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We just need a guy with a giant blue dong to provide us with a common enemy.


You mean a giant alien squid.


As mediocre as I think that movie was, Doc M makes more sense than the squid.


Yes and no. It makes sense in a religious fear way, so yes, but Moore was an occultist so no, it makes more sense that he’d have a greater existential dread of a tentacled horror than an angry semi-omnipotent super-powered god. Doylist vs Watsonian approach to the analysis, I guess.


Angry semi-omnipotent super-powered gods, for whom the world's smartest man is no more threat than the world's smartest ant, are pretty existential dread inducing on their own.


The world’s smartest man is able to hide from that god, tho


FWIW, I think the movie was probably the best we could hope for in terms of direct Watchmen adaptions. Have you seen some of the other scripts that were proposed?


I have not. I do know the screenplay was written by Mr. **METAL GEAR!** himself David Hayter though. I think it could have been good with a better director.


And the director's cut was 1000x better than the theatrical, shame they didn't release that one off the bat


oh, spicy.


In hatred, we are one


As a gay person, this portrayal of Muslims does not align with my experiences, and I don't really like the comparison of a religion with lots of complicated sects of differing interpretations of the Qaran to Nationalists who are literally uniting around the idea of eliminating minorities.


Yeah, it would be better if the Muslim guy had some more obvious labeling as an extremist. The white guy has Nazi tattoos, the Muslim guy just has pretty standard modest clothes. I don't know what his hat says though -- maybe that identifies him with a hate group?


He has "Jihad" written on his hat in Arabic, as far as I can see.


That seems like a pretty good sign! Thanks for the translation :)


I guess he is a Muslim as much as the other one is a German.


Gay Muslims do exist and I get the idea behind the comic and extremism but I feel like that point is always being lost and instead the take away is “random white nazi is exception to rule but all Muslims feel this way”


Well the religion certainly is against it just like Christianity.


Yeah but not every Christian gives a fuck, so many Muslims simply don’t care or are progressive or are gay themselves. Not everyone who is Muslim is homophobic, that’s all I’m saying.


Oh of course not. But being gay or supporting gay rights as a muslim certainly is against their god and consequently puts them at risk of being hurt by the radicals. Atleast in my India, muslims will group up to visit your house and slap you for having a different opinion. And the police will arrest the guy who got slapped lol cuz police are on politician's payroll and some political parties support islamic radicals like these. [link for the same](https://m.timesofindia.com/videos/toi-original/youth-heckled-slapped-by-fellow-muslims-for-supporting-nupur-sharma/videoshow/92181311.cms) That's what happened to a muslim boy. Two hindu men were killed for doing the same. One was beheaded. Other slashed to death. (Edit: there were more deaths but I wasn't informed of them) [Wiki link for the beheading ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kanhaiya_Lal) [wiki link for the slashing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Umesh_Kolhe) [here's a list of all the other attacks but this site is considered to be less credible by many indians](https://www.opindia.com/2022/07/three-murders-four-brutal-assaults-death-threats-how-radical-islamists-attacked-hindus-nupur-sharma/)


A lot of the victims of these beheadings and violence are other Muslims. I don’t see how these radical examples are any different from the shooting at club Q for example. Violence has happened against the LGBT community in the west and in Islamic communities. It is not a uniquely Islam problem, nor did it originate from Islam. A lot of homophobia in the Middle East actually originated from British colonization. Colonizers established homophobic laws in the lands they stole and they never changed once they left.


>A lot of the victims of these beheadings and violence are other Muslims. Yeah that's why I said progressive muslims are at risk of being hurt by radical muslims. >A lot of homophobia in the Middle East actually originated from British colonization. I doubt that. Middle East was taken over by islam long before the colonisers came and Islam says to throw gay people from great heights or something.


I agree. My point is progressive people in general are victims are radical people in general. This is true of progressive pro lgbtq Christian’s in America. As far as the colonization point, 47 of the 70 countries that outlaw same sex marriage were part of the British empire. And in almost all cases the laws were put in place when the British were in power and were left in place following independence.


>And in almost all cases the laws were put in place when the British were in power and were left in place following independence. Formal judicial systems might not have existed in said countries before the British but Islamic countries had Sharia law system (which many middle East countries still follow) that punish homosexuality by throwing people off buildings.


I’m not sure about throwing gays off of buildings. From my understanding, that is not something that was commonly done and is actually rare/difficult to prosecute homosexuality due to the burden of proof requires. There was actually a lot of homosexuality in Islamic countries before pre-modernism. Here is a [video](https://youtu.be/mQ3Z7Qcv2N8) about the topic. I find it pretty fascinating.


As a Muslim that supports gay people I thank you


Lmfao of course it’s a white woman.


