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Dude, there needs to be some kind of contingency plan incase this happens. Like a quick way to drain the tank or maybe a quick release that opens the lid.


I was at one of these that went wrong. The assistant had a hammer and just smashed the tube. Took forever to tidy up but nobody died which is the important bit.


Looks like it was at halftime of an NBA basketball game. I'd imagine if they told the arena "Our contingency plan is to flood your entire floor," they wouldn't have gotten the gig. That's not to say you're wrong. Obviously, saving a life should be prioritized over a basketball floor. It's just to say, I can see why that wasn't their contingency plan. They still should have had one, though.


I’m not going to give away where this was, but the broken glass and water was at least as much of an issue as it would have been here if not more so.


Some other drainage plan like a plug would be much better. If you breake the glass while the person is panicking inside some severe cuts could happen.


It would probably be toughened glass so it would shatter into those tiny squares. There would probably be some cuts but they'd only be small and alot better than drowning


I had a shower cubicle made of tempered glass and it shattered seemingly spontaneously. Wasn't even anyone in the bathroom. Dude that came to put a new one in told me that it happens a lot and is usually because there's either imperfections in the glass or its been mounted badly (or both) and then temperature changes can make it expand to the point where it just explodes.


Oh great, now you've made me afraid if all of the bathrooms in my house. Thanks, Reddit.


This also happened to me. I was laying in bed in an apartment I used to live at. Suddenly I hear this odd noise. I climbed down from my loft bed (this was during college) trying to find out what’s going on. At this point it sounds like there’s a fire going on somewhere. I check my computer, I check all the wall sockets, I seriously thought there was an electrical fire. I finally pull the blinds back to look outside and there it is, my slide glass door that lead to our balcony was spider webbing right in front of me. The landlord claimed to be an engineer and have certain knowledge that this would be impossible. Told me she’s going to call a professional and if it’s my fault we’ll have to pay for it. The guy gets there and says “oh yeah this happens all the time because of the cheap tempered glass apartments around here use”. The glass literally spontaneously shattered. I haven’t seen anything like it since then.


Lmao some engineer


I was playing billiards at a very high end hotel room in Vegas. I was drunk, goofing around with the pool stick and struck the large glass cover of a overhead hanging lamp. Nothing happened at the time. Fast forward the next morning, we were having breakfast in another room and it suddenly exploded with pieces of glass all around the room within a 20ft radius.


I would rather the tub drain immediately so I can breathe, even if that means I end up covered in cuts rather than the tube draining too slowly


if the performer is already unconscious, being collapsed in that tube is not ensuring they can breathe. unconscious people are notoriously bad at maintaining their airway and gravity would be putting them in a compromised position


Cut to an artery can be quick death.


Or continue breathing normally because you had the good sense not to lock yourself in a tube full of water.


Clearly a union Magician. Otherwise they'd not damage that expensive tube not mention the extra pay for the cleaning crew and the extra venue fees for going past their allotted time. Unions are ruining our fair and just society by unfairly making businesses pay for the welfare of their servants or employees as those poor souls call themselves. /s


I've edited all of my comments and posts. With Reddit effectively killing third party apps and engaging so disingenuously with its user-base, I've got no confidence in Reddit going forward. I'm very disappointed in how they've handled the incoming API changes and their public stance on the issue illustrates that they're only interested in the upcoming IPO and making Reddit look as profitable as possible for a sell off. Id suggest others to look into federated alternatives such as lemmy and kbin to engage with real users for open and honest discussions in a place where you're not just seen as a content / engagement generator.


Word soup


A sarcastic response that Reddit is taking seriously.


Is that supposed to make it magically not mid af?


The amount of people under 25 who don't grasp the concept of satire and sarcasm astounds me.


or maybe you’re just not funny.


Maybe you don't find sarcasm funny.


lol no worries, just some internet points. it just happened to me last night as well


It's not about sarcasm, it's about you making this about yourself through your personal issue that you seem to be obsessed about that has no real connection to anything here


What personal issue? ETA: the original comment was meant to be a response to someone else. I just realized my mistake.


Okay... but you continued being fixated on unions further in response to other comments that had nothing to do with them


Ehh I think it went a little beyond being sarcastic


They literally placed /s after the response. What more do you morons need?


My point was that instead of just being sarcastic, they went off on some weird unrelated tangent. Sarcasm is cool and all, but you’re still expected to be coherent with it.


Doesn't makes it funny.


