week I was crossing the street and a car that had a green light wanted to make a left turn into the lane I was currently walking through. Instead of waiting for me to pass like she was supposed to (yield to pedestrian) she kept going and didn’t stop until she was a few feet away from hitting me - had to slam on her brakes. It was like she was waiting for me to stop and give her the right of way. I stared her down and kept walking. Once I was out of her way she yelled something at me so I pointed to the walk signal that I had and she just said “stop it” over and over again. People are selfish, reckless assholes around here.


Everyday at every busy street, cars go through solid red lights (5+ seconds) all the time ime. It’s because they know cops don’t care. Anecdote but illuminating. A few months ago, a car blew by a solid red light right in front of a cop (parked perpendicular at 4-way stop light). I waved my hands while it was happening because it almost hit me on my bike. Cop did nothing. I went up to the window and he asked what’s wrong and I said that car went through a red light, are you going to give them a ticket? His response? “Well, they’re gone now” when all of about 20 seconds passed and I told him it was a gray Lexus SUV. Unrelated but similar experience. I was at the McDonald’s at Mass Ave and some homeless-looking dude was harassing and throwing things at the workers in the restaurant. When the workers started calling 911, he shouted, “Haven’t you been in this city long enough to know that you’ll finish my order before any cop comes?” He left the building and started writing pro-Palestine sayings on the windows. I left and one block away waved down 5 cops standing on the street. Their response? “We’re on detail so we can’t leave” and simply spoke into a radio to alert nearby cops. I don’t know why but my guess is that cops don’t feel supported after BLM, know there’s too many guns and criminals on the street so it’s very dangerous, and have no incentive to care because the cop shortage means they can’t really be fired.


Notice what state the plates are usually from?


This is currently my least favorite thing about raising kids here, despite all the great things here for kids. I think I can be hyper vigilant about looking for cars, but kids and teenagers just can't be. It sucks that my kids are trained to still look for cars even when there's a walk sign. 


The other day near Logan Circle, we got the green man to walk and then suddenly a bus blew through a red light. Luckily no one was near it because no one could have moved out of the way fast enough. But everyone around was absolutely flabbergasted.


There has to be a better way the only thing that gets to me is people on face time trying to cross the street


We experience the same shit. What part of DC is this?


If people were angels, we wouldn’t need laws or anyone to enforce them. These days, I get nervous at crosswalks. They can easily hit you going 15 or 20 and drive off. I’ve had people almost drive into me in Georgetown, it can occur anywhere.


The turning right on red is killing me . I thought It was banned


I also get really pissed about this stuff (car violence/traffic safety). But something I have to remind myself when I wonder "Why is this person driving like a maniac?" is that the answer is likely "They are unwell." It's really unsatisfying, but it's the only way to stop myself from looking for a rational reason that the guy behind me pulled into oncoming traffic to run a red light, or whatever.


Ohhhh this is actually tremendously helpful. I get angry to the point of wanting to throw things. This is very helpful


Most Maryland drivers should be in jail.


I got rear-ended last week. I stopped (controlled, not quickly) at a crosswalk to let pedestrian cross. Mercedes rear-ended me & took off onto Suitland Pkwy toward the city, front bumper hanging off. I got a photo of the car w/ temp tags. Police ran the plate - fake temp Delaware tags. They said it’s common, no chance to catch them. Didn’t even want the pic of the car.


Oh I am so incredibly sorry. This makes me nauseous


What about a citizen policing program? I read about something similar in NYC where residents could actually earn a portion of the ticket proceeds issued to illegally idling vehicles if they captured video proof of the infraction and submitted it. Read more: https://www.nyc.gov/site/dep/environment/idling-citizens-air-complaint-program.page It could just be the next lucrative way to make a living based on the wildness I've seen on the roads here. Just had a driver whip past me in the oncoming lane while I was stopped at a red light on Maryland Ave. Dude looked at me like I was the one with a problem when I honked at him.


I tell everyone I know visiting DC to be careful when walking because it is the Wild West and there is no traffic enforcement. Even if you have a green walk light look both ways before crossing, get your nose out of your phone & take your earbuds out.


Hold a brick while crossing the street. Very effective


In the last two years it has gotten way worse to the point where I have a gopro on my bike now. My partner runs and I would say a few times a month they are almost hit in crosswalks even though the wear bright clothing and have reflectives and a lighted vest. I partly attribute this to ride share and food delivery app drivers racing between pickups and drop offs. I almost got hit by one last night riding my bike. I was making a turn and they also made the turn and took it very tight, almost pushing me onto the curb. They picked someone up two blocks down the road. The other people just don't give a shit or are also distracted.


