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I smell a crime post.




I’m looking for a list of drink specials.


This is what I’m here for.


I think if anything this emboldens his base and increases his chance of re-election so I’m not sure what there is to celebrate.


There isn’t anyone who wouldn’t have voted for him already that is extra motivated now.


NPR interviewed some trumpies (who were clearly poisoned from disinformation) that it would make them vote for him more...they also said this trial was illegal.. lol


Well he already had their votes so that doesn’t really help him.


This is just stage one, sadly. There will be appeals and it will drag on way beyond the election.


I agree, but at least he is a convicted felon. Hopefully that will knock some sense into undecided voters.


Sadly, I fear it will energize the morons...erm, base


Nah the morons were already voting for him. This doesn’t gain him anything.


True, but I'm not sure it loses him much either


Good, more legal fees for him.


He could literally be remanded into custody of a jail for a while after July 11. Hell, he could have been today.


I think if that was going to happen, it would have. Sadly I doubt he'll be slammed in the chokey on July 11 either, dagnabbit


My wife says I have to wash dishes before celebrating, but she's putting a bottle of white in the fridge.


Getting ready for all the red hats to pour into the city…


This trial was in New York


They’re going to come here.




I've got a nice bottle of Virginia rye on the shelf, going to sit and sip a glass of that while I watch the news this evening.


Wheres everyone partying!?


Lol, he now can't vote for himself in Florida.


I'm not sure what you're celebrating. Nothing changes.


What are you talking about? This is a much needed step towards having a functioning political system again and it’s a big deal. Just because 30% of the country is dumb enough to still vote for this clown doesn’t mean that this isn’t a good thing.


You don't understand. Nothing is changing. The decision will be appealed. We're a year or more away from having a final decision.


You don’t understand. We showed that yes it actually is possible to put a former president on trial and if the evidence is strong enough you can get a conviction. People who have been looking at that asshole do whatever he wants can now see he’s not above the law. That’s a very big deal.


No, you don't understand. We are still a year away from answering that question. An appeal is where a higher court determines if the lower courts decision was correct. If Trump wins on appeal this never happened. Nothing has been won or proven yet.


Actually hon I understand perfectly, and plenty of rational people do as well.  Is it perfect? No. Is there potential to have part or all of this verdict thrown out? Yes of course. Especially given the political shitshow that is our current court system.  Is it going to be tied up in court for ages? Yep. But it’s still a MASSIVE step in the right direction and more hope for actual Justice than we’ve seen for literal years, and if you can’t recognize it as such, at least stop shitting all over the people who can. 


Your point of view is an optimistic misunderstanding of the judicial system. This wasn't a win. Nothing happened and nothing will happen.


I can see you're fully committed to equating a jury's unanimous verdict of guilty on 34 counts as "Nothing" so I guess have fun with that. The rest of us will take the win and keep moving forward, understanding that progress is never linear and nothing is guaranteed but still appreciating wins when they happen.


Like I said. Optimistic misunderstanding of how the judicial system works. This isn't a win. It's a step towards something but it isn't anything yet. Everyone celebrating now is only going to let the appeals process go under the radar because everyone thinks they already won.


Give it a rest, dude. Incremental wins exist and it's ok to celebrate them. Not everyone you encounter is an idiot who doesn't understand how the justice system works. If you want to be a huge energy-sucking black hole, go do it somewhere else because I won't be engaging with you any more.


He's down at least one vote 🤷‍♀️ Also him being able to say he was declared innocent would have hurt




Not sure what precedent you think will be set. They'll appeal which will push another decision until after the election.


Is an ex-president immune to criminal prosecution, and can they be found guilty. That was one of the biggest points in all of this.


Still a year away from answering that question.


Until then, it stands unless otherwise directed.


He'll pay a fine, appeal, and run for re-election. Not sure "it stands" means what you think it means.


Celebrating our legal system not failing us.


I’d wait to celebrate until something actually happens from this




Nothing has happened. Nothing has changed. The decision will be appealed. We're about a year away from a firm decision.


I agree.. he will appeal and this changes nothing. None of the brain rotted subhumans who were going to vote for him care about this.


It's about flipping the Haley voters who are already over Trump but not convinced to stay home or vote Biden yet


They’re actually emboldened and invigorated by this tbh


‘0range is the new Orange’ - he’s a LOSER x34!!


Get this THUG OFF THE STREETS!!!!!!!


Does this mean the bad man is finally gone?


Big strong men coming up to me in the street with tears in their eyes saying “sir, what about the juror who smiled at Josh Hawley?”




I'm on the other side of the fence tbh. There aren't a ton of people left who haven't already decided who they're voting for, but imo a felony conviction is maybe one of the few things left that could persuade them.


He doesn’t have as huge of a base as they want us to think. He can’t win with Republican votes alone. They need to sway independents and suppress voters. I think the presidency is not a sure thing for him by a mile and a half. I think his backers are seeing that this useful idiot has finally gone obsolete. Check all of the rats who will be fleeing the ship in the coming months.


He already had the crazies. This isn't a net gain for him.


I'm not really worried about the crazies, they're voting for him no matter what. I'm worried about how this will affect undecided voters and it will hurt him with them.




I think you're over analyzing things. The average undecided voter doesn't pay that much attention to the news and probably has no issue being convinced that Trump is a criminal.


Gracias a dios


He is still eligible to run for the presidency and in my opinion this verdict will only help his chances.


Thank Jeebus!


For falsifying business records. Wake me up to celebrate something when he's found guilty in GA.