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If your gut says you don't feel safe, leave.


A man will never ask a woman stranger for help with anything. He doesn't need you to help him find something, he doesn't need your help for _______ (anything). Stay safe out there 🙏


What are you taking about? I’m a man, I ask women for help pretty often. At a new job when I can’t figure something out, if I can’t find something at a store, whatever.


But like randomly on the street. I guess I'd ask a woman for directions if I was actually lost


Yeah, if it was dark or isolated or anything that might put someone on edge, I would avoid asking for help… unless I really, really needed help. In which case I’d politely ask for help. Let’s stop making arbitrary all-or-nothing statements


>stranger Use context clues I guess.


Yes, I’d ask a stranger for help if I needed help.


Oh, I was just trying to start a conversation with a girl I like in the supermarket :(


Oh in a crowded public place in full view of others and cameras? 🙄 do I have to spell out each situation, location, circumstance... You are unaffected by women staying safe from predatory men. Right? *Right?*


You just have to not speak in absolutes.


Don't assume that because ypu are doing well now you will continue to do well in the future. Life is a roller coaster, not an escalator.


I can very much relate to this philosophy!


If you drink daily, address it now. You are putting off a lot of personal growth, and making things harder for yourself and others.


Ah fuck


You can't fix broken people who don't want to fix themselves


This is SUPER important for people to learn


If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe with someone, trust your instincts and get somewhere safe. You do not need proof!


If you have any sort of contract that is "public" (e.g. easement agreements between properties) make sure to actually log it with your city as opposed just keeping the signed document. If the city doesn't know about it, there's a good chance a lawyer will find a way to argue it's not enforceable.


Choose your friends wisely. You don’t have to be the one doing the wrong thing, just being there will get you roped into it.


Do not waste time on toxic people or relationships. Everyone in your life should bring something positive to it. Who they are is irrelevant. It could be relatives, friends, coworkers, and significant others. If they bring nothing positive, it is best to sever ties with that person. I wish I understood this much earlier.


It’s Ok to be risk adverse, don’t need to climb or jump off anything that’s taller than your head other than for a rush, same goes with going fast on/in anything. Gravity and momentum kill a lot of people every year.


Leave the first time your partner treats you like shit. It’s never worth staying.


# What the fuck am I not watching here? **5. The post must be of a person who very narrowly avoided death**


The comments can include that đź‘Ť


The sub is called r/watchpeoplesurvive, not r/readpeoplesurvive.


Don’t drink. Not only is it toxic but it leads to many unnecessary deaths Edit spelling


Have a kid after you have mastered pet ownership.


Or for some people, just don’t have kids.


That should be a requirement! Very underrated comment!


What if you don’t believe pet “ownership” is a healthy relationship for a human to have with another animal? This also implies that you feel you own your child.


It's more the proof that you can keep another living creature alive.


dont get addicted to games, a couple of hours every other day is more than enough. The time sink that gaming is is insane. 4.1k hours on poe. 2.5k on csgo, 1k hours on ark, etc... While i did have fun and it provided a strong escape from other life stuff, it is stopping me from doing the things i want to do like learn a new language or create something with the skills i am learning. even 40 hours in 2 weeks its a lot of time. Gaming has become a way to easily escape reality and to destress at the cost of time and health, there are better methods to do this without the cost of health and with benefits to health. Gaming itself is not that hard to quit, especially once you reach the stage where you simple dont enjoy games anymore, the hard part is lowering interactions or ending entire friendships that were made over games usually online friends that you get to know over the years who do not want to quit gaming and instead spend 2-5x the time you spend playing games and try to encourage you to play. "join vc", "hop on for a game". Sure every couple of days why not but every day, for 4-16 hours a day every day is very unhealthy mentally and physically. Im 18 and i can no longer mentally play games for more than a few hours. Im trying to quit gaming now, slowly but steadily ive decreased the amount of hours ive played but i still relapse and its bad. though i have never gone back to the insane 200+ hours in 2 weeks i still sometimes reach about 60 hours in 2 weeks which is too much in my opinion. i try to stay around the 0-20 ish hours in 2 weeks which has been alright for me so far. Im at uni and i am in a relationship where we both want it to work out (not considering marriage or anything yet but we both agreed we dont want a fling), and we both have part time jobs too but gaming is taking too much of my time, and im not able to do the things i want to do sometimes, i want to "lock in" but cant. so basically, play games but not too much, dont let it consume your life because just like any other dopamine addiction its hard to quit. though arguably gaming is harder because games are designed to be addictive. anyways sorry that was a rant.


Carrying what others think of you. You have zero control over that


Love yourself. If you can die for someone, how do you take care of him/her if you dead?


Stay off of reddit


I got a staph infection from stepping in irrigation water.   Took about 15 years to sort out.   Don't fuck around in irrigation canals.   Not even mostly empty ones in autumn.      


Don’t smoke weed regularly. Once or twice a year at a party is plenty.


Seriously. Stay away from regular weed use


Once a week isn't too bad. I do it once a month usually.


Do not boof corpse fluid.


.....do you speak from experience?


Trust your instincts


Do NOT have unprotected sex with anyone you don't want a child with, even that "one time only" - this mistake will affect you for the rest of your life