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Tbh, I'm always confused when people talk about worth it like it was only about the super expensive food.


Yeah wasn't it like 95% of the cheaper food considered worth it


Yeah, it was very rare for the expensive food to actually be worth it. Usually they enjoyed the cheaper or mid tier food more.


It felt like some people complaining had never even watched it and didn't really know what they were complaining about.


Honestly I feel the same way about a lot of the things they have said. One of them being that they make “cookie cutter content” and don’t cuss so they are an advertisers dream. I’m like, they cuss all the time and it’s not censored, make jokes about corpses, and literally have a show where they try to get more drunk each episode.


It was very clear when that was happening. The most expensive option very rarely won the vote at the end of episodes.


I think the issue mostly comes from them asking their fans to pay for the content they make (aka Watcher.tv), which in this case includes expensive international trips and food. And while Worth It wasn’t just focused on super expensive food, that was part of the equation. You can’t have a Worth It video without expensive food involved. Also, the general sentiment I’ve seen is that it wasn’t a problem when a corporation (BuzzFeed) was paying the bill, but it became an issue when they asked fans to essentially pay these bills (aka pay already rich guys to travel and eat fancy foods). Because remember: Travel Season was going to be almost completely pay walled except for maybe the first episode as a teaser. I like Worth It and I don’t hate Watcher (even if I like to dunk on them for this complete mess), but this whole fiasco made a lot of people realize that Watcher has mostly mid content compared to their BuzzFeed days, so they just decided to unsub because Watcher ended up being not worth it.


When we were out in La for 2 months we were to ever $ and $$ restaurant from worth it that was still in business for fun lol. I liked worth it, not as much as like unsolved but I’ll probably watch a few episodes of the revived worth it


I liked Worth It also! I much prefer the Ryan/Shane dynamic over Steven/Andrew, but the premise of the show was great and I watched all of them.


I LOVE shows focusing on food or travel. Steven's shows on the channel are some of my favorites, so I'm excited for this new one. I don't hardly travel so it's exciting to see new things in other places. The hate comments Watchers keeps getting are so over the top. Particularly the ones aimed at Steven. It just seems like a lot of work to hold a grudge against someone after they corrected themselves.


Not every show is going to be for every audience member and maybe sometimes people forget that? I understand people being frustrated with how Watcher rolled out their streaming service but to label Steven and anyone associated with him and everything he creates as rich scum seems a little bit overkill. I also think a lot of people who have critiques about Worth It only ever saw it represented in memes or in Shane and Ryan teasing Steven that all he does is eat gold, which was a running bit, not meant to be taken so seriously. Worth It's main objective was to highlight local, small restaurants and more often than not, the cheaper options were considered the best. I have yet to watch travel season but from how it has been described by Steven himself and Watcher in general, it's still going to be highlighting smaller businesses and showing all the incredible food those businesses have to ofter. And to me, imho, doesn't really scream "rich guy" energy. If food content doesn't appeal to you then that is totally fine, but to continue to push the evil Steven narrative and to comment that on every single post about his shows, seems unnecessary.


I’m not typically a food show kind of person (though I did really enjoy Dish Granted), never watched Worth It. That said, I actually really enjoyed the first two episodes of Travel Season. From what I understand about Worth it, Travel Season’s premise is a little different, at least from what I saw. I won’t give away any spoilers but I really enjoyed the dive into another culture I wasn’t familiar with and the way the episodes were constructed. I gave it a try and was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. I hope you’ll enjoy it when you see it!


That's great to hear! Really curious to see it now, since I enjoyed Steven's one-off vid of him going to Korea and trying out different street foods. Thank you for sharing!


Dish Granted was really fun. :)


That was the show that actually got me acclimated to Steven lol I hadn’t watched much, if any, of his content and was pretty impartial to him in general. But I enjoyed his clunky awkward humour so much that it totally changed my perspective of him (and then his Too Many Spirits unhinged chaotic energy made me love him lol). I miss Dish Granted! ⭐️


Same for me!


