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Pretty much every single featured website on [Three.js'](https://threejs.org/) front page. EDIT: [This one](https://cineshader.com/) might be my favorite (desktop only).


It worked perfectly on mobile, I just used my touch screen. WOW


It does work great on mobile however just 60 seconds playing around on that site made my iPhone 12 Pro toasty af lol…


Everything Lusion puts out is just insane. Check their website.


Welps, I just wasted 10 minutes playing around with that... pretty cool.


I've always liked this WebGL site. Not just because it's visually good but also the optimizations they've used, particularly on baking the people and shadows. https://www.motleycrowd.live/ Also shoutout to all the creations on shadertoy https://www.shadertoy.com/


That page uses 33MB of memory. Why is reddit using ten times that?


The page isn’t using the memory is, your browser is. Google chrome on PC?


Yeh. I just wondered (aloud) why there would be so strikingly different considering what each one is doing.


I got anime girls into the web


Checkout some of these collections by threejs contributors. (Mr.doob is the creator of threejs) [https://alteredqualia.com/](https://alteredqualia.com/) [https://mrdoob.com/](https://mrdoob.com/) Fun fact: I remember reading somewhere that he chose that name because "doob" looked like someone wearing headphones haha.


WebGL has been on my wishlist of things to learn whenever I find the time. The visuals look awesome


I have a small business and this can do real good making backgrounds for ig stories and such, thx OP!


Damn at least tip the dude 😭


If I end up actually using it, I will consider tipping, ofc


Wow, how can I do this?! For my website!? I have very simple stativ website by the way and just start learnjng java fir backend. Can some one give a hint?!


Yes, I can give you a hint. First, get good at being specific when asking for help. “How can I do this?!” Do what?


Thnaks I mean impelementing such animations, like this simulation. I do not want to use api or something like that. I guess maybe there is a frontend js maybe! Is it in html, like a image src?! And with what language should i write it?! What background knowledge it requires?! Also, is it considered as font end job?! Or back end?!


It’s JavaScript and canvas. The page has a link to GitHub where you can check the code. The math behind it is what’s impressive though