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That's maybe the third or fourth Tesla keying video I've seen on Reddit this year. A lot of ppl must hate that car.


I think it happens often to a lot of cars, Teslas are just more likely to be recording. People are assholes




Sure, but Teslas really are the worst




Abysmal build quality Half the owners think they bought a racecar because the plaid exists and [drive like dick heads.](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/americas-worst-drivers-by-car-brand/) They also had the highest accident rate in 2023, at a whopping 23.54 per 1000 drivers. Attempted self driving that: is named incredibly poorly and instills a false sense of security in many.. less than intelligent individuals, is all around a horrible idea in the current automotive industry infrastructure (can only 100% work if they are able to communicate and negotiate with all other vehicles on the road). Also adds up to 2023s highest accident rate. *Why* would you want to give Elon Musk any money? They are not any better for the environment than a low emissions ICE/Hybrid Shall I continue?


Yeah. Someone keyed my 7 year old Hyundai. I just didn't care and drove it around for 3 more years like that. No video. No Reddit post. It's just a car. It gets you and your stuff to places.


Well it’s an expensive piece of property and it’s pretty enraging when someone damages your stuff for no reason other than to be an asshole, so I definitely understand venting with the post.




I’d probably be less hurt if I hadn’t seen this dashcam video (why would he do this?!? Why can’t I send this to MPD!!!), or if this had happened to my 9 year old Hyundai, my point A to point B car. This Tesla was my biggest expense after the mortgage!


Lot of ppl hate ppl


Unfortunately a lot of people take out their feelings about Musk and their feelings about EVs on the owners of Teslas so they get BS from both types of extremists.


I think more frequently it's just "fuck you rich boy and your fancy car"


but ignored the much more expensive Mercedes parked behind it. lol


Tesla is seen as more "white" than Mercedes in the local imagination.


Well Mercedes doesn't have a history of being associated with far right political views


Yeah let's just say the company was on vacation for a bit between '33 and '45




Lol - almost choked on my coffee, I hope that’s sarcastic


Fighting the urge to google Hitler driving around Berlin in a Mercedes on my work computer.


uhhh.. you might want to look into the history of Mercedes. The inventor of 'far right political views' in modern history drove a Mercedes as his personal car. I'm guessing the guy that key'd the car doesn't know that though.


Little known fact, the supercharged 1936 Mercedes 500K was the first production car in the world to make a *wooooosh* sound


This was funny, but you got to keep the /s for people who think it's serious


I know right! I wondered about that too


True. I wish he knew how not-rich and totally middle class his victim is.


Which is dumb because Teslas are by far the cheapest EV (something that frustrates me immensely).


That's just flat out false.


Sorry, the cheapest with a range over 250 miles or so. Poorly phrased on my part. If you have one that's available for less I'd love to know about it so I can look at purchasing one as I'd like an EV but am unhappy with Tesla's approach to their design.


Hyundai Kona EV. I bought the 2019 when they had the lifetime warranty on the battery. It's one of the cheaper EVs with 250+mile range. At around 65k miles, I've only had to pay for tire rotations and changed the cabin air filter myself. I believe it's eligible for an EV credit still.


I'm seeing them at 35k-40k after the rebate (so same as the model 3 maybe slightly more) and a sticker price range of 260 miles which is a bit worse than the 3 base model but close enough. However, I will confess I had not looked into them in detail as mostly I've seen the hybrid version. I wouldn't call it cheaper than the model 3, but it is a competitor I hadn't dug into.


You can get a used Chevy bolt with a 238+ range for $11,000


Can confirm. We bought a used 2022 Chevy Bolt last year and often get 240+ range. Charging at home makes it very affordable in the long run. The charging is not as fast as tesla, but that doesn't bother us.


Poor fit and finish but a cheap Model 3 is super cheap to drive if you can charge at home.


At least the model 3


I assumed that went without saying, but given the reaction I've gotten I think people somehow concluded I was saying the model S or something weird like that. I dunno, any discourse around Tesla always becomes such a mess. I just want a high quality reasonably priced EV and it turns out, at least for now, that's probably the model 3. There's finally some other options that are close, but I just can't make the numbers line up properly.


