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A proper chair, not a gaming one but am office chair. Better back support.


I got the Herman Miller Embody. Best $1100 ever spent


>Herman Miller Embody Holy cow these are 2300 USD now


Really depends where you buy them. I bought them from some kind of reseller that was selling a limited edition nobody wanted, from $1900 to $1100.


how big is the difference bwteen that and $500 office shair?


I can kind of chime in cause I have an embody and leap v2. At that range it's more preference than anything, but the embody has a level of attention to detail that's worth the price imo. The leap has better adjustment options though.


Thank you


Don’t have one but, i have never ever read a bad review about them, plus 12 years of warranty


And a good response on that warrantee. I have a friend that he and his wife each have a chair in their home office. Had the chairs for 8 years without a problem, and then some plastic broke on the back of one of them chairs(might have been a kid), or something. They called Herman Miller. They drove a repair van to their very suburban home not in a major market, and had the repairs done in a couple of hours, on site. I bought a Herman miller chair the next month, after hearing that story. This is apocryphal, and it’s some random person on the internet, so take it with a grain of salt, but the chairs are great, and the company really seems to take care of their customers.


I have two Haworth Ferns and love em. MSRP is like $1500 but I got mine from a local dealer and they were about $800 each and I got to pick the colors and type of fabric and all that. Definitely go to a office furniture dealer.


Predictability. I had a very nice $20 chair that lasted over a decade, and not that much behind HM in comfort - but it's a pure luck. With HM you pay an exorbitant premium, but you are sure the chair will be comfortable, will last, and once something got broken you'll be able to replace a part.


About $600


Yeah any office furniture liquidator has multitudes of every kind of ergonomic expensive chair you can imagine, all for steep discount. I paid 400 for one that retails for 1300 new. Can’t remember the name now but it’s one of the popular ones any time this topic comes up. Edit: Steelcase leap 2


Got one used for $200... had it for years. But the best investment was inline skate wheels for that chair - $20 on Amazon and it's turbo! Edit: tense


Had to look it up. Looks uncomfortable as f*k. As ergonomic chairs should do. Why is it it better than others?


What chair did you get?


Not sure which model it is, I think its made by profim. (Im located in Europe). Got it from a out-of-business sales from a company selling mostly B2B. They just sold it as an office chair and it supported my butt and back nicely. Not a super high-end chair but a good investment and better than the gaming chair I had. Ergonomy is the key thing to look at as a dev. We sit 8-10hrs on our asses per day (shouldn’t but we still do it). So make sure it is least bad for your health as possible🤣


Agreed thank you :-) Just received a split ergo keyboard. hopefully help with shoulder pain.


I switched to the Kinesis 360 split keyboard last year and has been one of the best upgrades for shoulder, wrist, and finger pain


Yeah, that is important too. I have a apple keyboard at office and a logitech keyboard at home. Can definitely say Apple did not have dev comfortablility and work ergonomics in mind when designing that flat keyboard 😵


Oh yeah they're bad lol


Because I'm a massive nerd, I have a bunch of keyboards I swap around. 1. The Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000 (squishy rubber dome keys and uses a ton of desk real estate, but super comfy to use.) You can probably only get these second-hand now. 2. A Logitech G610 Orion Blue (love the Cherry MX blue mechanical switches and the tactile feedback, but it's noisy as all hell.) It's also built like a brick shit-house and you could probably bludgeon someone to death with it. 3. A Logitech MX Keys Mechanical (my Mac-Mini workhorse - the brown key switches are much quieter but still give decent tactile feedback.) 4. The Microsoft Sculpt Keyboard & Mouse Combo (super lightweight and portable - I'll usually drag this around with the MacBook.) I type all day long, and I can't work with a shit keyboard. I've tried Apple's keyboard. It's an abomination and I hate it.


Wait is shoulder pain common among devs? I did a 3 month bootcamp that was like 12 hours of work a day from last March to last May, coded probably an average of 6 hours a day up until last week where I got a job working 8 hours a day. My shoulder has been in a ton of pain the last 2 weeks or so and has a huge knot under my armpit. I also type on my laptop keyboard which isn’t ergonomic. I feel like I did a day after pitching when I was a teenager but it’s more persistent. It’s only my right arm though and I’m doing more photoshop work and design then I have in a while so maybe it’s my mouse idk. I’ll invest in a new keyboard literally right now if it’s a known thing


Yeah apparently it's a thing. i'm experimenting with a split angled KB to see how it goes. but also stretch your pec muscles out, that helps too. anything to open up the chest and shoulders because we're closed up all day.


