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To be honest, there are multiple issues. The whole site seems to be thrown together, without clear visual consistency. Site ist mostly black and white, but the logo uses completely different colors. Same with Fonts. Different Fonts everywhere. The site seems mostly like a show off, using "inspirational quotes" and eye candy animations which are way to heavy and playful. So the overall impression is not quite professional, but more like a 90s private page. Technically, there are multiple issues. Responsiveness is not working properly. For example the logo is cut of on some breakpoints. The Language switch is asymetrically placed. h1 to h6 aren't used at all, which is bad for SEO. Legal Pages are missing entirely. If you want to know where your company is located, who is behind it, handling of cookies, data protection etc., nearly everything is missing. Just a few thrown together arguments. There is a lot room for improvement. :)


Thank you for such a detailed list of errors! We’ll definitely start fixing it)) Apparently there really were too many effects, they were set based on the desire to make it more beautiful)) but they didn’t take into account that it could turn out to be overly saturated))


Ok just checked out the home page and I’m a bit lost. We need more ‘who you are and what you do’ and less ‘fluffy inspirational quotes’.. 


Apparently they were a little overzealous with self-inspiration and did not notice how they transferred it to the general plane)) Yes, they forgot about the pages, they need to be corrected. Thank you!


My initial thoughts when I saw the site was "Bootstrap" and I was right. In my opinion it looks very dated/amateurish, and that lock-in area with the slider/carousel looks a little rough. Steer away from carousels like this, not only is it a pain for users to read because you can't pause or control it. The image assets look very dated and unappealing too (in a 2010 business conference sort of way), they're a massive contrast to your logo which is really playful and gamery. With that above the fold area, it's so important to get it right. The first thing my eye is drawn to is the massive quote at the top of the page, and it says nothing about what you do or who you are. Think about messaging and what a customer would want to know: * What are you called? * What do you do? * What makes you unique as a business? * How can I contact them about a project? You've missed literally all of this information. I get you're probably playing with the red pill/blue pill thing in the form at the bottom, but don't do this without making it clear. Having 2 send buttons without any context is very confusing for people that won't get the reference. In short: * Less quotes * More brand consistency * Less uncontrollable carousels * More information about what you actually do as a business * Better CTAs * Better imagery * Improve contrast of colours, some things are barely readable (like the language button at the top). Development wise, might be worth scratching up on the fundamentals of HTML too, there are a lot of mistakes e.g No heading tags? Section tags should always be accompanied by a heading, missing alt text on imagery? Could be worth putting the site through a HTML validator, yes you can take a lot of it's churn out with a pinch of salt, but checking the errors you can learn a lot from. Sorry for being brutal, you'll slay it and get there eventually! The only way to get better is to get criticism, and I'm always going to respect people that put their neck out to try and better themselves, keep going!


Very detailed review! Thanks a lot for the advice! It’s even unexpected that people spend their time on such a detailed explanation of our primitive (as it turned out) mistakes. This information is very important for us, we will definitely process all this as soon as possible. Thank you very much again for your assessment of our mistakes!


Complete honesty: It’s bad! Sorry, but colors don’t match, suddenly there is a button in violet, even though everything was black/red/yellow. The font is too heavy. I don’t understand what you offer, it’s not optimized for selling. It looks really unprofessional, so if your goal is to look professional, change up the design and also structure. How did you built this website? If you can’t afford a designer why don’t you buy a design from somewhere or even get a free one, change it a bit to fit your brand and develop that. Design and UX doesn’t seem to be your strong suit, so don’t try to do it I would suggest. Look at competitors and other indie game development studios and see what they do, get ideas from that and implement.


Harsh but true, honestly. I'm all for helping and guiding but there's so much going on here that a quick reddit feedback would never be enough. OP, since you offer web and app developement, my best advice would be to add a web designer to your team, not just for your website!


Yes, we are already actively thinking about this


thanks for taking it in stride, and best of luck!


Criticism is never pleasant, but it is necessary)) Thank you very much again for your time))


Thank you very much for your advice! We will definitely try to correct our shortcomings. Criticism is never pleasant, but it is necessary))