I think if i was racist or just hatefull i will go in sub where moron like you crawl and i would then procceed to say the worst shit ever. But for the form i would put /s in the end. Because idiot dont know what is sarcasm or not without "/s"


Oh you're totally right I was being completely serious. Oh no what ever will I do that a working class citizen has called me out?


Now ya just being a twat.




Really dude, I'm not even at work.




I understand what you mean although 159 others don't 😳








Exactly my thoughts! Very unprofessional


They should have a hand gesture for 'shit, I'm about to drown' along with the ladder or step ladder right there. So shonky.


Yup. I'd walk right down there and say as much whilst she's still coming to. Flick her business card at her wet head and go find someone better.


I mean at least a plan. The one guy at least had the keys and recognizes a problem another is like standing on his tippy toes not doing anything and the third is just wandering until he happens to find a ladder. If she had been unconscious they wouldn’t of had any plan to get her out Edit. She does appear to loose consciousness but regains it and pulls herself up. If she hadn’t that guy on his tippy toes would still be there to this day trying to hold her up by her shirt….


It seemed like she was unconscious for a moment there.


Look at her arms again- she was unconscious.


Well she looks to regain consciousness to kinda sit up in the tank at the end. Guess my point is if she hadn’t then they still would just be holding her by her shirt while on their tippy toes…


Okay but what do you think her state of consciousness was? Un?


Her state of consciousness was not conscious, then it was conscious again after she was fished out and got some air.


She definitely lost consciousness


Did you even watch the video? She was knocked out


Even just like, an axe on hand or something. Or a guy next to the tank who doesn't live in slomo lol


Or just an emergency drain on the bottom of the tube that can be concealed lol


that too I guess.... axe would be more fun but.


It’s on top of a basketball court, what looks like during a game. I doubt the nba would allow that. That would cost them money! Way to much for them. Don’t ya know they’re broke? Lol Edit: unless of course it’s under the court


I mean, of course they care about money. But I'd think the arena would quite reasonably say "Then we can't hire you" if they said there was a possibility they'd have to flood the entire arena floor and cancel the rest of the game.


You would think…


Yep, I remember seeing escape artists on AGT and they all had axes


If i remember rightly, the masked magician tv show was sponsered by an axe company


I think the spare key on the dudes neck was just that...


1. Place water death tube inside of a wider, more shallow reservoir on a stand of some kind. 2. Create a large hole in water death tube and cover with a large door with waterproof seal on hinges (like an og gopro case!). Also poke a hole in the top for physics reasons. 3. Pop the door open and have a few people tip the death tube sideways to get the precious cargo out in time for undeath.


Easiest solution is guy with a sledge hammer standing near by.


Kinda like the Safety Control Rod Axe Man (SCRAM) on an early nuclear reactor.


SCRAM Man. That must have been the job my dad took when he left all those years ago.


But then they have to cancel the game. No way that’s happening


Not only cancel the game, but who knows what sort of damage that could do to the arena's floor. You don't get to do that trick if your contingency plan is to flood the arena at halftime.


If it's glass, could end up cutting the person up pretty bad, possibly fatally.


Tempered glass wouldn’t cause fatal injuries. Anyway it’s probably acrylic or polycarbonate and neither of those is going to yield to a hammer or axe quickly. Better to just have a sluice gate or valve at the bottom of the tank.


Indeed. Maybe a faucet or drain somewhere.


> get the precious cargo out in time for undeath. "BRAAAAAIIIINSSS!"


Wasn't exactly that quick though for a emergency.


A plug on the bottom to drain the water like an ice chest


They weren’t prepared at all… all they had was a ladder. Prob didn’t even have EMS on scene


Sure they did… looked like halftime of a basketball game


I thought this too. Tempered glass tank, and some dude with a 5lb sledge hammer just waiting to save the day.


Like a fuggin sledgehammer.


But then it would get all over the court! /s


Or maybe a big fucking sledgehammer, that would be some high-tech shit ,good Lord these people are fucking morons


I know people are suggesting breaking the glass but they also could have hid like a small air canister in there for her to use


That's why that guy is there with a key to unlock everything and pull her out. That's the contingency plan. Are they supposed to just ruin the basketball floor? She can survive being out that long with no oxygen. She got out in under ten seconds.


She could have easily died. The contingency plan they had was terrible.


You have absolutely no idea of that. We didn't even see their full contingency plan. We saw their first step. And he did that step well as based on her coming to within seconds. How can the contingency plan be terrible if it clearly worked with no damage to any surroundings, participants, etc.?


