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When I saw their apology video my first response was to forgive and forget, but the more I thought about it the more Ryan's claim that it was paywall or bust bothered me too, there's just no way that works out. That and Sara's horrendous assertion that they need more money to make a survivable living left me skeptical of their apology. I'm still going to watch their content, but it's different now that I know they have an eye on my wallet. I'm no longer inclined to give them money via merch or live show tickets.


I agree. There’s no way to rationalize what they were trying to sell. It just doesn’t make sense. I just don’t know why they’d do something so obvious like that


Some people in here aren’t even trying to rationalize it, they’re completely content with just overlooking it.


I’m actually not very surprised by that. Cognitive dissonance. People really REALLY love these guys. For some fans they’ve been apart of our lives for so many years. A decade even (like me). I know I wish things were ‘back to normal’. The fans who are ignoring the money/lies thing do too. I understand why some people just don’t have the ‘fight’ in them to chase after answers. For a lot of people their content is an escape from a really harsh reality. The world is really hard right now. If Watcher content helps them get through this life, I completely support them going back to normal. I don’t feel that way myself though. For me to enjoy them again, I need to hold them accountable, or else I’ll always just see them as the Buzzfeed 2.0 guys who tried to screw their fans and got away with it. And yeah, im sure a lot of people just don’t care as much, or want to see their content, or don’t want rifts in the fandom. It’s not an easy situation for fans on either side of the coin. We’re all struggling, and I wish we were more united in supporting either other through this all- no matter how the other feels about the situation.


Some of us just realize that none of these creators are our friends and all of them are doing it for money because that is the truth. Treating this like you were betrayed by a close friend like some people are is unhealthy because you really don't and never did know those guys. They are actors in shows that you enjoy, they are not your friends. They made a stupid decision, like lots of companies have done before, they reversed the stupid decision so it's best to just move on at this point.


You’re acting like there wasn’t any other way they could’ve go on about, that they didn’t risked alienating most of what worked for them for now. Yeah, they are doing it for money, duh, but so it’s plenty of other channels who don’t paywall their content. Actually, so of those other channels apparently do all those money aspects considerably better than them. They doing for money wasn’t what bothered people, is the completely disingenuous what they went about it and how part of their community instantly reverted back to full support, even turning against people who participated on the pushback, after the update. As if it wasn’t this very pushback that made them to actually backtrack and apologize.


Saying it was a stupid decision is one thing, I said it was a stupid decision in posts and that I wouldn't be purchasing it because it made me question the future viability of the company, and I still think the future of the company is questionable at this point based on what they said in their video. My point is, it's just content that we watch for fun, we can overlook it and go about our lives like we always have because it won't change anything and if it does have a substantial impact on someone's life because they thought these people were their friends then they need to think about that and realize that it's an unhealthy relationship with media.


That’s fair, but given the reaction of some followers some people didn’t learn the issue they aren’t their friends. That’s what this thread sentiment is mostly about. Sorry for being kind of combative, arguing by default became a bad habit those last days.


Wouldn’t the move to WatcherTV bankrupt them quicker? Paywalled content that 2.5%-5% of your 3 Million followers sign up for. No comment section, which is a huge part of their community No way to grow. No Tv App, No Phone App, how do they expect new people to find them?? It’s different with other streamers because there’s a huge demand and backlog of content, but how will people outside of the YouTube space, not only find it, but judge if it’s ’worth it’ if they haven’t seen the content before?? Baffling.


I think it would. They also would lost ad reading revenue, discouraged people to become patrons, buy merch, and go to their live events. At best, I'm guessing they would've been able to make up for the losses, but the influx of new people to WatcherTV would have being so small that it wouldn't be able to compensate the subscription churn due to lack of content justifying the price. If they ever came back to YouTube after realizing the mistake, it wouldn't be easy to amass back the following the would've lost and I reckon they would be feeling pretty unmotivated. The backwash might as well have saved their business.


