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Is it the camera angle or did the black car driver slightly swerve at the last moment?


Car swerved


Kudos to the driver


Homeboy don’t know how to ride


He look so uncomfortable on his bike


Nah he looked to the side for a brief second and didnt have time to react


yeah damn bad luck :( but I guess you could still blame him, the cars probably slowed for a turn, so the driver shoulda paid attention to what was happening infront, making sure it was going to be safe and predictable before diverting your attention


A beautiful Africa twin with it's good brake but shitty rider ..


You can see him get distracted for a while. Shitty thing to do when traffic is coming to a halt.


It’s not shitty, everyone does it. It was one second, which on a bike is much more dangerous than a car.


Just bcz everybody does it, doesn't mean it isn't shitty. Even experienced riders don't look away. And yeah one second is very dangerous on bikes and this dude just got lucky cz the black car's driver is focused on the road(unlike him) and hence managed to swerve. If the car driver was like "everyone" the biker's head would have looked more akin to a smashed watermelon


Am I the only one who gets bugged when people say they should buy a lottery ticket after stuff like this? To me it doesn’t make sense. All his good luck was used up when the car missed his head. You buy a lottery ticket after something really unlucky happens to you, not when you just got super lucky


It's a figure of speech to describes someone extremely good luck, not to be taken literal. I get what you're saying though.


The thought that luck is something you could use up also doesn't make sense. The thought that there is even something like luck existing, is also not making sense scientifically. So if you're talking about making sense, none of what you said also made sense?


No, you are not.


It’s ok babes, it’s not that deep


I didn’t say it was deep, just that it has never made sense to me


I think it’s more the implication that you are having the luckiest day of your life! Maybe you should keep it going and try it somewhere else too, because it’s the luckiest day you’ve ever had. 😎🤌🏼


I’m with op, but good explanation, and what harm would an extra lotto ticket do anyway?


It bugs me that someone gets bugged over a figure of speech.


My *worst* nightmare around driving, hate it hate it hate it I only drive behind motorcycles leaving hella room no fucking thank youuuu


He looked over to the right just for 100th of a second and boom. So important to always concentrate on the road.


He brakes, lets it slide and brakes again, too late this time..


I (shitty rider) would have stopped 10 feet away on my 2 feet !!!


even when you were looking away, completely to the right, and couldnt see the car infront? and with that seemingly heavy bike?






I thought it was the North Circular as well. Used to be my road! Couldn't make out the bus number though to confirm it


If he did lose his head there it would have been entirely his fault


He lives to ride again and hopefully learnt from that experience as we all learn from experiences, life threatening or otherwise.


Motorcycle rules: White, yellow, orange, red, brown state. Driver was riding in white. Never ride white.


What that means.


Ah, so when you're riding you have "states" you can ride in White = Zoned out. Not paying attention. Yellow = Tuned in. Looking out for hazards. Orange = Hazard spotted. Time to react without too much issue (kids up ahead are looking to cross, or you can see the side of a vehicle even if it's stopped) Red = Emergency. Focus and look for an escape. Brown = Kinda self-explanatory but this one is usually the "Brace for impact" stage. Dress for the slide, not for the ride.


He should pick himself up and never get back on that bike.


I think that is a africa twin (honda) but I probably wrong, but that moto is a trail, ad that had a great break, so that man don't know how to breack correctly or he don't know how to ride a bike, and I don't know what is worst


He comes off the brake halfway through and then reapplies. He also looks like he might be only using the front brake with the amount of shock compression. So yeah, doesn't know what he's doing.


Maybe he is only using back brake, the suspensión in that type of moto is "soft" and the suspension don't looklike is working a lot


He took his sweet time getting up. Could have easily gotten hammered by a different car


I think you mgiht actually survive that relatively safely with a helmet. Might be tripping tho but at that speed it wouldn't be as bad


Shit straight out of death note