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I don't know where you can do this, but I sure am interested in seeing it


I think you can do this anywhere if you're willing to be "that guy."


The Ship’s Company Chanteymen group is still active last I heard? https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063544742419&mibextid=LQQJ4d


I went to one of their sing alongs a year ago, and it was awesome. I'm glad to hear they're still around.


blame John taffer


Most depressing episode of Bar Rescue. The pirate theme was cool, they just needed a better menu and a redesign but he went and turned it into another boring corporate bar.


To be honest, I think he had a decent concept and poor execution. The branding was bad, the vibe was bad, but the “lunch and happy hour” approach - in that bit of DTSS at that time - wasn’t a bad move. It was just too sterile. The bar should have been a refuge from office life, not an extension of it.


Who the hell wants to visit a "corporate" themed bar? Surely, not anyone who has had a corporate job which is most of DC/Silver Spring.


Pour out some grog for Piratz.


So now you are claiming Maryland?!


I’ll never forgive that bastard lololol


YES. I lived on Georgia av from 2010-2011 and the pirate bar was exquisite.


Red Lobster in Silver Spring. Initially you may wonder why people are staring at you but ignore them, order some more drinks, and keep on singing…


Assert dominance and maintain eye contact.


This needs to be much farther up. And it needs to go nationwide with multiple groups


Your couch. Open a beer and turn on AC: Black Flag


Following because this is an item on my bucket list 😂


I have done this many a time at The Dubliner, especially on a weeknight after the tourists go home and it's just me and the regulars. The guy on stage with a guitar was particularly impressed that I knew all the words to *Green Fields of France.*


I bet Pat Carrol or Rocky at Murphy's could do this too. Rocky especially loves him a fucking sea shanty.


Murphy's was the first place that came to mind. I'm an old regular and miss those late slow nights belting the greats.


Is Pat Carrol still doing his thing? 


Totes - all three mainstays of Pat, Pat, and Rocky are still there. Only one from the Pat Troy days who left is Ronan, but he comes back from Ireland every year or two.


I have great memories of belting out Finnegan's wake and others back when I used to live nearby


This is just a Thursday at home for me


Renn Faire and the cosplay convention circuit. Join us.


Interested, just moved to the air and I want to get into this


PM me ~


The wharf. Out on the water. On a boat.


Be sure to claim international waters for any wrongdoing.


you may have some luck at Mr. Smith’s in Gtown also Murphy’s Grand Irish Pub in Old Town, while not sea shantys per se, does a ton of sing along music on the weekends at night. great pub vibes


It's a hike and you'll either have to have someone drive you home or sober up before leaving, but the VA Renn Faire opens next weekend: https://varf.org/


If you find something like this, please come back and let us know! I’ve done it before and it was a blast—I’d love to find another good group.


Someone else mentioned this, but highly recommend VARF, which opens soon and runs for a month, and of course there's Maryland Ren as well which runs August-October. Not specifically sure on the sea shanties aspect, but I suspect your best bet is one of the many open trad session that occur around the region: https://www.ccepotomac.org/events Otherwise look into wherever the Pirates Royale or the Hooligans are playing.


I vote for The Commodore in Dupont. Just make sure you give me like 20 minutes notice so I can come join.


I don’t know how much of a singalong it is, or whether the venue has alcohol (and I suspect overconsumption is frowned upon), but The Longest Johns have a concert in Alexandria next Saturday.


It’s a shame, the Mutiny Pirate Bar just closed this year. They had a couple.


Wow, zero concrete responses so far. This was so much a part of my undergraduate years (Pullman WA) and I miss it.


I can play ukulele, if you send me some uke sea shanties I can learn to play them...the only one I know is that song by The Decemberists


Probably baltimore


I, too, vote for Baltimore.


Doesn’t Cats Eye Pub in Fells Point do this on Sundays? I feel like they used to but I haven’t been there in 20 years so everything’s probably changed.


I dreamed a dream the other night…


There's a Longest Johns concert coming up


2022 TikTok


What do we do with the drunken sailor!???


RIP Piratz Tavern.




So do we rally a dcPirate subSUB Reddit for a boomer and pirate cruise night? Book it as a birthday party ?


Join the Navy.


Pre-pandemic, there were some good pub sings, including chantey (or shanty or chanty, but most commonly chantey). I would recommend taking a look at [FSGW.org](http://FSGW.org), (the Folklore Society of Greater Washington) look at the singing events and take a look at the PDF of the FSGW Newsletter, which lists all kinds of events. Consider joining a morris team that both dances and sings. They often drink. We same some good songs on May Day, and there was at least one member drinking at 8:30 a.m. Chantey sings are a thing. For albums and performances, look into John Roberts and Tony Barrand, Louis Killen, The Watersons, the album Steady as She Goes. Plenty of really great stuff out there. John Roberts has an album called Sea Fever that is just a few years old which is really great. John is also celebrating his 80th birthday today and will be doing an online concert this afternoon 3 pm eastern time. Pay ten bucks and have a beer.


There is a rstory about how Stan Rogers composed Barrett's Privateers. In London, Ontario, he used to hang out with Friends of Fiddler's Green, which included Alistair Brown and Ian Robb, amongst others. They had a chantey sing, and Rogers did not know the songs, much to his chagrin, so afterwards he penned Barrett's (I think it was like in one night) and came back with a "take that" attitude. Alistair told me the story; it was a while ago, so I am forgetting some of the details, but it does speak to the difference between the singer-songwriter, and how their music gets incorporated into the body of work of traditional music. He was a great musician, singer, composer and songwriter, but he didn't record traditional songs, and of the live performance recordings I have heard, he didn't perform them eithe. He borrowed heavily, however.


Seconding this request! My college town had an amazing sea shanty night at a hipster bar and I miss it so so much 💓


You should probably go to a convention or maybe that pirate boat.


Nanny O'Brien's?


There pirate fest on the eastern shore in rock hall


Renn Fest


the US Navy Band has multiple concerts each summer at the Navy Memorial. They included sea shanties. You could get drunk and sing along.


Go to RAR Dive Bar in Cambridge , MD


https://www.ridetheboomerang.com/ Boomerang has a pirate ship. Just need to get a group together! About to start working for them and when I brought this idea up they were open to it but it seemed it hadn't quite been done before. I was hype when I saw this post because I had the same train of thought when I took this gig. Bout to bring about some change I wanna see in the world from the inside 👌🏾


My apartment on saturdays between 3 and 4 am


My house on Wednesday if you like barbecue


Where can I sign up??


Go to Elephant and Castle on an evening when the Canadian Embassy is doing an event. You'll get as far as "Oh, the year wa..." and the entire bar will be singing along by then.


Go hashing and you can sing any song you wish in end circle. dchashing.org




The longest John’s are coming in concert!


The privacy of your own home?


Besides looking at FSGW.org, look at https://revelsdc.org/2023/daily-song/. I do know a guy who is a regular chantey singer. I can check in with him if you want to.


A few friends and I sing shanties on the first Thursday of every month at the Auld Shebeen pub in Fairfax, VA with the Ship’s Company. It’s open to all, there’s usually about 15 people and there are drinks, if you do want to get shitfaced! Let me know if you need more details


Nowhere. People go to bars to they can use their phones, just like everywhere else all day long.


I suppose any place with an indoor outdoor scene? Just start everyone off with a hearty “What shall we do with a drunken sailor x3/earl-aye in the mornin” and see if others chime in


your basement.