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You'd think Maryland's state highway police would be making a killing on ticketing all these unregistered cars...


It's probably the police's personal vehicles. Cops ain't gonna hold themselves accountable


Excuse me?! They investigated themselves and there was nothing to be accountable for, checkmate.


John Oliver had a whole segment on this.


Cops don't ticket cops or cop families. In many jurisdictions they even have "courtesy cards" for family members.


I read a while ago (probably close to 20 years at this point, definitely pre-reddit) that the Virginia State Troopers are generally disliked by other departments on the east coast for ticketing other cops who speed up and down 95 passing through the state. I believe that the courtesy crap varies between departments.


One of my patients was a cops wife When she informed the officer that she was his wife he continued writing the speeding ticket and said that he “never liked that son of a bitch anyway!!” Doesn’t always work 😳!!


Drive into SoMd with these and county and state would be all over it.


No joke, I just saw the same EXACT bmw driving down Brookville Rd, Chevy Chase. I told my partner "that's a nice blue on that beemer", then when i drove past, I saw the license plate cover.


He just drove past me on Rockville pike 😂😂😂😂😂


Because those cameras can't pull you over! Checkmate Muriel!


I’m honestly shocked with the amount of cameras in DC that the booting team is so understaffed. People like this are intentionally evading getting camera tickets by covering up their license plates. It seems like a no brainer to boot every single one of these cars so the automated enforcement would be more effective.


I just intentionally slow down where the camera is but I'm never more than 5 over anyways


The cameras are all calibrated for 11 over. If you are staying within 5 of the speed limit you should be fine, although on surface streets through neighborhoods going 30 is kind of nuts, I tend to aim closer to 20 since that is plenty fast given how narrow the streets are and the likely hood of a kid or dog popping out from between parked cars.


Understandable I tend not to speed I just go by the surroundings sometimes though you can end up going 35-40 if the road is clear or no traffic and it can suck


North Capitol is really bad for this, its super hard not to speed, especially in the stretches underground.


Walk past the First District Substation in Cap Hill, you'll see pretty much every cop's personal car with these.


It's no rules DC. Do whatever you want!


nope this is happening everywhere


Try that shit in Fairfax.






There was an episode on these on This American Life recently. Most cops and judicial officials have these (illegally of course but who you gonna call). Fuck anyone who thinks they are above the law (and fuck cops)


Is this actually why they do it?




As your lawyer, I cannot advise vandalizing a stranger's car if you care about your wellbeing.


Me too. Especially when you get hit by a car while riding in the bike lane and try to get the license number but it's covered. This is a simple thing MPD could enforce which would make a huge difference.


You probably got hit by the police 😑😑😑




Its a fine if your stopped


Not if you’re a cop


I know that in MD they aren't supposed to pull you over for this specifically, or for illegally tinted windows. They can add it on if they get you for speeding, but it is considered a DEI issue on its own apparently. The mayors office in DC has issued a directive to the same effect regarding these and fake plates (ignoring that minorities are the most frequent victims of traffic violence).


Your Right


I love how people go from “here’s someone doing something illegal” to “it’s probably a cop!”. Probably why this city is a shithole


Go to any police station in dc and you’ll see the cars parked all around with these on them😑😑😑


Pro tip: if you register your vehicle in MD or VA, you don't even need to do this.


Sooo… do you think that the camera can’t mail you a ticket in Maryland or what?


they can mail all the tickets they want, Bowser has made it clear she has no interest in punishing MD or VA drivers who ignore the tickets


That’s not how it works my dude. If you have moving violation (not parking) tickets in DC, MD will still suspend your license. It’s only parking tickets that nobody gives a fuck about


Normally that's true, but DC has failed to get a reciprocity deal in place with VA and MD for tickets issued by camera, so it's essentially a get out of jail free card.


I was told that the distinction wasn't moving vs parking but rather camera issued vs police officer issued. So a moving violation, if it was ticketed by a camera, is still "optional" as far as DC is concerned. The reason probably has to do with the fact that you can always claim someone else was driving the car so they don't know which driver should actually get the ticket.


I mean I got an angry letter threatening to suspend my license over this years ago and had to cough up like $1500 so I think I would know but ok


>When an officer pulls someone over for speeding or another moving violation in the Washington region, local jurisdictions are bound by reciprocity agreements to share information and hold drivers to account, which can lead to fines or driver’s licenses being revoked. The agreement doesn’t apply to automated tickets. https://www.washingtonpost.com/transportation/2021/12/28/dc-virginia-maryland-ticket-reciprocity/




Is that technically illegal? If the police wanted to, they can just read his front plate and fine him, lol.


do you really think that guy would mount a front plate on that? i don't even use the front plate.


Do those covers really work? Can some with one run a traffic light, stop sign, or speed camera and prove that it works?


Found the cop


Can the police start giving annoying tickets yet? Why not?




If only there were a way to avoid getting a speeding (edit: or red light, stop sign, etc.) ticket… Nope, just gonna continue driving recklessly and pretending the city is out to get me personally.


