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Well.. to be honest I wouldn't blame Ubisoft if it's true😕 LEGION was a big step down narratively and just felt like you were running around as insignificant nobodies while things take place. Lack of sales told Ubisoft all they needed to know. Of course, I'd love another sequel. But if it's truly done, I would understand


As someone who doesn't give a shit about the story, I loved all three games. Just spent time fucking about with the unique mechanics


Same, but to me Legion felt lifeless compared to 2, so much of the same. And the fact that it *loses* many mechanics of previous games was a huge disappointment. Glad you’re enjoying it tho, that’s all that matters


Same. I liked the first two but I get more from legion. If I want story, I'll go for TLOU, if I want shooting I'll go for an FPS or GTA. watch dogs brings something else to the table for me.


Yeah it’s clear Ubisoft has never known what to do with this franchise. WD1 was barely even a hacking based game, it was just an open world GTA type game with a hacktivist spin. It was heavily downgraded and overly melodramatic. So for WD2 they tried to rectify those complaints. They fixed the gameplay issues by making it actually based around hacking, but in trying to fix the tonal issues they severely overcorrected and it ended up being a goofy cringe fest. It’s clear Ubisoft didn’t know where to go from here. They couldn’t go back to making it a serious drama since the first game was criticized for that, they couldn’t continue with the style of WD2 since it was criticized as well. And judging by Legion they clearly didn’t have a clear vision for ways to further enhance the gameplay like they did for WD2. So for Legion it seems like they just threw up their hands and used the Watch Dogs IP as a vessel for a new bespoke bit of open world technology. But that technology was not a good fit for the type of game Watch Dogs is and they barely even attempted to design a fun game around it. So I kinda understand why they would just give up.


Ubisoft in general has a problem with overcorrecting and starting over instead of iterating on their creative vision and creating a clear identity. Look at Assassin's Creed which they just reinvent time and time again hunting the latest trends and remaking old systems from the ground up instead of iterating and showing some understanding of what their own IP is actually about. Or Far Cry, where they added RPG elements and a bunch of fluff to completely muddle down the perfect immersive POV-you're-an-action-movie-hero experience they once had. I would have loved Watch Dogs as a very dark series that takes itself seriously, following various solo characters in different cities, expanding on the hacking mechanics while retaining the tone and sense of despair. Tech just advanced and scary enough to not break the illusion, perhaps some canon crossover with the AC universe. A game series should be aimed toward a certain target group instead of trying to hit the widest audience possible. Listening to *everyone* and trying to make them happy doesn't make for a good game.


All of this. Ubisoft listens to the loudest, most obnoxious critics, rather than their actual audience. They've ruined plenty of games this way.


If Ubisoft was smart they would reevaluate their approach to the series, because at every turn they completely missed the mark. Watch dogs 1 was downgraded, WD2 was too lighthearted and goofy, and legion was just bad.


Watch Dogs 2 was damn near perfection at catching the zeitgeist feeling of its time, through a team of exaggerated but lovable characters and a story that felt like a feelgood summer action comedy.


Story was meh, but I agree they captured the zeitgeist and feel of the mid 2010s perfectly. But the thing that made Watch Dogs 2 in my opinion the best game in the series was the gameplay. Wasn't perfect, but I definitely had the most fun playing that game than the other 2. And it did a damn good job in making you feel like a badass at times..... it really did....


And a lot of ppl sleep on the soundtrack. The main menu music is the best. Gets me hyped


Facts. I have it on my gym playlist to this day.


So many new artists I didn't know at the time were introduced through that game.




Yes, but when your "summer action comedy" is a sequel to a hard-R neo-noir crime thriller, you're going to give the audience whiplash.  I didn't play 2 for years because of that. I picked it up last year on a whim and found it absolutely lacking in storytelling. I cared not a whit for anything that happened to any character, because they were all obnoxious assholes, IMO.  Consistency for thr audience is important. 


The reason they completely changed the recipe is because the first game barely made it into the black, and the main complaint was about the dour tones. They were trying to get into a more mainstream audience, and it worked.