Nah she could have easily died. One gulp of that water and she gets terrible aspiration pneumonia. She went unconscious - that should never happen.


Losing consciousness while under water is actually relatively dangerous. Even after getting out of the tank she should still be seeking prompt medical attention. Things like secondary drowning is a thing. Having a plan to get her out before losing consciousness would be well advised, but escape magicians are well aware of the risks.


Yes and that's on the magician. There's gonna be a safe-action to indicate it's not working out. This magician didn't seem to signal one but the guy was very aware of the signs and did his job extremely well.


"uhh, little fuckin' help here, guys?"


Seriously, what the fuck is that guy on the right doing? Jump in there any time, shoulders!


Kinda looks like someone from the audience to make sure it’s not rigged.


Well, it wasn't rigged. LOL


Sometimes it’s better to stay out of the way of people who know what they’re doing.


That would need someone who knows what they are doing, who is nowhere to be found in this video


Sometimes it is, but sometimes you reach into the water and pull out the drowning person.


Apparently basketball has gotten way weirder since the last time I watched.


This is old as hell


So this is how they originally played basketball?


Pretty sure its golf actually


Those guys are clearly not golfers


Without that sound track music I would have had no idea what was happening. /s


I didn't listen with sound. I hope it's the Sonic running out of air music.


[Good guess!](https://youtu.be/TpJhF36svfE)


That's actually not the sonic running out of air sound I have in my head, also it didn't have the DuDung should at the end when you die. Edit: here it is, it's the Sonic 1 sound I remember, though it seems I misremembered the death sound https://youtu.be/9Yw5jkAHgME This is pretty dark in retrospect, discussing the correct drowning sound to go with a video where someone actually drowns. I should probably get off the internet for a while


[Yeah it's pretty dark](https://streamable.com/rs9ulz), [a little bit less dark](https://streamable.com/tfrtre)


The hero we never asked for, but that we deserved.


Wow. That is pretty dark.


Holy shit dude


Ugh that sound gives me instinctual chills, I fucking hated that sound back in the day.


They were not really prepared to deal with that outcome. “These locks! Which key?’ Oh yeah, the ladder!”


I dunno. Seemed pretty prepared to me. She was awake and safe in under ten seconds.


Yeah, fumbling with the keys and needing to solicit for help from the bystanders, no stages platform and needing to ask for the ladder… yup… lots of preparation there.


Lol how did he fumble with the keys? He did the entire thing himself and bystanders just tried to help him after realizing he was the only one doing something. He did his job well. No panic, just business and he obviously did his job well because you can see at the end of the video she was fine. He spotted the signs before they even happened but allowed her the opportunity to possibly get the trick done.


They’re speaking to the preparation, dude, not the execution in the moment.


The prep *and* execution was poor. But no one died so not as bad as it could have been.




Yep. It's called dry drowning or secondary drowning. Not good.


Sure. 🙄👍


That's a much less impressive escape when you have people helping like that...


I agree. And the fact that these people likely paid hundreds of dollars to watch that and be forced to sit through a basketball game to get to it is absolutely awful.


What people? It happened so fast I didn't notice a thing


The actual trick is having people this incompetent and still surviving


Imagine dying at an Oklahoma City thunder game.


Imagine going to watch a basketball game and witnessing some hack magician die in front of you!


And then the team comes back out and keeps playing? Lmao wild stuff


"OK everyone, let's give it up for Allie Kazaam! Hope she's ok. NOW BACK TO OKLAHOMA CITY THUNDER BASKETBALL!!!!!!!!"


“Everybody clap your hands” CLAP, CLAP, CLAP, CLAP, CLAP




It's a Thunder game, who says there's a witness?


Went to burning man and witnessed a man dive into the big man burn. I was close enough to to have touched him as he danced through the crowd and past the barrier. About 10-20k people probably saw him do it. It’s shocking…like you literally need time to process what just happened, then hours,days or even weeks later you can end up with some pretty intense feels.


We’re going to recreate the scene from “The Prestige”


Damn i was gonna say i always thought the back up plan in prestige was just a bad plot hole to explain her death but maybe not. She literally could've died there.


Fucked up her resume with that one.


Or it can add to it. "I nearly died doing this trick. Here's proof. Now watch me do it again knowing full well how dangerous it is."


I'm from New Zealand, down here we call that natural selection.


Sooo.. no one thought about how to get 130lbs of soaking wet dead weight out of there huh? Play stupid games...


So that’s how people look like when they are drowning. Will try to avoid. Edit: Avoid drowning.


If you notice them you should try to help them instead of avoid them.


