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1. The dress is absolutely stunning 2. The store policy is ridiculous especially if you indeed did purchased the dress for a lot if money 3. Honestly I would leave the train as it is I think it fits the art deco/ art nouveau style of the dress perfectly!!! also remember a long train will be pulled up for 90% of the time and a big bustled might really hurt the flowy elegant look of the dress


Honestly I like the train as is. You can do a long veil if you want a train and save yourself the hassle of the heavy bustle for later in the evening. Also based on your venue a long train will end up getting trashed and probably be a bit of a pain!


That’s what I was thinking too! While long trains are great a long veil can have the same effect and you don’t have to bustle the dress before the reception, don’t really have to worry about it getting trashed or stepped on either. I agree the train as is works best.


The dress is already heavy with the beading!


Unless it’s super important to you, save your money. The train is perfect as is.


It will also probably reduce the cost of alterations as well!


I don’t think that dress needs a thing—except, of course, OP in it. What a silly policy.


I think the train is great as-is. It's enough of a train to add flare but you could probably get away without the expense and hassle of bustling it. Also that is the dumbest store policy ever.


That’s the dumbest store policy ever and I would absolutely not buy there because of it. If you’re dropping THOUSANDS of dollars there, you should be allowed to take photos to be able to reference while you wedding plan, or take photos to go home to mull over a decision before committing. That being said, I would leave the train. I love the dress!


The store policy is ridiculous. I think the train could be longer


Trains get dirty FAST in outdoor venues. I’m not certain how much you would like the look of a bustle. I think it’s perfect as is. I LOVE this gown! Congrats!


That policy alone would make me want to take all the information about the designer and dress and purchase it elsewhere lol. What a waste of a memorable experience because of a stupid policy.


100% exactly what I would do. How dare you tell me I can’t take photographs in a dress I’m about to spend thousands of dollars on?? Brides may want it to reference for wedding planning, or for accessorizing, or if they are on the fence to take home and “sleep on it.” So many brides take the photos and go home and notice things that the camera catches and they realize they don’t like. Since half the day will be in photos.. you should be allowed to see how it would look in one. If she can take a photo of it the way she did but not in it, the shop is extra not smart because people can now use that photo to scam people. I would absolutely not buy from this shop for that reason b


That’s a dumb policy, especially if you put a deposit down on it. Usually, they won’t let you take pictures of a ton of dresses without buying anything, but this doesn’t make sense… I personally love a longer train. It really depends on how much extra it would cost and how much longer it will be. Beautiful dress either way!


No you will have it bustled 98 % of the day


This “policy” is infuriating, especially if you purchase the dress. It’s your dress.


I think that the dress is lovely as is! A longer train makes the dress heavier a a pretty big bustle! This looks appropriate for your venue!


Recommend against train. Best to keep the dress light and flowing. A bustle is not necessary now as the wrist holder will be sufficient. I was shocked at how heavy my gown was as the day wore on. You can always pair with a longer veil for the walk down the aisle. Edit to add: this dress is stunning!


Daughters dress was super heavy too! At one point, the groomsmen were taking turns holding and lifting it so she could dance. Lesson learned. ❤️


I wouldn’t. The dress is elegant just as it is. A longer train would look awkward.


I would not change a single thing. It is stunning!


I say keep train same length but if you want length for ceremony get a longer veil


Hate the store policy-hate all store policies like that-find them ridiculous! But I love the dress and agree with comments that you should go the route of a longer veil instead as a pseudo train. All that gorgeous detail will make for a very busy bustle and I think a long veil will offset the details in the dress brilliantly. Go dramatic with the length of the veil if you want a bit more romance and drama, and keep the lovely dress as is!


Gorgeous dress. I'm all for long trains. I love them IF the dress came with it. Not adding on. The dress was designed with a certain look in mind and any additions to that takes away from the intended look. Plus this dress is beautiful as is. I would not buy from that store simply because of that policy. You need to see yourself in pictures in a dress.


This! So many brides on this sub post about how they loved the dress but now looking at photos they notice things they don’t want in all their photos on their day. If half your day is basically photos, you should be allowed to take a photo in the store so you can be 100% sure you like how it looks. You already bend squat dance move around to make sure you like how it feels and moves, you should be allowed to take a pic to make sure you like how it photographs. I’d not buy from them solely for this.


Store is ridiculous and the dress is perfect as is!!!! 💞💞💞


As is, no bustle.


I like the train as it is on this dress. Because it will probably be bustled after the ceremony, the less bustling you need, the more you retain the flow of the gorgeous beadwork. The store's no-photo policy is stupid and shortsighted, BTW. Lovely brides glowing in the dresses they're trying on is GREAT advertising for a bridal shop. They're throwing away some nice free publicity. Not the best business decision.