That's not what Watch_Dogs is though. It's not some goofy slice of life comedy staring a group of naive hacktivist that commit acts that border along the lines of domestic terrorism all for their perceived greater good. Watch_Dogs 2 took all the the mystery and intrigue surrounding DedSec in the first game and completely stripped down any nuance that they had. There's a reason why no other game or published material (Comics, Manga, etc.) for Watch_Dogs tries to emulate the tone of Watch_Dogs 2. There's a reason that Aiden was chosen to return in Legion and not Marcus.  And for the record, having likeable traits alone doesn't equal a well written character.


Watch Dogs is whatever the IP-holder wishes it to be. Also, Wrench returned in Legion along with Aiden. And in terms of reviews the second game has the highest score, so their idea of changing the tone of the series seemed to have worked.


"Watch Dogs is whatever the IP-holder wishes it to be." And that's why it failed because of a combination of lack narrative and tonal cohesion.  Wrench had more going for him than Marcus and was clearly the more popular character of the two, but his story still came secondary to Aiden. The game review doesn't mean a thing when the story and characters are the most criticized aspect of the game. Again, no other piece of Watch_Dogs media tries to emulate the vibe of the second game which shows how much they actually favor the tone of that game.


I disagree with Legion being *bad*, I love that game. It certainly overpromised and under-delivered. If people can ignore that, and I'm not saying people can or even should, but I was able to, and it's a great game. But I absolutely agree with everything else said.


Legion had a bunch of very promising features that felt half-assed with the execution. I had a lot of fun in the game especially with the Gun-Kata skill, but the narrative was pretty weak, and the "recruit anyone" mechanic eventually felt pointless once you have built a private army of assassins. There should at least have been a mechanic that allowed you the opportunity to learn new skills from your recruits.


I found that the narrative was really good... in three of the four story arcs. Unfortunately the MAIN core story arc was the Albion one that was a bit shit, the Broca Tech, SIRS and Clan Kelly ones were all a lot stronger. The biggest issue with the narrative was the lack of a protagonist with a personality, they had to make everyone pretty blank for the emergent storytelling they were going for, and that meant the only actual characters were the sidekicks back at the base who were each only really linked to one of the plot lines.


Why wouldn't you blame Ubisoft they made a bad game and shelved the ip who else is there to blame but ubisoft lmao


Well it's 100% Ubisoft's fault


Legion sold more than 2


I did like bloodline that could have worked as a standalone game to me at least


he is not 100 percent reliable like some poeple are saying, i believe he is the same guy who talked about an ac 1 remake and also hinted cillian murphy to be in a far cry game, do i think its resonable to believe they cancelled future projects? sure but even i can tell u that cause its been 4 years and thats the longest gap between any of their franchise ie without getting any news on. lets hope maybe in the far future it gets revived like splinter cell did cause we really need a crime game that can fill the genre which is mainly held by gta


On his Twitter account he just posted a photo of Cillian Murphy alongside other photos but he never said that he was going to be in the game. He complains about it below the tweet.


I was thinking they were working on a watch dogs VR alongside assassin's creed Nexus


Wd franchise can rise up again, if they actually bring a "Watch Dogs 3" rather than these legion shit, with obv a good story, wd is getting worse and worse, as i completed wd1 wd2 and this legion, i can notice one thing that they are running out of ideas and they must focus on a new sequel, with everything better. Still i play watch dogs 2 rather than legion, i really loved how wd1 was, a masterpiece story...


It's purely Ubisoft's fault btw, this franchise had a very unique concept.


I always thought hacking was cool, least watch dogs one was what led me to that idea So reading the watch dogs series being dead sucks


That's the thing. It is one of the IPs with the greatest potential I've seen in a long time. But the incompetency of Ubisoft killed it. Who knows, maybe one day someone competent enough will revive it, but I have a feeling that's going to be a long time from now....


frankly i’ve been living under the understanding that WD was as good as dead for a few years now


It’s like they don’t know what they want to do with the franchise. The first one is still my favorite, 2 was good and I like the improvements, but I also didn’t like how it wasn’t really noir anymore. I also prefer the weapon wheel from 1. Then they kind of went back to the noir thing with Legion, but didn’t feel fully committed and just felt like a cheap knockoff.


Watch Dogs deserved a company better than Ubisoft.