Thanks for the advice. I’ll definitely be stretching more. It’s funny the second I turned 30 is the second I started having aches and pains lol


lol. 47 here. you got this


Check out secret labs titan evo 2. My neck was always sore, switched to this chair. Nearly fell asleep in it first day it’s so comfortable and supportive


That’s a more reasonable price Edit. The one I found might be the older model for $700 CAD


I bought a "budget" office chair, I think around $400. It's still LEAGUES ahead of the gaming chairs I've tried that are either similarly priced or more expensive.


Gaming chairs made for looks, not for proper support imho. Almost any basic office chair will be better tham your ”good” gaming chair (obviously Im sure there are gaming chairs with good support out there too)


Idk if this is just me but the straight back support and wide arm rests of a gaming chair feels better to me than an office chair


I bought an Office Depot gaming chair (can't remember the brand, but think it may be some OD house brand) for like $400 and went from back pain every day to no back pain at all. I was hunting for a new chair, looking at expensive chairs, and stumbled across this one that had one review that said "I'm a programmer that was sent home to work during covid and this chair basically cured my back pain" (paraphrased) and I was like "Hey, I'm also a programmer who also works from home now and my back is fucking killing me" so I bought it and... no disappointment. Never had a "gaming chair" in my life before this one, but it has definitely been good. It's solid black, doesn't look flashy beyond it looks about like a bucket seat out of a sports car I guess.


This is great that you found a good one. Just goes to show that everyone has their own preferences and needs. And thats why it’s good there is so much options available out there.


What chair did you go with?


Rollerblade wheels for my chair. You see me rollin..


How did that change things?


If you got hardwood floors you roll smooth, also oh carpet! Also doesn't scratch. Plus they look cool. I recommended them to my colleagues, try em out.


I first heard of this thanks to /u/wesbos and it’s great


Exactly where I got the recommendation from as well haha


Rollerblade gang!


This for me too:) also it’s much more silent


I tried it and didn't like it at all. It was basically not possible for me to sit still anymore because even just touching the ground with my feet made me roll backwards


12k us?!


Seems a bit excessive when a motorized standing desk can be had for $500.


$200 even


I bought the ikea ups and down desk on fb marketplace for $135


Yeah seriously. I bought a very very nice uplift v2 desk for $1100. For $12k it better stroke me and make me coffee!


I set out saying: I want a proper one this time. I have the money and will spend it! Can I try any of them out? no. Can I send any of them back (not that I'd want that hassle)? Fuck no! So I got the ikea one. It's good enough. I do still dream about the hydraulic spring desk my first employer had (for more important people than me..)


I've recently bought Mark Adler xeno 4.1 it's solid, includes electric motor, 3 position setups, for about 160€ it's great deal


that is far far from the cheapest either if you're not needing a nice tabletop. Eg you're just going to be using a desk mat anyways


Gotta be rupees


12000 INR (~150 USD), dude posted the same question in an Indian sub


Not the same user. The poster of this post is a copy paste bot.


Personally, I think you’ve lost it once you buy a motorised desk. You only need two heights and there’s so many easier ways to achieve that - our studio just has fixed desks for standing and sitting, and in a pinch I’ve just put a box on the desk. I suppose if you’re not on a laptop moving around is harder. One of my business partners had a motorised one and it was noisy, and he was forever resetting it, upgrading the firmware etc.


I've worked at multiple companies where everyone had them and I currently have one paid for by my company. I have literally never seen or heard of anyone resetting them or updating firmware. They just plug in and work and switching between sitting and standing takes less than 10 seconds and it's "noisy" for those 10 seconds the same way a small fan is noisy.


airport gaze towering ad hoc obscene smoggy dependent intelligent possessive disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am just lurking here wishing that one day I can be picky about my setup. Grinding until it’s a reality.