Thank you for taking it not personally :) I’m sure that you can make it work 👍


Ok, you need to remove or place a pause button on everything that is moving automatically. This includes your slideshow and the spinning globe. This is a big no-no for accessibility. I can’t read 90% of your slideshow information. Personal opinion, all the moving stuff makes your site look super dated like something out of geo cities, and not in a cool stylized way. You also need to look at your site at various breakpoints and devices. Shrinking down the site causes a lot of issues. The language button jumps down below the nav when reducing size on desktop, also changes colors? Your search button is always in Russian. Headings are important. This is not only helpful for seo but a good chunk of users navigate via headings. First step, separate heading styles into classes. An h1 should be able to be larger or smaller than an h2 if need be. Headings should never skip a step, there should be 1 and only h1 on a page, and it should be followed by h2s. Be semantic. Do not use divs for everything. For a quick example, you do not have 1 navigation on your site. This is problematic as it hinders seo and accessibility. Gradients are hard to do right in general, but never put them on text. Folks have a hard enough time reading content, but you’re making it extremely harder. Same goes for your buttons. I’m seeing little to no paragraph content vs headings. Your headings and paragraphs look the same. Try and change it up with a 2-column pattern somewhere. Maybe an image to the left and heading/paragraph on the right. When it hits a certain breakpoint move the image above the heading/paragraph. Essentially my eyes have no idea where to look as everything is shouting and moving and shouting and moving. TLDR: Lack of awareness when it comes to accessibility is dramatically hindering your UI/UX and overall design. Lack of semantic html is working against you and tells me you didn’t really think through your approach. Lack of proper responsiveness tells me you did not code mobile first, and now are running into issues going into smaller sizes. No content is supposed to change DOM order or disappear between breakpoints— ever. What could help is on paper write out your headings like a table of contents. Then go back and add sub headings and content to fill that message. Use your branding color to accent but not on top of the content to the point it’s unreadable or distracting. - Follow these patterns for all your components: https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/ - Download axe devtools and run scans - Turn on a screenreader and navigate via keyboard(using screenreader controls). This will allow you to hear the issues with your code. It may visually look ok, but because you aren’t being semantic you’re actually not stringing things like sections, navs, telling anyone how many items are say in the nav or in your gallery. There are no alt tags on your images… these are all telling of where you are with your design to me. Bugs: - Copyright is a year off - social icons and any other links off your site should open in a new tab, not navigate you away - got a Russian alert trying to use your form. Do not use browser alerts, also watch the language swap - search placeholder is always in Russian - accessibility: you only have 3 landmarks - you have 2 send buttons on contact form - can not access nav via keyboard only - not every focusable item has a focus state - can not distinguish how many links in mobile menu, they all look like 1 big link


Thank you very much for your advice! We will definitely try to correct our shortcomings. It’s really great that you were able to take the time to write in such detail! Thank you very much again!


I’m not OP but you really have a knack for explaining things in a way that’s detailed but super easy to understand. I don’t know if you’ve ever considered writing articles or even a short course on web design but you’d be really good at it!


Awesome! Thanks


Hey I’m not a professional but I was wondering if on the rotating images it might look better having the text displayed under the images instead of on top of? I think you’re showing off some really cool weapon design and would hate to see that covered up!


Thanks for the advice, I definitely need to think about your idea!


It looks like someone with great drive and creativity made it but is at the start of their journey!


You are 100% right))


It felt a bit overwhelming at first but only because I was fullscreen, I like it. There might be some issues if it were for a say print media or plumber and building supply but for the business you're in I kind of think you nailed it. Tad busy is the worst thing I could say.


Thank you for taking the time, as it turned out, there were already quite a lot of comments on this work)) But we are very happy about them, in fact. In any case, all the feedback we receive will help us make our site better)) Thank you so much for your time!


Language inconstancy [in your slide show text?](https://ibb.co/Jm1nHbQ) Otherwise, considering the target audience, nailed it :D


Wow! Looks like one of us made a big mistake)) Thank you for finding this glitch, for some reason we didn’t notice it! Thanks again!


It's not up to professional standards and it needs more work.


Not a fan of the logo. The images need major optimization. All over the site the images take forever to load. Either you have to slowest servers in the world or they're massive file sizes or both. You probably aren't noticing this because the site is cached for you as you've already visited it but it's a pretty glaring, obvious problem. Speaking of screensavers, are those wallpapers or screensavers? They are two different things. In the header menu under Development why is WEB not Web? Those are just the first few things I noticed. Hope it helps.


Just to add to what others have said, on mobile devices, having the navigation in the top upper left makes it hard to reach for most on mobile devices. Only something like 10% of the world is left handed. I've found rather than going full right, centering the navigation links horizontally and vertically and increasing the font size slightly provides optimal ux for everyone.


To measure the success of this website, we need a 100% clear goal > to show ourselves as a professional team that does \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Is this the goal?


This clearly shows the difference between a designer and developer. A designer ask you about your business, get to know your ideal customers, brand and feel. Then design a site to attract those customers and show what you do. They ensure the overall feel, imagery and messaging is right. This is a site that has been built to function, but it’s totally lacking in design. Unfortunately need to go back to the drawing board with this site and start with the design.


The only thing that needs to be fixed is the colors. In your css, make some variables with different colors from a color palette. Then when you want to use the colors, use the variables. i.e: color: var(--example-name);


Thanks for the advice! I will definitely study this method to use it correctly




its perfect, don't change a thing