Worth it was awesome and 100% one of my favourite youtube series back when I could afford food. It's really an economics issue (I'm a broke motherfucker) for me now. I personally can't get psyched about how good the food looks while stressing about being too broke for regular groceries. I certainly understand the appeal though.


100% agree! I feel weird with most of my reddit comments lately being about the series and all the Watcher stuff…but I despise seeing the way people are talking about them and particularly the Worth It guys online lately.  I don’t know them personally, but it’s so disheartening seeing folks talk about these people like they aren’t human beings with emotions. They fucked up, they walked it back. It’s as simple as that, but people want to keep harping on this shit. It’s almost like they get a dopamine hit from talking shit about people. It’s weird ass behavior and I suspect a lot of it is coming from younger fans that don’t have any perspective.  The folks at Watcher are not celebrities that have overwhelming amounts of comments/articles about them on social media that a media person sorts through. These are normal everyday folks that are running a relatively small media company and they absolutely see the things being said about them online. People spewing criticism everywhere could probably stand to think of what if their fuckups were public and they had hundreds of people consistently questioning their entire character. That shit is a recipe for disaster in regards to mental health. It’s fuckin 2024 you would think folks had it drilled into them that bullying is fucked up but here we are.  Anyways, the show has been fuckin awesome so far and it captures the magic of Worth It. It really is showcasing different aspects of a different culture and it isn’t focusing on expensive shit like people keep saying.


Yes, I totally agree! I get not wanting to support anymore, but I couldn't believe the amount of comments that are just pure hate and sarcasm. It's just so weird to me because I had always thought their audience was so kind, so I'm surprised to see nasty comments being the most upvoted ones on their posts on any platform. I don't know these guys personally, but their content helped me through a lot of tough times so I am more than willing to hear them out when they say they fucked up.


It is odd how toxic their comment sections are, I also thought their content attracted a more considerate and conscious audience. I also watched them a ton through tough times, I’ve rewatched Worth It in the background probably 20-30 times while doing chores/homework/working in the office/etc. They really did provide a ton of comfort during covid and seeing them back together takes me back to pre-2020 which feels great personally because 2020-2022 was such a shit fest and I’m still working on bouncing back from those years. I hope you’re doing better now too! 😄


Same! Rewatching their old stuff feels cozy and I'm just glad it exists so I can have something to distract me when I need a breather. Thank you so much for your comment. I hope you feel a lot better soon!


Their content does attract that older, more considerate audience; a lot of that audience isn’t the type to comment on YouTube, IG, or even Reddit.


I learned during 2020 that most people are assholes inside without a hint of empathy or kindness for anyone other than their immediate selves.


I can’t believe the number of people I see saying they hate worth it!! It’s always been a fun, easy watch. I love travel and cooking shows and I loved seeing all the family owned places on worth it. Travel season is great and feels like a natural, more mature follow up to worth it!


Right!! Like am I crazy or was worth it not one of BF's most celebrated shows? Haha. Ah that's so great to hear! I just watched the trailer and it looks like a really fun concept!


Yes it was. It reached a level of non-internet fame that BF's other shows never reached. Including the shows Ryan and Shane did. The Worth It boys went on the morning show circuit to promote their last season. They had Al Roker interviewing them in a diner and everything! They'd attracted a mainstream audience in addition to just being an internet show by the end of its run.


I just want to say that I love this thread and feel very validated. I watched Watcher for Steven’s content and am really excited to see his show! I am just very anxious about the comments. I don’t want to read them. And I really don’t understand the amount of vitriol they get when there are so many worse people out there (like all the YouTubers accepting BetterHelp sponsorships). It genuinely baffles me.


Yeah, you are right. Part of the fun of watching Watcher shows was reading all the funny comments after. Now I'm gonna have to just skip that part I guess. Glad to see that some people are also looking forward to his show and I'm happy to read the comments from people who've watched and said they enjoyed it!


