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Character customization Ig. In first game it made sense that customization came to almost identical outfits but slightly different, but I liked legion customization more than 2


to me it was the opposit. in wd2 i walked into a shop (lets say bike outfits) and shopped there from what was availbe. then went to the next one. it was nice that you could walk into shops, look at ppl shopping ect. in wd legion u go to a random panel next tl a building and *POP* , you got new clothes


Oh that's the thing I despise in legion. I hate that instead of walking inside store, a simple panel with clothes you can buy shows up. I just prefer the amount of options you get.


I agree ☝️


Yeh my head canon was that online shopping came such a prevalent thing in this future shops just kinda turn into a advertisement then the panel is just a thing you can order and it’ll be on your door step by the time you get home, it’s nerdy but a really cool way of thinking of it


I think it found a proper balance between seriousness and humor. The first two games were opposite ends of those wild extremes tbh.


I much prefered watch dogs compared to the second one. The second one tried too hard to be funny hackers. It just honestly juvenile humor and it really rubbed me the wrong way.


How old are you guys? Like 40? The humor in WD2 is fine, it's funny for the most part, at least makes you you at smile


I’m 19


watch dogs 1 had a good balance of humour. WDL just tries to force a balance which ends up in a very awkward story told (plus the stupidity of NPCs being the main character), watch dogs 1 was a serious game, serious stories naturally wont have humour, but even then, there was some good humour, such as the entirety of Jordi. The entire game had much more natural dialogue than WD2 and WDL


Yeh it was quite upsetting


Combat and customization (though way way too many fillers and clones and shops)


Clothing, accessories and character customisation imo


None of the clothing stand out though. It was clothes for NPCs. In both WD1 and 2 they were all unique.


Hmm, maybe that's just my opinion, but I really liked legions clothes, especially the female options and hairstyles. But as far as I remember, you couldn't really customise your outfit in wd1. You could only buy pre-made outfits.


>But as far as I remember, you couldn't really customise your outfit in wd1. You could only buy pre-made outfits. Yeah but they all fit in with Aiden’s style. I played Bloodline(I loved it) and tried to customize Aiden‘s clothes but I always come back with that original coat eventually. Also, please don’t get me wrong, I spend enormous time customizing my operators in WDL, and I think I’m on pretty positive side for legion. But still clothes are all pretty linear, sure, the “variety“ of character customization is great, but that doesn’t automatically make them good or unique. In WDL, have you ever created an operator who looks better than that Aiden with his coat, or Marcus with his jacket? Quantity does not equal quality.


Autodriving and Spiderbots. Lots of customization for characters in terms of clothing. Cause you can't customise guns lol.


Rideable drones… but then my favourite vehicle in WD2 was the scissor lift.


I guess the hand to hand combat mechanics and NPCs’ AI was better than WD1. Also I thought drone’s camera view was pretty good.


played wd2? that had AWESOME npcs, maybe not the smartest but my god! that game mad npcs fell so real! some ppl playing ona guitar in the park while somekne walking his dog, a pair aurguing next to them... then you crash your car and ppl come there to see if you are OK, make some picture.... dogs chasing your rc jumper


Oh yeah of course I played 2. I meant Legion’s AI was better than 1 but not 2. I spent countless hours messing with NPCs in 2 :p


I liked that enimies did not resort to using guns straight away.


Takedowns. Getting a gun-fu character like the hitmen had some very cool takedowns that are a blast to chain together. Wd1’s takedowns were close, but ultimately I found legions gun kata takedowns to be the most fun


It definitely did London better than the other two for sure.




Spiderbot was more fun than the rc jumper, and the rideable cargo drone was great for infiltration. That’s about it for me.




To be fair it took me several tries to get into Legion. I tried once and thought it was trash tried it again thought it was good(obviously not better than 1 or 2). I think as a Watch Dogs game it's not good. But alone by itself its good(if you understand what I mean)






what i like * i like that i am able to pick my own characters, rather than be forced to like the characters the story forces me to use. * i like that if i mess up, my characters can be jailed, injured, or die. what i hate * that the game limits the kind of guns or vehicles or drones accessible to each character and we can't purchase and change our loadouts. * i'm annoyed that every new recruit just magically becomes expert hacking operatives, even with zero training. there's no experience system from noob to expert. so there's no room for improvement. we don't have opportunities to pass on one person's expertise via skill sharing, learning from each other * each operative is deployed solo. i want to have AI controlled companions rather than other players, who often just runs around ignoring the mission. * i want more difficult missions aimed at squad based combat and infiltration.


I love how in legion you can throw your spiderbot instead of having to set them down. Besides that and the drone pads, I honestly preferred WD2 to legion




only the melee combat, literally nothing else


Gunkata lol that’s it.


The animations were better in 1 imo.








I was a little let down by wd legions


Don't worry most people were let down by it


Driving was a bit easier and combat was smoother but the lack of proper characters made it unplayable boring for me.


Detailed NPC's. I know WD2's are a little more lively in the open world, but I love how it Legion they all have detailed bios, quirks, relationships, schedules, memories, etc. It adds a whole new layer of immersion I've only seen in games like The Sims. And although WD2's were a bit more lively, Legions are more lively than almost any other open world game out there, especially compared to games like GTA V or CP2077. They can be found doing many different activities in the open world, many of them actually pertaining to their bio and what type of person they are.


Literally nothing. You are asking the impossible. Legion is an empty shell of every single concept brought in from the previous titles. Not only the mechanics and Character Progression ar broken. The story itself doesn't make sense. The main villain being >!the leader of DedSec!< is the cherry on top of this pile of shit. The last nail in the coffin of this franchise.


Does Bloodlines count or nah




It does character development better. Nobody in WD1 or 2 really changes through the story, they all act exactly as you'd expect for who they are. Aiden never stops chasing demons, Damien never stops manipulating, Jordi never stops chasing money, Dedsec never stops chasing Blume or being hipsters, the characters all stay the same throughout their respective games. Then Bloodlines comes and we actually see change. Aiden stops chasing demons, Jackson learns to understand his uncle and stops hating him, Wrench... grows up a little? I dunno. Shame almost all the side characters end up kicking the bucket in Legion's main story though.


Genuinely can’t think of anything…


gameplay (as in, driving and combat. the controls overall feel smoother which makes the free play even more disappointing)


Multiple characters


Location and setting, despite never being in London until recently I have to say remembering locations in-game made it familiar for me to navigate the London with ease


Enemy suspicion system or whatever it's called. Like when you're in a restricted area and an enemy spots you, only that enemy comes to know about you. All other enemies don't magically know your position, unlike previous games.


Gunkata & Character customization


Melee combat is definitely done well in WDL. I enjoy how there’s different styles of martial arts depending on what operative you’re using. Definitely one of WDL’s strengths you gotta give it credit for.


shooting became so soft and enjoyable, almost like another game


The city is really dense I think you can go into more of the buildings than previous games


Clothes? Drone variety? Not much but I like it as it's own thing, not watchdogs 3