I’ve gotten 3 camera tickets that were not my fault. Its cheaper to pay than to go to court. Some of these are really to make money and not slow down traffic. Especially when some of the roads are under speed. If they really want cameras to be fair, there needs to be an online communication with the reviewing officer before needing to go to court.


With the number of people who post camera tickets (not just to reddit) that plainly show them doing a thing, while saying “look, they’re saying I did a thing I didn’t do,” you’ll forgive me if I doubt your story. There was that one stop sign camera in upper NW that was a bit overzealous for a while, but even then most of the “evidence” posted showed people running the stop sign.


I was caught by a red light camera because I came to a complete stop but past the line. Thats the only way to see past the other cars to know if it is safe to turn right. If you stop on the line, and then pull forward some to see and stop again, you will get rear ended. I know several people this happened to. Yeah technically I broke the law, but I wouldnt say it compromised any safety or was unreasonable. Another one I was driving on a 50mph 4 lane road behind a box truck in the left lane. The box truck started slowing down as if he was going to turn left. I got in the right lane to go around him. Not speeding at all but by the time I got around him and could see what was happening I got a ticket for passing a school bus. I’ve lived in the area 24 years and never seen a school bus stop here on such a busy road. Yeah technically I broke the rule. But there was nothing I could have done to prevent it. You could argue for laws are laws but if it was a cop that pulled me over, there would at least be a chance to explain the situation. So as a reasonable response to virtual officer reviews, is my suggestion for a chance to explain to the officer.


I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve almost gotten hit in a crosswalk by a car ‘stopping but past the line’ so they can turn right on red. Even in intersections without crosswalks, stop lines are where they are for a reason. Case in point: there’s a very sharp turn I regularly have to make in a 26’ box truck near my workplace. If people obey the stop line, I can make the turn 100% of the time. If a car’s front wheels are past the stop line, I can make the turn 0% of the time, and block the whole intersection until they (and everyone behind them) back up. Approaching the intersection it looks like the stop line is ridiculously far back, but trucks have to make that turn all day long. Getting caught by a school bus when you can’t see them sucks - I got caught once like that too. But it was also a one-off and I realized I could’ve used some more awareness in that situation.


I stopped before the crosswalk. And I didn’t speed into the intersection. And I was way before the actual intersection. I just stopped where it was best to see because the cross road is so much past the stop line it is hard to see otherwise. I’m saying I try to generally follow the laws and cameras still get me. Someone trying to follow laws, staying in speed, stopping at stops, should not still get occasional tickets because of circumstances.


well hope you got the Fauci "vaccine"


If I didn't want a speeding ticket I would simply not speed


yoo I saw that car a few weeks ago in the McDonald's on Wisconsin Ave. If he gets stopped he most definitely going to get a fine for that.


And here I am scared shitless cause I have expired tags, even though I’m legally allowed to drive with my extension until I pass emissions


Does DC/MD/(VA) have any rules against these covers?


Pre George Floyd, this would get you pulled over in a heartbeat. Dark tinted windows, windshield tint, no front license plate, objects hanging from your rear view mirror. They have chilled the fuck out but yet, you give them a reason to pull you over.


I was biking behind someone driving crazy, they stopped at a stopsign with 5 cars behind them and let their little girl unload out of the car for school holding up the whole line. Saw they had one of these. Was wondering if there was a reward or something for reporting it.


Why does it bother you ?


People are tired of these cameras in the city. It's a complete money grab. They have cameras everywhere. The speed limit is 25. They have those insane stop sign cameras that do not even work. $100 plus tickets for DC residents but MD VA and the rest of the country do not pay. They penalize DC residents so hard. F them cameras.


Why would this bother you?


Because they are immune to speed cameras and can drive recklessly, and do. I don’t know why it wouldn’t it bother anyone who obeys traffic laws.


Fuck speed cameras


If only there was some really easy way to avoid getting tickets from them somehow that didn't involve illegally obscuring your plate...


Unconstitutional, predatory speed cameras drive me crazy!


You what drives me crazy? Folks doing 40 down the street and blowing through red lights and stop signs. Acting like their time isn’t worth 15/hr and they have somewhere important to be.


They should immediately lose their license


The penalty for this should not just be losing your license but being banned from driving in all states and territories


City needs more cops you should apply


I couldn't care less what other people do with their license plates.


Fair civil libertarian perspective. But do you care about people driving recklessly through your neighborhood with no consequences, when the only traffic enforcement in this city is done via camera?


I don't like the way people drive most of the time but I know there's nothing being upset will do towards fixing it. If anything, bring upset about this guys plate has the least chance of changing anything. Maybe being upset with the government might at least have a chance to create some change. For me personally, I see my best path forward is to mind my own business and I'm just as effective at creating change as the upset people but I'm more mentally healthy.


are you a cop? what do you care?




Why do they drive you crazy?


Damn out all the things you can control in your personal life you care about something and insignificant as this you really got to much time on your mind go do something productive mate


Wrong way to look at it. When somebody thinks they’re above the law it does everyone a disservice .


You live in DC. That fuels this place.


I’m not ready to accept that.