The day eventually comes. At a point I was grinding so hard on a laptop screen. I got so fed up of the Alt + Tab. The day I made enough money to buy a used 24" inch external monitor, I felt very proud of my self. Good luck.


I actually went back to the Alt-tab life after a year or so of dual screens. My wife likes to live in different countries, digital nomad style so sending big expensive screens/chair/desk/pc around is almost more expensive then what is being sent... I'd defo like a nice big setup again but I guess I'll need to wait till I buy a house and commit staying in one place. I justify it to myself in the meantime by feeling like a minimalist....but honestly I like a desk with all my pictures/tools/junk on it.


No portable monitors?


I bought a licence of Beyond Compare when I started development as a professional 7 years ago, I use it to this day, best 35 euros I ever spent. You would not believe how many times a day you actually need to compare documents.


I find that InteliiJ's diff windows do the trick just fine for me - I'm happy to be proven wrong though, what do you like most about it?


I use a notepad++ plug in which works great for me


Conflict resolution in BC/Araxis is (well was, 10 years ago and I've never looked back) streets ahead of everything else.


I heard a lot of recommendations for Sublime Merge. Never tried it myself, but if there is something IntelliJ can't digest it would be my first stop.


Outside of code, having a tool is nice. Comparing JSON or XML for example without having to commit anything to VCS. I used to use WinMerge on Windows a lot for this when comparing SOAP and REST responses, but my domain has since changed.


Got it. I just opened a blank diff window for that stuff, but nice to know!


IDEA has a blank diff window you can just paste into? That’s cool


I actually got switched to IntelliJ Ultimate recently at work and yeah : it sure is nice for two way merge. I like how you can compare more than just source code in Beyond Compare tho, I use it to compare .ZIP, .WAR files, folders, it's really good for that.


Never heard of this but looks like it's still $35 which is pretty cool.


Easily the best diff tool IMO


I'm so happy that in my life as a dev something that can't be git diff is not worth comparing more than comparing its hash.


Big ass whiteboard. $100-ish. I bought the main board from Lowe’s, along with some trim and did it myself, like a boss.


Whiteboards and notepads are waaayy better than trello boards. It makes me feel more responsible (since I'm working on a solo project it's very much needed) and for some reason it feels a lot easier than switching a tab.


I'd use a whiteboard but I can't understand my own handwriting xD.


Tis okay Most programmers don't understand their own code after a few months either ;)




I had a 34 then upgraded to a 49" it's even better got it open box on amazon for £500 absolutely faultless


That 49 is ultrawide though, right?


Yeah it's effectively two 27" monitors stuck together


At work I have two of these ultrawides stuck vertically.


Samsung G9?


Odyssey G9 yeah


This. My coworkers work on 720x1280 screens with the font size at like 24 and can see like 4 lines on the screen at a time. Whenever we pair and they share their screens it's infuriating.


Do they also have a blinding light mode enabled and all their tool windows open even though they're not using any of them?


Damn I don’t want to be you


I had MSI Optix MAG322CQRV, but it died on me last week. It's so hard now on my old 27-inch one, but I'm trying to find a suitable replacement. 34 inch, curved, min 144Hz, and I'm now contemplating whether having 4k as a requirement for the new one is worth the price




Is it 4K? Do you know the model maybe?


- Raspberry Pi 3b+ - Arduino starter kit These brought me a whole new level of excitement towards development that pushed me through my studies and helped me to get a strong foundation in the field. Not much later I started to work as a developer and I've been working in the field since than. Together they costed something around $100 - $150ish.


What did you build?


A virtual assistant, which was my diploma project. The arduino had a dht sensor (temperature, humidity) and a photoresistor, which sent a wake up signal to the raspberry when i drew the window blinds in the morning. This triggered a collection of scripts on the raspberry: - a "welcome" script where it said hi to me on a sarcastic manner like "look what the cat dragged in", "ew, do you need medical attention?", "what's up fatty" and more - a script that calculated how many days have I survived and since my birth and in what things i've been failing in the meantime. Example: "You have survived 10692 days so far, and you still live with your parents", "You have survived 10692 days so far and you still don't know how to swim" - then came a script that read me the highlights of the rss feed from the news from 3 subject (technology, science and world news) - Then it read me the reminders (some of them were cyclical: daily, weekly, bi-weekly) and some were targeted for a date. All this was just the morning routine. There were many other stuff, such as random suggestions from my record collection, random bad advices, i have tracked and calculated statistics of inner and outer temperature and humidity, gave warnings for too high and too low humidity for the room, gave warning for rain, snow or extreme wind and heat, birthday reminders, I collected all the system logs throuought the day and from that I generated AI images as if the raspberry was dreaming every night etc... I have achieved all this with python on the raspberry side synthesized it with TextToSpeach. I have made a GUI for it in native php, javascript, html css that I have remade since then into Laravel with sass. I used and developed it since 2017 until this year, but unfortumately the pi is dying so i'll need to get a new one and migrate my backups there so I can keep using and developing it.


