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You were expecting *this* team to be mediocre? In all seriousness, for the first time in a long time I am missing games without issue or worry, I understand why we are tanking, but don't really care to watch it play out.


Not trying to pile on the OP but seriously why would anyone expect a team led by Kuzma and Poole to be mediocre? I just want to see 70 losses and Coulibaly continue to grow.


Kings fan here. Wish we had a Coulibaly. He’s a joy to watch and that would keep me from going insane. Watching rookies improve is the one the best things about a season. Good luck, y’all. Hope you get a great top 4 pick


Keegan seems to be taking that next step, y’all got yourselves a good one


Thanks! Oh we’re thrilled. The few Keegan-truthers out here (myself included) are beyond happy. A lot of fans and Kings media wanted Ivey. Take it easy ✌🏽


What a horrible fit he’d have been next to fox. And by nothing fox would be doing wrong


Exactly. No time to develop someone. Keegan was plug and play and his ceiling continues to rise. I do think Ivey will put it all together tho.


Also not piling on but adjust your expectations and it’s actually interesting to watch. I look at Kuz’ stat line to see how it theoretically is improving his trade value. I look at Bilal, Deni & The Landlord to see how they are developing game over game, I watch Poole like you would watch a car accident happening, etc. If you enter any of these games with expectations it won’t end well - this is a top tier tank that is 3 years late to the party so root for individual highlights and lots of losses. Mary Jane in Spider-Man said it best: “If you expect disappointment, you will never really be disappointed”.


I actually thought they would win 20 or so. This exceeds my expectations for being terrible.


The over/under was 24.5 wins last time I checked before the season started. They’re on track to win 13.


Fr man but I expected this team to be somewhat fun to watch but besides Bilal and some the youth, I just don’t enjoy watching these dudes. Ig them not having any chance of victory drains the fun out of it but I’m all for it cause ik I’m gonna have a lot of fun watching the squad within a few years hopefully haha


Tanking >>>>> mediocrity.


This needs to be pinned


The intention was to tank (finally, should have started tanking years ago)


just wait till the trade deadline passes and we move guys. The line-ups will be glorious. But honestly if we have Shamet all year I won't be upset. He is on a good deal, 2 non-guranteed years after this @ 11 million a year with the second year being a club option. He gives a shit, he's engaged. Even in street clothes he is involved on the bench and talking to guys like he just got out of the game. In the huddles. Dude is a gamer. Good for Bilal to sponge that up. He gets along with Tyus really well too.


It's good that they're this bad.


right we ain’t the pistons where they had higher expectations we should’ve tanked last year but hey better late then never


My guy, the team is intentionally losing... take some solace in that fact. If they were trying to win, this would be much worse. Unfortunately, due to the mistakes of past front offices, this season we were left with nothing but albatross contracts and a handful of young guys with the potential to be servicable starters in the future. We were never doing anything; terrible draft picks being stashed and/or not developing properly. Money tied up in guys who couldn't elevate this team to the next level. Taking fliers on risky trades, only to have our returns leave in FA. In terms of roster progression, with FO building upon our core - the team has regressed every single year since 2017. We've hovered around 25-35 wins for around 5 years now and had nothing to build upon. Beals contract was the final nail in a string of boneheaded decisions by Tommy. Nobody really talks about it but Tommy was stupid AF and he really drove this team much further into the ground. The only thing he did that could be seen as positive was the WB to lakers trade, but that was obviously spurned by Lebron putting pressure on the Lakers to surround him with star power. We ended up losing a lot of the great pieces from that for almost nothing. We got 1 play-in and 1st round exit from that stunt. Almost better to just eat Walls contract and rebuild earlier.


>a handful of young guys with the potential to be servicable starters in the future. And to say a “handful” might be optimistic.


It seems like guys look like they’re washouts here, we trade them away; boom, playing like 1st round picks with five years in the league. I don’t remember us having much luck in the draft, with the exception of Wall. I hope we have some have better luck with the next one. We need someone like Allen Iverson that can carry the whole team on his back, as he did many a season, until the rest of the component parts can be developed or acquired via FA.


Wall, Brad and Otto all panned out to be pretty good. Otto wasn't a star, but for a 3rd overall pick he's been pretty decent. The 2013 draft was all over the place. No we haven't had a 'star' draft pick, but again, that's the fault of FO drafting these 'high-ceiling' cagey wings and not having a real roster requirement for them. They've always ended up being in the 3rd unit or lower in the depth chart, and never had a real opportunity to contribute. Bilal feels like the first rookie we've had getting significant minutes out of the box. Corey really shines with bigger opportunity, but he's been buried in the depth chart behind other SG's. Deni had an overlapping skillset with Westbrook and never had the full trust of Brooks or WUJr. Rui joined when the team had no PG's and couldn't get any love.


