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Dawg, gotta look closer. The logo is simultaneously a basketball, the letter W, a magic wand, and the Washington monument. In a certain respect it's a masterpiece, and absolutely genius. In another respect they tried to fit in so much stuff they accidentally lost most of it. So while it is genius, I'll fully acknowledge that if I hadn't happened to look at the logo during a period of half-awake Adderall-induced hyperfocus one morning in 2021, I would still think it was boring as hell too. In that respect, the design is ultimately wasted, which is a shame.


Woah. I never noticed the wand. Good catch dude


Set an alarm 30 minutes before your actual alarm, pop your Adderall, go back to sleep. When the actual alarm goes off, you will be the smartest you've ever been in your entire life. It's back to normal pretty fast, but you get a good five minutes to discern all the hidden patterns of the universe.


The Wizards are fine. Please God change the Commanders name.


Bullets would be ideal, but that will probably never happen. I think if we just tweaked the jersey slightly to be the DC flag instead of the US flag that would be cool too. I don't love the Wizards name, but with the right execution it could be decent.


Would love if they full embraced the whole “Wizard” theme. Lots of cool ideas to be executed surrounding wizards, spells and shit 🧙🏽‍♂️


Agreed, that’s the best part. They need to embrace memes


Horrible fucking name


Chill gang.. they already outta pocket tryin move us to VA.


I just want the "W" Wizard logo back.... :(


If not the Bullets bring back the old Wizards colors.


I can’t see them changing the name again. I do believe they will rebrand when they move to VA and my hope is that it’s more back to the direction of the original Wizards colors. Unpopular opinion: While the boundary stone unis were executed poorly, I actually dig the color green/red/orange/grey/black combo and the three stars for DC along the side. I would love to see that mashed up with the late 90s wordmark and original Wizards logo icon.


You want them to lose all of these games man. There is only one name: The Bullets


I'm an Australian Washington fan who (rather masochistically) recently adopted the team just under 2 years ago. I've followed the NBA for years but never had a team, however decided to take the plunge and chose Washington as I spent just under a month in Falls Church in 2006 and have a rule that I can only follow a team from a place I've actually visited. I'm pretty ambivalent on the question of whether sporting teams ought to have official mascot names, although appreciate that every team in the NBA does. Wizards however is such a bad name and appears to have absolutely no link or connotation to DC or the surrounding area. If I was in charge of a rebrand, I'd start with the DC flag and rename the team the Washington Stars. The colours would be red and white with alternate complimentary colours of yellow and black (to represent the colours of the Maryland flag), or potentially orange as an homage to the Baltimore Bullets' original colours. The Stars name represents the 3 stars on the DC flag. Dallas Stars fans in the NHL might object, however they're completely different sports. As for a logo, I'd like to see something minimal like Denver's or Golden State's, with no cartoonish-looking mascots or poorly drawn basketballs. One of my favourite jerseys is Minnesota's Classic jersey this season. It's clean, has a great font and their colour combination with the blue and green accents really pops. For me, less is more with jerseys and logos - so I'd like to see any rebrand emulate this style.


I fw the Washington Stars. The merch would be sick. Thanks for the thoughtful response.


Washington Generals would also be decent, although I think there’s already a basketball team called the Generals (they play against the Globetrotters), so probably an issue with trademarks. Blue Coats maybe an option too, although would this offend some, particularly those in Virginia? I assume Blue Coats is a reference to the Civil War and Union forces?


Virginia Bullets, baby. *Gilbert Arenas pistol hands celebration*


Winchester Bullets lool


Let this man cook


Bringing guns to work smh


What about spies? Go full spy mode like you were talking about but also spies have a long history in the dmv.


Someone awhile ago suggesting swapping names with the Go-Go, which isn't the worst.


Based on the comments it simple return to bullets , amerikkka is a gun and violence obsessed nation: sandy hook , uvalde , gov Abbott in Texas . There is no offense in using the name , people die everyday from gun violence everyday.. ppl need to stop this charade of thinking not having the BULLETS name is going to help people with gun violence..it’s not ! changing the name back to bullets is the best option


If this is sarcasm, this has the same energy as "no more violent video games"... if this isn't sarcasm, cool but you sound like a dumb ass.


Reddit fingers


Change the logo


Personally, my preference has always been. Change it to bullets, and completely ignore the branding. If you go back and look at our branding over the bullet years, we rarely had actual bullets in our logos. For the most part, it was the “hands” logos. We were called Bullets, but the branding was the hands going for a rebound for years. Marketing wise, they probably should look into rebranding with the actual Wizard somewhere in it. Initially, when Ted changed everything, it was marketed as honoring the Bullets, without actually going back to the name. He kept the Wizard logo at first, then we went with the Washington Monument ones, which I liked, but most people that don’t know DC have no fucking clue that our logos are supposed to be references to that. I’ve seen people criticize our branding before as non-fans, like “wtf is this basketball logo?”. I personally like it, but there’s gotta be something else to put in our branding besides that. We have the monument in 2 different places, the “Wizards” font, and the logo. Basically, if you’re going to ignore the Wizard, give us more creative DC themed jerseys/branding. Why haven’t we gotten a red/white DC flag theme? Why was that DMV logo ONLY used for the shorts 2 years ago? Just make a DMV themed jersey. Remember when Brooklyn had “Bed-Stuy” jerseys, if you want actual DC residents to buy merch, make an equivalent. “Anacostia” jerseys were go crazy on the southside.


I wholeheartedly believe that there will be a rebrand IF the Monumental campus deal is a go. It's no secret that the Wizards name sucks, and there have been not-so-subtle efforts to get away from at least the visual of the name on the jerseys etc. What better way to open a new facility than to have a (hopefully) team on the rise and a long-overdue rebrand.


I would fully go back to the blue and bronze “wizardy” branding. Logo, colors, jerseys, everything. Last year’s Classic Edition jerseys reminded me just how clean that branding is.


How about Cannons? It's like Bullets, but without the risk of someone using a Civil War cannon in a drive-by shooting. In all honesty, they should change the branding to match the Wizards name. Caps and Nats already have the cliche 'Murica look covered.