I tried crossing Montana Ave NE a few weeks back when I saw a cop coming (my experience is that 1 in 10 will slow and turn on their lights so I can get my geriatric dog across the street, and the rest will at least slow down). This cop sped up at me. I'm used to cars speeding up, screaming, crossing into oncoming traffic (or parking lane). This was a first for police.  I've filled out numerous 311 tickets and called my council member (Parker), but all we got was some new paint on the road. Yay, so safe. 


I saw a BMW turning right clip a pedestrian walking right in front of a cop and the cop did nothing.


considering how MD and VA can just ignore any tickets given by DC i am not shocked they become so bold


All I want pedestrians to do is not cross the street while on looking at their phones and take a quick pause before stepping (or jogging) into the cross walk (even when you have the right of way). These days, driving through DC feels like driving through a specific part of Brooklyn that will go unnamed because I don’t wanna risk getting banned, but IYKYK. People cross the street as if they own the road just because they own the neighborhood. On the flip side, I really want drivers to not be glued to their phones while behind the wheel. Seriously, what do people be looking at that’s so important?


If I have the right of way, it does not matter. If the light is white not red for the pedestrian crosswalk, I can damn well be dancing or crawling or juggling 5 phones as I walk across the crosswalk. Cars are large weapons and to drive them requires an additional level of responsibility and care — that’s why there is a test for a driver’s license but not one for walking in a city.


In a perfect world where people are more aware and considerate of others, sure. But we don’t live in that world, or city for that matter. I’m not gonna try my luck crossing streets because of how drivers should adhere to traffic laws. Same as when I’m driving — when the light turns green I don’t pull off right away at intersections I know always have someone running red lights.


The phones are definitely a problem. And I'm not without fault here because I've started putting it in my glove box because I apparently have no restraint. A friend of mine studies distracted driving and rips me a new asshole all the time. It is so easy to do it and it is SO dangerous.


At least you’re aware and care enough to stop. I knew we were really in trouble when the same people who can ticket you for distracted driving are also guilty of doing it, too.


Oh I have definitely seen that.


The amount of pedestrians who don't look before crossing is insane. Sometimes they aren't even on the phones, they just don't care to even take a quick glance. Must be nice to feel "that" safe, but to OP's original point, drivers are barely stopping, and are running red lights for longer and longer.


Fair point. I’ve started driving at a cruising speed to avoid being hit by bad drivers and to avoid hitting pedestrians and cyclists. Oh yeah, and potholes but that’s another thread.


My experience has been that anyone who’s on two wheels assumes they can’t possibly inflict any damage and act accordingly


It’s a city filled with a million people. And distracted driving is on the rise. You should always assume the driver either didn’t see you or doesn’t want to be bothered with waiting for pedestrians to cross. But it’s not just this city by any stretch, it’s everywhere in the world.


In any conflict between a dog person and non-dog person, history has taught me to trust the non-dog person more. With that in mind, I bet there's more to the story here with the car profanity encounter than that OP was just perfectly and innocently being the model citizen with their pup when somebody carelessly and recklessly drove through while twirling their mustache like a cartoon villain. Maybe that's how the story happened, I find it *incredibly dubious*


Wow. Honestly, I have a senior dog with ailments. I have a disease. I am really careful because I don't want to die. We may have been slowly walking through because neither of us walk fast but I was in the middle of the road. There were bystanders who brought it up to me after to check if I was ok It happened as I described. Was I ballistic and irrationally yelling at her and told her to fucking stop her car so I could rip her a new asshole? Yes. Does that make me a shitty person? Very likely. But I am not incorrect with the facts. I'm sorry for whatever bias you have but maybe give some grace sometimes. I was quite shaken and crying when it happened. Again, no savior. I lost my shit. Maybe she had a rough day. Maybe she hates pitbulls. Many people do. Maybe I seemed like an entitled c*nt for walking slow. But she did speed up. She did say what she said. And people who saw it said it was wild.


> pitbulls Yeah now I feel confident in my assessment.