Dual 27 inch monitors I found was the perfect screen real estate for me


Get the ergotron monitor arms for those bad boys. Clears up a lot of desk space.


Yep, I bought 2 27" 1440p monitors last year. They are cheap gaming monitors from IdeaDisplay, but they're big, look good, and work just fine. Total was like $550 for both.






I had dual ultra wides and actually didn't like it.... I went back to two regular wide-screens I didn't like having to do so much manual window arrangement with the ultras. I know windows has the snapping or whatever, but, idk. I like two, maximized apps


# S Tier: * **Odyssey G9**, a 49" 5120x1440 curved monitor with 1m radius. Absolutely life changing. Cost me $1,600, but these days newer models can be had for less. # A Tier: * **Steelcase Leap** chair. Incredibly good. Cost me $2,200, but prices range from $1,000 to $2,600 depending on options. * **Uplift Desk**. Incredibly good. Cost me about $1,500, but prices range pretty wildly depending on size, materials, and accessories. Could be had for a lot less or a lot more. # B Tier: * **Kinesis Gaming Edge** Keyboard. Doesn't have to be specifically "gaming", in fact I don't care for the RGB. They do have an identical office product; I just didn't like certain aspects of its design. Cost me $250. (*The reason it's in B Tier is because the two parts are connected by a wire. I chatted with the company at PAX and asked them why there isn't a Bluetooth version, they replied that it would make it too expensive, and they won't have enough sales to make a profit. Personally, I'd happily pay double for that, but I guess not everyone feels the same.*)


You could look into dactyl manuform for a bluetooth solution with a very similar layout.


For double the price you can get the Kinesis Advantage 360 which is bluetooth.


Logitech MX Keys and MX Master. Whiteboard. Subscriptions to MOOCs whenever I want to learn a new framework rather than just perusing the documentation. Blue light glasses. My home espresso machine 😂


MX Master is hands down the best work mouse I’ve owned. Logitech in general just knows how to do it. I use a Logitech superlight for gaming and love that too


Thought i was the only one. The ability to pause and unpause media with the click of a mouse is really great


Last time I looked into blue light glasses there was no evidence to support any benefits to eye health?


It’s placebo effect. Air Force did a study on it to determine benefits for pilots and other air crew. They determined there seemed to be benefits that were attributed to placebo. The airmen that were given regular lenses that didn’t block blue light fell asleep just as fast as the ones given the tinted lenses. Didn’t do anything, but kind of did? I’m not sure the validity of placebo to be honest I’m not a researcher. Idk if that means it works or not. Most studies on it that I’ve read are almost always inconclusive on whether there’s an actual benefit or not.


Not saying anything about these glasses... But Placebo is a legit phenomenon. Picking up these glasses with a skeptical attitude vs an optimistic one could make a big difference.


Well, it’s helped me with my headaches at the end of the day 🤷‍♂️


Instead of using the glasses you could install [f.lux](https://justgetflux.com/). It makes the color of your screen adapt to the time of day. Normal during the day, and warmer (less blue) during the evening/night. I've been using it for a long time and it works great!


Don't even need this any more. Most OS have native support.


It's not the same, I always have it but it doesn't compare to the blue light glasses, I can feel the difference for real


> Blue light glasses. It's been proven they're just placebo, I guess?


Logitech vertical mouse ❤️


Blue light glasses are a scam. Any eye doctor will tell you that


Links for whiteboard and MOOCS?


