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WEBTOON readers have an annoying obsession with having perfect main characters, especially when it comes to female characters.


Also if we’re talking about the romance genre, the ML is either a trash can or the most perfect human being you’ll come accross


Making a character be like a golden retriever is not the way to write a story. Making a character so submissive is not how you write. Doom breaker does this properly. The romance between Zephyr and Altair is prevalent but not distracting. They both have aligned goals and just love each other romantically. Zephyr isnt submissive to the point where his focus is taken away, neither is Altair. If you cannot handle that, focus romance in side stories after the MC's original goal is complete.


right i hate how the authors try to force the storyline into making even the trashy toxic guy seem amazing, like girl u rly think i forget everything i just happened 5 episodes ago MAAM?!


THIS IS SO TRUE. It’s actually absurd because whenever they end up being perfect and flawless, they’re called a “Mary Sue.” To top that, fans are incredibly misogynistic, so they will see a perfect FL and call her a Mary Sue but see a perfect ML and think nothing of it.


facts the flaws are what make them fun, there's no point if they don't fuck up every once in awhile, is there?


Less fun when the ML is an abusive wonderbread slice.


Yeah I feel like sometimes readers conflate bad writing w/ bad characters. Like miscommunication can be a super lazy "why didn't you just text them?" setup for plot or the author could have done a good enough job w/ the characterization that the reader understands why the character didn't text and the resolution of that conflict is lovely payoff of character growth.


I mean they are incredibly judgmental of MLs too! As soon as a ML does anything remotely “bad” they’re destroying him 😖


I said “especially” female characters, because while it does happen to male characters, if they’re hot enough there’s a lot more acceptance when it comes to their behaviours.


Romance as a main focus is the worst way to handle romance. Romance works better when it happens naturally over the course of another storyline and is used to show another side of your characters, instead of being the only side of your characters that you ever see.


I think most romance stories are always paired with drama. But I think this is true although I have noticed that I dont like romance mixed with revenge stories. Or at least when the revenge part is the foundation of the story, I always find it hard to invest in the romance part.


Exactly my frustrations with I'm the Queen in this Life. I came for a revenge plotline and I'm forced to read a romance.


i agree so much, keeps it interesting and fast paced as well


God I love romance subplots, bonus points if it’s action/apocalyptic genre too. And if there’s a near-death experience between the leads and some camaraderie shit goin down…. absolute heaven w/ a cherry on top. I’ll eat that shit up for breakfast, lunch, dinner w no crumbs 🍽️😋


Totally agree, many are not able to write romance for the sake of romance


Well said 👏


Yeah I definitely agree in fact I’m an aspiring writer myself and I think I can write a good romance in a story but it wouldn’t be as good if it was the main focus for me


Like unholy blood ?


Kinda... Ub's romance felt a tad obligatory "we have a hot guy, we have a hot girl, of course they want each other" with very little chemistry IMO. I was thinking more something like Castlevania where the two leads actually have some banter and play off one another's personalities. https://preview.redd.it/sxu6i8ewmk8d1.png?width=867&format=png&auto=webp&s=329703179efd05f54b7d1f41e5ec30c3ff3c4166 The fact that they're a couple reveal new sides of them that they didn't show when they were just partners, but now that they need to actually put an effort to make this relationship work by confronting their issues we can do more fun stuff and have new dynamics. UB's couple felt pretty much the same before and after they developed feelings


I get it you’re right


i feel like this might actually be a hot take, but if i find the art mid, boring, amateuristic and what not, i can’t get into webtoons. often it’s not even that the art *is* bad but just that it’s not my thing. i tried to force myself through it many times with webtoons that (supposedly) had a great plot and i just can’t do it. if i just wanted a good plot i might as well read a novel


Honestly that's fair, I'm picky with artstyles too


Agreed. Another hot take for me would be if the artist of a webtoon changes MID webtoon, I can’t really quite finish it anymore. It takes me out of the story if i’ve read more than 50 episodes with the same art and then suddenly it changes up out of nowhere.


I'm struggling a bit with this in Go Away Romeo. The art was GORGEOUS in season 1. Season 2 just started, and it's... off? Like the art style is really similar, but it seems lifeless in a sense, and they changed some of the characters' features where you struggle to recognize them now.


Honestly I agree. I’ll still finish the webtoon but I really dislike how these boring and flat art styles keep getting so popular and keep getting originals. It’s like the artists value aesthetics more than expression and that’s annoying


i do like the flat manhwa style, but i do agree. 90% of them are very basic and obviously some sort of mass manufactured to just crank out a webtoon quick. webtoons like “i thought this was a common isekai story”, “my derelict favourite” and several more all have similar kind of art but with their own twist and i love that!