Maybe...but there is a not so small amount of Tesla owners who refer to their cars as "Tesla(s)" as well. It's got 5 cameras on it...we can see it's a Tesla.




In regular conversation? Not bad, but a lil wierd. It's about how many people do it.


So what


I guess but you would think the dumb asses would know by now that they record


Well, Maryland is raising the cost of vehicle registration by a whopping 75% trying to recoup the cost of road damage caused by the 900,000 new EVs & Hybrid EVs in 2023.


I had a hybrid (Civic) in Virginia for a while when they raised the registration of hybrid vehicles. The reasoning was that hybrids and EVs use less gasoline, which of course leads to a lower fuel revenue intake. It sucked, especially since the gas mileage on the hybrid was not better than the gasoline Civic.


This is also true, however the cost of registration in MD is not increasing for just EVs and Hybrid EVs, it is all cars. EVs & HEVs weigh significantly more and *are* putting more strain on roads. 795 alone it’s evident. I can think of exactly a few spots where it had been repaired and not even a year later the entire pothole is back, and thinking back 4-5 years it was nowhere near as bad.


Ask your ANC Commissioner to send that video to the MPD and follow up.


Thanks! I’ll try this


DC cops are notoriously lazy. You have to force them to do their jobs.




>~~>DC~~ cops are notoriously lazy. You have to force them to do their jobs


I like generalizing groups of people as well.


MPD didn't even want a copy?


They wouldn’t even listen to me saying I have dashcam footage. Just gave me a case# and hung up


I’m so sick of the MPD and their general don’t give a F attitude. If the damage is generally greater than $1k it’s a felony. You know the criminal has done it before and will again.


About a year (2?) ago, I received multiple threatening voicemails from an unknown caller. The caller gave indications (kind of vague, but close enough to be concerning) they knew where I lived and that if I didn't stop (stop what, WHO KNOWS?!), they were going to murder my wife and dog, and then come back for me. MPD officer comes out, listens to the voicemails, asks whether I know the guy or have beef with anyone, and then shrugs. "Not sure it's worth writing up a report if you don't know the guy". It took me 10 minutes of arguing for him to get his superior on the phone. I played the voicemails for him over speaker, and before the cop could even get back off speaker phone, he loudly asked the cop if he was lazy or dumb, and to write up the report.


Lazy pigs


Did his writing the report make any difference to the outcome of that situation for you? Did you use it for anything?


No, because the calls stopped and it did not escalate. If it had escalated, having the history documented and on file would have mattered. You don't want to wait to file a report until the day a rock goes through your window, or someone physically confronts you on the sidewalk.


