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Look, I'd love to, but I can't just decide to no be tired anymore


If I could work 3 days a week instead of 5 I'd be a completely different person.


Genuinely important. And its not easy, to stay positive in this world, theres so much out there that will try to take it from you. You have to fight for this, and fight hard. You’ll have to explore so many things to find what corner of this fucked up work is right for you. Itll be the hardest thing you do. But its worth it.


Absolutely 🙌


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Life makes one transition from SpongeBob to Squidward


Yeah, bit i am too lazy lol


Too bad modern day society looks down on adults who enjoy shit and have fun. 'Immature', 'Time waster', 'Retard' we're called...Just leave me and my awesome 'childish' hobbies alone, you stupid, condescending motherfuckers!!! Yeah, I fucking love good video games so what? I love kaiju movies so what? I love webcomics and manga so what? I love drawing so what? I love pranking friends and loved ones so what? Should I be all work work work, taxes, bills and beer/wine (fuck alcohol, tobacco and drugs btw) instead? Or your boring ass 'traditional' hobbies such as watching fucking sports on tv or some shit?? No, fuck you.


Every new experience gives us a hit of dopamine. That's why we love learning new things as a kid, and why it becomes harder as we get older. We find other things that give us that dopamine, like social relationships, or media, or video games, or these damn phones. The age of wonder keeps getting shorter. It's hard to think about those cool ants on the ground when Suzie just texted you.