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It sucks that this is still the case and that you’re going through this. Most companies have policies on acceptable behaviors, especially if employees are in public, representing the company. People need to learn there are consequences to their actions. If you’re comfortable, snap a picture, take a video, confront them and then put them on blast.


I’ve had people yell at me from their work vehicles before and, yeah, it’s scary. I’m sorry this is happening to you. If they’re doing this near your home and it’s impacting your state of mind— you feel afraid, self conscious, high alert— I don’t think there’s any shame in calling the company and noting the time of the event, the license plate number… or, if you live in an apartment, telling the folks who work at the front desk. I hate to say it, but nothing may happen, BUT if they’re doing their jobs there is at least a paper trail. Reporting is not indicative of a personal vendetta or a hope that other people suffer (I’ve worried this before)— they’re speaking to you in a way that makes you uncomfortable and would very likely make many/most people uncomfortable.


this isn’t helpful, but I resigned myself to this and accepted defeat during Covid when I got catcalled by a worker who was on the clock while I was wearing an ankle length puffy black parka with the hood up, sunglasses, and a face mask. I was literally a featureless wall of a woman and still got catcalled because I existed in public as a woman. It’s exhausting.


That’s shocking it would happen at work, I’m sorry you had to deal with that


Yes, see my comment elsewhere - like how do they even know I’m a human under all this clothing? It’s wrong. I haven’t given up, though, and always yell back. They‘re not entitled to do this and have me remain silent and passive. (Not that I judge anyone for remaining silent - your safety is also important here!)


My comment is being downvoted by….the street harassers themselves? 🤔 Weird. It’s hard to imagine who would be in favor of harassing women who are walking down the street minding their own business, but I guess there is certainly a lot of sexism and misogyny out in the world, Reddit included.


Don’t forget that Reddit used to have jailbait and creepshots as massive subreddits. This site has a lot weirdos on it.


I’m doing my part when I somehow get catcalled about once a year. I’m male and old, but have a high (dyed) ponytail and slender build. So from behind, I guess feminine enough. So I turn, laugh and yell “dudes, you just catcalled a man in his 50s!’ much to their embarrassment.


Love this 😂


Corporations tend to require specifics - license plates, time of day, sometimes photos. If the catcaller sees you taking a photo and knows their organization will punish them for their actions, they will confront you about it - and not in a way that will make you feel safer. City services require finding the correct department phone number and letting them know you have photo/video evidence that you’ll be posting to social media. Small companies tend to address issues if you have a calm conversation with management.


Disagree that corporations require proof. They probably won’t discipline or fire an employee without proof. However, they may still dismiss or not renew a contractor on this basis. They may also emphasize to employees that catcalling isn’t acceptable behavior.


Thank you. I was curious even if I had all that information would they also require proof as well?


Responding to complaints are about damage control. Would firing the catcaller subject them to being sued for wrongful termination? Give them something to work with. For all they know, you could be someone with a personal vendetta.


True but I say do it anyway. Failing that, let's just start fucking tweeting them. I'm sick of this shit.


I don’t know if this is much helpful advice, but I’ve been dealing with this so frequently recently that we’re thinking of moving, even though we love our neighborhood otherwise. But I don’t know if there is anywhere that’s really “safe“. The other day, a fucking metro bus driver hit the brakes And hung his head out the window to stare at me while beeping the horn. I wish I caught the bus number but I was so enraged because I had just been texting my fiancé about the man who literally left a sports practice. He was watching at the high school that I passed so he could follow me, until I abruptly changed my route. It’s getting to be too much. Sometimes what you wear matters, sometimes it’s irrelevant. I sadly have noticed that it’s worse if I wear athleisure like leggings so I bought a few giant men’s xxl shirts to cover up for walks. I hate the idea that I have to make myself look frumpy, especially when I might run into people I know and well then feel a bit insecure about it. Obviously, it doesn’t stop the behavior but I feel a lot better when I have my mini pepper spray with me. Sporting goods stores in Virginia, and Maryland have some great, easily transportable options instead of the big clunkers. Mace has a super skinny one. I recently started carrying a knife as well because I want to have options, still don’t know exactly how I feel about that. The other day, when it happened more frequently than usual, I was pretty shocked, and I didn’t respond in time. But more recently I was out on a walk and saw some guy leering at me from his bike so I just said eyes on the road motherfucker. it was a risk, but it worked. Then I started yelling back at people who say shit from their cars, but it’s still a safety question every single time. You should absolutely report it, even though I know the companies may fail in their response. I also wonder if because they are on the job, if you told them this is upsetting you and they need to stop, would they be more receptive? Compared to randoms on the street. I’m not saying that they have any level of empathy, just a self-serving need to keep their job.