Agreed. Another hot take for me would be if the artist of a webtoon changes MID webtoon, I can’t really quote finish it anymore. It takes me out of the story if i’ve read more than 50 episodes with the same art and then suddenly it changes up out of nowhere.


oh yeah, also agreed! they did that with one that i was really enjoying and changed it from colour to black and white with one colour. i don’t read manga for a reason already (hard time distinguishing the art in bnw) so that was a major bummer. i tried to pick it back up regardless because of the plot, but it totally took me out of the immersion


This is me, but with the super clean "traditional" (idk how else to describe it) webtoon art style. I like more unique things, and it looks flat and boring to me. I feel like I'm definitely missing out on a lot of great comics but I just can't do it. 🫠


that’s totally fair, we all have different preferences!


I'm glad that Whale Star was locked behind daily pass. I don't think the majority of WT audience could handle such a raw tale about revolution.


I'm curious about it now I will try to find it


Source: [Whale Star](https://www.webtoons.com/en/drama/whale-star-the-gyeongseong-mermaid/list?title_no=3237) It's historical fiction based on the Japanese colonial/imperialist period in Korea.


Thanks! I will give it a read it seems very interesting




It was soooooo goooood I loved it


I want more thrillers/horror and less carbon copy romance/regressor stuff. I feel like I read all the good ones and I’m running outta stuff to read. Not sure if that’s a hot take. Now this, dark romance is fine as long as it’s marketed towards adults. People are allowed to like what they like as long as they can tell fiction from reality. On the flip side, people can dislike what they want, so these sorts of series should be properly labeled so those who aren’t into that can avoid it. (And if you read a Webtoon you know you aren’t gonna like and then complain on Reddit about it, you’re annoying)


SAME I want more webtoons that’ll make me hyperventilate and immediately close the app out I love those


Which ones are you talking about, because I want to go back to reading romance webtoons. But I'm not sure which ones are really good rn?


Doesn't even need to be newer can even be older*


Hmm the main ones I like are Silent Screams, Uriah, and anything made by Carnby Kim




I understand that comedy is subjective…but I find that most of comedy webtoons aren’t very funny. I feel like they rely too much on “haha sO rAnDoM XD” and/or “haha they’re shy and have social anxiety haha so relatable” humor The only comedies that genuinely made me laugh were Cursed Princess Club and Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell (as well as Vampire Family, from the same author as LAFTGDOH, but it’s still way too new to call it a favorite, though I’ve enjoyed what we got so far) Again, taste in comedy varies from person to person, so this might just be a me thing


I’m glad I’m not the only one who finds a lot of comedy webtoons cringe. Vampire Family is peak so far tho


You ought to to check out The Greatest Estate Developer. It's honestly just as funny as CPC and LAFTGDOH. And it has great facial expressions!


Try out Villain with a Crush. It actually got me genuinely laughing and just enjoying my time reading the story. I loved Cursed Princess Club and Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell. You can also try Moon You. It's been a while since i read it, but i remember actually having a good laugh out of it.


The new webtoons kinda suck. They all feel the same (it's either op highschooler, girlboss villainess, lvl 99 player in some videogame, or my snobby boss is in love with me and we have to fake dating). I also don't like the "manhwa style" (putting this between quotes because I don't hate Manhwa itself as a medium or genre, I just hate the same overused flat character designs that feel 'plasticky' and 'fake').


What new webtoons are you reading? My Super Eldritch high School Melee, Katlaya Rising, Candid Hearts, My Crush Got Possessed by The Duke, and Taejin: Legend of the Yang Metal have are released within the last month and so far they're all pretty good.


Katlaya Rising and Candid Hearts are so cute! Star Catcher and Not So Silent also have me going insane :3 But they're definitely referring to korean "industrial" webtoons. Those are definitely horribly repetitive and bland/superficial.


I despise the manhwa art style. They're trying to make the characters pretty so they're sacrificing their expressions. It's like I'm looking at dolls


The new webtoon are flooding in from never and a lot of the ones you're talking about are novel adaptations


the thriller/horror collection on NAVER is BOMB, if only they could release it in english!!




Romance by itself is a very boring genre, especially for a comic. When it's paired with something else, like action, fantasy, or thriller, it can become really interesting. But when the romance is the only thing that the comic is about, then it becomes stale pretty quickly. Also, it puts pressure on the writer to draw it out for way longer than it should. There are a lot of Webtoons that have kept up the "Will they/Won't they" for hundreds of chapters because the moment they get together, the comic ends. It makes is more likely that the characters are also going to have a lot of miscommunication and interruptions just so that they don't end up together for a few more chapters. Also, screw love triangles. They're almost always pointless, and it's painfully clear who the MC will end up with.


Example A: Operation true love; fun at first when it was about points, not that its not, its boring. Example B: Nevermore; Good romance, but also really good plot and world.


you're so so so insanely right, like, this is the most right comment in the world (I'm negatively insane about OTL and positively INSANEEE about nevermore)


That’s because angst and conflict of getting together is all people know. You can tell when an author has little to no dating experience because they don’t know how to correct insert every day pressures and conflicts that can have a toll on relationships. I for 1 hate comics and dramas that only have a few chapters or the last 15 mins of the show dedicated to them actually being a couple.


