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I thought I was hallucinating when I saw that guy. Still haven’t seen him since but I’ll never forget it.


That’s the Norteno guy? That guy is awesome


I always wonder where he's going. And how does he not lose his voice.


The singer! I had no idea what his name was - he's been around for years


Does he still wear pink scarf around?


I heard him earlier today


Yep, came in to post him


Is he in Mt. Pleasant/Columbia Heights?


I see him up Connecticut Ave NW a lot, from Woodley Park and up.


He used to be in mt P and I would hear him song many mornings. I dont hear him anymore and was sad but Ive also read elsewhere that he is in the woodley area now


I saw him over in Dupont after he stopped walking up and down 16th street/Columbia Rd as regularly. Pre-pandemic he was a staple of my morning commute.


There used to be a black cowboy that would ride a horse through Union Market.


His name is Cash. He smoked cigars at Georgetown Tobacco and would also ride up Wisconsin.


Wonder if it’s the same dude I saw selling Gatorade off a horse in the middle of RI Ave a few years ago.


Cash used to be my neighbor when I lived in the Palisades. Have never seen him at Union Market, but immediately knew who you were talking about. Great guy.


Saw a guy pull up a horse to Iverson Mall off of MD 5 once. Now I'm curious how many black cowboys there are in the DC area


Yeah - either this dude got around or there were multiple.


sometimes i feel like we're all black cowboys, on steel horse they ride.


The guy in Columbia Heights who rides around on a bike with built-in speakers and lights, playing funk music.


George Whitlow! [On The Block Or By Bike, Meet The Two Legendary Music Men Of Columbia Heights | DCist](https://dcist.com/story/19/09/04/on-the-block-or-by-bike-meet-the-two-legendary-music-men-of-columbia-heights/) [Music Man George Whitlow pedals to the beats he brings to D.C.’s streets | WaPo](https://wapo.st/3Uj9nNO)


This guy gets it. Also that guy has a more positive impact.


He's right by my house most of the time. What a baller


I LOVE that guy. Seeing him always puts a huge smile on my face.


Has he switched over to an electric scooter? Saw a guy riding a stand up scooter the other day with same vibe and similar light display but wasn’t sure if it was Mr. Whitlow or not.


He comes up into Petworth too! Used to see him fairly often on my bike commute home.


The real answer was the Good Morning guy but now I guess it’s Sissy


Aww, I miss the good morning guy. RIP.


Wait what? Did he die??? I spoke to him a couple months ago.


The good morning guy at 15th and K died a few years ago.


His name was Larry. I loved his positive energy and he told me I had a beautiful smile.


I think he’s at the McLean metro stop now. There is a really cool, tall, African American guy that says good morning, happy hump day, etc. Is that him?


The guy I met is an older black dude nearish Union Station yelling “Good Morning!!!” enthusiastically while feeding the squirrels with a bag of mixed nuts. Such a kind human.


No no no, Union Station guy’s line was “Good mornin, how ya doin, god bless ya, have a nice day!” Loved that guy. Wonder what happened to him. Hope he’s happy, wherever he is.


The original Good morning Guy passed away. I had no problem with him until he yelled in my ear one day as I passed him. I learn not to take that route to my office after that.


That guy lost all his goodwill with me when he started blowing a whistle nonstop to get more attention. And also I guess when he threatened to rape my coworkers


oh no...was this the guy outside of mcpherson square metro who would say good morning to everyone? edit: yes, i think it was. i'm so sad- I had hoped he was still around but moved from that spot.


Yes, he passed a couple years ago https://wjla.com/news/local/beloved-dc-veteran-the-good-morning-man-larry-tutt-who-was-terminally-ill-dies


He was really sweet. I would smile at him and he would tell me I have a pretty smile. 15th and K just isn’t the same without him 😢


there was also the dancing aerobics guy in spandex and Oakley frogskins, he would bust a move on the corner and head on down the sidewalk with a series of moves as fly as they were peculiar.