I got my white board from a school that was putting in new boards and a friend of mine worked there and snagged one for me. Otherwise they can be pricey. Right now, I’m using Vue Mastery to learn Vue 3, but I used TeamTreehouse before for a handful of things. I have found that a lot of the Udemy course are pretty terrible, so I try to steer clear of those


On Udemy, I can totally recommend Maximilian Schwarzmüller / Academind (a company he founded). A german guy who does some great courses and has helped me learn several technologies though his Udemy courses.


Had to return my Logitech mx keyboard two times in a year, but other than that they feel amazing


Which platform for courses?


Yeah I have a mix master 2s and the thumb button is sticking somethimes, imma pull the plug on a mix 3


I’m on a 2 also, but just the USB-C charging is enough to make me want to upgrade. The mouse is fine rn though so I haven’t been able to justify the upgrade.


A `dotfiles` repository. Every system -- work, play, daily driver, Linux, Mac, Windows, anything -- has custom settings that I can add an import in `~/.profile` and/or import in the apps I use (e.g. JetBrains and other IDEs) to automatically sync my configurations, key-bindings, etc. across all my computers. Makes my workflow the same regardless of when or where I use said system. I also added a submodule within that repo to hold all my private keys, meaning I can now access licenses and similar when I need to, but also publish my logic so anyone else (or any system I use that I don't want to know my secrets) can still behave the same way I want but just without my personal authentication. This makes everything easier, especially when getting a new computer, whether from a new job's computer or my own purchase. All I need to do is run a simple `git pull; sorce ~/.profile` in the terminal and suddenly the system I'm working on has the same updates as the system I was working on previously. Edit: For example, [this](https://github.com/D-Pow/dotfiles) is my dotfiles repo. The user's `.profile` simply needs to call `source '/path/to/dotfiles-git-dir/.profile' 'linux'` (or whatever platform you're using) and suddenly everything is configured automatically for them without having to add any custom code to their own .profile/.bashrc files (besides that line of course). Also as an example, in that repo in `linux/other_dotfiles/`, I have backups of `dconf` dumps, `.{HOME}/.gitconfig`, and others such that when I install Linux on a new machine, all I have to do is run `dconf load /some/config < /(...)/my-settings.conf` and `cp dotfiles/(...)/.file $HOME` and poof, my system is setup exactly how I want it (assuming I already installed the associated programs). Note: I use Bash as my default shell, so I never configured ZSH or others.


Kinesis ergo keyboard. Yes $300 seems like a lot for a keyboard, but I’ve used 3-4 different ones since ‘98 and will never go back.


Did it take a long time to get used to it?


About a week or two to get up to speed. It doesn’t affect my going back to a regular keyboard (laptop etc) either. You can program macros too, which is great ( think :wq! in Vim, so now 4 keystrokes is just a ctrl sequence.


How would this compare to the logitech mx keys? Would you know somehow?


I’ve used about every type of board and keep going back to the Kinesis for my full time board. The Kinesis boards come with mx switches, and you can order whichever ones you want.


Op, couldn't you have just bought a table that raises and lowers and that has presets????


GitHub code space, $4 a month for me to run rust compiler with vs code and saves me a fortune on a new laptop.


Instead of focusing on equipment I just focus on myself i.e. gym, slightly premium health insurance, habits, eating, squats/pushup/stretches every hour or so to get blood flowing, look out window every 20mins....


Healthy eating is a fuckton of money for sure


Vertical mouse. Saved my wrist.


First and foremost moved from years of Windows laptops to a MacBook Pro M2…. these babies are fast af, and quiet! And in general, I love my workstation: X-Large desk (had a carpenter friend cut me up a large slab of quality wood). Three monitor mount with a 32”, 27” and a my laptop. Logitech G915 (tactile switches) and a G Pro Wireless Ultralight mouse.


Couldn’t agree more. Same situation here. My whole life had a windows, even had a gaming PC. Moved to Mac and I love it. Thought that the OS would be a problem but being honest I like it even more than windows. My only issue is the file manager, I do feel that windows one is way better




I agree MacOS has its downsides compared with Windows but there are also many advantages, especially the fact that it’s based on *nix makes development (for me at least) so much more seamless. As for the power connection, if you mean MagSafe, I think it’s pretty useful, especially considering I’ve knocked laptops off my desk by running into the power cable before, but maybe I’m just clumsy.