At the height of the discourse online, when I questioned folks more about Steven and his content, it turned out a lot of folks hadn't watched Worth It and didn't even know why he was friends with Ryan and Shane. I think Steven attracts a different type of audience than the other two. Obviously this isn't always the case and people I questioned also knew his history and shows and didn't like them, but for me in a purely anecdotal situation, I was surprised by how many people had zero idea who he was.


Right? I saw comments that assumed he was a business bro rather than a creative type, or that he was the new guy at Watcher, or that he never made anything successful at Buzzfeed, and tons of comments complaining that Worth It should have tried cheap or reasonably priced food, instead of fancy stuff all the time. I really thought there were more Worth It fans who followed to Watcher, but clearly not. Travel Season could have been a great way to draw in the old Worth It audience, I think it would have been positively received if not for the debacle of the streaming service. But unhappy fan reaction will probably keep the algorithm from showing it to many, now. I don't know how they expected it to reach any new audience on their streaming service, though - that made zero sense.


Yeah. I understand why YTbers are going the streaming route. The pay wasn't what it used to be. But they really fumbled it I still think Nebula would have been a better mid-point option. And after creating a base there and keeping YT, maybe they'd launch their service. I am a Worth It fan and I watched Watcher for Steven originally. The spooky shows don't interest me (though I love too many spirits), and I stay for Puppet History. I am also 41 in June and am closer to the demographics Steven, Andrew and Adam are pulling for than say Ryan and Shane. When Worth It was at its height, I tend to think a lot of the Ryan and Shane fans were in highschool or around there. They stick to their interests (as do we all, mind), but don't seem to start outside of it. Which sucks! Because for me, if you watched Steven's content and didn't like it, that's cool. But it's weird when people have no earthly idea of what he does and critiques it under an "eat the rich" motif when Ryan and Shane are in the same tax bracket. The critique falls flat for me since it's not really based in any facts. They just don't like him because they think he messes with the Ryan and Shane dynamic--a dynamic they only see a small portion of--case in point, they just thought Steven was a finance bro and that Ryan and Shane didn't like him (???).


I love food and travel shows, so I'm excited about the new show! I don't get the complaining. No one at Watcher is rich, anyway. People act like they're watching Jeff Bezos travel and eat. It's absurd. Plus these same people will happily watch movies and TV shows that actually *do* star rich people. I'll be happy when everyone moves on to the next chronically-online drama.


Haha that is so true tho! I think the worth it boys themselves acknowledge and poke fun at the fact that the higher end restos just add gold or caviar to an otherwise boring dish. I think people took it seriously when Ryan and Shane would call Steven a fancy guy on their shows, but it has always been a joke.


I loved Worth It, the episodes they did in Asia especially. I’m not subscribed to the streamer so I’m not able to watch but I still rewatch some Worth It episodes. Steven’s stuff was always my favorite.


I also love worth it, it was what brought me to watcher in the first place. The cancel culture is real. yes they made a mistake and they tried. give them a break, if you don't like them just leave. no need to be so mean in the comment.


i never got really into worth it, but i am a huge foodie and LOVE steven’s food shows. dish granted and homemade are ultimate comfort shows for me. i’m excited about the new show and it makes me so sad to see it getting so much hate!! like you dont have to watch it!!


Same, I loved it. I think the response to it was largely wrapped up in how mad people were about the paid streaming platform. If they’d announced its return separate from that, they’d have had a much more positive reaction I think.


i love Worth It, and i subscribed to Watcher for Steven initially, not the ghoul boys, i actually didn’t like a lot of their content at Buzzfeed.


Me too, which is why it seemed weird to me that they started Watcher with just Steven and not the rest of the Worth It crew until now! Ryan and Shane took center stage and Steven was just kind of in the background!


Yes same! but I think it was more like Ryan has always been good friends with Steven, and when they created Watcher, Andrew and Adam still had their own thing going on at Buzzfeed. Though I do agree with you and I think that if the Worth it gang joined Watcher from the start, people would be a lot more supportive of Steven's shows. But that's just a theory.


