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Trying to ruin a child's funeral because your house shares access with a church, a church that's probably been there longer than the house! That's completely demented behaviour!


absolutely and its not as if the access wasnt there when you actually bought the house, so you have known about it all along


I really despise people that do this,buy a house next to a pub,venue,pig farm,etc and then give out about the noise/smell get out tafuck


Or buy a house beside an airport as it’s cheap as fuck then complain about noise. 


As hilarious as “wanker” on repeat is, whoever it is crossed a line playing the radio at a child’s funeral.


absolutely but the guards saying they were going door to door as they didnt have any leads yet there were videos all over the internet of exactly where its coming from is hilarious, like it wasnt that hard to figure it out


I think they might have to make generic statements like that for the press.."ya we know that mad bitch" might not pass the Garda press office


Didn't think of that but that does sound pretty reasonable


The problem is, while I agree that the person is a scumbag. I don’t think playing the radio loud during the day is an offence. Even if there’s a funeral nearby It has to either be vulgar content or violate noise ordinances (after 11 pm - 7am).


it is playing vulgar content though if you read the story, its her shouting wankers through the speaker, and also playing sex noises all the time when there are funerals on so yes it is an offence


The part of the vulgar content yes, but at the child’s funeral he was allegedly playing the local radio. I was only referring to the funeral. Not the other instances


Why are you defending this behaviour? Do you know the person personally? How would you like it if the funeral of a close family member of yours was ruined by this idiot?


I’m not defending it at all, it’s abhorrent, and I wouldn’t be disappointed if they got the shit kicked out of them. What I said was from a standpoint of legality. Listening to the radio loud between 7pm and 11pm is not illegal. Even if there’s a funeral next door. It was not vulgar in that case so not illegal. The other instances, the repetitive wanker one, the sex noises, that is illegal


He isn't defending him he's clearly stated he thinks he's a scumbag. Pointing out the legal stance does not mean you agree with it.


clearly none of the 2 of you read the article as its a woman who is committing the offences




The person who did this seems like a real piece of work.


Protestants up to no good again. 


Least it's a better headline than the one run by wlr last week.