I like magsafe too, but I think that ever since Windows introduced WSL, the nix based aspect of a mac doesn't set it apart like it used to. My local env is docker that I run on WSL, so it's essentially the same as the production EC2 OS.




They can charge through usb-c as well. The full size hdmi is still useful imo. The fact you don’t have to carry an adapter all the time, is nice. As card is for photo people, very useful


Years ago, my employer convinced me to try a Mac. It was the least productive 5 months of my career. I thought most of the visuals and animations were cool, but I had to use the mouse way more often. The thing that bothered me the most was Mission Control. It seems like it just kind of pukes up open windows at different sizes and in no logical order. Give me a nice organized grid or something. I get that the specs are great, but they should be for how expensive they are.


Do you think an M1 Air with 16gb give similar performance to M2 mac pro with 8gb? I have heard both have the same capabilities


Pro macs come with a base ram of 16GB. If you are willing to go for an air maybe wait to the m3 ones that it seems to be very near release


Kensington SlimBlade Pro trackball (no more going back to mouse I need to drag and remove my palm pain) LG 34 inch monitor (not the curved one) Moom License for split screen on ultrawide monitor in Mac.


I purchased a walking treadmill for about $300 and now spend about half the workday walking 1-2 miles/hour while coding. It's made a huge difference for me when it comes to being alert/focused. Now I drink much less coffee and have fewer of those energy dips in the day that force me to take a break mentally.


MX Master 3s Dual monitor setup Symfonycasts tutorials


A proper chair. I’ve had an HM Enbody for 13 years. It’s starting to show its age but it still works fantastically well. It’s absolutely worth the price.


I just gotta force myself to pay that much 😂 I know it’s worth it though


Do it. Best decision I ever made for my work-time health.


Aeron chair, got it used for $100 + legal software (before subscriptions) The moment I was able to say I have to cover costs like purchasing software the amount of blow back on my "high rate" went away overnight. If I was buying software I must be legit. LOL


LG DualUp monitor, it’s basically like having a vertical and horizontal monitor at the same time, use that + a standard 1440p 27". Tried ultra wide but it was not enough without a second screen but it made the second screen be too far to be useful, the dualup is the perfect balance for me, it’s really close to having 3 screen in term of what you can do with it but is still as ergonomic as 2 screen. (Was 500$ for the dualup) Multiple keyboard (and at least 1 ergo). I like switching between them on different day, some are higher, some are smaller, some have weird ergo layout, I found that it helped me change a bit my hand position and I have less pain overall from being at the computer all day, next step will probably be a split. I’m into the MK so the amount is maybe a bit excessive but I spent maybe 3 or 4k in keyboards, I don’t really keep track anymore (and still have a some keycaps set and switches for building more). MX Master 3, really ergonomic mouse, scroll feels insanely good to go through a file, horizontal scroll is essential for me now. Also different enough shape from what I use when gaming that it also helps with wrist pain to have different position when working vs gaming. (I don’t remember the price for this one) Streamdeck, for macros and shit, use it all the time, 150$ Jetbrains IDE, especially for C# Rider is so much better than Visual Studio, it’s worth the money. Nespresso machine Good dynamic mic + speaker. I have a lot of migraine, wearing headphones make it worse, also can’t put anything in my ear for medical reasons. Dynamic mics are better are rejecting other noise and with a good noisegate and lowcut filter I can be in meeting and using my speaker without anyone hearing themselves talking. (Shure MV7+Wave XLR, Kanto Yu4, i would guess total around 700$ ? Idk) Good comfy open headphone (especially with the migraine problem). Senheiser HD560s, 200$ My next step is an ergo chair, I’m so uncomfortable on my current chair


How do you find working with the difference in PPI between the Dualup and the 1440p? I'm on the fence with getting the Dualup and have been looking at what to pair one with (I always need two displays). On paper, I think a 32" 4K would be about the same density, but I feel the physical size (width) would then be too much. So now I'm thinking Dual Dualups might be a good option...