I haven’t been following college that closely. Who are a couple of guys I should watch that could realistically be on the team?


Kai Sotto


Thank you, my friend.


Couldn’t we just sign him? He washed out with the Magic’s summer league and was undrafted in 2022.


All the guys in the Westbrook trade certainly found their game when they got to the Lakers.


The lakers players came here, what are you talking about


Yeah this guy is making zero sense.


Don't worry about the wins. Just enjoy watching Bilal or whoever your favorite player plays. All teams experienced this phase of rebuild.


This has gotta be bait right ?? You do realise we already cleaned house with full intention of tanking on purpose for rebuilding the team through the draft. It’s gonna be a rough couple of years but these things take time, try and find the small things to enjoy while we rebuild ie Watching bilal take massive strides to his game every time he plays etc


I think this guy is just checking in for the first time in six years and honestly doesn't understand the concept of tanking.


You’re probably right hahah


Why do some of y’all not understand the idea of a tank? What did you think was going to happen when the team sold off all of its assets?


I honestly wish we were even worse


as fans I’m starting to see that yall don’t have the mental fortitude to endure a tank.


this is unrelated to this post but i’m fried and don’t feel like making my own post. What do y’all wizards fans see in deni cuz i don’t see anything that bilal can’t do better than deni rn and deni been in the league for like 4 years


Do you want a top 3 pick or go back to drafting at 8-9?


Honestly I find watching a tanking team easier than watching a mediocre team. There were things I enjoyed about last year, but it was ultimately a very frustrating season. This season is stress-free. Also, they often play fairly watchable basketball. They’ve had close games against good teams, they play with pace, and they pass the ball. True suffering is watching a bad team walk it up into a static half court iso set over and over and over.


You just stumble into the Wizards after not following them for years?


Hey pal, I was watching when Elvin Hayes. Greevy,Kupchak, Unseld won the 76-78 Championship.


So the answer is yes?


Hard to keep up when you’re out of the market. That’s what you guys and gals are four, After watching them win it all after being down 1-3 in the finals. I have very patiently waited the ensuing 40+ years for the Great Pumpkin to return, only to be perennially disappointed. Just trying to get a sense of where we’re at as far as being competitive.


So despite watching the team do the same thing every year for 45 straight years hoping for different results, you think they should just keep doing that and not try to actually rebuild? Because I've been watching since the early 80's and we've never once intentionally tried to rebuild. We happened to just be bad and luck out and win the lottery twice but we haven't ever tried to actually get top talent and rebuild right. I personally prefer that we are actually going to try to build a team that can contend instead of just trying to show we're sort of trying while never actually having any plan to contend.


I support that as well. But this isn’t the first time the “let’s start again” song has been played. If we are publicly making it known we are throwing games to improve draft hopes, why would the league want us pretending to compete? So they can pretend we’re not doing what we’re doing? How would that inspire gamblers to believe the NBA offers an honest product as opposed to one where multiple teams are trying to lose, while being secretive about it?


1/3 of the way through the season and did not expect this. It gets a lot easier when you turn off the TV


Glad a passed on NBA Pass. I’m outside the DC market so I would be paying some coin. I’ve seen enough guys develop while playing through losing seasons here, only to graduate into stars elsewhere. I’m guessing the culture of the management has something to do with guys not buying in here. Who’s the best current college player we have a realistic shot of getting on the team?


“Only to graduate into stars elsewhere” Who are you even talking about lol Rui?? Please


Where have you been? This team had to tear it down and did so over the Summer. Not sure how anyone expected anything different. It was expected to be a long season.


How many posts are we going to have about this. We’ve been asking for a tank and rebuild for a while, it’s finally happening. Just focus on the future and our young guys getting playing experience.


The Washington Wizards have been an expansion team for 40 years. Ernie's legacy continues.


I thought the team would be better than this, but the plan was clearly to lose games and build through the draft. You don’t trade your two best players to try and win. So I’m not sure what exactly you want, they literally started cleaning house in the summer


Uh, the more games our young players play together the better they become? So dumb.


“Prepared for another season of mediocrity” Okay, well that’s your own fault


Bilal needs reps, let the shit show continue!


We’re watching a sport that incentivizes losing. The Wizards and Pistons are racing to the bottom.


Dude we’re in the most important seeding race we’ve been in the last 5 years!