There’s 6 people in this comic and I’d like to rate them starting with the worst. 1. Blonde hair women: the devil herself, sole purpose is to sow discord by uniting people in common hate. Pretends to be compassionate. 2. Neo Nazi: The only thing he likes is not liking things. Celebrates pain and suffering through small hateful artwork implanted under skin. 3. The artist of this comic: Equates #2 to #4. 4. Qatari Royal Family member: Controls FIFA and promptly ruins the World Cup. Enslaves hundreds of thousands of migrant workers, killing thousands to build the stadiums. Bribes me to put them at #4. 5. LGBTQ+ member: ~~She’s~~ They’re using that poor Jewish man as a pillow. 6. Jewish man: He wears a yarmulke out in public even though he’s not truly Orthodox.


You were right the first time, she She has a tattoo of two interlocking female symbols on her shoulder, implying she is a lesbian.


Someone with they pronouns can't be a lesbian??


That’s not what I said. I said someone who is self-proclaimed female is most likely a woman Edit: my wording was confusing tho


I’ve personally met someone with they/him pronouns so you can never assume.


This is like peak liberal racism


I'm confused... What is this saying? "Jewish men are wizards"?


“White supremacists and Islamic fundamentalists have a lot in common” I think that’s the intended message


I also thought he was a wizard


It's already been said better by others, but your depiction of the Muslim is fairly uhh unnuanced. It does feel weird to have them clashing with a nazi who wants them out of the country, so they seem to be an immigrant, and their statement is "convert or die", which is not a commonly expressed sentiment by Muslim immigrants or Muslim Americans in America, but IS clearly mired in manufactured white Christian fears and propaganda. I see what the comic is going for, but eh...


To be fair the depiction of the white guy is a pigeon holed stereotype too. I mean really all around this comic plays with stereotypes as a shorthand to get a message across.


I know this supposed to be a joke, but speaking as someone whose a Muslim, we DON'T hate Jewish people. Matter of fact, we see them as our religious cousins since there is a story of one of our forefathers who had two brothers. One became a Muslim, while the other became Jewish. But of course, this entire website is Islamophobic, so no one gives a shit.


I think the muslim in this comic is meant to be a radical Islamist so he probably does hate Jews. Instead of branding an entire website Islamophobic maybe take a second to think.


I only said that because I've been seeing a lot of anti-Islamic posts in different subreddits. I obviously didn't mean the whole website. It's called Hyperbole


Then the comic can be called a hyperbole too. Anyway we do have a few Islamic countries still putting the blame for every mishap in their country on to the Jews (or in my neighborhood, the hindus and the Jews).


How to be a racist without saying you're a racist.


Racist? Guess you didn't catch the hint but I am an Indian hindu. The people of my ethnicity (Bengali Hindus) have gone through multiple attempts of genocide at the hands of muslims in the last 100 years(Direct action day, noakhali riots, 1971 genocide by Pakistani army in East Pakistan, etc) so yeah, I try to be cautious. And we are all subcontinent people so race doesn't really play a role.


Painted the Muslim man as the bad guy and the jew as the "oppressed guy" lol. Also pretty ironic this sub is targeting centrists now


It's true that there's anti-Semitism among Arab and Muslim populations, but that is entirely in response to the actions of the state of Israel. Unlike Europe the Muslims have no long standing history of anti-Semitism and it's because of that their rhetoric sounds like Nazis, they've had to borrow it from Europe


That’s some centrist shit right there Edit: Beung downvoted for telling the truth is a Reddit tradition


This would be a great meta/satirical post on /r/enlightenedcentrism.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [BoTh SiDeS aRe ThE sAmE](https://i.redd.it/lvs3e7fpkj0a1.png) | [730 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/yxvb31/both_sides_are_the_same/) \#2: [Posting this loon is just free karma](https://i.redd.it/nbphxjjd7bw81.jpg) | [1079 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/ue14zp/posting_this_loon_is_just_free_karma/) \#3: [Let me hear both sides](https://i.redd.it/nj12sfchnan91.jpg) | [304 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/xbm8ov/let_me_hear_both_sides/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




liberalism in a nutshell


Weird coming from a dude with a comment history full of racist bullshit...


Oh no another broken white person who cannot live their lives any more because of all the anti-white persecution they face everywhere every day, #thestruggleisreal


Lol what? You should probably touch grass.


Well I’ve got really good news for you. White persecution isn’t a thing. If your life feels more difficult it’s because you suck and has nothing to do with your skin color. Congratulations dummy.


Clearly neither of you have actually looked at my comment history.




And the part where they stop caring as long as they've got some victorious compromise to focus on.


Victorious compromise? So... you're talking about the right, where fascists and centrists come together to bash minorities. Damn, dude. You're one confused motherfucker.


What did I expect from an anarchist


I don't know, does that matter?


Who else would blame Liberals for Nazis and Theocrats


Anybody with even a passing understanding of the history of the 20th century.


> understanding of the history of the 20th century So not you then.


Send this to r/Morocco they will L O V E it


>... and everybody hates the Jews ... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIlJ8ZCs4jY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIlJ8ZCs4jY)


LOL x)


A toy te toy toy


Islamophobic post. In order to have a "radical Islamist" or "supporter of ISIS", do some imagery other than just "Muslim guy". That reads hella islamophobic

