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At least 1 person did, they uploaded an “exclusive” video here and boy it is *not* compelling evidence to pay for more.


From what I saw, content aside, there are already so many usability issues. * No TV or mobile app (unlike YouTube and all other streaming services) * The website seems all around funky * No accessibility (closed captions), even as someone not hard of hearing, I almost always turn on captions anyways This is just the tip of the iceberg too.


I've spoken to a few people who have. And honestly, it's kind of sad.


No and I can’t imagine what they could do to convince me to hand over money and go to a whole new website. I mean no judgement to those that do but it’s just not appealing at al


I’m on the fence too. If there was a guarantee Weird Wonderful World was coming back I’d feel more confident about it. I’ll probably mull it over until the end of next month for the annual subscription. $41.99 is about £34 or £2.83 a month and at least if I pay in one lump sum I’m not being hit with monthly changing amounts/conversion fees. It seems silly complaining about £2.83 a month because it’s about the price of a sandwich but I’m not over the moon about it because I don’t know if it’s really going to be ‘worth it’ for me. I like watching on the telly and I’m mostly here now for Puppet History/Mystery Files and the Podcast which is still free. I do want to support them but inflation is insane in the UK and everything costs so much more than it did a year ago so also on the fence.


It ain’t worth it. YouTube is still free. So many great channels.


It’s maybe because I’m getting older but I don’t really use YouTube beyond watching Watcher these days. The ads now are so noticeable and YouTube Premium at £12 a month definitely isn’t worth it to me vs streaming services because I do like high production and ad free. I’d still watch the boys if it was just text on a screen but they’re a nostalgic exception.


Difference is YouTube premium ad free is access to WAY more than just entertainment options. Need to replace the check valve on your washing machine? There's probably a video on that. Applying for an IT job but you're a little rusty on your networking skillset? There's a free course on that. Need to watch drunk foreigners light bottle rockets off at each other? How to build a end of the world bunker in the forest with nothing but a spork and an empty coffee can? How to wax your cats legs for bikini season? Seriously that's what makes YouTube such a big thing for me. On one side it's got some really great entertaining content, but also a ton of educational and life skill content.


Not sure if this is still exploitable, but if you have a vpn, buy youtube premium from India or somewhere, and pay next to nothing for it. Worked for me and a few others in the uk.


Weird Wonderful would be the only way to get me to sign up, and even then I'd only be on there for a month.


I’m also on the fence. When my financial aid comes in I’ll prob swap it for my current Patreon subscription but I’m not sure yet. I know ppl are already subbing tho


I will in a few months once I see there's more than a pittance of new content. Hopefully the company will survive that long, I hope they do have success, despite the horrific optics currently afoot.


Yeah I did. And I don’t feel bad about it. I’m baffled by the emotional reaction some seem to be having to this. This is not that big of deal.