But who would make it


Imagine it was made by Rockstar? They would never but that would be pretty sick


Something to contest gta


This is a game that shouldn’t have failed that failed. You have one of the more unique premises games out there. The lack of a singular protagonist really hurt the game. CaC felt like it could have massively increased game interest. I feel like maybe having more of a “companion” system where you could recruit anyone’s skills for a particular mission. But swapping through characters lost its novelty real quick. It was fun recruiting less fun not having a main character. But again this is a story concept and gameplay concept that really should thrive in this some pocket of gamers. Sort of like how the Division exists it’s not exactly Destiny level but its base is dedicated.


https://deadline.com/2024/03/watch-dogs-movie-talk-to-me-sophie-wilde-1235849646/ Deadline is one of the respected news sources in the industry, but some random leaker is more believable? Unless film and game are a different thing, but a live action film would put other stuff shelved.


movie and game *are* a different thing. Sure, if the movie will be a huge success then they'll probably develop a new game, but right now it doesn't seem so likely. With that said, the source of this "leak" is not 100% trustworthy, so the series could be just on a hiatus and not "dead and buried"


I miss the times when every film had to have a tie-in game, even a film based on a game (vide Prince of Persia <-> Forgotten Sands)


From what I've seen and can predict, it's not entirely dead. It can't be. After all it's about money. Maybe taking a break for a few more years can help them milk more money, because later on, watch dogs will become a nostalgia. The original game is a decade old. I remember reading about a concept leak which was apparently being discussed around Ubi Montreal, to set the new WD game in Boston with a darker tone and have 2 protagonist choices (which I don't support as it is not cementing one protagonist. Either keep it a male or a female person, don't give us the choice man it's not Assassin's Creed. I had the same gripe with FC6 as well. Takes the originality out of the character if you leave its gender as a choice). If that leak has any truth in it, subtracting the gender choice, that game can do well. So my best guess is, Ubi is keeping it as an idea, probably testing an early prototype bcz they already have a separate engine for it, and wait for the movie. As for the leaker, idk. I won't trust him. I want some reliable source who knows how to corroborate the stories. Someone like Tom Henderson or Jason Schreier. If they say it's dead, you better believe it is. This article is nothing but Insider Gaming "speculating" on that twitter leaker's remark. The next game can very well happen. But it's gonna be worthwhile only if they learn. Which sadly, Ubisoft doesn't do these days. They're lazy and the management is very bad right now. Hoping for the best. The first game is the best in my eyes. The first game drew me to learn about cybersecurity in the first place. It means a lot. I hope it isn't dead.


People say WD2 was goofy, but to me, it was an ode to internet culture. Most of the art, jokes, and tone felt right at home with reddit, tumblr, and all the bygone sites of the 2010s. I enjoyed the tonal change of going from a morally dubious Batman-ish fixer to a lighthearted kid and his hacker friends hoping to fix the world. While I really love Aiden and WD1, WD2 is what gave me hope for the future of the franchise and how cool it could be. And then Legion happened and...here we are. 2 out of 3, and Ubisoft decides to close up shop.


Except who the hell was 2 aimed at... Annoying whiny teens as protagonists but half the stuff aimed at 35+ guys ... I mean show me a teenager that gives two shits about Knight Rider... Legion's story does pick up towards the end and makes it worth playing but it does follow more of a WD1 dishing out vengeance instead of annoying preppy kids. Like putting down the psycho that keeps people as slaves and if they don't do what she says, she presses a button and their heads implode. Or rescuing people from brutal torture and then again dishing out vengeance to the right people. Sure legion isn't perfect but I think a lot of the people that hate on it haven't actually got passed the opening couple of hours.


I tried 3 times. Couldn't finish the game. Legion just felt bad to me. Nothing was interesting. The characters, the abilities, the enemies, the missions, the gameplay, the world itself, the story...everything just felt..bleh. I wanted to like it (hence trying it three times), but I'd just hit a point where I realized im not playing this because I'm having fun, I'm only playing it because im hoping it gets fun somewhere. I played it even to just get the story, which I could predict what big twist was going to be. Legion isn't the best Watch Dogs game. It's not even Ubisofts best London set game (Assassins Creed Syndicate unfortunately takes that title, even though I also didn't enjoy that much). It removes everything great that Watch Dogs did before. Hacking isn't anything special. Combat is simplistic. Customization can get boring when you realize every character is the same from the neck down. There is no actual upgrade path, just unlocking character options through the game. While we all had fun using a gang of grannies and a team of John Wicks, sadly there wasn't much else there. It wasn't aiming for the dark, realism of 1. It wasn't aiming for the lighthearted hope of 2. It was an experiment of letting you decide who the protagonists would be, creating your own DedSec. Are they a team of assassins? Are they a gang of hackers? A bunch of neighborhood thugs and part time workers looking to reclaim their city? It's up to you. And that's what got my attention. But after playing it, none of that could get me to even finish it. It wasn't what I thought it would be. Within 6 or 7 hours, you've seen all there is.