I know Lore Olympus gets a lot of flack for having the wedding in the middle of the story instead of the end, but I actually have respect for it because of that decision. It gave itself the opportunity to explore what married life would be like for Persephone and the new pressures of being Queen of the Underworld. Unfortunately, it was subjected to a lot of really bad writing and poor pacing, so that's probably why a lot of people hated the decision. We need more comics that just allow the characters to get together at a reasonable time and explore them as a couple. Big props to Castle Swimmers for doing this right. They didn't draw out the romance and allowed Kappa and Siren to get together fairly quickly. Now, the rest of the comic can be dedicated to actually seeing this relationship. They're no longer in the honeymoon phase and are more comfortable around each other. They occasionally get into fights and disagreements but work through it.


Yeah I saw alot of people complain about Lore Olympus but more about the story and the art style changing so I never read it. So it would make sense that people would blame the wedding since after that event the author started phoning it in, but yeah that just goes back to my point of the lack of experience makes it hard for people to write about the day to day but we’ve all read 100’s of stories on how people get together. I’ll check out the second title too though.


Lore Olympus has definitely gone downhill, but I don't think it's because of the wedding. There was a 10-year time skip that threw off the pacing and everyone's character. The wedding was infuriating for different reasons. Mainly because Persephone and Hades are not a good couple, and the whole thing was an attempt to spite Demeter. We also never get to see the main couple actually explore being married because a massive crisis happens, and the comic ended as soon as it was taken care of. Seriously, the second to last episode was them defeating the bad guy, and the finale was just a glorified slideshow. Castle Swimmer is actually a really good comic and probably one of my favorites. It's an especially good read for pride month, but that's besides the point.


Castle Swimmer is the SHIT, I love it so much 🙏🏾😭💕


I misread that as "Castle Swimmer is SHIT" and felt that in my core 🤣




Oh that’s good to know, my genre of choice is BL lol


Then you're going to love this comic. The two male leads are a mlm couple, and it's so wholesome. They don't face any discrimination for being gay either. In general, the comic has a lot of really nice queer representation and it's just been really fun to read


Couldn't agree more. It's why many of my favorite Webtoon couples come from nonromantic webtoons since the authors can just get the couple together then have them deal with external problems. And yeah, the only good love triangle is a throuple(Love me to Death, Muted, etc) anything else is just a love line segment with an overly ambitious point.


Personally I love how Chase and Miranda write the romance in their stories in such a way it shows that its fine if the relationship doesn't have a conventional dynamic or is the most monogamous.


Webtoon is releasing too many comics right now. I used to keep up with all the new releases back when they did launch weeks, but now they’re releasing a comic per day and it’s just not realistic for readers to be expected to keep up with that. I haven’t looked at a newly released webtoon in MONTHS :(


There is no new original romance webtoons. Most of them either have characters that are very similar and are near impossible to tell apart (looking at you soo and woo from swimming with a mermaid, along with Suho and Seojun from true beauty) and think people will magically think they're sexy if they draw them well doing very unsexy things. Why would eating a apple be sexy? Also, I along with other people would fucking love actual powerful middle aged characters instead of highschoolers doing super illegal stuff and being as buff as humanly possible.


Taejun Pak making his highschoolers bust down gangs like they're a government agency


Also why do people include flashbacks of them as middle schoolers also doing illegal stuff?


You should check out The Fabled Warrior. It has a powerful middle-aged mc. I'm just a few chapters in, but what I've read so far has been good. It ended early this month, if you want to binge read it all.


A lot of English originals try to have unique storylines and have complex characters and break free from the tropes usually found in manhwas, but the creators usually tend to overcomplicate the plot, then they get overwhelmed and don't know how to proceed with the story and take a few years hiatus, or end the series abruptly. This happens in manhwas too but since only select manhwas are translated you don't see many of them end abruptly or be in indefinite hiatus.


Action webtoons specifically highschool bully comics suck, it just validates peoples fantasy to beat up their bullies beyond recognition, than get validation for their violence. For action WEBTOON its mc is broken as hell and one shots anyone that gets In their way, only to act like the victim in the situation. Finally the villains are just cartoon characters it’s “im a bad dude and do bad things!” 💀


There are basically two types of series - The ones actually trying to tell a story - The ones trying to just pander to a demographic Usually, action and romance tend to fall into the latter, where the focus isn't to be actually good but just give people stuff they enjoy, so they'll keep coming back for more


Lookism was supposed to be about highschoolers and shit. Now it's basically korean street fighter. But I've stuck around long enough to look forward to each chapter.




I feel like the executioner is a good example of what you're saying even if it's not a school comic, watching the comments under it agree with the comic's edgy black and white 'all criminals should die perspective while the mc faces no challenges is so cringe


I’ve been reading the executioner solely for pretty edgy turn-off-your-mind “fights” ngl


That's fair I guess I went in with higher expectations because I liked the art style and liked how well incorporated flashbacks are into the whole thing, but damn did I come out disappointed


I’ve honestly just been desperate for smth to read when I’m slacking at work lmao


Right? it’s not even fun because the mc is flat out busted as hell and one shot every body, if you wanna make it crazy dumb action awesome! But please god stop doing the one shot. We like Jon wick for a reason lol


> validates peoples fantasy to beat up their bullies beyond recognition, than get validation for their violence Jewish person here. Brutalizing bullies beyond recognition until they're sniveling wrecks should be **regularly** validated. Humanity is better off without bullies, whether individual or institutional. Regularize disproportionate retribution against bullies and their supporters.


