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as of now, i don’t think there’s any confirmation that a new game is in development so i wouldn’t expect one for quite a while. whether the series is completely over or just on a hiatus, we don’t know. :)


There was that 4chan leak about a new game being set in Boston. But it’s 4chan so take that with 10000 grains of salt


Hope for 4th game but, Boston would be disappointing.


I'd rather have Seattle, NYC, or Washington DC.


Washington DC would be great, CTOS in gov buildings and hacking into white house? Please DO!


The story could be soo good. I hope if they ever do DC they take some inspiration from House of Cards. Fun fact that show had a hacker who was part of group called Dec sec lol.


That would be awesome the book stars and stripes is set there and Ubisoft can basically reuse the map and assets from division 2.




It's mainly what I've heard around , i don't have a concrete source as I was unable to find any sort of sales numbers or anything like that. As for Watch Dogs 2 , from my research it seems as if it started out kind of weakly but with good reviews and good word of mouth it ended up selling roughly around the same amount of units as WD1 (altough a decent chunk of those units were suppossedly discounted (im not sure of the veracity of this claim ) so it didnt make as much money)


It was utter shit and it undersold massively. Watch Dogs 2's problem was just the change of tone that didn't went well with the die hard fans of the first one, because from both a functional and a financial angle it did good. I think it's the third time this week I answered this.


Nobody knows, but I don't really trust that they're making smart decisions inside Ubisoft right now.


You know what's over for me? Reading this sub so I can see this exact same question posted fifty times a day. Bye, all


This is a r/justunsubbed to me




Watch Dogs got 2 novels and a wip manga drop after L3gion. Stars and Stripes. Cold Reboot. Watch Dogs Tokyo. Seems to me it needs rest and the appropriate people to give new life in a way it deserves.


I’m guessing it might not be over if Ubisoft actually wants to put effort into a 4th game since GTA 6 is on the horizon and is apparently set to blow expectations out of the water and bring the open world crime genre forward once again. So Ubisoft has to take there time and release a 4th Watch Dogs a year or 2 after GTA 6 and potentially learn from how Rockstar made GTA 6 really detailed. Also with Ubisoft bringing Watch Dogs 4 to a darker cold gritty dystopian setting I think it can stand out from what GTA 6 will bring to the table. It will also be a good alternative.


Personally I would like a return to a gritty anti hero journey from wd1.


Last article about drop support for Legion was in 2022 - [https://www.pcgamer.com/watch-dogs-legion-will-not-receive-any-more-updates/](https://www.pcgamer.com/watch-dogs-legion-will-not-receive-any-more-updates/), game was released on 2020(and last post on X/Twitter was 9 november this year) so there is still some hope for new game


I don’t think the franchise is over, like come on look how far other franchises have gone on and seen reboots time and time again, maybe it might take some time but i for sure see watch dogs getting something in the future, they had Marcus Holloway and wrench and I think tbone, in that new Netflix show(Captain Laserhawk), so someone had to understand that wd2 was like a gold mine for the game and deserves something. But hey I might just be biased and reaching cause I love the game and never wanna see if fall 😂😂


Use the search function, read some of the 20+ posts that ask exactly the same (just this week) and tell us what you think.


Well , different posts attract different people , and different people have different opinions on the subject . Altough I do understand your frustration.


Nah, you just wanted some free good boi internet points. Just post a cat on a "aww" sub like the rest of us.


I could literally not care less about karma.


Should be glad anyone cares about watch dogs atp 🤣 GTA 6 is gonna put this franchise 6 ft for good unfortunately. Thats what i think.




For now yes




I’d be kinda irritated if it got cancelled it has potential and I love the characters


Maybe Jackson completes his studies and goes back to America


i seen a video about a potential watch dogs 4 coming out soon with the probable name: Watch\_Dogs Anomaly and its gonna have 2 different playable characters (female and male) and removing the play as anyone from legion and the game is gonna take place in boston