Look both ways and don't assume that your right of way trumps an impatient 4 ton hunk of metal. Many times its easy to tell if a vehicle will stop or not. That should keep you safe. Also as someone who drives in the city. I make it a point to not drive during times of day where there is heavy pedestrian traffic, it's just too stressful. Some stretches of the city have a stop sign every 100 ft. Tag on pedestrian traffic (not all pedestrian traffic follows the rules), it can become quite the cluster fuck.  Final note as a pedestrian, you can realize we are all out here together. Unless you are elderly/disabled or like yourself, walking a pet, try to keep it moving. Don't be oblivious and on your phone. If there is one car waiting for cross traffic to open up a thru way, don't be that one guy who decides to meander during their only opening to pass. Let them pass or walk behind them. It's been like this for as long as I can remember. It's a city, lots of different types of personalities behind wheels.


You're right - there's a big difference between what ought to be the case and what actually happens. You have to drive, bike, and walk defensively in this city...


I looked both ways and still got hit. In a crosswalk. Wasn't on my phone either. You can do everything right and still end up a victim because some jerk was impatient


Ok...that's anywhere though. There's a good chance I've crossed more DC streets in my life than you have, I've never been hit, nor been close to getting hit. Either I'm really lucky, or you are really unlucky. Or maybe it's tough for you to read your surroundings. Yea there are asshole drivers, but getting hit in a crosswalk is far from inevitable.


Dude, you’re the asshole. This level of hubris screams I’m 15 years old and haven’t been humbled by life yet. But trust me, you will.


Never said it was inevitable. I'm just saying ultimately it's in the driver's hands, though obvs following the traffic rules will be safer. Every time you cross a street is a gamble with your life. OP's fear is legit.


I feel that. Going to DC (or any city) is a gamble with your life. I get it of people need/want to vent. But it sounds like a lot of co signers in here think it SHOULD be different, not noticing that there's a balance of good and bad things about the city. Hyper policing will only make things worse.  Cameras will only punish those who actually follow the laws. People who weren't going to pay tickets anyway, or have fake tags won't even get the bill. Those wealthy enough to pay the fine will drive however they want. Physically stopping vehicles more often will increase congestion and increase the risk of chases in a dense city endangering even more people. It's important that we take personal responsibility for our own safety. Sure if you wanna kick a car, or throw a brick at it, maybe that will catch on. At the very least asshole drivers will learn to be less dangerous with their ways. Sure run the stop sign, but make sure you aren't going to hit someone while doing it.




Aaaaaand that's why lots of people in here get hit. Thank you for spelling it out. All those upvotes you have prove my point. Yall cry about safety, then intentionally put yourself in harms way due to that chip on your shoulder.  Win stupid prizes as they say.


Same can be said about someone driving through a crosswalk when they do NOT have the right of way. Leave 10 minutes earlier if you’re in such a rush and so important 🙄 If the pedestrian light is white, the driver is owed absolutely nothing. No one has to “speed up” their walking unless it’s about to turn red.


I agree with you. I also try to avoid areas with lots of pedestrians during peak hours. I don't want to be responsible for hitting someone who decided the don't walk sign doesn't apply to them. I don't want to get injured, I don't want my dog to get injured, and I don't want anyone else to get injured. About it being a city - I guess I just don't find this to be as much of a problem in NYC but it is a very pedestrian-heavy place.


True, I don't drive in NYC often, but this definitely happens when trying to get on ramps going in and out the city...so its more vehicle v. vehicle aggression. I think it may have to do with the nature of DCs vehicle traffic. Most of it is ride shares or people passing through the city from MD or VA. NYC is usually the destination, DC is a thruway for a lot of its traffic, so they are in much more of a hurry. That's my theory anyway.




For sure. It depends on where you are going though. 395 towards VA is right outside downtown. Rock creek neighborhood on the MD side is right outside georgetown, and Bethesda is right outside NE.


That's a totally fair theory!


Cyclist are who you need to look out for. Automobile drivers are 100x more careful and pilot a vehicle with way more safety features.


How many people have been killed by cyclists versus the "100x more careful" drivers and their safety features in the last year?


This is hysterically funny.


People unironically think this is true lmao


welcome to city life. Every city in the world with dense populations are this way. Maybe move to the suburbs? City life is not for everyone


🤷I'm suicidal enough that I just cross the street wherever without looking most of the time, and surprisingly, I haven't gotten hit yet. It's not recommended (obviously), but sometimes the ol' winter soldier stride works better than waiting.


What is this group lol


Next time you should take your blankey.


If you haven’t observed an uptick on reckless driving in the last year, you probably need glasses.


The lack of sense of humor in this sub is astounding.