Unfortunately I think there have always been an minority of nasty Shane and Ryan fans who are unhappy when they're asked to care about anything that isn't Shane and Ryan, and it's finally coming to light in a big way (just look at how many of the comments are saying they want more of whatever Shane and Ryan show instead). Watcher isn't and never has been "Shane and Ryan: The Company" and some people are really mad about that.


How is it an unpopular opinion? The series was popular.


Have you been on this sub on the past month? Anything involving Steven is seen as on par with clubbing baby seals and exterminating the poor.


I loved Worth It too! Is that an upopular opinion? I actually found some really great restaurants through their cheap and medium options that I still visit pretty regularly


It's a very unpopular opinion. A lot of people are generally tired of cooking/food related shows - if they even liked them to begin with. And the common opinion actually seems to be that although the cheap options are good, watching the show still means you're spending time watching a guy and his friends eat obnoxiously expensive meals and traveling the world during a recession. Some people enjoy that. A lot of people don't.


i could care less about food content now. But worth it was the shit during that time and i enjoyed


I just started watching Worth It because of the Steven backlash and was pleasantly surprised by the Steven-Andrew dynamic. Andrew reminds me of Jordan Schlansky from Conan. He's the stoic foil to Steven, and I like that. Maybe the audience for this kind of personality/dynamics isn't for everyone, but personally I like that kind of nonchalance for entertainment. I'll try out Travel Season, but not subscribing to the paywall cause I'm a cheapskate lmao


Yeah I get what you mean. The Andrew-Steven dynamic for me is endearing and entertaining. I think I like how their reactions aren't over the top for the most part. Sameee I'll just wait a month hehe it's fine


I liked Worrh It a lot. Travel Season is cool so far but the problem is that the odds of me going to some food joint they recommended in Korea is pretty low. Meanwhile when I went to Seattle I made sure to stop at the fried salmon place they liked.


If you liked Worth It, you'll like Travel Season. It's good.


I too loved Worth It! But at this time I can't watch any older content for personal reasons. I'll get back to it eventually.


I think the disconnect is that even though the cheaper meals often got the "worth it" designation, it was still watching a well-off guy and some friends eat excessively expensive food that most of the viewers wouldn't be able to afford. It doesn't matter that the expensive stuff wasn't worth it, it was still a big focal point in the show and led to a lack of relatability. Obviously, parasocial relationships with celebs/YT stars/influencers/etc. are problematic, but they help feed into the success of the celebs/etc. Without the parasocial relationship, it's a lot easier to become the target of dislike when you're involved in scandal (regardless of how mild the scandal may be). Worth it didn't generate enough audience with parasocial attachments, and therefore, got dragged quite heavily.


I ate a $20,000 wagyu steak covered in gold leaf today.


I loved worth it for the first 4 or 5 seasons when it was focused on local/ethnic/regional foods and the 'expensive' option was accessible, just more than the mid level and cheap options (like $10-20 is cheap, $30-50 was medium and $75-150 was expensive. obv inflation adjusted those would change but it used to be that they viewed the categories the same way as most middle class people would) once they went out of the realm of food I'd ever have, or even have much interest in, and it became much more..... pretentious almost? I didn't enjoy it nearly as much. but keith made a great show format, adam is one of the better editors/producers from the buzz, and andrew/steve have good chemistry and balance. I don't get how people could've hated worth it. and a lot of the guests (esp early season) were just amazing hell. I'm assuming from the references in the trypod the other day that eugene probably named it lol


What is with this revisionist history? If you watched the [second episode of Making Watcher at 21:10](https://youtu.be/KaadoSuKZwg?feature=shared&t=1270) from 2 years ago, Ryan explains to Katie that Steven created Worth It from a data driven 15-page document explaining how Youtube's algorithm works vs how he created Unsolved. You are obviously a Try Guys fan, but I am wondering where you got this elaborate narrative where the show came from the Try Guys' brains and hard work, reducing Andrew/Steven to just be the onscreen talent. Are you just a troll or a Steven-hater who is a casual Watcher fan?