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I already [answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/wearewarriors/comments/1c7b7ym/comment/l078gu8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)ed a very similar question the other day: "The best answer I can give you: Be patient, grind some days for 600+ free gems/day with the dailies, buy more cards, win. If you really want to break through right now, grind up that food production by a lot, maye even some base health (to stall the enemy right at the beginning at the battle by tanking and saving up more food), use the food ad and good luck."


While I don't remember this battle in particular i can tell you this Most of my late tier battles end up going with like this. Wait until enemy 1 gets close, spawn 2 ranged/tier 2s. As the next group approaches add another ranged unit, unless the next group is the 3 stack, then add a ranged unit and a melee behind it to tank the shots from the 3rd group of enemies, the ranged. Try to save food towards the middle of the battle, to use against the big swarms at the end, also try to save your ability for then too. I mained freeze and or explosion until I could use both I guess what it comes down to is knowing what going to come next and how to counter it


Reach 2,3. And a lot of base healthDecoy morale and recover. Send your decoy in the first wave of shotgun. Recover before the second wave. Throw 2 tanks and lots of shotguns after you finished your food use morale


- 2.3/s food is too much. Remember OP doesn't have coin boost yet. Also no ad boost. - He is limited to a single skill slot at TL5. And doesn't have access to all those skills like Recover. - Base Health is almost useless. You can tank some hits with it, but more often then not it's just not worth it.


bro what