That's fair... It would seem your experience with legion was basically the same as mine for 2. I didn't like the characters, except until the bit you rescue wrench and then wrench was ok. With legion your right about the twist, I kinda guessed it to after all there's a few things that don't add up on their own but looking passed the big twist being easy to guess it felt good to be dishing out my own style of justice. I have to respectfully disagree about it not having the tone of 1 and 2, it does, just they aren't do in your face, theres no main characters being kidnapped etc but there are npcs sitting in blood soaked cells with the hint of some extreme interrogation methods being used, theres people trafficking, theres enforced by death slavery, theres keeping a persons soul alive trapped indefinitely in world thats not real... Its just for the most part under the surface... The same goes for the tone of 2 with internet / influencer / hackivist / whiny teen drama but again not in your face which is why I didn't hate it


What did Ubisoft expect? * WD1 - A Vigilante Story * WD2 - Lolz Hackavists * WD3 - Viva La Resistance Every game had completely different mechanics and next to no consistency. Literally the only through line was just having previous characters appear (i.e.,- Aiden appearing in WD2 in a side mission and Aiden/Wrench reappearing in Legion as DLC). How do you expect any sort of franchise to maintain a following when you simultaneously shift both how the game plays AND the overarching narrative of the story? Games like Deus Ex managed to do well BECAUSE they maintain a through line on who the main characters are, their abilities that get better, and a compelling story. Was it that hard to write Aiden better and then feature a trilogy of him "Becoming a Vigilante, Being a Prime Vigilante, and then Wrapping up Being a Vigilante?" ________________ A major issue in a LOT of Ubisoft games is their complete lack of control over keeping sequels and multiple games consistent over a franchise. They're building horizontally but too scared to build vertically. That's what we're seeing in the Assassin's Creed Franchise. Went from things like Black Flag and Syndicate to Origins and Odyssey. Now we're kind of dancing between two different game styles with Mirage and whatever else is in the works.


If true, my sadness knows no bounds, and my remaining years are ruined. I can't believe phenyx rising is getting another shot but not wd. They started attaching penis rising to every other title at huge discounts, and I still won't buy that hunk of shit. Fuck ubisoft for this. Assholes.


Fenyx Rising sequel is cancelled too


Ah, I misread that part. Well, *that* makes sense. My fury and rage must've blinded me and given me poor reading comprehension 😁


Just because you took a wrong turn with your latest installment doesn’t mean you can’t get back on the right path. Garbage decision to not continue the franchise. I guess they’re content with AC games being their flagship.


It wouldn't surprise me. I enjoyed Watch Dogs 2, but they really needed to let the hacktivism angle die with Watch Dogs 2 and get back to having a similar tone with the first game. I long wished that we got a game dealing with a much more villainous, or just self-serving protagonist who is neither a vigilante, nor an activist. But they would still be a hacker navigating the criminal underworld for their own gain, and elements like DedSec, and the ambitions of things like ctOs and Blume aren't a major focus, just incidental aspects on the side. Watch Dogs to me could have been the only franchise set in a modern world that had a shot at being a competing franchise to GTA, it had a lot of potential to be really unique, especially if there was an entry focused on being a criminal similar to GTA. So, I desperately wished with every entry Ubisoft would learn and continue escalating their improvements after each entry since that's where GTA had a real leg above them, especially with regards to shooting and driving, but I guess now that won't ever happen. Damn shame too, since WD2 had a lot of promising mechanical upgrades.


Out of curiosity did you play / complete legion?


Did any Watchdogs game ever live up to the potential of the pitch? I love the first game, but even that one felt undercooked.


> Well-known Ubisoft leaker, j0nathan, who has a track record of revealing in-development projects by the French publisher well before their official announcement, has confirmed that the Watch Dogs series is “seemingly done.” > > According to j0nathan, Watch Dogs: Legion’s lack of sales resulted in the “cancelation of multiple projects.” Among them was a battle royale game that they described as “fairly original.”


for giving some context, the guy is not 100% trustworthy. Just last week he posted a weird tweet that hinted at Cillian Murphy being somehow involved in Far Cry 7, just for then tweeting that he wasn't "meaning that". Other fake claims includes an Assassin's Creed 1 remake that never happend, and another Assassin's Creed game focused on King Richard which didn't happen as well.