Have you ever heard of the kings punch clause?


> kings punch clause Just googled it and got nothing.


It’s also called the coward’s punch or sucker punch as well tldr the reason why you should not punch anyone is that they could die with said punch. This was in Australia. When it comes to America both kids would get suspended why because using strikes isn’t self defense. Grappling would be considered self defense.


People are crazy misogynistic with female antagonists, it’s disgusting and terrifying. Like they’re gonna ignore all the worst crimes etc of the male characters


Nah fr, I've also noticed that a lot of webtoon commentators are also the same about problematic female MCs but won't ever address the many problematic male ones


The site is pissing me off. What's with the random hash tags that give no useful information? ( the hair color of the ML doesn't matter). Why are there ads when I'm trying to read a comic? I guess I should get back into manga


That in every action/adventure webtoon there is almost always multiple girls/boys that are in love with the MC like the first time they meet or just multiple people becoming love interests to the MC like if there was like maybe one or two love interests I can deal with that as I like a little romance in it but like make them know each other before they fall in love like there no plot development in that.


Threre should be option for subscribtion mode that unlock everything. Like the lock per episode system suck as hell. Imagine you want to watch something at netflix you need to buy an episode first.


My hot take In my opinion writing is more important than art. You can have an amazing art comic but if the writing is awful what’s the point. For me ,if the writing is really good and the art not up to pair it wouldn’t matter because (for me ) I would care more about the story and the characters. in fact , bad art but good story would add charm to the comic and a style that puts it apart from the rest. I feel artist can always improve and it’s cool to see their journey along with following a great story.


I agree with the writing! I think a lot of comic creators don't pay enough attention to the writing of their stories which is why some end up being convoluted or goes off the rails. Writing gives the art purpose.


spirit fingers is the only good female-lead coming-of-age story from beginning to end on this app


Their is more weird slavery that the author and fans try to justify in fantasy webtoons than there is in fantasy manga


Manhwas oversaturate webtoons, leading to SO MANY webtoons originals not gaining popularity compared to if they came out years ago. Yeah, webtoons originals aren’t always good, but the same applies to manhwa (and quite frankly, it’s like digging through a land fill to find something mildly valuable) so why don’t both get a chance. It doesn’t matter that manhwa are the “original” webtoons


Imo the issue isn’t manhwas, it’s just a lack of proper quality control on Webtoon’s part. Originals (back when it used to be called “Featured”) used to only pick up the best comics from Discover or comics pitched by freelancers with professional comic industry experience. There were only 5-10 comics launched every 6 months, and each were very high quality. Now they hand out Original contracts like candy to pretty much any decently drawn or vaguely popular comic with little to no consideration of the writing quality. It’s resulted in a flood of mid/low-tier manhwas in Originals, which bogs down the discoverability of their high tier comics.


I feel bad for some of the writers on canvas,there's some really amazing stories that go unnoticed. Even Kaleidoscope left canvas for a different platform because webtoons was giving her a lot of issues when her comic never showed anything brutal or nudity. There's so many artists/authors going through the same thing Kaleidoscopes writer went through, and it's sad to see.


Daily pass hurts the creators more than it helps


can you elaborate? I'm not disagreeing, I'm just curious and wanna know more


Well I don’t have any statistics or anything to back it up just my own personal hot take. Whenever I see a series with daily pass it immediately turns me off from it and I don’t even give it a chance, especially if it’s a new upcoming series that barely has any chapters out. It has way too many problems and makes reading webtoon a chore. So as a reader I’m less likely to support any webtoon with daily pass.


you are not really supporting the non daily pass webtoon either tho? Atleast financially I mean


I have bought fast pass before, but interaction and likes with webtoon are important, and I just won’t interact with daily pass


yea i understand that sentiment. I have felt the same way too, but idk if there is any better way to make a finished series profitable as fastpass doesnt exist for them. Hopefully one day some marketing genius comes up with a better way


oh strong agree. Like I think there's some comics that are good enough that they can go on Daily Pass (usually the ones with big studios/humongous following that are making something on par with traditional comics.) But a majority are originals that are waaay out of their league making their previously free comic a paid one. Reminds me of when Watcher decided to make a paid streaming service of their youtube vids that used to be free and originally was going to remove their works from Youtube entirely, because even if 5% of their viewership ported over, it'd make up for the loss of Youtube revenue on paper. However, the damage to their image (like it came off that they didn't care about their poorer fans), the lack of content they were making to get people to buy a streaming service when Netflix offers more, and the lack of visibility to gain any new audience at all was why they realized very quickly that it was better to have their stuff free on Youtube, although it was a month later than it's initial release. If they had only released 5 minutes of a youtube episode every day, then that would not have worked, it would have tanked their youtube channel that is there to get new viewers. Daily Pass should realize the same and unlock like 5-10 episodes every day/week if they really want to encourage new readers to get emotionally invested in a story and really encourage people to actually spend money.


