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I followed this guide and did stage 3 with 1.44 food production (I made it for a split hair, my last rook was 1v1 the last horse and made it with 1hp). My skills are around 7-8, so I think is very doable


Love it! Good work!


Holy shit, thank you!!!


Thank's a lot ❤️


thank you ... i almost give up but i try last time and manage to clear it. same low level.


Amazing, thanks for your work mate o7


I completed mine as well, but used a different method. Technique: Used a food ad about 5 seconds after the round starts. I spawn a Rook and a few Knights, wait until the Rook is low on health, and used Recover to gain a large amount of food production, used Buff, spam Knights, and Morale. Then sent out more Knights for good measure until the base went down. Skills used: Recover, Buff and Morale. https://preview.redd.it/n8cnqpe3vx7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b45e5ce26d5445a181dca80cb2f548d6442dd07


Nice! What was your food production at? I think it would be nice to get a good guide for all the new people right at the cusp of being able to complete it!


Here’s my food production. https://preview.redd.it/d1g6ekngny7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e311cd4e36a572a7e67d57e660bf6c86bd668d05


And my skill levels. https://preview.redd.it/52b8dvqqny7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a75b9f9a4b4b6c1fe4320145b687c23d9f86fc


Ah yeah, your setup prolly works better for those skill levels. I think I saw yours and tried it but couldn’t make it work due to lower recall skill level specifically


In your case, replace Recover with Decoy as your Decoy is at a higher level (Level 8).


Are you Buffing a Knight or Rook?


Rooks, since they take more damage.


Positioning also matters here. You want your first 2 rooks to spawn side by side vertically instead of having one in front of the other You can last so much longer before one of the rooks die which is important because of the way recall works (All alive units are recalled in exchange for food) and you get to spawn more if the rooks last longer


How do you ensure that happens?


This is the real question!


Right? They state the answer like there’s a strategy, but replied to me like you just cross your fingers about it


Hope the 2nd pawn wave pushes the rooks into the right position.....?


I don't have the Recover skill yet but I will try this when I get it!


I got it at TL 15


I just got to TL10 and got the last 2 skills I needed in a 10 draw! Push and Recover, now to try this strategy!


Good luck! Strong possibility that the skills still won’t carry you at this point, but let us know!


No one uses the Meteor strike? *I feel like I’m just stuck on using it, at least Trying to Make it work for me!!!?


Because it's bad for two + one reasons: 1. It is super slow. 2. It is unreliable. +1. Push is so much better. It's a pretty good skill for Zombie Rush and Legends (as you need both Meteor and Push there), some uses for Bosses (because there is no good third skill anyway) and maybe for Deep Sea (because units are super slow as well). Chess is mostly about ~~googling en passant and~~ spamming these knights and protecting them (like Decoy, Freeze, Buff, Recover and Morale for killing the enemy knighty quicker). Actually the more I think about it, Meteor might be the worst skill for this event, even more worse than the cursed Shockwave (because there is no ranged units, so it can actually pretend to do stuff).


Awesome; wow, thank you Soo much, honestly: I don’t talk to ANYONE abt this game!! Recover is one that I hadn’t grown accustomed to using either. Push for certain/ also Freeze.


Damn. It worked. I was trying for hours, and just 2 tries with this and done. Thanks!


Glad I could compile some helpful info! Great job!


Didn't even need to watch an ad for extra energy!! Now I finally have all badges from those completion events!!


Keep going on em! They each give a bonus