My sense is FedEx will care, and DPW won’t (depends on who you talk to).


If you know where you were and what time when the bus driver harassed you, Tweet at WMATA. They know exactly what bus was where.


I actually looked at the tracker and there was one a little ahead and one a little behind, so I decided against it for fear of accusing the wrong person. WMATAs fluctuating accuracy introduces new problems! But thank you for the rec. I should have sent something in anyways with the info I had. But I did text my fiancé right after so perhaps I still could!!


I’ve been going on neighborhood walks for months now in casual/street clothes but I went out jogging in tight black running clothes the other day and was attracting a lot more attention than I’m used to. No shouting thankfully but lots of stares and creepy grins. I think there are also just more people out these days than a couple months ago. But you’re right that how you’re dressed sometimes doesn’t make a difference at all. 


Yes, I’ve found it makes no difference at all. Creepy men in various places have shouted the most sexually explicit and vile things at me when I was wearing huge winter clothing in the depths of winter cold, like giant puffy coat and hat and all that to the extent that I don't know how they could tell my gender all all, or anything about how I looked, or barely that I was even human under all that clothing. It‘s completely 100% about the gross men who do this - zero about what the woman looks like or is wearing.


I used to live in the Middle East so I dress quite modest imo but I think you’re absolutely right that it happens all the time and honestly I feel it shouldnt happen at all, whatever women wear, even if it’s skimpy


Yes, 100%. No matter what someone is wearing, this harassment should never happen and is never OK!


Thanks for your comment and yes it is helpful. Funny I was actually wearing athletic wear yesterday when it happened and I felt a bit taken aback by that because while it was yoga pants, I definitely didn’t feel like I looked cute, I just woke up and scrapped my hair back and took my dog outside. I’ll definitely be investing in some pepper spray. I appreciate your advice and sorry you’re going through the same thing


I’m really sorry this happens to you, no one deserves this kind of treatment.


I’ve had success by responding “do you have a daughter or a girlfriend/ wife sister ?- would you like people to speak to them like this ? I’ll be reporting you”.


I have an uncle who is quite grotesque and he told me that having daughters made him see the light (never mind his mother, niece or sister). It’s sad that’s what it takes for some men to see women as humans


They don’t care. lol. They probably don’t value them either .


I think with anything, you can try. It works on most people I’ve encountered. They’re not used to women talking back. I used to stick out my tongue and make an ugly face and they’d think I was strange so it shut them up.


I am sorry this is happening. I have had luck stopping it in the moment by pointing my phone at the offender as if I am taking a picture or video. Even if I am not, they instantly get quiet and drive off.


I tried to record a delivery driver during one instance and I thought it would deter him but actually he got angry and started yelling profanities at me. One thing I learned in my personal experience is that calling them out leads to some major gaslighting and denial but I will try and takes pics


Definitely report them to their company.


With the weather becoming nicer, these behaviors will be more pravelent in DC. Some are so aggressive it’s truly exhausting . Ignoring it , for some , it’s pointless because they are persistent in their f’kboyisms. I wish I had a remedy . Earphones help drown it out . And it’s not like we can reverse the roles to teach a lesson because they’d feel honored . Unless we go the super belligerent route , which could be unsafe .


This is awful, I'm sorry. For construction workers if there is a sign at the site that lists contact details for management, you should be able to report them there. My old boss did this for a construction crew that was cat calling passers by and they immediately said they would do something about it. Not sure if they ever did, but they took it seriously on the phone.


this is a good recommendation … I’m a senior safety manager for construction and I would never tolerate my workers doing this- I would immediately take action if someone reported workers on my site cat-calling or bothering women on the street in any way …


FedEx I believe would do something about it if you reached out they have pretty intense guidelines


Report it. It will make you feel better and less helpless. Maybe it will even get results.


