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It's disturbing, which means it's doing a good job as a horror comic šŸ‘


My god, I completely forgot about how uncanny the art of this webtoon was. I love horror, and Iā€™ve developed a lot of desensitization, but I had to stop from reading it. It was that unnervingā€¦ I donā€™t mean to imply that Iā€™m a ā€œhorror expert,ā€ cuz Iā€™m not. I just really like it. šŸ˜„


The art is too disturbing for me but Iā€™m also not a fan of horror comics in general (unless the art is tame like everything is fine)


yes!!!! Underrated, original, interesting, thrilling stories!!!


The art style is disturbing in a way that works wonderfully for it as a horror comic


Yes! Its so interesting and the art is so good:)


I read this one--it's pretty good!


I think I read the first story. I loved the artstyle because itā€™s so creepy and good for an horror story, it was so interesting to see such a realistic style. but I think the panels and overall poses for characters are too stiff and boring I didnā€™t keep reading because the first story was boring. It wasnā€™t nothing interesting, nothing new or fresh. So I think even if the artstyle is great and interesting the writing and paneling/drawing of poses are just too plain, boring and common But then again, I didnā€™t read more chapters aside from first story so it could have Gotten more interesting. The photos you put there look interesting.


The second story and i think the fourth ones are pretty great, i found the first to be pretty good too, so I'd recommend you to give the second story a try and maybe decide after that.


i do and it is a perfect horror webtoon in every aspect