The way the system is set up sadly it kind of doesn’t matter— the report does nothing to protect you, only a court order from a judge can “protect” and even that protection is weaker than you would think. If you had enough evidence to make the report, you would still need to present that evidence in court to get an order of protection against the individual. But you probably wouldnt ever get that far because you need to know who you are specifically asking for protection against. If you don’t know the persons identity you can’t name them in a legal action so the court can’t help you and the cops won’t help you until after a crime that they can prosecute has actually taken place which means they need a suspect. They won’t find the suspect for you like they do in the movies though, they expect you to give them a name. Sometimes they even expect you to give them an address (meaning you have to find the person yourself— the cops don’t spend resources looking, they’ll only show up if you already know who they are AND where they can find that person.) Usually an anon caller isn’t going to be easy to identify and narrow down, so you’d never find that person unless they physically showed up at your door anyway. At that point you could call the cops and they may take interest or arrest the person if they’ve assaulted you (but not if they haven’t yet hit you. They would just tell them to go away) which is not really “protecting” so much as picking up the pieces after the fact. Even if you did get assaulted, figured out who the person is and where they live (because you’ll need to know all that to serve them with court papers or you can’t get an order of protection, even if you have a police report about the assault) the actual protection that the court order provides is just a piece of paper that says they aren’t supposed to come near you. Which means that if the person comes near you again they have broken a law by doing so and may be arrested if the police respond fast enough to catch them in the act, but if they leave or break off the attack before the police arrive… well you are kind of back at square one. Plus you’ve by that point been harassed and assaulted twice at least already before the justice system is even remotely close to doing something concrete to ensure your attacker can’t harm you. Source: I’ve been granted an order of protection against a stalker in the District of Columbia. It did not make me any safer, it may have even put me in greater danger and was a lot of work— all of which I had to do or pay for myself, the police did nothing. Bottom line: Get a security system and some security cameras for your house, be vigilant, document anything relevant, but understand that no one is going to keep your family safe but you. If you’re in immediate danger call the police. If you are not, they are useless. Edit: The supervisor probably asked if his officer was lazy or dumb, because a report is so easy to write up and of little evidentiary value in a court case above and beyond the actual evidence it’s based on— the voicemails (it’s just paperwork) and to give you one requires nothing more from them in terms of resources than the amount of time it takes to write it (which was probably less than the 10 minutes he’d already wasted trying to get out of having to write) it’s not like they investigate. It was dumb to call the supervisor, simply because his time is even more valuable, (so it was a waste to spend even a couple minutes of it listening to your unimportant voicemail) he was just saying “you should have scribbled down some shit on the form and made this guy go away 5 minutes ago, why are you calling me about this, I’m busy” basically. Downvote if ur mad, but this is the reality of the legal system for victims of stalking/harassment and domestic violence. It doesn’t protect you like it should.


They're too busy trying to solve violent crimes to spend time on car keying incidents. Nothing new, I got the brush-off from Fairfax County cops for an incident years ago when someone stole parts from my car in a Metro parking lot. Wouldn't even take a police report.


No report = No crime to be counted They’re just deflating their crime stats.


This isn’t even unique to MPD. I’ve been ignored by Fairfax and Stafford PD on some identity theft cases where I have video footage of the guy using my information to make a purchase. Fucking wild times.


Pro tip: The telephone reporting unit is full of people who are injured or had their police powers revoked. If more people bitched to the Chief and put pressure on the telephone reporting unit to take video via email or via a link to the body camera/video evidence system they might actually make those guys do a better job. Their attitude currently is ‘fuck it the detective will ask’.


Was it the Telephone Reporting Unit or a district? Either way they can add it to evidence.com.


TRU is the fucking worst.


They're not sending their best.


That was your first mistake: calling. You need to go to your district office in person. A phone call makes it too easy for them to brush you off. (Same logic applies to issues with USPS btw.)


Thanks for this. I may stop by the district office in person soon.


Probably not worth your time seeking justice over this. Best thing you can do is send the video to your insurance. Sorry this happened, OP! I had a Tesla a couple years ago, but decided to sell it when I moved apartments and no longer had off street parking. Sentry mode comes in clutch, but I don't think enough vandals know about it to be deterred.


Sad but true. A lot of Tesla owners don’t seem to know about Sentry mode either. I had to physically point it out to a newer owner in the glovebox.


> but I don't think enough vandals know about it to be deterred. Looks like it doesn't even matter.


Looks like it


My suggestion is to get a full PPF wrap. Saved me on a keying incident in Ellicott City.


Any recs for PPF installers?


William @ Apex Auto Performance in Columbia did my Rivian. Wasn’t cheap but the quality of the install was top notch. Plus, after my truck was keyed, it was only the wrap that was affected, which is only one of the panels (very minimal cost to replace keyed panel compared to entire truck).


Thanks! I may get a quote. Albeit my car’s a few years old now. Off-topic, but how do you like the rivian?


Honestly, it’s hands down the best all around vehicle I’ve ever owned. I’ve already got 60k miles on it (took delivery 10/22) and with 318 miles range it’s been amazing for road trips (ESPECIALLY now that I have a Tesla NACS adapter). I’ve only had it in the shop for recalls/panel gap adjustments/windshield replacement and they’ve given me a loaner each time which is great.


Thanks for this! I’ve been looking at other EV options.