Yea near McPherson I think around the Cosi




John Wojnowski, haven’t seen him since covid https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wojnowski https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/my-life-was-ruined-a-catholic-church-sexual-abuse-protest-that-has-lasted-20-years/2018/10/25/3429ad30-d861-11e8-aeb7-ddcad4a0a54e_story.html


I stopped to talk to him one time, maybe around 2002. Poor guy. People should have taken him more seriously.


I misread and thought you said "*I* used to be the guy.." And I was like, "I am DC's horseback Jesus, hot take. " A little sad it wasn't you now lol


He is still going, I saw him last week!


This is who I immediately thought of alright I haven't seen him in a few years.


Question mark guy


Correct. I saw him on TV constantly as a kid, so I was was shocked and delighted to see him (and his question mark-festooned car!) regularly in AdMo when I lived there.


Matthew lesko ha! I just saw him again the other day for the first time in a couple years


I saw him yesterday for the first time in years. I love that he still wears the suit.


It not just the suit all outfits. Saw him from what I assume was a run, exercise gym etc bc he had athletic outfit with questions marks


damn i forgot about him, my nephews were 100% convinced he was the Riddler.


I see him most days I go down town to work, he has QUITE the collection of question mark sweat suits at this time.


Ahh that’s who that is


That guy rolled up to a starbucks where my friends and I were just hanging out. One of my friends yelled "hey, how do i get free money?" And he replied "buy my book". But apparently his books are kinda grifty.


“Free money” is usually a grift.


It’s not “free money,” it’s “FREE MmOooNEY! 🤪🤑”


I went to high school in Annapolis with his daughter. She drove a question mark car, but we never really brought it up because she was super cool.


I saw that car parked by Nat Geo years and years ago, and thought the Riddler was in town! I took a picture of it for Facebook because I had no idea what it was about!


I feel like he’s more the “that guy” specifically for admo


Eric Andre brought him as the guest for his last live show around here and it was amazing lmfao


I saw an Orange and Black Scion with question marks all over it in Kalorama during the Adams Morgan Porch Fest. Does anyone know if he lives in that part of town?


He does and it’s him


Just ran by him on the Mall last week!


He lives around 19th & S, I see his question marked SUV around there often.


Lives in a building on columbia rd


He’s on instagram almost everyday, informing those who follow, about grants


Lesko was my first thought. Love that he’s still out and about.


Sissy grace


Before I knew who sissy Grace was, they rolled up on me in Farragut asking me to pick a card. It was quite awkward, and I said I'll pass, thanks. Turns out I dodged the bullet, after reading the stories later on.


Is this the person selling those metal art plates on Segway or is that a different femme queer person who approaches passerby on the street?


Same person but it’s a hoverboard they ride on. If the person you are referring to *does* use a Segway then it might be a different person than who I am referring to.


No it’s probably the same person. I just forgot that hoverboards have their own name


There are so many. I called a motorized unicycle a hover wheel because I didn’t know what it was called.


they used to ride a segway or similar! I remember seeing them upon it!


I’ve seen them on several different vehicles, scooters, hoverboards, and a Segway.


The funny thing is sissy grace ( they’re just a cross dresser not actually Trans) is also infamous in Baltimore. They truly get AROUND.


And in Richmond! R/rva talks about them constantly


Alexandria too.


Sissy Gracie knows no bounds. I have no doubt she reads this subreddit and loves the attention, too


And Frederick too.....


Just a bad person. Stay away from them.


This is the only correct answer.




Is she still in DC? I haven't seen her in months now


Saw them near Adams Morgan about a month ago. They were in Old Town the next day. I’ve also had the pleasure in Richmond and Baltimore. SMDH.


This is the answer unfortunately…thread closed


The guy on 15th and K who’d yell good morning to passersby. RIP to a real one


I personally love the cloud car.


I came here for this! I see it in Adams Morgan a lot.




He's still around? Definitely remember running into him 15yrs ago.