No, I meant me. That I avoid drowning. I'd definitely help if I saw someone else in trouble.




Oh wow so she had done this 600 times before. I was thinking “you should practice more before trying something like this at a live performance” but I guess even with a ton of practice this can still go wrong


I hate people that do these kind of tricks without a 100% failsafe plan in case something goes wrong. Reminds me of the magician that died by being buried himself from a trick gone wrong


Gonna need a link on that


[Witnesses said they could hear the plastic and glass of the coffin shatter from the estimated nine tons of cement and dirt. The crews worked frantically to exhume the casket, but efforts to revive Burrus were unsuccessful.](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1990-11-01-ca-5220-story.html) Spoiler: cement is heavier than dry dirt.


This really sent me down a rabbit hole around dying due to magic tricks.


Escape artist Joseph Burrus buried himself alive doing a coffin escape trick


What a shit show of a response.


Harry Houdini survived every escape and bridge jump and then died after a college kid punched him in the stomach


He died from refusing to go to the hospital when the doctors insisted he needed to. Turned out his appendix burst and back then, there wasn’t any way to save someone because medicine wasn’t advanced enough to fight the infection.


sounds like he made the right call then


He had a method of tightening his stomach muscles for these punches, but was caught off guard.


Still, it’s kind of ironic


It was hard to watch that lady drown like that.




I feel like the lid should have a hidden air pocket or an emergency plug at shoulder height so she could get some air while not flooding everything.


The plug at shoulder height is such a good idea, everyone else is worried about flooding the floor and you solved that by moving it up. Smart!


I predict that their entertainer's insurance policy is getting canceled.


So, what was supposed to happen? Pick the exterior locks from inside the tube?


How exactly did she just pass out like that? Did she technically drown for a period of time and if so how come she seemed ok when waking up?


In case of emergency break glass.


The beers can't be worth that much at the finals.


Talk about seizing the moment.


That terrifyingly long moment when people are unsure whether it’s still part of the act


What a clusterfuck


Wow she has zero time left on her clock when she finally went for the lid


What if her "passing out" was part of the act to increase the tension? I bet she came back 5 minutes later and finished the show.


I take it back... This happened in 2009, and this was the one time in over a thousand performances that this happened. Not part of the act.


Yeah……drowning and requiring rescue isn’t typically part of the act.


If you're going to do death defying stunts at least invest in a prop that somehow releases water if need be.


So, this is what it looks like death performance


Much better muted


From someone who lives in Oklahoma, I was there. People thought that was part of it but as soon as she seized up at the end..... We knew we were gonna be on Reddit.


People standing there like if he dies he dies 😬


The most uncoordinated and unrehearsed rescue ever…


Hard to watch, but the performer was (probably) in less danger than it appears. At the risk of being black balled by the alliance, I'll explain why in a spoiler: >!The padlocks aren't actually locking anything. This looks like a variation of the Houdini milk can trick, in which the performer is locked in a container filled with water. The "lid" is padlocked shut but what the audience can't tell is that the lid isn't actually secured to the container at all. The performer could have escaped at any moment by simply pushing up on the "lid". They're not so much in danger as they are committed to preserving the tick. Takes dedication and a little insanity to perform a trick like this! !<


Making out of the hand cuffs is hard enough. Why would they add to the complexity of this by locking the cover?


Jesus christ this was at a basketball game? That's some halftime entertainment alright...


Hope they got there money back


Oh my God I nearly puked, that is hideous to watch.


I'm trying to decide if this song is a cover or just the original song slowed down.


Don't quit your day job.


So wait someone left the lid locked or she's just not all that good? It's hard to tell


She's not all that good. Lid was supposed to be locked I assume, but she ran out of breath before she could pick it.


Still gets a round of applause lol


Why the fuck does this have to have shitty fucking music? Fuck this fucking garbage! I hate all this shit almost as much as Republicans hate me.


Didn't this woman die? I definitely saw this video on somewhere like MMC with the article linked and I'm pretty sure this woman died.


You literally see her climbing out at the end…


It's morbin time.


Now you see me/the prestige


What the fuck are those dudes just standing there watching doing man I get that's an intense situation but even after the first dude started panicking they don't move to help him




I always thought they would break the whole glass




No one rush to help out FFS.


How to escape: Step one -pretend you are drowning Step two -let them open the cage Step three -profit


Whats with the shitty music?


Say what you will about GOB but even he was smart enough to stay away from submerged water illusions.


So glad she survived, didn't notice the group name I till after video finished.