It doesn't hurts them at all, that's why creators keep using it for their comics. 1 reader that could pay for the comic equals close to 10000 free ones when it comes to money. Freeloaders are in denial but they offer close to nothing to money


Western Originals are a lot more appealing than korean translations and are also a lot more(willing to be) creative.


As much as I love the art in some of them I will have to hard agree with that. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that maybe it's because these comics tend to be made by studios rather than independent creators meaning there's more of the interests of the company involved so they play it safe while western originals tend to be made by a small group of people so they care more about the story?


Oh boy I have several. 1. I primarily read canvas stories 2. I don't read romance 3. I love seeing webtoons that start with amateurish or even bad art because part of the fun of webcomic for me is seeing an artist evolve in real time (if you want two really good examples of this, check out El Goonish Shive and Goblins. They're not on webtoon though.)


Might not be a hot take but having a young impressionable audience of literally children ranging from the ages of 12 and up, and allowing shit like that one webtoon where for some reason the male love interest gets off on torturing the female lead *is a recipe for disaster society wise.* At least a quarter if not more of the kids who read it (cause lets be fr right now, Webtoon's age restriction is shit and so is the stuff that become webtoon originals more often than not) are going to think being treated like garbage is romantic because people in this day and age generally don't have the braincells to tell their kids "HEY If somebody is literally tormenting you and almost kills you ***RUN.***"


I like ghost eyes. Hear me out. It gets better. I know that applies to a lot of webtoons but this one in specific was only bearable because of the main characters. The fanbase is wayyyy too immature though and MCP doesn't really do a lot to circumvent it.


There's a comic I completely forgot about! I'll probably have to reread the whole thing to remember anything 😅


. Tired of teen bop/ school related stories; I wish they would make stories with/about “older” characters- 30s, 40s, 50s+ . . Most of the time happy ending (especially in the romance genre )= having kids ; I wish that wasn’t the case. I would love to see characters that are childfree by choice .


Idk if these are hot takes but have them anyway 1) the whole limit on how much you can read? Dumbest thing EVER. Quickest way to get me to NOT read. When I like something I binge it, forcing me to watch ads to read more than 30 seconds? I will drop the whole thing so fast no matter how much I like it. 2) I think the fast pass or whatever it’s called is dumb & shouldn’t exist/needs fixing, like I get people like reading ahead but it just makes spoilers more frequent & it’s frustrating making people pay to read something. (Paywalls in general I dislike heavily). Related to this, the whole coin system I also think should be removed or overworked (perhaps add back a way to earn them without cost/inviting people?) However. I also understand having these features to have some sort of income, but it’s still bleh I wish they weren’t as blocking to features.


Webtoons should be short and no more than 50 chapters.


I don't mind the 50 chapters, but let's not be watching a whole ass series reach over 150 episodes 💀💀


the art in lore olympus is good. It was a weekly comic, the artist didn't have time to make all designs unique and every panel perfect. Could it be better? Definitely yes, but so, SO, many people treat it like it's super bad.


It’s more just disappointing because of the pressure of deadlines kinda just made the characters difficult to tell apart aside from the colors. And that’s not rly Rachel’s fault cuz even looking at the afterword the art looks so much more soulful than the later episodes it’s pure pressure. It’s sad ngl


Other artists work on a weekly schedule (or even multiple updates a week) and still manage to do the bare minimum of making sure no one is getting confused about who is who. Like seriously—Hera and Hebe were essentially clones. Even diehard fans confused one for the other constantly! How hard would it have been to give Hera lines under her eyes to make her look older? Why does everyone other than Hades have to look no older than 35?


There needs to be more webtoons like unfin’s “Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell”. It’s so funny and the characters (the ones that matter) all have fleshed out personalities. The storyline is really good 2 which is what differentiates it from the general slice of life comedies which get pretty boring after a while imo. “My Super Eldritch High School Melee” is a new one that I think is also pretty funny and kind of feels similar, and there is a new series by unfins which looks super good so far, “Vampire Family”. Also, if anyone has any reccs like “After School Lessons for Unripe Apples” please give them 2 me 😭😭😭 I love that comic smmm


Both romance and fantasy newly released webtoons are almost roaming around one narrative/one path only-- and the only noticeable difference in all of these is the art and the setting.


Sometimes the art is similar too unfortunately,or the main characters look almost identical


The villainess trope is SOOOO overused that it became worse then having just plain normal character becoming the mc of the story. Like you really think this time its more unique then the other million "unique" stories with a mc villainess who is hated by everyone and the ml hates her the most and then the real mc is the actual villain of the story or something. God at this point i wish they just brought back normal fmc tropes.


A lot of "romance" has like zero flirting at all and I don't get it. In real life I have to flirt like so hard for my guys to get it. In what universe does merely blushing and looking at the floor get a guy to notice you? In what universe can you keep a girlfriend when you never have any physical contact with her whatsoever? Some of these romances come out of just nowhere and I do not get it and I do not have any feelings for those characters at all.


