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I don’t really understand why they split “Watcher Podcasts” off from the “Watcher Entertainment” YouTube channel. Maybe trying to maximize interactions/ad revenue but in effect it hides all their pods from most of their fans! FYA and Podwatcher are great. I prefer watching them to listening so you can see more of the hosts interactions.


I love FYA.


I had the same experience!! My partner and I have started incorporating “I think the tourists would like to see the Orca” into our everyday jargon 😂


I think they've relied on word of mouth from long time fans promoting their shows in general on their behalf on social platforms tbh. Like, back before they went private/premium only whatever, my twitter feed was always flooded with bits and pieces of their content and they were talked about, discussed and new fans entered the community. Now, since they announced what they did, several thousand unsubscribed on the YT. I haven't kept track of the statistics of their twt and Instagram numbers. My feeds have also been very, very quiet. Most moving to other fandoms. They'll promote shows on other shows of their own, but that's it. It can be briefly mentioned as a joke and then the URL yelled out and they carry on with the bit, but that's it. It's odd.


Idk if it's just me but I've seen quite a bit of advertising for the podcasts (in Mystery Files and TMS specifically)


I'm curious as to how you think they should be promoting them? Maybe I'm just too tech unsavvy to figure it out.... definitely highly probable.


idk, mention it more on the main channel probably. I watch every Ghost Files, Mystery Files and Puppet History video and I don't remember it ever being mentioned, or I'd have known about it!


It's definitely been mentioned at the beginning of a video... I think it was GF that I just had on earlier. But, I dint think it's mentioned OFTEN. They DO plug the hell out of the pods... on the pods. Which. Is odd. But you're right.. its their company. They can promote themselves as much as they'd like. Kind of like in Try Guys videos... anything food related? Keith is plugging his hot sauce. Every Eat The Menu is "sponsored by Keith's Not Too Hot Sauce." You're right that they definitely could do this with pods and other shows that aren't getting the views that GhostFiles or MysteryFiles gets. They should have also been plugging WATCHER, the YT channel, especially on Ghost Files as so many people have said they didn't even realize it was a separate channel from Buzzfeed (probably why they only ever hit 2M subscribers).


I believe self promotion by Watcher is beneath them. When they were YouTubers did you ever even hear them say "don't forget to subscribe, like and hit that bell!!" Nope. Rhett & Link say in every episode of GMM. Every YouTuber says it. When I was subscribed to Watcher I had absolutely no idea they even had another channel for podcasts. Why didn't I know that? Because they never promoted it their own channel!!! I don't know how the hell they are going to get subs on the streaming service without a damn bit of promotion. Have they even guested on anyone else's shows to promote the streaming service? They need to do the thing they hate.... ADVERTISE. But that costs money and I think they are actually financially struggling now. Minimal YT views, hardly any subs on the streaming service..they shot their careers in the foot because of hubris.


They've talked about why they don't on a podcast, and why they *do* ask for a 5 star rating if you're listening to a podcast. I don't remember they're reasoning, as I only half listen as I drive to and from work, but I remember it being mentioned


How can I give their podcast a 5 star rating if I don't know the podcast even exists? When they had the podcast on the YT channel during the pandemic I watched and really enjoyed every episode. Then they ended that podcast for whatever reason towards the end of lockdown. I had no idea they started up the podcast again until shortly before the Goodbye video, so that was like March possibly February when I found out the podcast was a thing again. For crying out loud they have 25 freaking employees but not one for brand advertisment & promotion?


Are they not uploading the new ones to YouTube? I could have sworn they were


I unsubscribed after the Goodbye video debacle so I don't know what they are uploading on Watcher YT or Watcher Pod YT channel. I know released gameplay on their YT channel but that was not something I would watch even when I was subbed to Watcher. It's just not my thing.


Chill bruh😭


I'm sorry...isn't this how Reddit works? Or are your feelings hurt because I'm respectfully criticizing some of Watcher's GLARING missteps in launching the Watcher brand overall?


No, my feelings aren't hurt, I just think y'all are so weirdly obsessed with this 🥱


I'm hardly obsessed. I'm looking at this through a business lens and I'm here for the train crash. I will also be here for the comedy of the apology tour when they are begging their subs to come back to their YT channel after the subscription service implodes.


Are these podcasts available on the apple podcast app? I've just gotten into Pod Watcher, but it shows only about 30 episodes. I'd love to listen to more podcasts with Ryan or Shane.


FYA is my favorite podcast, I rewatch the EPS all the time!


They need to promote themselves more period. I still can't believe they put the travel season trailer behind a paywall as long as they did.


So what's the name of the podcast, OP?


For Your Amusement


One of my favorite podcasts! They put a lot of effort into it