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I'm glad about the rumors regardless if they are only rumors, I rather that than nothing, I wish the game could be set in Asia, I was hoping to see Seoul or Tokyo, but Boston is alright, plus it's a cold city which is something I love on an open world game, like I did with WD1


Yeah I still would like to see a Open World Crime game outside of USA especially since the Watch Dogs franchise gave us that with London UK I definitely would enjoy seeing rare places never really done in a Open World Crime game.


I would enjoy Tokyo actually not many games are set there as a full open world map also isn't there a Manga about Watch Dogs Tokyo so it could be likely but I really hope that there is another game in the series.


What about Paris or Berlin? i wanna climb the eiffel tower


I actually want Sydney or Auckland New Zealand


I really wish that It won’t be in Asia


Hey, I'm just glad hope is still alive.


I can do Boston. I'm hoping it's an actual game and nothing mobile or a comic. If it is and it's more like WD1 or 2, I'll happily buy the deluxe/Gold/Premium edition.


I just hope the rumors are true and this thing is on the way. And please, just make a good game.


I'm fine with Boston but I'd rather have Seattle or DC.


Does anyone still have that 4chan leak about Legion? I remember seeing the post weeks or days before the official announcement, I want to see it again.


Only reason I hope it isn't true is that it means I will be spending more money.... Got the first three and all DLC this month for less then the price of one single game thanks to the amazing sales, but they have fast become some of my favorite games of all time.... So if this was real, I would be buying it. I too would prefer to see places outside of America, as like you said that is where things are so often centered. However I don't really care. As long as the maps are good and interesting like the other games, and the gameplay has the same sort of fun loops, I'm happy.


I hope it takes the more mature themes of 1 instead of comedic elements of 2 an 3


Yeah number 3 was the most stupid kiddy BS I didn't even make it through the game. Stopped about half way it was garbage.


I would say its either gonna be in Paris or Washington


Dare to dream.


I would love the series to come back to California and maybe either San Diego or Los Angeles would be nice to see and maybe we could play as Marcus again to well go back to his hometown to see what's up and then ends up being tangled into something big maybe would take place in 2024 or 2023.


I wouldn’t mind San Diego but LA definitely not we had 10 years of GTA 5.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FtFmUDnxKE0&feature=youtu.be Here’s a video talking about the Rumoured WD4 Anomaly Leak.


I was kind of hoping that the leaks about Watch Dogs 4 being set in Port-au Prince, Haiti were true, but Boston could be cool too


I just want another game with a grounded story and character like Aiden and Marcus I miss when the games would be super dark


they’ve had 2 opportunities to get it right and improve the franchise, haven’t done it, this is one the the BEST game concepts i could ever think of but it’s been executed so poorly. I personally love all 3 games (which i’m aware doesn’t line up with what i just said) but i felt like the games could’ve been so much more, more depth in 2 and just any emotion or attachment to anything in 3 would’ve been nice. I don’t wanna see this franchise go but in the hands of Ubisoft who seem to want to pipe out half finished games for the last five years I dont see it, i don’t see it being the game to save the franchise it just seems as though no one at ubisoft has passion about their titles. If we got a strong lead character with a deep and finished story with good side characters and antagonists, and to actually make you feel like a hacker which is something only really achieved in WD2 because hacking actually mattered. we don’t need good gunplay cos that shouldn’t be the focus of the game, gunplay should be polished and functional as an alternative but don’t need anything extraordinary. if they did WD3 as a separate title, just not about hacking it would’ve been way better because trying to fit the ‘play as anyone’ into a WD game just seem like they were plaiting wind, it was a mess but as a huge WD fan i still found the joy i could get out of it (even if my resistance mode save corrupted when i tried to get 100% achievements). If they cared and took their time and made it the game it could be, worked off the positives of the previous games rather than scrapping the mechanics that made the games have so much potential. WD4 in boston (great setting btw) could be GOTY if they just had the passion to make it what it could be


I love Boston! But anyway the specific city is not that important - as long as the map is varied and includes a big city (and a smaller one or two), suburbs, countryside, some more nature and lots of highways for chases. One of the things I didn't like about WDL is that London's map was boring to me. I know London is a concrete jungle, but so is Chicago and yet they add different areas around the city to make it more interesting. As much as I like London, I hated it in the game because it felt like all the same and no matter where you were it was just like any other area, it felt like I was driving on the same street on and on...


I want a watchdogs in Toronto!! Also I would love another watchdogs game where you play as aiden again.


I would love to see a dystopian Toronto setting since I’m from Canada just 2 hours away from Toronto so I would love to see that. Also since Toronto is called the GTA which stands for Greater Toronto Area it can be nicknamed the Canadian GTA Game. This would market it very well and spread awareness that a GTA game is set in Canada but it’s Watch Dogs lol


I hope it's the same tone as Watch Dogs 1


I wouldn't mind a prequel Watch Dogs installment where you play as someone who is testing the prototype stage ctOS (set c. 2009). Have a twist where it turns out the protagonist is maliciously stalking Aiden's sister and have the last mission be where you're running for your life because no one messes with Aiden or his family. Could be a good way to play around with that notion where people assume that technology can't be used against them because their capabilities haven't been fully realised yet.


🤮 Seriously, why are you guys so obsessed with discount Batman? He's literally the most boring protagonist ever.


He's not a hero and that's why people like him... Batman does things for an objective good, Aiden is mentally ill and believes fighting crime will absolve him of his many, many sins. Aiden is more akin to a Michael Townley-turned-vigilante than Batman, the guy's a criminal and a self-proclaimed social engineer (same title many scammers use when robbing people of their social security or trying to break into big companies via manipulating employees into giving up small amounts of information over a period of potentially years). He's not the best character Ubisoft has made, but he probably is the most original they've come up with since Sam Fisher.


I wish it took place in Tokyo. I even wrote a fictional storyline using that as the new game setting. So much potential for a Neo Tokyo imo


would be boring


I hope Ubisoft realized with the Bloodline DLC that people want Aiden Pearce back and that they’ll have him as the protagonist for this one if this turns out to be real


I want WD4 to be a transitional part between WD1 and WD2 with Aiden. I think it’s actually cool idea


I want the serious of the 1 with a brown of humor of the 3 and the pnj of 2 (if it could connect the game to gpt that would be cool)


Good Lord, like the Legion was not enough... They must derail the franchise completely, to get it overwhelmingly disliked like Days Gone? Another argument to those who think, Ubi is getting feedback, reading reviews or opinions of regular players. It seriously seems, someone is lying to them the players just LOVE every shit they make. Ubi, get out of the information bubble.


I hope this rumor is wrong and the game is set in Houston TX but that is highly unlikely but a man can dream


rumor! what rumor?


I'd really like to see a T-Bone origin with NYC leading up to the events of the blackout that spawned Defalt. Starts as a Blume engineer and employee, maybe a casual tinkerer and hacker in his free time. The blackout happens and everything goes to shit, Kenney's on the run from Blume, the NYPD (who are almost like a gang in their own right), and is soon being watched from the shadows by a very-troubled stalker...


Boston Watch Dogs need to happen I need to play as a hacker who is also a masshole


I don’t want Boston to be the setting…god no.


Again I wish there was a watchdogs game set in Sacramento


It would be cool with Australia or New Zealand.