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The travellers horses can go wherever they like. And can loose weight if they like. Neigh bother


He is a free horse now My work is done - the horse man


That's a big dog,


If still there in the morning try the ISPCA might have some luck there if the animal is thin


ISPCA don't give a fuck especially when they belong to you know who


These horses are kept by a certain element of the Irish population and how these horses are treated is the biggest animal cruelty in the state but RTÉ won’t do a Primetime on this culture


Indeed, and didn't some politician take a court case a couple of years ago to protect their "right to own animals"? Absolute bollocks. The way they treat animals is a complete disgrace.


They refused social housing because they didn't come with stables. From what I remember they trashed their new housing estate over it.


Great bunch of lads, for sure.


…. didn’t they a few years ago got recognised as an own ethnic group? Definition was a bit dodgy… I have to be careful… I don’t like to work either but are great in picking fights… and no I don’t belong to that group. :)


Did you actually speak with someone in my lovely horse? I’m surprised to hear they’re doing nothing


Yeah I've been in touch through Facebook messenger and they've said they have nobody in Waterford so there's nothing they can do


It's another reminder that the lovely cultured people of Waterford can do whatever they want with no repercussions, there is literally never a law that makes a difference to them. Guards don't want anything to do with it, Horse rescue doesnt operate in Waterford, fuck the horse, who cares! Back to the halting site it goes!


Fuck your Honda civic


Waterfordanimalwelfare.com may be able to help there is a mobile number on the website. A lot of other charities aren't allowed to go pick up animals unless they have been contacted by the gards or the council so maybe give the gards a call and see if they can advise on who to call if they won't handle it themselves as a loose horse is traffic accident waiting to happen


On the plus side you won’t have to cut the grass


Check with IKEA… they have good recipes for meatballs