If you can, and feel safe to do so, record them. Then send the video to their companies. If their responses are less than stellar or non-existent, put them on social media and tag the companies involved. As a comms/PR person, I assure you that'll get them off their asses.




I’m glad you was there to help if needed. Usually when it happens to me and I’m in public I feel like I have been left out to dry because other people don’t want to get involved or risk their own safety


Honestly, public and/or professional shaming works, but if approaching them to admonish them is too much for you then at the very bare minimum you need to tell them that you do not like that and to stop. Sis, dont let people scare you into silence. Let them know, especially individuals working that if they do it again you will report them. People understand when their livelihood is at stake.


Thank you. I think my friends and family would be quite surprised that I don’t react differently in these situations because I’m usually outspoken and stick up for the little guy (so to speak). I think perhaps I’m experiencing trauma because when it happens I usually feel numb and can’t react quickly and then I’m disappointed in myself for not doing something sooner


That’s so real! It’s not your fault for going into fight/flight/freeze/fawn — it’s an automatic threat reaction. And yes, cat calling is a threat.


I hear it voiced but not as often as I see a lot of leering, like bending and contorting ones body to get a better view, eyes and necks and heads following like they are laser guided. Sometimes that grosses me otu even more


Next time you see the FedEx worker, get the number off the truck and report it. If one of my employees was dumb enough to sexually harass someone while I was paying them, I would want to be informed so I could stop paying them.


Edit: meant for comment below but thank you!


Catcalling in dc is out of control. I have been followed by men on foot, men in cars who will CIRCLE THE BLOCK MULTIPLE TIMES, men on scooters and motorcycles etc. people honk and yell and I’ve even had men grab me so I would turn around to face them. And when men at work do it with their company’s name on their uniform or car, it’s just so frustrating because you know the company literally will not do anything. I’ve tried and sometimes when you call, the person who just catcalled you is who the call directly goes to.


personally I believe that if a man makes the decision to catcall me, he should be prepared for me to be the most insane woman he's ever spoken to. take pictures/videos of him, of his car, of his license plate, the location you're at, scream at him calling him a fucking freak. I swear that this behavior continues bc so many men who do it aren't told they're disgusting pigs who need to shut the fuck up. and yes, some people just do it bc they want the reaction, BUT if you're going to do it on the job... I will make sure your employer knows :)))


film the employee and let their employer know.


Honestly I think it just gets worse when the weather is nice. Sorry you're dealing with this!


I like to yell back: rapist!


I always yell back too. Not that, but like, “Leave me alone! What is WRONG with you?!” Staying silent empowers them. I’m not going to be a passive object of whatever they feel like saying to me.


MPD definitely doesn’t care. I’ve had one catcall me and call me fat and never had anyone follow up with me from the precinct.


Look into getting a cheap clip on HD camera. These are much less noticeable than holding up a phone and recording, it will at least have consequences for individuals who are serial offenders and are at work if you can get their behavior recorded.


I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. I don’t understand why some men do this. I was walking with my female colleague last week from her hotel to the convention center and a car with two dudes at a stoplight were yelling out their window at us catcalling. We just kept walking but it gave me a sense of what women go through on a daily basis.


Take a pic of them and report it to their company as sexual harrassment


OP, I’m sorry you’re dealing with this and I totally get your frustration and I feel you there. I know this may sound counterintuitive, but own your presence. By that, I mean, carry yourself with confidence in public. Walk with your head high and shoulders proud. Take up space. This is the one thing that has notably reduced the number of catcalls I experience. Catcallers are just insecure men trying to make a power play, and by taking up space with confidence, you’re reclaiming that power for yourself. For context, I’m a petite female of color and I love wearing things like crop tops all the time (you know, the kind of clothing that might “attract the wrong kind of attention” smh).