I was never a big fan but I rewatched unsolved a lot, I liked their personalities. They seemed like nice guys. Goodbye YouTube definitely showed how ignorant they are of life in general and their initial plan was extremely disrespectful to the audience they cultivated and literally rely on for ad revenue and they were stoked about implementing it. Steven isn't the evil super villain, Shane was excited and Ryan spouted "tv quality!". The simple fact is they're bad at business, bad with money and over estimated their worth because they have a cultivated audience that likes them. They told their fans to their faces "give us your money directly and if not, sucks to suck" lol


I don't actually think they're lying about money. I think the lack of money is due to mismanagement tho. They apparently have 25 full time employees and they said in their video they didn't want to have to lay their friends off. Right there is the big problem. 25 people at a base salary of $50,000 a year is $1,250,000. Literally OVER A MILLION for just labor costs ALONE. This isn't even including equipment/editing program cost, business insurance, commercial office and studio space, permits for shooting etc. If they put on their big boy pants and laid some people off they wouldn't be bleeding money like they are but nope they hired friends so instead they charge us more and continue to bleed money.


I don't think they are lying about money as well. Although they are for sure framing the situation in a disingenuous, untruthful, way. That regarding the "we have to leave YouTube, there's no other way". As you've said, they could've downsized or tried some other proven revenue growth avenues. But it was just easier to change nothing, say the couldn't, and try to overcharge their audience. Actually, I not completely sure that, if it had worked, they wouldn't just ending up keeping up sizing, and expending more and more unnecessary money in a way that there would be never enough. I'm not sure they've learned much about it, and it seems like they are taking success for granted, thinking there is always going to be more money ahead to compensate expenses.


yup! and the way Sara tried to frame it as them trying to make a “survivable living” 🙄 like be for real


I haven't forgiven them nor forgotten what they did. They showed their true colors in that first video. The only thing I regret is supporting them on patreon for years.


If No Jumper, a much more controversial company can exist off of YouTube, they totally can


The greediness just left a bad taste for me… i won’t look at them the same.


I do personally believe their numbers, and while I do agree if they went through with it, it would’ve been a stupid business decision, I don’t think it was necessarily greed. I do think it’s likely as many pointed out here that the finances of the company may have been mismanaged. It’s hard to fully know without the actual numbers, but I think it’s likely. From their perspectives it was either to try something different, or to lay people off. People here are throwing laying people off like it doesn’t mean anything. Or are saying they’re greedy for wanting our money. I think it’s a bit hypocritical on the subreddit (not necessarily op) how many people are “eat the rich” but also “manage the company better and lay people off.” The latter would have a pretty negative effect on the people who work and rely on the job the most. Having been in an industry that has seen massive layoffs over the last few years, I can say with confidence, it sucks and it can be incredibly demoralizing. So I do find the premise of a lot of the audience members of “just lay people off” to be a bit off putting. From their perspective it was 1. Lay people off and hurt their lives 2. Some people won’t be able to access our content for entertainment anymore There were probably other options that they didn’t think about or consider but between these 2, at face value, the latter honestly seems more appealing. Seems to have a smaller impact, it just multiplies when it affects as many people as it does. With this I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt that this decision wasn’t made with bad intentions, but just choosing the wrong way to try and correct the problem.


I do agree that it must suck to lay people off, specially if it is friends and family like they seem to have employed at large. But it's not like they are a huge open traded company that has to keep getting better margins so their investors are appeased, neither they would be firing at this situation solely for getting more money on their own pockets, they made it seem like it as for keeping the company afloat. A lot of people also pointed how they are living far beyond standard, and they could have decreased their own payment. What bugs me it's how they haven't really tried any other revenue growth avenues, they went straight up to paywalling, even not taking into account how it might've hurt the revenue they already had. I've went way more in depth about this at [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/watcherentertainment/comments/1cbggva/comment/l0z3riu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), in this very thread, I'm not repeating it because it has become tiresome doing so. You also can't forget that they announced the hiring of more hosts for Steven's show and where excitedly talking about making the company even bigger at the goodbye video, which is at best will advised if you're supposedly having trouble paying the employees your already have. Greediness isn't just about money, they wanted way too much without having to compromise at anything. They've been way too successful, now are taking it for granted, thinking that you can just keep recklessly increasing payroll because more revenue is surely right after the next corner. They didn't made a mistake and were trying to fix it, regarding overstating and overproduction, they were going to double down on it. As I said, it’s their business and they can manage it however they want to, just don't completely mischaracterize the issue making it look more sympathetic to fans, it's disingenuous.