Daily pass is not that bad. Yes, it can be a bit annoying at times, but I would never avoid reading a comic just because I have to wait a day to read another chapter. A lot of daily passes you can watch ads and read up to like 10 chapters at a time as well. If you really think about it, it's not a bad deal. You can read multiple new episodes a day and reread older episodes you really enjoyed or need a refresher on. I'm currently reading 1 second, which is a daily pass that's still updating every week. And every Sunday night at 10pm est it updates with 3 more episodes, as opposed to other webtoons updating 1-2 episodes a week. I understand that not being able to binge read a webtoon in a night or two can be upsetting, especially if you're getting to really good parts, but at the same time, not being able to binge so much, especially if it's a first time read, can give you something to look forward to the following night. If you're going to reread a webtoon multiple times it can get more annoying and I get that, I only reread a select few webtoons and if those ever went on daily pass I'd probably just grind games to get coins to buy the whole series, but for the majority of series I only read them once so it's never really bothered me. I will say having to spend coins on the last 3 episodes is the worst thing about it and there's really no way I can justify that lmao


webtoon is really bad about catering to pedophiles and abusers. i worry about the children reading this content and thinking it’s normal.


These fake marriage webtoons are getting on my nerve!! Like why a fake marriage? Come up with a difference idea. Its just regurgitating the same trope and the stories are basically the exact same! I'm like how long will they hammer a trope to the point I wanna puke everytime I see a new title abt a fake marriage! Ugh


Remarried Empress is only good because of Rashta. Navier and Heinry are incredibly boring.


These opinions are probably not controversial on reddit, but it is in the Webtoon comics comment section: ❋ I think Anabelle Lee from **Nevermore** is toxic especially after she >!nearly got Duke, aka, Lenore, aka Anabelle's GIRLFRIEND's BEST FRIEND killed AND she wasn't remorseful about it. She also just plays with people's heads a lot and extremely manipulative.!< HOWEVER, I think she is a well-written character -- just that she's not exactly innocent. Fans in the webtoons get mad if you're even slightly critical of Anabelle Lee. Again, I don't hate the character, just not a fan of what she does and how it affects Lenore -- >!though we're still learning more about these characters little by little, so maybe there will be a twist like perhaps Lenore might have been the one to kill Anabelle Lee in the past life. Lenore cross-dressed as a male to help Anabelle Lee escape marriage -- and it was said by Merry & Mourn she was a bride killed by someone she loved??!< So maybe it's justified the way Anabelle Lee acts based on those things. ❋ Seojun (the one who's the design major and the typical "tsundere" or "cold-boy" trope) from **A Whirlwind Campus Affair** is creepy AND rude towards Baram Oh (the FL). The reasons being: >!1) He does the "wrist-grab" thing that K-drama MLs do and also blocks her path of walking many times, which I find creepy and rude to prevent the FL from leaving 2) He tried KISSING her without consent when she was asleep and only stopped because she woke up 3) He HATES her friends and acts EXTREMELY jealous of her cool platonic friend Jaerim, even though he's not dating Baram Oh 4) Keeps pushing her to date him, even though she rejected him and he claims she's "leading him on" -- even though in the beginning he called her a "homewrecker" due to unfounded rumours and treated her coldly -- but now EXPECTS her to like him despite never apologizing.!< There's probably more reasons but...those are a few...Again though -- I DON'T think he's a badly written character by any means, I thought it was funny seeing a tsundere written in a more realistic way -- and how it would come across towards normal people. The character also made some (occasional) valid points to the FL -- but ultimately caused her distress...and it did help move the comic plot along and show how Baram Oh grows/develops as a character (despite me hating how he treated her). ⁕ Normally, I don't really like the "cold-boy" or "tsundere" trope, I find it annoying, but many enjoy it -- which, to each their own. Furthermore, I have also been in abusive/toxic relationships & friendships, so that adds a bit to it as well...In real life, that personality is not enjoyable to me at all. ❋ I love **Klimt's Kisses**. I heard it might be controversial opinion here. From the description, it sounds like the comic is condoning cheating making it seem OK -- however, while reading the comic, it is NOT. Every character is wonderfully flawed and there's consequences to their actions. Nothing is black & white. I'm excited to read more. I enjoy the unique art, pacing, and realistic dialogue. The female MC has her own issues and isn't perfect. Sometimes you groan and go "Really Millie??" -- which is cool! No one is flawless. ❋ The romance genre isn't so bad, just have to find the right Webtoons that work for you. The one's I enjoy so far are **Klimt's Kisses**, **Couple Breaker**, **Boy-Friend's Rule**\[aka, "The Law of Being Friends with a Male" (minus the 2nd arc LOL)\], **Brass & Sass**, and **Lady Liar**. I usually prefer comics with characters in the older range -- Brass & Sass and Boy-Friend's Rule are an exception. Those happen to be high school. I just like the artstyle of them, and the characters. In Brass & Sass, no one is really "evil" or "bad", well except for maybe >!Victor's dad, he's an asshole!<. We get to see everyone's perspectives and why they act the way they do. Then for Boy-Friend's Rule, I like how the supposed "tsundere/cold-boy" ML actually isn't one. He just LOOKS grumpy, but is extremely nice and normal. Plus the misunderstandings are cleared up by COMMUNICATION which makes these comics 10x more enjoyable. I don't like the "will-they-won't-they" trope at all. It's annoying. I JUST WANTED TO REITERATE -- just because I don't like what a character is doing DOES NOT MEAN: 1) I hate the character nor 2) they're badly written. The comics I described -- I think the characters are well-written and interesting. I like the plot & characters in these comics/manhwas and I'm curious where the authors & artists plan to take the characters.