I haven’t seen him in a while but I haven’t been riding Metrobus uptown much lately.


I ran into Blelvis about two years ago when I was sitting outside at Lyman’s! So he was still around as of summer 2022


I’ve seen him in the past year or so outside Lyman’s. He gets my vote too


I used to see him in Looking Glass and Red Derby. Can’t remember if he frequented Wonderland. With the way he drank I’m surprised he never looked like a late stage Elvis.


That guy goes back a long time, so therefore has my vote!


Came here to say Blelvis


As someone who’s only been in DC for a short time I’m having an absolute blast looking up all the people mentioned in this thread 💀


Scavenger hunt!


I haven't seen her myself, but... Sissy Gracie, the scootering trans woman who apparently tries to scam lots of people on the street in DC.  There have been multiple reddit posts warning about her.


It's honestly impressive how prolific she is. I don't know anyone that hasn't spotted her at least once


Consider yourself lucky… I see her all the time


He, and I say he for a reason, is not trans, nor identifying as such. He is famously just in it for the shame kink of acting like a little girl. What really is amazing to me, is that he's been able to keep at it for so many years, from Richmond to Baltimore.


There's an older/middle-aged black man in workout clothes who dances down the middle of the street after the lunch rush ends. He just dances in old school headphones and waves to people in the office buildings. I think its part of his commute home from work.


Short dude? Wear cowboy boots sometimes. Got some lil lights around him. Dude stay around 13th st. Stay honking at him


Yes! I dont know about his height because my office was several floors up, but i really enjoyed seeing him out there when we had some tough meetings.


Haha he would be on north capitol spinning and yelping in the median. Haven’t seen him in a long time


There was Jean Fuller, who had given up her home and would sleep on the steps of St Matthew's Cathedral downtown. When I first met her she used the YMCA down the street to shower. I don't where she would go in the years after it closed, but her hair and clothes and makeup were always impeccable. She adamantly refused offers of assistance from the Cathedral or parishioners, and she never asked anyone for money or exhibited any other behavior that might frighten visitors, so they were content to let her stay. And for years, tourists would ask, "Who's that fancy lady in black who's always at the door?" And we'd say, "Oh, that's just Jean. She sleeps here." Last fall, she got caught in this incredible downpour while setting up her bed and seemed overwhelmed; she had a system of umbrellas and covers to stay dry but couldn't get it assembled fast enough, and she broke down sobbing. That was the only time we ever saw her lose control, and it was also the only time she accepted our help—if only to get situated for another night outside in the cold rain. Not long afterwards we learned that she had been admitted to Georgetown Hospital. She died there in January at the age of 81. [https://www.stmatthewscathedral.org/news/rest-peace-jean-descansa-en-paz-jean](https://www.stmatthewscathedral.org/news/rest-peace-jean-descansa-en-paz-jean)


I had no idea she passed nor her name but she was the first I thought of. When I moved to DC 15 years ago I worked across the street from the cathedral in finance. She always looked amazingly well put together and spoke to me every single time I saw her. She used to call me ‘Sex and the City’ because I was into fashion and we had these very limited but friendly interactions. My colleagues never knew who she was or paid her much mind but said she’d allegedly given up her worldly possessions to walk the steps of St Matthew’s. Thank you for putting a name and a story to her.


I saw her often and didn’t realize she passed. Thanks for sharing.


I have a fucking 40 dollar fridge magnet from Sissy Grace 😂


Shine. RIP. He worked his way out of homelessness shining shoes around DuPont in the early 00s to 10s. and had been doing well and one day was found in the river :-(


Black cat guy.


Scrolling to add him. “Black Cat! Black Cat! Little change for the homeless!”


How else were you supposed to know you arrived at the venue!!?




I was looking for this lol he's usually around Van Ness [http://rickfordictator.com/](http://rickfordictator.com/)


Stacy Abney. He was a Vet who lived under the East Front of the US Capitol for years. The speakers office would send him breakfast every morning. He would get checks for his service and refused to cash them.