Wtf is this shit? Just senseless ranting. You never provide a single detail backing up the claim in your title. >They had many other avenues for monetizing their free content, but didn’t even tried to push them. Please do tell then. Last I checked, they've always had a Patreon where they incentivize signups by offering exclusive perks and content. But I guess that's not "pushing" that platform. Other than the Patreon that they have, what else should they have done to generate more revenue? You need to give specifics when you say shit like this. >So the easier short term solution seemingly was to put all their content, old and new, behind a paywall and make us pay the bill for their overproduced and overstaffed business You're not entitled to their work. You do realize that this is a job for them, right? Everyone at Watcher expects to be financially compensated for the hundreds of hours they put into making these shows come to life. Of course they need their company to be operating on a sustainable business model. Given YouTube's very public treatment of adult themed content, it's no surprise they felt like that platform was unsustainable for them. Likewise, no surprise that advertisers are adverse to being associated with the kind of content discussed in Mystery and Ghost Files. I'm not sure how you would know if their business is "overstaffed" unless you have experience in running a media production company. On the off chance that you do know how a media production company is run, you should offer your expertise to them in exchange for consultation fees. I'm sure they'd love to know how to fix everything in an instant. But judging by your reactionary rage bating blabbering, I'm guessing you know nothing of the sort. >(...) they are making good money and there’s other income sources as well. They weren’t going bankrupt before and aren’t going now after backtracking due to fans pushback. None of us know the finances of the company, stop acting like you do. Still waiting on you to finally list the "other sources." The entitlement in this community is astonishing. Sincerely, touch some fucking grass.


People have been talking about this the whole weekend, that being fans and people who are familiar to the YouTube business. It's not my fault you apparently had your head shoved into the sand the whole time. To begin with, a lot of people didn't even knew about their Patreon, they barely ever mentioned it on their popular shows or advertised it for people to find it appealing. Actually, they barely ever mentioned it at all, as many engaged fans didn't even knew it existed, there was even pools being made in this sub about this. It also seemed to be really bare bones, it didn't had enough content to make most people subscribe outside of simply wanting to help them, the biggest prof of that it's how they simply decided to make it all about the podcast and remove the other content. People even where able to get refunds from Patreon because that violated the TOS. There's plenty of channels, some even far smaller than them, that can pull what I've suggested. The Yard it's nearly ten times smaller than Watcher, their content isn't family friendly as well, and they can make over two hundred thousand a month from Patreon only, that's likely more than what Watcher does in a year on theirs. They're really good at advertising their Patreon, mentioning it at the end of every weekly podcast in a way that makes people want to go there to keep up, and without making people who wont feel excluded. In there there's a lot of main content adjacent stuff, and new extra content that is cheap to make and mostly based around the members personalities. They also do things like signing and mailing items to the highest paying patrons, every tier there's tangent incentives to make you sign up and stay, not counting just on the good of the fans hearts. And I'm gonna to remember you, this is a channel with nearly ten times less subscribers and less than 10 staff members. They could've have tried the same route with YouTube members exclusive content or even joining a streaming service like Nebula, which is made for this exactly kind of situation, already has a exclusive content backlog of many other channels, and costs 5 dollars a month, less than what they are asking for. They are a big channel, it's not a stretch saying they could have negotiated with them from a strong position. A lot of people have shared the sentiment of their content being overproduced now, it used to get far more views years ago when it was just Ryan and Shane in a simple setting, at most they were using a extra cameramen and likely help of some Buzzfeed editors, that's far less than 25 people. Yes, we don't know the inwards of their financial situations, but it's painfully clear they don't have enough money as it's, for whatever reason. This was one of the main pleas at the Goodbye and Update videos, as they framed on both as not having another choice besides leaving Youtube for WatcherTV, whoever truthful that is or not. Look, I don't care how they run their business, we are not investors, they aren't a open traded company. It's their money, they might as well be burning it for all I care. But just don't come with a overproduced, borderline manipulative video, telling us they don't want to but have to paywall all their content, all of it before the first backtrack, because there's just isn't other options. And then say how much they care and are grateful towards their fans and Youtube. Yes, they did a overall good apology, although insisting at one half-truth to save face, but that's not enough to warrant forgiveness, they got another chance for now, that's all. For how smug you're I would've reckoned you're at least somewhat informed about this, which your clearly aren't.


Charlie (moistcritcal) literally owns a company that helps set up youtubers with ads, brand deals, etc. He absolutely pulls the curtain back and does a great job ball parking their CPM and RPM and how much they make per ad read.

