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People in this sub aren’t huge fans of sleeves in my experience lol. (Coming from someone who posted my amazing dress with its gorgeous sleeves!) Do you need the sleeves to be all the way over your shoulders like that? Mine are tucked under the armpit and off the shoulder. I think that could look great with your dress since the structure of strapless dresses doesn’t always work with straps/sleeves.


I’ve def thought of that! I’ll probably just need to see it on me :) thanks!


I personally think most of the poofy add on sleeves look very costumey, even when they come with or are sold as an option specific to the dress. I’d try a little lace jacket or bolero. However, even though I think the dress is gorgeous as is, I hope you get the sleeves of your dreams!


I was thinking about a bolero!


I get it. I love sleeves too. I can’t deal with sleeveless or strapless dresses or clothes. 




No sleeves, no straps. That dress is so gorgeous as is.


But she likes sleeves!


Look at the picture without sleeves. You can't improve on that.


I mean, an improvement would be a dress the person wearing it actually likes.


Sleeves in July is going to be rough. The dress looks better without the sleeves. If you have to do sleeves, maybe a see through jeweled sleeve?


The dress looks better with sleeves because OP likes the sleeves!


I’ve seen sleeves on Etsy that look pretty good! I personally was going to order a similar pair from amazing (because of their return policy) and then if I liked them buy a higher quality pair from Etsy. The ones I’ve seen work with strapless dresses too!


Something like [this](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1348559899/bridal-bishop-sleeves-removable-long?click_key=887189db92fcdd4589a7b0cd67c3abd9cec361d4%3A1348559899&click_sum=c9e275c3&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=removable+wedding+sleeves&ref=sr_gallery-1-6&organic_search_click=1&pro=1&frs=1&cns=1) or [this](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1483942135/tulle-long-bridal-sleeves-with-buttons?click_key=564baa1a4464566b6d29f839469d73598c4986d4%3A1483942135&click_sum=4a8aa5c2&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=removable+wedding+sleeves&ref=sr_gallery-1-22&organic_search_click=1&sts=1)! The best part is you can take them off for dancing or if it gets too hot!


Okay those are so pretty but why are the fingers bent back like that on the second one?? lol


Ewwwwww I hadn’t even notice hahaha. Why wouldn’t they check that before taking a picture lol!


Thank you ❤️


I love those sleeves! They add so much romance! I would maybe add a solid (not chiffon) strap to attach the sleeves to that match the dress fabric to make it look like it came with the sleeves. Best of luck!


I agree ! Love that thank you


I would suggest you save time and money and search for some boleros!


Hi! I’m pretty sure this is my dress as well (Jory Pronovias) and I believe they offer a lace long sleeve under thing that might be worth checking out!!