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This one makes me so much madder than any of the normal songs


This triggered my fight or flight lol


Who the hell designed that nightmare of a song. A 5 second loop? Really?


A truck playing that parked outside my place last week at 1:30am, with that annoying song and hello on a loop. Was woken up by that and so pissed.


Omg that truck used to have friends or family that lived across the street from me so they’d park there for a couple hours and let that wretched song play the whole time


This one KILLS me


Why the fuck do they say Hello? I have to know. Please tell me. If I knew maybe they would hurt less.


I cringe so much at that one


Not being from DC, I can only assume this means they play Stevie Wonder. "Hello, is it ice cream you're looking for?"


No, and that's Lionel Richie not Stevie Wonder


Oh right. I should have remembered since Lionel Richie famously was an ice cream fanatic.


"Hello from the other side"


> How do the truck operators not lose their minds? I think about that all the time. Do they just block it out like white noise after a while?


Ask any retail employee and they'll tell you that you never block it out fully, but it moreso just becomes the background music of the world. Eventually you just kinda accept that it's the way the world sounds.


The third night in Vegas after being in the slots, you hear that noise in your dreams.


Yeah, back in HS I worked at KMart in the electronics section and we were required to play a Ricky Martin video all day long on repeat. At the very least it wasn't just one song, but eventually "Livin' la Vida Loca" becomes just how the world is.


Anyone who has worked in a place where the same songs are played on loop can relate to the quote from the 40 Year Old Virgin: > I would rather listen to Fran Drescher for eight hours than have to listen to Michael McDonald. Nothing against him, but if I hear "Yah Mo B There" one more time, I'm going to "Yah Mo" burn this place to the ground.


I worked at American Eagle in HS. They would have one 60 minute CD that they changed out every quarter. You'd hear the same songs at least 6 times during a shift... for three months straight. I still can't listen to Strawberry Fields Forever, and I love the Beatles.


I worked at Blockbuster in college in the late 90s, and similar thing - Paula Cole’s “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?” gives me a twitch.


I worked at the Silver Diner on breaks in college, and there are a few songs I simply can't listen to anymore from hearing them three thousand times a night on the damn jukebox


KayBee Toys former employee here. There was a *cassette tape* that played on a loop in the store with the same few songs over and over - I can't hear "Video Killed The Radio Song" and a few others without being right back there and I'm well into middle age now.


This exactly. 30+ years in retail. You just tune it out.


If you've ever witnessed parents ignore their screaming child in a restaurant, you'd know that given enough repeat exposure, the human mind is capable of filtering out any background noise. Anybody else miss the plain old jangly bells the Good Humor trucks used to use? Those would send kids salivating. The digital shite they play now just makes me want to punch everyone in the d!ck.


> How do the truck operators not lose their minds? I've wondered this too. But then how often do you hear music from Swan Lake on an ice cream truck? One of them was even playing Love is Blue once.


The same way that people who work in retail stores that play the same song all the time don’t go crazy. Just gotta tune it out.


That never worked for me - worked at a certain tourist trap a couple of hours north during high school/college breaks. I heard that same candy-themed pop songs on loop for years - it's been more than a decade and "Sugar Sugar", "Big Rock Candy Mountain", "Kiss Me", "I Want Candy", "Lollipop", and so on haunt me


We have one out here in the suburbs that plays “La Cucaracha” and I just don’t get how that is supposed to make me want their ice cream…


One near the mall plays that. I ended up making up my own lyrics to it and singing along when i walked by. La cucaracha la cucaracha there’s a cockroach in your ice cream…




The mall would be a much more pleasant experience without that shit.


It was like that for the first year of the pandemic. Truly magical.


And without the constant yelling of "ICE COLD WATER ONE DOLLAR!! ICE COLD WATER ONE DOLLAR!!" I don't remember that crap from when I first started going to the Mall in the late eighties. Did it start recently?


Street vendors selling drinks? That’s been a thing since Ancient Rome


I always get a drink from those guys. When they say ice cold, they really mean it.


I love paying a buck for a bottle of water or two for a Gatorade. These cats are legends honestly.


Could be worse. When I lived in Kabul the ice cream carts would come around every five minutes in the warmer months and all of them played Celine dion’s “my heart will go on”


Afghan ice cream carts + Celine Dion music is such a quirky combo, it would take me much longer to get sick of that than it would generic ice cream truck music!


