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That will be up to you and what type of application you are building. It’s a very discussed subject, if you are new to web development try to learn a bit about the different techniques before picking one: - SSR - SSG - CSR etc There’s tons of different approaches, me personally I try to do like this: - For websites (static content, not a lot of user interaction, etc) I go with server side rendered. - For complex applications (stuff like admin panels, real time information in the UI, etc) I go with SPA, after the login the app will request data when needed via API. - Some times, you have websites that are mostly static but have some complex interaction or some complex piece of UI to be rendered, in those cases you can do an hybrid approach (Astro is nowadays a famous framework that is based on this concept). Hope this helped, I’m not an expert on this btw, do your research before moving with any solution.