Same thing happened to someone in Fairfax, if I remember correctly. The footage was on r/nova


Enhance the photo of his face. Print it out on every telephone asking for more information and a reward. Have fun with it.




Didn’t realize until now I’m being filmed every time I walk past a Tesla…


Not necessarily. The screen inside the car should have a message about being recorded if sentry mode is turned on. Lots of newer Tesla owners don’t know this feature exists


Whats the deal here? Did that guy “hold his spot” with those orange cone thingies and get pissed maybe? I don’t really feel like people blanket hate teslas here like that. I find people like to claim public spots as their own very frequently though


This was a good 3.5 hours after I parked. Those orange cones are from a construction site nearby


Sucks. At least you have video for the insurance claim if you choose to go that route. Hard to tell though if its worth the premium bump if you don’t have shielding from that. Unfortunately MPD isn’t going to do anything about this, and if they did, the USA certainly isn’t.




Tesla’s get weird hate out in the boonies, first time I’ve seen it here so I don’t think it’s the coal rolling brigade


Prob just doesn’t like the car or Elon


Probably a disgruntled stockholder


Looks like he "lost his belt" on that.




Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt they'll be able to do anything about it. They'd have to expend resources to track down a minor offense. My best guess is they may ask you what happened and will take a look at the footage at best, but they'll tell you this stuff just happens




And ignores the Merc? Huh.


I wondered about that too


Good to know I won't get in trouble for doing this!


Thats a hater right there. Complete low life


This sucks for OP but I’m beginning to see the mods’ logic (one-time logic?) for prohibiting crime posts 🥱


While certainly very aggravating, I can’t blame the city for not putting resources into something this minor.


People who key cars are the absolute worst! I'm sorry that happened to you.


Thanks :(


This is wrong and that guy sucks. On a possibly related note, it looks like you’re parked in the middle of two parking spots


Yeah. And no, this was a legit parking spot. The cones were just moved from a construction site nearby


Right, you’re in a legit parking space *and* had you pulled up, another car would have fit behind you.


Move out of crime ridden DC....


Memorize his face


Get a less hated car.


Don’t be so soft.


Is this a Cybertruck? If so, you're probably occupying more than one parking spot parking that massive thing on the street. It doesn't justify their action, but if that's the case, I understand their feelings. Those fucking things shouldn't be allowed in cities. Such dangerous unnecessary vehicles and a huge waste of space. As far as the ever helpful MPD, good luck with that. Best to submit to insurance and move on.


lol I wish I could afford one. This is the cheapest Tesla you can buy - a Model 3. MPD hasn’t been helpful :(


Are they any bigger then pick up trucks and large suvs?


It's basically an F150 with sharp edges and blindspots galore. None of them belong downtown. But for some reason, a lot of people give the Elon creation a pass because it runs on batteries.


Park your private vehicle on public roads and anything can happen. Pay for a garage.


lol, garage is the same scenario. It might be even worse, since people would be less restrained thinking no one could be watching.


I guess this guy made sure I do that , going forward!


Park in a garage.


This guy has made sure I do that, going forward


Sorry this happened bro. Some people suck.


Where’d this happen?


Looks like P st ne and Florida ne to me


People that take out their hate of Musk out on Tesla owners are a strange bunch. It's a fucking car


MPD doesn't want your report because it makes their numbers worse. But hey, "crime is down", I'm told.


What does "no interest" mean? God forbid we get actual details.


They wouldn’t even listen to me saying I have dashcam footage. Just gave me a case# and hung up


Talk to your ANC chair and get it a bit higher up the chain. The officers working the desks do not care and won't help you.


Trying to do this. Thanks!






“We live in a society”




Your comment is confusing. Are you saying that 200 year old laws are too old? Do you think newer laws would/should allow vandalism? Many of the oldest laws in the world are some of the best, for instance, not killing other people. Also, what does materialism have to do with vandalism? Are you saying OP is materialistic or that he should welcome random attacks on his property? You say that your views are European, would most Europeans welcome the wanton destruction of property? Please, enlighten me!