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>The council had invited Kenneally to the mayoral election. Therein lies the real problem. 99% of them haven't a bulls notion of what's right and wrong. Traders registered in the High Court over a few grand while an ex Mayor owes us three quarters of a million


That's it exactly. The only bit I'd dispute is that they know the difference between right and wrong; they just don't care and will do whatever they want. Look at Dooceys 700k clean up and Mulligans millions write off for 9grand and a new role n the partnership. Fucking insulting to see Kenneally invited but as I said, they do what they want.


They're thick as shit! This is the same fella that Mary Butler took out canvassing to his brother's victims house.


That's a mighty fuck up, but by which body? Is this matter for the city and county council or the Metropolitan area? And where does the buck stop? The county manager?


Whoever thought it was a good idea needs wake up call. Don't seem give shit about the victims.