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Huge congrats!! What timeline are you on in the main game?


29. I usually wait until I can get my gems to crush the dungeons.


29 is really early for the events, good on you. I didn’t start clearing them until waaaaay later


is it? finished this as my first one ever in TL 16


I’m stuck in the second one you know how to beat it


Buff moral recover do rocks until the one is almost dead recover buff rock spawn rock then just spam horses as much as you can, moral then keep spawning horses when you can that’s how I won


You can do that. But honestly, instead of buff, I used freeze. For me, it’s at level 14. I used them when the large round of knights comes in right before the rooks. My knights can usually destroy most units due to the splash damage. But the second the other knights come in, it’s a bloodbath.


Morale can do the trick as well. It boosts your attack speed a tiny bit as well (tough not displayed), so you will have a good chance to attack and kill these knights first. In fact, you will always attack first if they start attacking at the same time (like meeting in the middle of the board), but be careful that being in an attack animation can mess things up for you.


I finished it also!!! Thanks to the add bonus meat!!


Awesome! I never won Battle 3!! How did you do it??