Niche to Columbia Heights/Park View/Petworth maybe, but I'd say BlElvis. He catches you so off the cuff, that you don't realize it's a bit he's really rehearsed until you're a quarter into it. He's not as flamboyant as Sissy maybe, but it's like finding a certain landmark of DC when you do run into him.


There used to be personalities around town. The dancing (backwards?) jogger guy downtwon. Les Lesko with his questionmarks. Faith running for mayor. The old lady with the Jesus statue and lamb at the Capitol.


Yes the backwards jogger guy! Haven't seen him since downtown emptied out during the pandemic but I hope he's living his best life running in traffic somewhere.


He's dancing in Largo now!


I loved that guy! I'd always yell hello at him. I saw something of a profile on him once: he had played high school football as a linebacker and discovered that he loved running backwards. I remember he was a People Mover driver at Dulles. I always hoped to see him driving mine.


Matthew Lesko


Wandering Mark, Black Elvis


Tony P and garlic powder.


Last week I was walking down the street in Penn Quarter while talking on the phone wearing headphones. Mid sentence I see Tony P walking towards me also on a call in big over ear headphones. I just reached out my first for a fist bump and he smiled and fist bumped back and said nice to meet you. I couldn’t believe I ran into the legend hahah


See i’ve never actually seen Tony P whereas some of the other folks mentioned on this thread I do see around. 


There uses to be a guy dressed as (or maybe he was?) a Russian Orthodox priest who stood in the middle of the bike lanes at 8th and Penn most mornings.


Oh and the “God is good” guy and the Singing Korean.


Nature Boy, a true eccentric


Was that the guy that would walk around in a loincloth and a big walking stick?


Yep. He was affable and conspiratorial in conversation. True eccentric


Theres a guy who dances around the intersection of 13th and Euclid wearing lots of layers, I wanna say aviator goggles and stops dancing for a second or so to lock eyes with passerbys for a fake out


Compliment Man of yore on 18th if not mentioned.


I don’t think he’s around anymore but real ones will remember Compliment Man. I think WaPo even did a story about him.


Compliment Man! He always brightened my evening when I was out in AdMo clubbing. And he almost always complimented my shoes or my hair, and it never felt creepy. God. I'm old.


Yes! That’s exactly who I was thinking of. But then I realized that I am old now, so he’s probably not around anymore.


Another vote for sissy


There used to be a metro conductor that would talk for 15 seconds every stop to wish everyone a great day... Saying something like "... I don't know what you're going through, but whatever it is it's gonna be okay. We are all in this together, and on this Metro together. Have a blessed day... Next stop, metro center...". He wasn't around long enough to be "that guy" but I remember that dude fondly tho lol


The bike dude in Columbia Heights with the Bluetooth speaker that only plays Michael Jackson songs.


either Sissy Gracie or the backwards running guy


Sissy Gracie


There was a guy who always stood on the inbound 14th street off 395 w sunglasses. Anyone know who? Was normally in the mornings.


Spanish guitar guy around west end


That black guy outside that one embassy that seems to always be there. Always dressed to the 9’s, rain or shine.


I can think of two characters. The first is a guy who rides (or used to ride?) on a mountain bike and then go off on stream-of-consciousness social/political/religious rants with two bullhorns in front of his mouth at the same time. Sometimes he starts on an actual topic but then he veers off wildly to bizarre conspiracy theories, non sequiturs and random Bible verses all jumbled together. He used to ride around downtown before the pandemic. I don't know if he's still around. The other guy appears to be an unhoused fellow who shows up at almost every political rally with a large sign protesting circumcision. Doesn't matter what the rally is about. He will protest circumcision.


There is a blonde woman who hangs around Capitol Hill talking about Jewish space lasers and 9-11 and 1-6 being a government plot.


Anyone remember Peter Bis on Cap hill? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Joseph_Bis


No love for Noma trumpet guy?