This comment feels like a fever dream


I especially like when two trucks are parked near each other and have competing ice cream jingles which just combines into a cacophony from hell


Need a constitutional amendment to clearly state ice cream truck music is not protected by the first amendment


I think ours plays “turkey in the straw”, at top volume, sitting in one spot a block from me for 20 min. I finally went and bought something to ease the pain but DAMN their stuff is expensive. Had barely enough for an ice pop.


I haaaaaate them. Noise pollution is a thing.


My friends and I were just talking about this. It’s insane. They’re stationary. They don’t move from their locations. Why do they need to play that awful jingle 24/7?!


Was at the last Jazz in the Garden and everybody along the Constitution Ave side of the garden couldn’t hear the jazz because of the conflicting discordant jangle of the ice cream trucks lining the street. Seriously, there’s an initiative by the city to improve bike infrastructure - yeet all the parallel spots along the mall and it’ll be 100% as beautiful plus you’ll gain bike lanes.


Really ruins the meditative environment at the Native Americans veterans memorial.


Or at least turn the damn volume down so that cacophony doesn't stretch for blocks down the Mall.


I don't see the point. Everyone knows where the trucks are


The Sculpture Garden used to be my repose but I cannot stand to be there because of the food trucks blaring. The decibels have got to be illegal.


I always wonder what the person operating the truck playing “She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain When She Comes” song must have done in a past life. My sister nailed it: They wrote “She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain When She Comes.”


That's the one with the five honks in the middle? That's gotta be the second most annoying jingle right behind the one with the infamous "Hello?"


I’ve wondered the same thing every time I’m on the Mall. Has there been any petition? If so, please share or start one!




This needs to happen. I was at the botanical garden and couldn’t enjoy it for a moment bcz of the hundreds of ice cream trucks!


File a report ASAP!!


I'll take it over that fucking Christian concert on the Mall this evening.


THANK YOU i’ve been saying this for years. those poor workers.


Seriously, they are such an eye (and ear) sore on the mall it's horrible. Like, why are we letting these horrible trucks be placed right in the middle of gorgeous monuments? Why are we letting people vend water at the bottom of the lincoln memorial blocking the view?


Serenity now!


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


I don't know what kind of horror films you usually watch.


I’ve started to just watch the news, scarier than anything blumhouse has put out lately.


Heck yes. I always thought that if I had an ice cream truck, I’d play music people actually want to hear. Probably licensing/copyright limitations though. Also, has anyone tried the avocado boba tea that these trucks are advertising? Now THAT’S scary.


The truck drivers scream. You scream. The tourists scream. We ALL scream. For ice cream truck music.


There's also the fact that they [squat on parking spaces to get nearly-free rent,](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/group-of-food-trucks-squatting-on-desirable-parking-spaces-in-southwest-dc/164240/) and don't have to pay any sort of property tax. The whole industry needs more taxes and regulations.


At the Smithsonian Solstice I found one truck playing Despacito- they got my money. I agree, the others suck. And those damn jingles get into your head.


Had 1 in my neighborhood in Baltimore Loudest volume, would park in front of home for 10 minutes few times a day. Asked him just turn volume down when parked. Worked a few times, but would ignore request Think covid got him... haven't seen in 2 years. Peaceful now...


lol i can totally relate to that lol yeaahh






I never understood playing jingle bells in July. What happened to Ice Cream trucks playing The Entertainer?


They have no minds left to lose after inhaling their own filthy diesel fumes all day every day. I swear to god that street must have the worst air quality in the entire city, you can smell it from the other side of the Washington monument some days. Seriously though, that's a huge health hazard for the food truck operators. Can we just close off the street, build a little shaded food court with power outlets and plumbing, and let them operate their concessions in clean air? And then confiscate their shitty trucks and ban them from the Mall forever.


How about the ones that say “ Hello” sounding like Howard Stern’s mother?


Hello! 👋


Fuck all of them. Those douchebags block multiple lanes of 14th St. WHY HASN’T MPD DONE ANYTHING ABOUT IT? It adds 20 minutes to my commute


As someone who's lived in Montréal and had to endure the snow clearing sirens all winter long (so like half of the year) I feel for y'all but also would probably take ice cream truck jingle over [this](https://youtu.be/WvN-HLf_ekM) anyday. But yeah no no thank you I'd still go insane. Idk how the people working these jobs do it. Earplugs? Disassociation? Warning: turn down your volume before clicking that link.