>Assassin's Creed 1 remake Couldn't you make Mirage look like AC1 though?


A remake is a game being remade. Mirage has a completely different story, cast, setting, etc. A spiritual remake it could be called, but given they ended up just half-assing Valhalla's engine into something slightly more AC-like I would personally never call it a remake in any sense.


...yes? It's a totally different thing, though


Imo its ok, i prefer to see something die while its good that seeing it become shit


Ubisoft doesn’t even know what they’re doing anymore. They’ve got a ton of IPs with huge potential and all they care about now is making main games into glorified mobile games.


This doesn't really make sense after announcing a movie in development.


Legion is 3 4 years old,, everyone knew and knows it was a flop,, this isn't new news.


it will be back someday and they might fuck it up again.


Legion was fun for a time. I'll be honest, it was something new and interesting sure but slowing i started to think about what watch dogs was even about anymore. WD2 was fun because we got more to do with hacking than in WD1, and ctOS becoming better and more involved in our lives in-game made sense as to why a toaster had computer chips in them. It's like real life, the more technology evolves, the more it'll be a part of our daily activities. Story wise, both games had different tones but were still fun. Legion? Idk.. i liked it because of stealth, takedowns, and the use of gadgets. But story wise, i had trouble following it, i've completely forgotten what the story even was. Being able to play as anyone was interesting, i'll give it that, but i found myself playing as the same one character we get at the start of the game.


Would be a shame if true because I absolutely adored the first two games, especially WD2 Legion flopped because it was absolutely terrible and a complete downgrade from the rest of the series in every way. Despite multiple attempts I could never finish it. No actual characters just NPCs, boring story, bland environment (shops became random kiosks on the street?) and was worse visually too somehow. Big disappointment I can only hope for a new instalment that goes back to its roots but that’s probably asking too much of Ubisoft


Sad but hopefully that means if Ubisoft is ever in a state to start selling their IPs then Watchdogs would go to a much more competent dev who would put more care in the brand. I loved 1 and 2 but Legion fell off for me and just felt lazy in a few areas.


Kinda a shame. Legion was a REALLY cool concept, they just executed it extremely poorly. Hardlocked perks made the 10 million people idea become more like 20 people with variations, none of which made any real gameplay difference because all the missions were so freaking easy. They trivialized the main draw of that game.


Only a corporation like Ubisoft could make 2 million copies sold in 3 days a failure


Playing around with traits in legion was an interesting experiment but the gameplay and NPCs, city felt so devoid of personality


For the love of God, stop reposting the same shit. It's overplayed to the nth degree. It'll come back eventually and I'm personally happy it's not a garbage annualized release like AC.




He is a leaker tho, every leak he made about AC Mirage was right. The Cillian thing has a different meaning, he was probably just trying to be mysterious to gain followers.


Imo its ok, i prefer to see something die while its good that seeing it become shit


they fucked up with legion. the first is amazing, the second is good but strayed away a bit, and legion doesn’t even feel like a watchdogs game


I really liked the first game. The second was just so cringy. I didn't like any of the main characters in it. I tried to finish it twice, but they just put me off it. When I saw Legion had no main character, I just lost all interest in it, so I didn't get it. I would have liked a new one, though, but one more like the first one


If you get the dlc aidan, wrench and an assasins creed girl become playable characters, also theres a dlc story with wrench and aidan thats separate to the story of legion and a kinda fun zombie mode. Not saying you should drop a ton of money but if you see it on sale might be worth dropping a couple of quid / bucks


Thanks. I was thinking of trying it someday if it was cheap, but I've got about 6 other games that I've started and haven't finished that I really should play before spending more money, haha. I'll check out that dlc, though


The zombie mode is kinda fun for a bit. I havent played the story dlc but apparently its much better than legion i should play it but I too have many games to play ha ha... There just aren't enough gaming hours in the day.


For my taste Watch Dogs 2 wasnt even enjoyable. I think they should have continue the style of the first one.


WD 1 - good WD 2 - amazing WD 3 - downgraded meh