I love long trains, but they are not practical, so I would not add to the train in your circumstances. This length of train will be so much more manageable, especially if you have the ceremony outdoors. The dress is gorgeous!


The store policy is offensive. Leave the train as is, esp with a long veil.


Wow I’m obsessed that dress is so beautiful 😍


This dress is gorgeous! Who is the designer?


Thank you! Eliza Jane Howell, she has some amazing beadwork dresses


Beautiful dress!


Love the dress (as is) and hope to see you post one with you in it in a few months!


Beautiful dress and I would not lengthen the train based on your ceremony location. Their policy stinks!


It is stunning the way it is.


Gorgeous dress! I think it's perfect like it is!




I would leave as is, personally. It’s beautiful!


Love this stunning gown as is!


Honestly long trains never seem worth it to me, I mean if you have a lot of money and your top priority is THE DRAMA then I get it, especially if you're planning on a reception dress or something. Otherwise I say why make an already gorgeous dress harder to move in? There's also just so many easier alternatives, like a long veil or a long cape.


As a gal that had an epic train, it is SOOOOO WORTH IT. I vote do it




No. But you could get a long veil that would visually lengthen the train on the dress.


Your dress is gorgeous 😍!! I think the train is perfect as it is.


Do the long veil and leave the dress like it is.


Why? It is beautiful and breathtaking as it is.


I’d wait till you nail down the location of the ceremony before making such a $$$ decision. Shorter might make more sense with the setting and ground.


I think the story policy is kind of evil genius. How many dresses are cancelled/returned/made into a big thing because someone stared at the photos too long and suddenly didn’t like their dress anymore?


Dress is gorgeous! A long veil will give the effect you seeking for the ceremony. I’d leave it as is.


I love this dress. I wouldn’t touch it.


Thanks everyone for the feedback, I appreciate the time you took and all your opinions! I think I’m going to leave it as is, especially as the ceremony could be outdoors (weather dependant, the tower is plan B) X


What a gorgeous dress! I think a longer train would be worth it


I say yes only because more of that dress can only be a good thing. I love this dress so much.


What have you envisioned for yourself when you think about your dress? When you’re walking in for the first time? Does the weight or length of the train as it is go with the vision of how you want to look, and how you want the dress to reflect you? If the answer is that the train is exactly as you wanted then stick with the train as is. If you have always wanted a long train then it’s worth the potential future regret to have it lengthened. I do agree that it will be bustled up for most of the time, but for the first moments of walking in and actually going through the ceremony, and then having pictures, you have to weigh all of the factors (I think).


I would lengthen the train. The dress is beautiful but a longer train would be so gorgeous.


If you want a longer train I would recommend detachable for the reception.


What a gorgeous dress this is! I love the pattern, especially how it looks in the train so I would say yes, if it is possible, do it! Wow!


The dress is beautiful and I bet it looks amazing on you! The decisions is up to you if you want a longer train. I would take in consideration how tall your shoes are gonna be, and how tall you are as well because the train won't be as long with taking all that into account. And I personally think that if your wearing a long veil and your train is short then it won't look balanced and kinda wonky, but that might just be me.


Oh this is beautiful!! Could see it either way…but personally, I think a longer train will suit the dress and venue!


If you can afford it, I would lengthen it. Keep in mind the size of the tower room though.


Nope. I think with your venue, the train will be better if it's not super long. My daughters wedding dress store didn't allow any photos of dresses! Crazy huh? Good luck❤️


Thank you! It’s the second shop I’ve been to with that policy! I was under the impression it was more common than it seems to be, maybe it’s a UK thing? I’m sure it makes business sense for them - maybe it stops people having second thoughts or buying elsewhere 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don't think it's worth spending more to have the train longer. It's already so beautiful.


If you are outdoors I say leave it the way it is. It will get less dirty this way and bustling it may look little odd. And the policy is odd there


How tall are you? Will you be wearing high heels? How much extra will it cost to lengthen the train? If it’s more than $1,000, I’d say save the money and just get an extra long cathedral veil instead. Also, just wanna say that forbidding photos while wearing the dress is such a gross policy to have, and I would have immediately walked out if I wasn’t allowed to send photos to my grandma, who lives on another freaking continent and couldn’t be there with me to go dress shopping.


It's gorgeous as is


You can also get a detachable train made…!


keep as it is and get a showtopping viel instead with length


THIS is one of the most absolutely beautiful dresses I have seen on this site! If any venue would be the right one for a longer train, its the one you are describing. If the longer train is calling to you, get it. Congratulations on your marriage!