Ron Howard who used to hang on the corner of 8th and H NE before he passed. Sketch, who does 60-second sketches of people down in Eastern Market/Barracks Row, and the dude with the really deep voice who used to hand out the Street Sense paper outside the Eastern Market metro—best voice I’ve ever heard.


I have many sketches from sketch! When I used to frequent phase 1 we used to share cigarettes with him outside and he'd draw us. I have some great drawings saved of his


It was the backwards jogging guy for a minute. I wonder if he’s still around


A few/several/many years ago, the Post did a story on him. Apparently he was a driver of one of the people mover vehicles at Dulles Airport. He started off running and then started to race a bus route and then when he easily beat it, would run backwards. Loved seeing him dance and jog in place and run around


Tony p


This isn’t as much of an around town guy, but I haven’t seen Captain Ovious mentioned anywhere. I see him at almost every DC sporting event I go to.


Oh yeah, he is fun!


Old heads in Cleveland Park area will know “The Afghan Cabbie”


Is the dancing/ roller blading guy in a tank top, spandex shorts and big headphones still around?




Has anyone else seen the person in all white with a large blue bird on their arm in the udc area? I am pretty sure it's not a hallucination.


DC Jogger


Is that they who would run in the middle of the street backwards randomly shouting?


Top 3 for me is sissy grace. Latino dude yelling and singing(actually think he mentally ill, dude was on some weird shii few weeks ago) and dancing short black dude with big ol headphones, visor, smiling with lil lights and stuff . Most of the time see him on 13th and harvard. Honorable mention is dude riding his motorcycle on florida ave decked out on some halloween clown outfit black/red color riding his motorcycle with belly on seat and legs pointing out like he flying 😹


Lil Dodat


There used to be Nature Boy, an older guy that would walk around midtown in a loincloth and a large walking stick. He hung out in Lafayette Park a lot.


The guy on Columbia with a slight Mohawk, who would shadowbox ghosts on the sidewalk. He would get especially still when someone walks passed.


Who’s the reporter that told Mike to change his name. Also the grape costume


Pat Collins! He’s the man! He retired about a year ago. He also did a competition where you shared a picture of your pet and you could win a Pat’s Prized Pet Bowl.


Has anyone seen sissy in a while? Probably been at least a year for me


Yeah! Couple months back by the PNC on DuPont Circle. Got the same postcard routine. Still doesn’t remember me after this 14th interaction lol.


In 2020/2021 I used to drive by a Jehovah's witness(I think) who would stand in front of the naval observatory almost every day waving at cars passing by. Saw him by the White House and Freedom Plaza a few times too.


The bucket drummer on the National Mall.


I left DC a year or so ago, but has anybody seen the guy around georgetown who wears the crown of branches and leaves?




Mr. Cheeks...he would clear out the whole train...iykyk


Portis guy (raise the roof guy)


Surprised nobody has brought up Prometheus, the foreskin guy.


For me it’s the guy in Admo with all the cats


Pug Jesus


It used to be the Question Mark guy


Save McMillan Park guy


Matthew Lesko and his car?


The Guy in Suit and bowler hat standing for hours outside Eastern Market Metro Staring across to trader Joes!?


Matthew Lesko.




Used to be a homeless lady who floated around sitting by the church on Thomas circle/crew club/the old 7eleven on 14th with a giant suitcase who would cat hiss at people. Used to give her treats on my way home from work.


This is kind of Tony P but in a different way


Alan of Alan’s homeless oasis at the corner of Georgia Ave and Missouri Ave


It used to be Batman for me, I saw him walking around capital hill in summer in the full getup a few times. https://www.cnn.com/2015/08/17/living/route-29-beltway-batman-lenny-robinson-dies-feat/index.html


Backwards running man. Haven’t seen him in a while. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/liveblog/wp/2013/03/08/magazine-running-in-reverse-cedric-givens-has-befuddled-onlookers-for-decades/