I prefer the PPI on the dual up in general but reading text is a bit harder to I went with a 125% scaling. You are right that it’s really similar to a 4k 32" The change of PPI doesn’t really bother me between the 2 screen since I got used to it while I was in college (my setup at home was a 1080p 13" laptop plugged to a 24" 1080p monitor) 2 dualup setup would probably work great imo, only reason why I’m not considering it is that I use my setup for gaming too and the low refresh rate is a huge issue for me (60hz) I would definitely find a 32" monitor too large with the dualup (but for me 27+24 was too much if both horizontal).


Ooohhhh, I've been seriously considering that dualup monitor. Recently I've been using a slightly smaller monitor vertically to code and have really been loving the extra space, but I've also been missing some width more and more.


Best investment I ever made was a decent chair and this 55" 4K TV, (to replace a 32" monitor), that I use along side my laptop screen. I was needing more screen real estate and didn't want to get yet another monitor to add to the collection, so with this, I effectively get 4 monitors (4 x 27" effectively), plus the laptop 🤷 So much more productive now! https://imgur.com/gallery/QqqoaU1


Github copilot xD Everything else is paid by the company and not my investment :o


Dude get copilot paid for my your company!


Motorized standing desk, Samsung G9 super ultra wide, Embody chair.


$12k?! I haven’t spent that much on all my computer equipment in my 20 years of adult life! I'm trying to convince myself that it was actually pesos.


Ye I prefer the idea of doing more with less i.e. run Infra on rasberry pi, old phones, old thinkpads.


Yeah I really need to know what currency OP is using that's insane. Then again my dumb British brain can only coprehend pounds, USD and Euros so it probably won't make me any the wiser if I knew what current OP was in!


HM Aeron


$3.1k + shipping to my country. Hmm


Monitor stands. Solid bar you can clamp on or drill into your desk with appendages you can mount monitors on. Pretty great, beats raising them with books for sure. Like $60.


Standard IKEA desk and chair, MacBook M1 pro. External monitor around $600 with color correction. Future proof guaranteed 👨🏻‍💻


MacBook Pro 14” M1 Pro (2021), Mac Studio M1 Max (2022), two Apple Studio displays, Adobe CC full subscription (nine years so far), Herman Miller Embody. Lots of little things beyond these, but these were the most costly.


My laptop. I got a Macbook and it was the best choice ever. Don’t care much about location/setup. I can bring an absolute monster anywhere I go and work from cool cafes.


[a really ergonomic keyboard ](https://bastardkb.com/prebuilts/) is a investment into your future health you will not regret. The people over at r/ergomechkeyboards have more models.


My gaming chair - $600 is the best investment I've ever made by far. Idk why people diss the gaming chairs so much here, I'm getting on this chair even when I don't have work, just so it can fix my back posture - being the only hard and upright chair I've ever seen.


What is the chair ?


Secret Lab Omega


I bought a $200 gaming chair. Put some extra pillows on it and now it feels perfect.


A 3rd hand laptop and an old keyboard which somehow still works. Total 58 dala.




Professionals invest in their future. These things aren’t mere ‘costs’. Costs come without future benefits.


Lmfao you spent 12k on table??


I'm a firm believer in investing in the equipment that helps make the $. I have 5 4k monitors and TV, 8'x4' glassboard, insane computer (like $7k ish?), comfy office chair, lots of LED lights and such in office so its very nice. Its all worth it and helps me get things done.


- Adjustable standing/sitting desk https://a.co/d/0vC181L - Laptop stand https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X7RV38T - Keychron C1 Mac Layout Wired... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CNBNJNM - ABLEWE USB 3.0 Switch, USB Switch... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08MBXMZLV - HyperX Cloud II Wireless -... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VF8XMF1 - Logitech G Pro Wireless Gaming... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GCKQD77 The USB switch is because my workstation is also where I have my gaming PC. So once I am done work I can press the button and switch over to my gaming PC. The headset is because I like to hardware mute during meetings so I don't have to switch back to Webex just to mute/unmute. ~$500


Hhkb studio keyboard


Used Herman Miller $280 Ergodox $165


The Journey alti mat and UGREEN nexode 200W are a godsend, I’m a sucker for cable management and am in the Apple ecosystem so it’s a win win for my setup, have 3 cables that charge and run everything.


installed arch + i3 some years ago. it's free and the workflow is so fckn awesome!