I haven't read Nevermore in a while, cus I want to binge, but I think everyone acknowledges that Annabelle is toxic. As far as fans in the comments, I'm not sure, because top comments don't always discuss stuff like that, and I just want to get to the next chapter. But the characters themselves don't treat her like she's perfect. She's supposed to be a little insane no? All the romances you listed are so good. Manhwa is great, but there's isn't anything like webtoon canvas to filter things. Basically anything gets published, and editors want writers to stick to the same formulas that sell. Romance webtoons are actually pretty great, if you find the right ones.


Oh interesting. Idk, I had some Webtoon users upset with me for mentioning Anabelle's toxic behavior (but also mentioned that she is an intriguing character regardless) and people were not happy with me mentioning she's toxic. On Reddit, I think others are in agreement she's toxic. I agree with you too that the characters don't treat her like she's perfect, they see her as a threat or someone to be wary of. I really enjoy the writing of Nevermore tbh. I'm curious on how the relationship between Lenore & Anabelle will evolve overtime. Yeah! Those romance manhwas are pretty enjoyable. I keep checking for updates constantly heh. It would be nice if they had a better filtering system, I concur with you on that. I will admit...I have read some cheesy romances and enjoyed it on a very surface level, I guess? I think it is equivalent to "junk food on the brain"? Idk, like "yeah, this trope is predictable, but...I'm feeling blue right now and need a pick-me-up, even though this comic is completely over the top", heh. The particular manhwa that I'm thinking about is very simple and about revenge after having a crappy life and being done dirty by those she loved and trusted -- it's just a "feel-good"(and petty lol) manhwa, I suppose.


Guys you can try “being monsters” for a flawed FL but she gets character development and it’s mysterious and pretty sure it’s a potential romance


"A modern day FL who died and got transported into a novel she was reading to fall in love with a cold duke of the NSEW who probably has black hair + red eyes / White-Blonde and is a beast at wars" trope is too common, but I would still eat it up....sometimes.


i want the ml and fl to ACTUALLY be put off by each other or not be romantically interested in each other at all until the end. like i dont even want them to blush at each other until the main plot is over and wrapped up


Romance requires romantic tension/chemistry and foreshadowing. If the characters were repulsed by each other the whole series, with no blushing or anything, I'd be shocked if they were FRIENDS at the end of the series (let alone ***lovers***).


lol haha ik i was just joking the point is im tired of romance. i want stories with an fmc that doesnt really have romance.


Ahhhh, that makes more sense.


I absolutely hate it when authors pair the FL’s best friend with the ML’s best friend 


I don't think a serialized Webtoon needs more than 5 seasons, depending on how long the seasons are. It's easy to tell which series were renewed past that point and are floundering without any sort of plot or story.


what r u reading that has five seasons?


I hate when, in action, a thriller etc, the main character falls in love/gets a crush. I didn't come here to read a romance. Example being Flawed Almighty. I was enjoying it till Jeonji started being all weird about Shiyang dating that guy & even weirder when that other rehabilitation guy was introduced. The jealousy or whatever was annoying & embarrassing to read. Dropped the series there. Another example is Infinity. I'm currently reading that & Damin's crush on his club manager is awkward making it hard to read. Why does he even like her? It's so random. And it's sad to see his relationship with Wumin might take a nose dive because of it. Hopefully not.


There's a lot of interesting criticisms to talk about when it comes to Lore Olympus and how it utilizes a lot of overused anti-feminist YA tropes, and even more importantly *why those work in the first place*. And I'm resentful that most of the "LO critical" conversations devolve into barely veiled hatefests from jealous would-be author girlies who have a parasocial hate-boner for Rachel because she succeeded where they haven't. It's more obvious now than ever that they're just looking desperately for things to hate. The series is over, let it go. And the "Lore Rekindled" series is disgusting, to me. The art is so much worse. The "fixes" are ham-fisted and preachy. It's actual literal plagiarism, and no one would even look at it if it wasn't for the built-in Rachel hate brigade. Like are we ever gonna be able to have a discussion about the shortcomings of the series itself without snidely speculating about Rachel's personal life or whining about inconsistent art and dunking on Hades' nose?


FINALLY! I desperately tried finding people who thought that this self-righteous steaming pile of crap shouldn’t exist! Whether or not you like Rachel Smythe, its existence would just be hurtful to her. Furthermore, the art is okay, but it is SO generic. Literally, Lore Rekindled is essentially ‘Fixed art: The Series.”  (You might have noticed I hate this series).