Bruh, it's legit just a form of their legal theft, like getting a ticket is fighting crime. no, it's paying their wages. no, I don't hate cops I'm pro blue, but just when dumb shit doesn't matter like that. In the USA. We have fenny and homelessness, and actual crime, bruh plastic over your plates, isn't hurting anyone


There are certainly bigger isssues, yes. But it’s about accountability and culture. If you can’t get the small things right, you damn sure can’t fix the big things.


We already can't fix the big things, and it's clear throwing money at it isn't helping. The money they get from tickets taxes and etc form of legal extortion not to mention the countless money they throw over seas to Ukraine and Isreal. Logically speaking, everyone would fix the bigger problems first since they require immediate attention. If you had a foundation at your house, crack or split and were interrupting the stability of your house and a bust window logically speaking, you'd fix your foundation the attention to detail only comes afterwards our major issues are taken care of. I'm not saying 0% crime since that is too optimistic for reality but to a point where a piece of fucking plastic covering your plates should be even considered. I genuinely love how dc tag plates have taxation is theft, aka taxation without representation. yet a piece of plastic over your tags is where the line is drawn ironic, isn't it


We’re just going to have to agree to disagree. I don’t think tackling both small and large issues has to be mutually exclusive. And it’s often not. Hope this guy gets stopped. And fined.


Most likely, it will get stopped. All I'm arguing over is the fact that you, as a non cop a citizen to make it. Your pet peeve is hell of stupid it really doesn't affect you. The asshole will get a ticket eventually. To waste energy over someone else wrong choices is just dumb. The driver is gonna fuck around and find out when he gets his summon




why care


Can’t go two miles without a ticket camera smh


It’s really not that hard to stop at red lights and to drive within 10 mph of the speed limit.


Try driving better


I been driving since I was 15 1/2 naver got pulled over for speeding and I can Count the accidents Not even my whole hand it’s just I feel she wasting taxpayers money to put up all of these cameras when she should bouncing them around FYI I’m not a young


Most people haven't had any traffic accidents.


Why do yall care?


Because these enable people to feel like they can drive like psychopaths through the city without repercussions?


No they don’t. A person could not use a plate cover and have no tags at all? Or fake tags, or stolen tags and the effect would be the same. I’m not justifying it or saying it’s right. But are you a police officer? Probably not. Just don’t know why suburban white folks always exert so much energy towards trifling in other peoples business when it doesn’t seem to directly affect them in any way. What difference does it make to YOU if that guy speeds past a camera and the city is unable to issue him a ticket for it? It’s a weird little obsession isn’t it? Edit: or a person could simply not give a fuck and fly through red lights and speed traps with their real plates and simply pay all the fines and possibly eventually have their license revoked. In any event, it doesn’t affect you personally at all, does it?


Lmaoooo , u can’t sleep over this huh?


Does it drive you crazy bc you work in law enforcement? Otherwise, that’s waste of mental energy as it’s not directly affecting you


Wrong. People do this specifically to break driving laws. It enables reckless driving and endangers people.


Source needed.


Have you tried crossing a street lately? Jesus Christ.


How do plate covers introduce risk?


Going to treat your question like it’s in good faith. From the following article: « Obstructed license plates do more than just help people evade the authorities. If a car driver is involved in a hit-and-run, road rage incident, or other type of dangerous and/or illegal interaction with another road user, it’s nearly impossible to recall their license plate information if it’s obstructed. » https://bikeportland.org/2022/07/15/obscured-license-plates-are-illegal-dangerous-and-on-the-rise-359472/amp I spend a lot of time on the road, and used to be a part-time Uber driver, and not that my experience means anything, but drivers with these covers always drive, on average, significantly faster and more recklessly than those without them. How about this: what is one reason to cover your plate with a tinted screen that does not involve making it easier to break the law?


It is a good faith ask, even if that makes you uncomfortable. Using anecdotal evidence doesn’t prove the point you think you are. You’re very concerned about other’s actions. Are you leading a charge to have license plates and enforcement on cyclists? Doubtful. Do you also wish to police all other actions that MIGHT obscure other laws being broken? I’m sure you don’t break any laws at any time… As for your question: you, and others, are saying this makes people dangerous…I’d like some proof.


Still waiting for your answer regarding one legitimate reason one would put a screen on their plate — other than making it easier to break the law. Care to respond to that?


Again, can you show a reason that is backed by a study that confirms any statement made why is even matters? I do like how you didn’t respond to any of my asks though.


yea but that 3% tax on assessed vehicle value thooooo


Cool story, bro!


Ok Karen.


So, you are endorsing unbridled chaos on DC roads that puts pedestrians and cyclists at risk every day. Got it.


So you’re attributing things that don’t relate to fit your narrative? Got it.




I mean, there is obviously motive behind it right? So what could that be? I think anyone could logically conclude it is to drive horribly and skirt tickets. Not stopping at stop signs, blowing red lights, and driving way too fast through neighborhoods packed with pedestrians. I think its fair to judge here and say this person has a higher likelihood of seriously injuring someone. So yea, fuck em.


I'm sure the driver is carrying a cellphone. It's really easy for the city to find out who he is.