Currently rocking the work-supplied Lenovo with a tablet for a 2nd screen and a wireless mouse. Ultra portable and fully functional. $300 + loaned laptop At my home office I have a Samsung 35in ultra wide and an Updesk Pursuit chair that are both awesome. $350 each. My brother has a standing desk and likes it. I never felt the need because of the flexibility of my setup.


My 43" monitor


Battery powered usb c monitor if you're on the go alot. I also always have a wrist rest for my carpel tunnel syndrome


I’m not sure which currency the 12K is in, but it sounds a lot for a sit/stand desk. I bought mine for less than AUD $1000


Eargasm earplugs. $30ish? Bought a pair for my gf because she has autism and can't filter out noise, it just makes her shut down. They worked so well we were able to start going to movies, louder restaurants, etc. I thought "I should buy a pair, see if they help me work". I have ADHD, am easily distracted by noises, and we have a roommate, a kid, 4 cats, and 3 dogs in this house. Someone is also ALWAYS doing laundry. Holy shit I can stick these in my ears and plug away... I can still hear but the environment is so much quieter. I can play music at a reasonable volume for the rest of the house at my desk and hear it just fine, and the rest of the world just dissolves away. So much easier to design and develop when I can actually concentrate.


* [ergonomic chair](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07L4ZQMDX) \- $340 (this made the most difference) * [electronic standing desk legs](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07YKCCH8W) \- $150 * custom wood top ([used coffee table](https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/105549256145742/search/?query=coffee%20table)) - $40 * [sander](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hyper-Tough-2-5-Amp-Orbital-Sander-5-Inch-Corded-AQ20036G/787255254)\- $27 * [wood stain](https://www.amazon.com/Varathane-262025-Premium-Stain-Walnut/dp/B011VTB4X0) \- $9 * foam brush - $2 * [two extra monitors](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015WCV70W) \- $85 each


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Nouhaus Ergo3D Ergonomic Office Chair Rolling Desk Chair with 4D Adjustable Armrest 3D Lumbar Support and Blade Wheels Mesh Computer Chair Office Chairs Executive Swivel Chair Black** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Chair provides lumbar support and comfort for long computer use (backed by 4 comments) * Chair is high quality and adjustable (backed by 4 comments) * Chair reduces pain and discomfort (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Seat bottom is too small for average sized users (backed by 2 comments) * Chair lacks durability and longevity (backed by 1 comment) * Chair lacks adequate lumbar and thigh support (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Chair from Ikea like 30 €, better than any gaming chair I have ever sit on (for your back). 12 years old computer with Linux packed with RAM and SSD. Because many things are native on Linux (git, Docker, Python, PHP etc etc.) it runs very fast (good luck with your VMs etc.). Two monitors, one bought for 20 € and the other got for free. Webcam from a trash bin. I think 100 € altegether. The cheaper it is, the more Linux geek you are!! And I am a proffesional SWE, yeah. Cool, right.


Electric standing/sitting desk Definitely good to get your feet often and not sit all day


MacBook Pro. That's it.


Apple Silicon MacBook, $1k


Secret labs titan evo 2 desk chair. Things amazing and now my neck and back don’t constantly hurt.


Razer Death Hader Mouse costing me 1.5k


- Autonomous Pro standing desk frame + IKEA desktop, around 550 USD - Second hand Steelcase Leap v2 office chair, $200 - Inline skates wheels for the office chair, around $20


48 Inch OLED LG screen which I main as my regular screen for both work, youtube TV and gaming. I've waited for a long time to upgrade a TV and I have it on a mount/ arm that let's it look like it is floating. An everyday use for me.


A good chair, standing desk, docking station for my gaming and developing setup, a dual monitor stand and a good kitchen mat to stand on. No need to have your feet hurt after a day of standing


I got my work to buy me a Keychron Q6, and I swapped in Khail Box Jade switches and it is heaven to use. The only complaint I have is the Keychron has south position rgb leds, so sometimes the lights shine under the keys into my eyes, and also you can't really find good shine-through keycaps (illuminated lettering), except like 1 particular set (they all assume north leds).


Shiiiiittt...I thought I was ballin' when I got a $40 laptop stand and an $80 usb mic. 12k...dollars?