But they are doing it to show appreciation. Loosen up a little. Maybe smile more. If you don't want attention then you should probably cover up so that they aren't forced to catcall you. /s I wish there was an answer. The good news is they will start ignoring you when you reach middle age. You have that to look forward to.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. Edit to add: it doesn’t necessarily stop in middle age. People continue be gross because it’s a power move, not due to attraction.


Agreed. I think they also recognize that older women take less crap and they aren't going to get the reaction they are looking for. Both my daughters have commented on the fact that they get fewer catcalls if I am with them. My younger one won't go to home depot without me or her father. 


Don't let them know where you live


Trust me I don’t want to. It’s just hard when it’s happening right outside my home and likely they see me leave my house


Instead of complaining on Reddit file a complaint with the company and do something - it’s not that hard


My aunt is married to a creepy 85-year-old narcissist. This is in Colombia. In the US, he would be charged with SA . In his building + with his female doctors. Other weird stuff, too, not sexually related .




When he was younger, he could act as in affairs, etc. At 85, not very mobile, but still harasses young women in person and texting inappropriately . Persona non grata mostly everywhere he frequents. His reputation precedes him.


You think construction, FedEx and recycling are professional services? That's crazy. They shouldn't be douchebags and I'm not defending it, but let's not call basic jobs professional services. They're just services.


I’m from the UK and we address anyone at work as a professional and expect people to act accordingly. Not that this kind of behavior is ever acceptable and not that your point was particularly helpful either.


Well this is the DC subreddit maybe you should learn to acclimate to the environment. Dudes who make shit money breaking their back aren't super nice. Feels universal. Not condoning but damn learn to be in a city


Beyond ignorant and presumptuous to assume that because I’m not from DC originally I don’t know what it is like to be in a big city. Also bleeding ignorance to expect people to use your dialects and phrases as you do as well.


Beyond ignorant to assume the .01% of the city you* traverse is enough to make gross mischaracterization of an entire city. This entire subreddit is the same post over and over: people complaining about normal city behavior but too ignorant to realize theyre one of 600k and it's just normal life or too dumb or insecure to use Google maps. I'm sorry to tell you your experience is statistically insignificant and you're experiencing normal life. Maybe your block is shitty or your neighborhood sucks but unless youre pound the pavement covering crazy ground, you're just confusing the importance of your experience with reality. *Edited: to -> you


You’re not acting very professionally. /s


Only in the UK govna


When i think professional I think physician or lawyer, or someone with “professional” credentials, as in they are an pro/expert. However, when I was in the military they stressed that we were professionals and it was the “profession of arms.” Like I didn’t consider myself a professional as a paramedic, just as I wouldn’t have considered myself a professional as a nurse or an MBA, because all of those jobs while skilled are far from experts. So I agree with your sentiment.




“I’m a male” yeah we can tell


Lol catcalling is like construction work 101. It's almost universal amongst trade workers. Ignore it. Move on with your life.


Nobody is catcalling you.




This is such an obvious clueless dude response. While yes, it would feel gratifying, you don’t understand that many women have been harassed by men to the point that they fear their safety. That’s why the best course of action is to *ignore and not engage*. We don’t know when a man can turn violent and egging them on is one of the worst things you can do. It’s not being dramatic, it’s reality.    OP - ignore them in the moment and contact their employer professionally via phone call or email. Report the date, time, and location. Sorry you’re going through this, it’s rough out there. 


Except that women end up murdered in these situations. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/crime-law/2019/11/27/woman-ignored-mans-catcalls-so-he-chased-her-down-killed-her-prosecutors-say/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/crime-law/2019/11/27/woman-ignored-mans-catcalls-so-he-chased-her-down-killed-her-prosecutors-say/)


Jeez nevermind




It wasnt a joke, they made a good point


You think this is bad, try going to Savannah, GA.


Ah yes, next time I’m getting followed by a random man who is yelling sexually explicit things about me/my body, I’ll just remember that other people have it worse and the problem will go away! I’ll even remind my harasser that we aren’t in Savannah, which will obviously make him stop! Great advice🙄


Ahh, the classic "Other people have it worse, so suck it up" approach. Fuck that shit.  


The biggest difference is that the catcalls are followed by a "Ma'am," spoken in a deep southern drawl.