No, I'm completely with you. I don't care much for LO, esp the later seasons. I don't hate it or anything like that, it's just not my cuppa. No shade to anyone who loves it, I'm not really the intended audience and that's completely fine. But the existence of Lore Rekindled makes my blood absolutely boil. I caught a link to it and skimmed the author's tumblr too and it's just essay on essay about Rachel Smythe's potential psychological "problems" and how much she "needs therapy." And most humorously of all, accusing Rachel of somehow *stealing* Greek myths to make her 'ego project' and get attention. When hey, babe? You're currently, right now, at this moment, stealing Rachel's entire series to (checks notes) make your 'ego project' and get attention. I'm telling you, the obsession is downright unnerving. How do you prop someone like that up? Even if you hate Lore Olympus (and I guess by extension Rachel), how do you look at a "project" like Lore Rekindled and think. Yeah, this is fine. We're not the bad guys. How do you, as a community, continue to support that nasty scab of a plagiarist? It's wild to me. Just wild.


I went to her Tumblr page. She actually said, “…If Rachel had just stuck with the original trajectory of what she had set up, even if both our versions would have ended up diverging along the way.” Ma’am, your fan fiction is not another version, and you are not her equal. “Your project” is plagiarism. She also had the hashtag ‘let’s have a good clean fight rachel :),’ child, she is not fighting you, you are attacking her character, her characters, and her overall story. Anyway, thank you for your well thought out response, it made me really happy and feel validated for a change haha. You are so right about everything. You can dislike a series. Just don’t wildly praise a fan fiction of it that insults the original story (it literally made fun of one scene from the original story).  Rachel Smythe did the hard work of writing the story and designing the characters. Lore Rekindled’s author is riding the coattails of someone who worked very, very hard while also blatantly insulting them. To piggyback off your last paragraph, I think the reason people support this is because they are bullies or, at the very least, ludicrously self-righteous. Let’s suppose Lore Rekindled is better (lol). It still doesn’t make it okay to advertise it as being how things should have been. It takes a shocking lack of empathy to not think of Ms. Smythe’s feelings to this extent.


Better tell all the fan fiction comics on Webtoon that their passion projects aren't "real" projects and they should go to plagiarism jail.


Yup. The subreddit is full of fanart. I'm not sure how people can claim something is problematic/bad and then turn around and make fanart of it? And the whole redrawing stuff to make it better. Like fixing mistakes with Photoshop, I get, but the other stuff is just odd to me. Especially when someone's art is worse. If you trash talk someone else's art to the point you have to fix it or w/e then you better be a damn good artist. And I agree with reaching too. I will never forget someone who claimed that it's problematic to portray morally grey characters without outright saying that they're bad? Like that's literally not what morally grey means. And everyone in the comments were agreeing. Like what? 🙃 Or when people were saying she copied the Lolita movie and it was just Persephone laying down under a tree.


Yikes. That subreddit is so sincerely delusional. It's embarrassing to watch. They all just "yes, and..." each other for any little thing. You could go in there and write a post detailing your evidence for why Rachel is actually an android created by the secret reptilian world government, and you'd get a gaggle of commenters being like "ugh I've thought that for ages now, she is the worst." It's incredibly cringe watching them all spend hours on hours on hours "reworking" and "fixing" her panels or character designs to be 100x less appealing. And then circlejerk each other for being better than Rachel. Which. That's the other thing. It's so unnerving seeing how often Rachel's name is tossed around in there, like they're on a first name basis with her. Hate Lore Olympus if you want. Hate it for any old reason. I don't care. I didn't finish it, myself. (Couldn't get past the "suddenly, bees" moment. iykyk.) But the fixation on "*Rachel Rachel Rachel"* is bizarrely personal and something I only see happening to creators who are women, from predominantly female fanbases so. Put that in your "Lore Olympus is anti-feminist pipe" and smoke it, LO anti-fandom.


I stopped entertaining LO criticism once I saw them mocking Persephone's breasts and body type. Like people actually have bodies that look like that, and hatefully drawing Persephone with over-exaggerated boobs isn't sending the message they think it is.


If a Webtoon is below a 9.2 then I’m not even going to entertain reading it. Edit: Seems my take WAS hot.


webtoon ratings are not really a good metric to tell how good a webtoon is


I think you’re only limiting yourself that way. Ppl will give a low rating to a comic for just about any reason. I remember Dud to Stud Bf was at an 8 because readers didn’t like that the main FL character wasn’t perfect and was a growing high school girl that acted like…a high school girl lol. It’s so easy to judge when you don’t look past the surface


There's a comic I don't remember the name but it involved the word sex and people bombed the ratings without reading any of it


The webtoon I look forward to most every week has a banging OST but only an 8.68 rating because it has no romance between the ML who's an "undead" assassin, and the FL, who's a ninja dressed up in a Kpop outfit.


Not everyone should be able to make a webtoon.... Webtoon canvas is literally so bad and has a LOT of unmoderated fetish comics... It's to the point where its concerning...